Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Video: A thin 'El Marro', leader of Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, emotional and tearful asking for help

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
José Antonio Yépez, aka 'El Marro' reappeared in a video broadcast on social networks in which he asks for help, after the capture of 26 people in Celaya.

Marro says his mother was one of those arrested...Video translation at  bottom.

In the recording, Marro is seated in a chair, appearing very emotional to the point of cutting
off the recording when he is about to break down.  There was some discussion on social media of the video being old he does look much younger, but the context seems to be within current events.

The recording was released after a day of immense violence with fires, shootouts, blockades, primarily in Celaya where 26 members of El Marro’s Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel were arrested.

The cartel began as a Zetas cell focused on fuel theft.

In recent weeks Marro’s group has taken heavy loses and hits, leaving his dwindling stronghold to Celaya, where the remainder of his forces have grouped to fight for the capital.  Many members have jumped ship, switched sides to CJNG, or been captured.   Marro confirms the detention of his mother, and open to being absorbed by Sinaloa or “others” like Señores de la Frontera, in order to stop CJNG. He calls Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka El Mencho of being a “viejo gonorriento”  (old dimwit/fool).

Further, he says that the government including the Mexican President President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of supporting the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel.
To the government:

“This is a message for you fucking asshole government. I am going to be brief fucking prostitutes. You came here to act fucking tough again you motherfuckers withe the people here. Fucking assholes. This time even my mother assholes. Nothing’s happening motherfuckers everything is good for you prostitutes can hear in the recording.”


"Do not think that I am frightened by you motherfuckers, go to hell,  you and your motherfucker old gonorriento asshole (Mencho), who does not even face the ball of fucking dogs, fuck you and your fucking Jaliscos, fuck your mother", concludes Marro.

From La Silla Rota: 
The authorities have not confirmed that it is El Marro, but it is very similar to the photographs that are known of it. El Marro is seen exalted and altered, after the vehicle fire on Guanajuato highways, and upon learning that the Mexican Army and police corporations entered Santa Rosa de Lima to arrest 26 people, according to what was revealed by the authorities. José Antonio Yepez is the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, the organization dedicated to the theft of fuel from Petróleos Mexicanos and drug trafficking in the center of the country. El Marro is wanted by the Mexican Army and the National Guard. 
Authorities have not commented on the video as of yet.  So far, the authorities have not confirmed the authenticity of the video.
26 members of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel captured in Celaya, Guanajuato

"Several members of the aforementioned criminal group reacted violently causing damage
and disturbances in various parts of the region in an attempt to distract the authorities," said the Secretary of Public Security of Guanajuato, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca in his twitter account. 

The Secretary  announced that 26 alleged members of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel were successfully arrested, (below) in a joint operation between federal and state authorities in various rural communities in Celaya . In addition, various firearms, ammunition, and vehicles were seized.

Videos and photos of the violence appeared on social networks. It occurred primarily in Celaya, but also in Salamanca, Cortázar, Juventino Rosas, and other points of Guanajuato.

He had alerted all authorities to "prevent and respond to possible reactions." (furniture, retail outlets, and tire shops) two were attacked on the same day as the arrests, a tire shop, and furniture store.

Marro’s sister, mother and cousin were arrested.  Most of the 26 arrested yesterday are women.

"Good afternoon. Beforehand, I thank you for the support. To all the women, to all the municipalities around here, for the support, they are giving to my family. I know that there are no words to thank them.”

Citizens, mostly women, create blockades and fires to stop advancement of authorities.

David Rogel Figueroa, the Güero, founded the group, however, Antonio Yépez Ortiz, the Marro, gained notoriety when he assumed leadership and declared war on the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). 

video 2 and 3 plus translation narrative translation by Sol Prendido

El Marro: You fucking faggots. Once again you sons of bitches have come to fuck up with all the populace here. This time even my mother was bothered by you assholes. You fucking faggots just don’t give a fuck.

You didn’t fucking care when you had the populace under a distressful rape while forcing them to listen to recorded audios of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación and all that other horse shit. And it is for this very reason that I direct myself towards you sons of bitches.

Because you’re all just fucking up. You assholes are not here to just do your jobs. You sons of bitches have only come here for the thievery. And to present before the population the absolute Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. I want all you sons of bitches to know that everyone of you can go fuck your mothers.

You faggots, as well as that fucking  old viejo gonorriento, can all go fuck yourselves. I don’t fear you sons of bitches. From now on everything will be much harder for you. I reveal myself here for you faggots. I’m not hiding or fucking around here.

Just so that you fucking faggots can see what the fuck is up. I don’t have a need to be hiding from bullshit. Much less from you sons of bitches. If anything all this is seasonal. This will all fucking pass. Death will come for me as it will also come for you. The only difference is that it’ll come much sooner for some than others.

And I hope that your mothers hear this audio so that they’ll know who the motherfuckers were that came after you. And so that they will also be made aware of the faggots you all were.

I want all you sons of bitches to know that you and the rest of those sons of bitches have only come along to support the interests of those pieces of shit. I want you assholes all to know that we will continue going forward. Even if it costs me having to do business with one of the major drug lords out of the border. Or one of the major traffickers out of Sinaloa.

I will support one of these major traffickers first before I allow those Jalisco sons of bitches to enter here. I’m not afraid of you faggots. I’ve already proven this to you 3 times already.

Send me another squad to Tenería (Tenería del Santuario, Guanajuato). Send them towards me so that you faggots can see how I will fucking destroy them.
You’re all nothing more than sons of bitches who like to gang up on everyone.

Earlier today I sent an audio recording to all my men, to my compatriots. But this audio message goes out to the pieces of shit thieving government who are just fucking up. You faggots humiliated and had your ways with my family.

I will become a thorn in your sides for all you fucking sellouts. And fucking destroy every one of you. You’ll see. You corrupt fucks can all go fuck yourselves. This is what I want you sons of bitches to know.

And don’t think that because you’ve taken my mother and designated her as a financial operator and boss of a cartel this will scare me. This is all you fucking faggots know how to do.

You fucking faggots can all go fuck yourselves. For my mother and for all my people I will fight with bravery. Don’t think this shit scares me you sons of bitches. This isn’t shit. You and Mencho can all go fuck yourselves.

Fuck him and his gonorrhea infected ass. That asshole can’t even bother showing his face around here for his fucking dogs. Fuck you and all those faggot Jaliscos. You can all go fuck your mothers.

- Sol Prendido

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  1. I seriously wish this guy would win.. before CJNG GTO was one of the safest states and no one even knew of el marro and CSRL they would only stick to huachicol and nothing else

    1. Plomo pa todas estas lacras. Pura basura.

    2. Govt won't let the Marro win. As CJNG advance they offer much more bribes and income to the politicians even though the criminal activities arise by such methods

    3. Plomo pa todas estas lacras.

    4. So chivis open the comments 😂😂

    5. Los Menchos & Valencias always been in GTO they were the reason it was calm just like Los Altos De Jalisco but once zetas and all these other cartels came in it was harder so now they’re taking it back from the kidnappers and innocent killers

      CJ🆖️ will win against these Lima thugs.

    7. @2:27 No digas mamadas.

    8. NO sea lloron y aguantese como un hombre. No como un mayate. LLOron de estado unidos en la television.

    9. CJNG is better than Marro. Jalisco has peace. Not like all the other states. We need Mencho to win.

    10. @7:45 PM The reason Guanajuato has war is because Jalisco is there.

    11. 7:45 jalisco has peace? Someone just threw a grenade into a nightclub in Guadalajara.

    12. @7:45 thanks to CJNG many peaceful plazas are now a warzone. They cant even control the plazas after so many years, they only start heating up plazas creting misery around Mexico.

  2. Ya siente la riata este narco terrorista. Quiere llorar. Quiere llorar

  3. I posted the link to video yesterday after noon in another post, took BB literally about 16hrs to report on it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🚮


    1. Damn Willis get over yourself. The link you had could not be confirmed and NO news outlet was running it.I can't post a link without a story. this is not twitter.

      I do my best and would rather be late but correct.
      I have a life, we all do, I will not sit here and wait for your dismal link with no story or information or translations.

      Next type of comment moderation I will love as I can ax immature bonehead like go away

    2. 12 year olds should be banned from this blog. wtf is she supposed to do with a link? I assume it was to one of the videos? 80 to 90 percent of followers probably don't speak Spanish. this is an English blog. if she would have posted a video without a story we who speak only English would be more than a little perplexed.

      who cares if it is "late" I still see no articles in English about the el marro videos, except BB. why are you even here?

    3. Always love the way you shut mouth breathers down with words you can use in front of your mother. Keep on rolling

    4. that's right chivis, these crybabies behave as this is their life, nothing else happening in their world.

      go to the blog thieves B and BDN, for the same old shit over and over. BB is respected, remember the crisis group study, which is more important BB or universal says it all. A long time loyal fan, Buggs, smurf, makaveli, chivis. The best of the best

  4. @Chivis he also appears in another video -

    1. Hacerle caso a tontos es engrandecerlos usted siga con su labor informative e ignore este tipo de personas que van por el mundo compartiendo su odio a la vida y las personas saludos dios la bendiga

  5. At least this guy has the guys to show his face, he's a good example of "die on ur feet instead of living on ur knees"...

    1. he's not as smart as the rest of them, showing his face is the stupidest thing you can in the business he's in. he pretty much gave up already, he knows his days are counted, and is going out with a bang. im thinking he wont last another month, capture or dead

    2. 1:21 he might not be that smart like the rest of them but he sure has some big balls UNLIKE the rest of those hiding behind a mask including mencho

    3. 1:21 if the US wants to show your face to the world they’ll do it somehow, San Miguel was pretty peaceful and popular around the world before cjng came along

    4. I respect that he showed his face. He ain’t hiding, it may not be smart but either he’s at his lowest rite now or he’s about to raise hell.

  6. I would really like el marro to come back home come back to your daddy los zetas and cdn where you started That’s great the anonymous is back on well done chivis and all the other bb administrators you have done a fantastic job with this sight.
    This year is going to be a big year for the great cdn they have advanced quietly over the last year they have taken Zacatecas as proven with their government backed prison escape they have gov backing in SLP also as shown on bb earlier this month the cdn have taken Cancun which is a very lucrative plaza if you think about cdn probably control the two most valuable plazas in Mexico in Nuevo Laredo and Cancun because they’ve had NL on lock for years now they’ve been able to build up their war chest while cds and cjng have been infighting you remember you heard it hear first cdn gonna be the most powerful cartel in Mexico within a year all under the great wisdom of our noble pioneer el senor 40 we thank you for all the good you have done in Mexico get your popcorn ready Scottish Zeta is back


    1. Pedestrian lacraz need to go to hell, never were GAFES, or military and only got to power because the treviñas knew some gangbangers in tejas and spoke a little broken inglish, that includes zeta chorrienta miguel angel "el Judas de los Zetas" treviño morales, ni el lazca se le escapó.
      Also keeping your "cartel" of hungry maruchaneroz and car washers without pay other than promises, does not work, ask the Talibanes...

    2. Too long, didn't read but to write this wall of text trying to be funny is pathetic

    3. 12:08 yup, he wants to be a 006

    4. Scottish zeta? Is this another cartel fan boy or does CDN got themselves a scottish member? If he were a member do you think they would call him el shrek?Ok people. Go back and read his comment but this time imagine shreks voice. Enjoy. Shrek? I hope everyone is well. Even el shrek.

  7. Marro was at a cross roads if I were him I would have packed up and left he had everything to lose nothing to gain. If he aligned himself with CJNG they would have turned him in. AMLO was the one that asked CJNG and Mencho to take him out. If he decided to fight well we all know how this is turning out. He should have disbanded his organization. The ones that could should have left and the ones that couldn't should have aligned themselves with great risk. The thing is CJNG isn't CJNG from Jalisco not anymore they are CJNG from Guanajuato people who at one point or another worked for or alongside Marro.

    1. I agree. He should of taken his money sold off those properties the Mexican govt seized n disappeared. Im sure he has a few businesses that are legal and with money he put away could of retired. Might not be lavishly but comfortable i bet

    2. AMLO JUST CLOSED THE PIPELINES, no more huachicol for sinhue, PAN or fox, and SRDL cartel went to hell, AMLO needs not ask for anything from CJNG but to take it easy with their crimes, they are all lucky the PRESIDENTE is not ordering them killed or kidnapped like alfaro in Jaliskaland

    3. 11:44 AM The majority of the dead weren't CJNG members they were Nueva Plaza. It got so bad for Nueva Plaza that they started kidnapping and extorting. They never were able to get out of that one area they controlled in Guadalajara they tried going into Tonala and got smashed.

      You are seeing things with your own eyes find the second video Marro put out where he tells you how it is. That he asked he did. Closed down the pipeline it seems you never been to Guanajuato they have a refinery in that state.

      I give marro a few more months September or august at the latest before he disappears gets caught or killed. After that task is complete CJNG is going to go into Michocan. La Familia Michocana from Guerrero asked CJNG for a ceasefire they couldn't do shit to CJNG even with support from the 34 military base in Altamirano.

      As far as things in Michocan are going the viagras decided to place mantas asking CJNG gunmen to leave and give them their weapons for 50,000 pesos I fell sorry for the idiot that falls for that. Just like that idiot El Terry who flipped on CJNG a few months ago went to Tepeke and the first thing that happened was El Abuelo turned his dumb ass in just because CJNG wouldn't allow him to extort or steal.

    4. Lol and where would he go? He’s only the 3rd or 4th most wanted man in Mexico..

    5. The mantas viagras hung asking cjng pistoleros to switched sides, got taken down an burned in el arco del Aguaje by cjng members.

    6. @ 1:42 AM. What world do you live in? The entire Guadalajara is a war zone. Do you have the feeling that CJNG already won it? They didn't. And how do you know that the majority of the dead were Nueva Plaza? Apart from the fact that you're a CJNG fan boy? I read news about Jalisco every day. Nowhere, and I really mean NOWHERE it's not mentioned to which cartel the dead belonged to...What you wish for it's not the reality on the ground.

    7. Terry was a lacra and what you speak of Cjng in Guerrero they never ceased fire they are done in costa grande Tierra caliente is fm sorry but cjng took a big loss once they take lazaro Cardenas cjng is done which looks like it could be anytime

    8. 3:56
      Guadalajara is not a war-zone.

    9. Mexicans love romanticizing everything you soap opera watching **** , unfortunately the underdog didnt win this one, nor will the next one going up against the titan Mencho and his organization are.

      Cheers mencho!

    10. 3:56 PM The entire Guadalajara metro area isn't a war zone the war is mainly found in Zapopan and Tlaquepaque areas where Nueva Plaza is located in years ago they were in Tonala some of Don Chelos guys flipped on CJNG.

      Mass graves found outside that area contain Nueva Plazas dead it includes everything while people found dead inside Tlaquepaque belong to CJNG or are people Nueva Plaza kidnapped or were extorting ect. Nueva Plaza may have the support of the State but I assure you not all state or federal commanders are doing what Alfaro wants. They know Alfaro isn't winning the war as soon as his term is over he is gong to run his ass straight to the states.

      5:48 PM Terry was the same shit the FM de Guerrero, Viagras, Templarios, Chocomiles were that is why he flipped on CJNG they wouldn't let his greedy ass extort or kidnap. What he got he deserved. El Ruso works for the Beltran Leyvas. Zirandaro Guerrero still belongs to CJNG and CJNG is found in Morelos and near Iguala.

      Lazaro Cardenas belongs to the Templarios I have no idea what you are going on about.

      I said it a while ago Marro was losing the war he even said it in his video I fought you guys three times. Carteles Unidos are nothing without the state or Federal sicarios fighting for them.

      Its the same shit with the Chaputos who asked AMLO to send the Marina after Russo.

    11. Give 1:42 a beer. Este bato si sabe lo que dice.

    12. 1:42 is a CJNG fanboy. There is a difference between fighting and controlling. CJNG can’t even control Guadalajara. Just because CJNG posts videos of them in convoys or them torturing one rival don’t mean anything. Other cartels don’t flash of them killing big numbers of CJNG. There is a reason why CJNG has the highest death rate. Even one of their plaza boss admitted that they take random citizens and make them pose a rival just to make a video and try to intimidate their rivals.

    13. What Ruso you taking about from petatlan Guerrero or who and no Lazaro is Cjng and they about to loose they had to get help from snitcholas they getting killed off bra. And you say you know so mucho what happened to el pendeko de morsa why is he always getting let go

    14. 6:26 PM 5:59 PM and 6:26 PM went off the rails I never said CJNG controlled any state I just wrote how things are playing out. I repeat the Templarios control Lazaro Cardenas. How is CJNG going to get into Lazaro when the Costa is Chocomiles, Arteaga is Templarios, Tumbiscatio is Templarios, Churumuco is Viagras. Zihuatanejo was in dispute between CJNG and the Viagras but that was way before the Chocomiles and Templarios flipped on CJNG like early 2019. Do your own homework I ain't your teacher kid. Just so people know things in the State of Colima aren't so hot right now CJNG is fighting someone in Colima.

      You are talking about mortality rates everyone loses people that is what war is. Who ever can force the other side to give up wins or it just becomes a meat grinder until someone decides to give up. The way wars were fought in the 2000s and early 2010s isn't the way wars are being fought in Mexico anymore. Their are far more solders that are being feed into the meat grinder than ever before.

    15. Your so wrong man templarios don’t exist anymore bra tuta turned Cjng and chayo smoked his people that’s why he ran to jail.. chayo is in Italy currently retired dea cia inteligente said so not to mention he was a ex mason

  8. La verdad que admiro a este hombre por su valentía y por no esconder su cara aunque eso le cueste la vida ojalá escape se reagrupe y regrese porque si se queda seguro alguien lo traiciona o puede que los enemigos lo localizen y lo maten o peor aun que el gobierno lo capture pero bueno le deseo lo mejor se ve que es un buen hombre😜

    1. The truth is residents of GTO like him and say it was peaceful before "outsiders" came..

    2. @10:26 I have said many times, CJNG is the cancer of Mexico. The new Z.

    3. VIVA CJ🆖️❗

    4. People used to like him, but when the huachicol dried up, his people started carjacking on the hwys around Celaya like crazy and extorting in the tianguis. So people arent nearly as fond of him as they once were.

    5. Chivis you are wrong, that logics like saying people in Michoacan are content with Viagras , if citizens oppose them it's a certain death sentence.
      Not even a fair statement. For the Guanajuato citizens.

    6. Nah, you are wrong. There's many ways in which popular sentiment about one or another criminal becomes known. You won't like hearing this but truth is some criminals are better and easier to live under than others. And when you live in Mexico you WILL live under criminals one way or another so "liking" the less shitty ones isn't all that rare or surprising.

  9. Damn they’re hitting him hard, and somehow he doesn’t go down.

  10. Cdn took over Cancún recently?? What about Monterrey? They got that city on loco too? And is Monterrey a important plaza as NL?

    1. Yes brother also the cdn controls Monterrey cdg is soo splintered and finished now maybe all cartels launder money in Monterrey but as far as who owns the city it is definitely cdn you only have to go into the streets to figure that out this is what I’m saying the cdn under Huevo Treviño has flourished they have great commanders such as el tori and el cadete who have managed to keep a low profile whilst expanding also cdn has gained a lot of ground back in Veracruz also killing the head of plaza and his son from cjng last week as they have rejoined forces with el bukanas a well known old school zetas who’s had a big piece of Veracruz for 20 years


    2. Only some areas, like San Pedro is Beltran Leyva plaza

    3. BLO and cdn are allies you moron always have been


    4. Scottish zeta haha never heard suhin as funny as that in aw my days, goon

    5. Just cause BLO was once allied with Z doesn't mean they're with CDN moron.

      That like saying templarios are allied with sinaloa since F.M was supporting CDS against the Z in zacatecas.

  11. Dead man walking. But respect if he goes down fighting. Cause in my book he is a rat pussy.

    1. Just Like 🐖 SHIT EL MAYO ZAMBADDA

    2. @10:37 Fuck your pinchi book, pendejo.

    3. Pussy boy 12:13 me la pelas como esta cobarde k anda de robo y cobrando piso a k no le pertenese. Fuck you and your familia pussy boy and all criminals living off the innocent.

  12. Replies
    1. Lmao, have you not heard the famous phone call from his mother? It was posted on this site and it should answer your question

  13. @Chivis There was a shootout yesterday in Culiacan


  14. My primo from tamayo said celaya was a war zone yesterday

  15. Lost a lot of weight. thats from getting chased all over GTO

  16. Marro asking for more help from CDS? Lol

  17. Just LIKE I said MANY times... MARRO NEVER had a chance AGAINST CJNG.. Lost the battle all the way around.. He lost the PLAZA and ALL his people and is desperate trying to give that PLAZA to SINALOA but it's too LATE..
    Those CHAPITOS can't even stop his SICARIOS from fighting MAYO sicarios 😆
    when your sicarios don't respect YOU it shard to win a war.. Just saying....
    MAYO was smart and denied any help to marro when marro asked for his HELP because he knows how MENCHO takes PLAZAS. shoot!, he took a few PLAZAS from MAYO himself 😆
    that old man DON'T want none of CJNG 😆

    Damn Sinaloas better take care of SINALOA and Sonora before they go to a SUICIDE mission against CJNG in Guanajuato

    1. Imagine a small local group giving so much trouble to your gods CJNG. Chinguen a su madre.

    2. @11:29 look mommys from jalisco so he cheerleads thinking he reps cjng. what a dork.🤭🤣

    3. Tell me of one CJNG plaza that they actually control 100% none not even Jalisco, CJNG are doing the same thing zetas did in their prime and that is take the whole cake and look how they ended. Same faith for CJNG couple yrs and they will be like zetas today. Sinaloa infighting in their controlled plaza but neither side will make an alliance with Jaliscos. CJNG might be in a lot of plaza but control none. Want to see a well controlled plaza look at Durango 100% under control and Jaliscos trying to make a move from Zacatecas and Nayarit and been stopped every time. CJNG can't even take over Zacatecas with the help of golfos. But tell me again how they are the strongest cartel.

    4. 11:29 get off the cjng bandwagon,marro NEVER lost to mencho he's losing to amlo helping cjng,it's obvious that authorities are helping helping them,other pussy cats like u would off already pulled their panties down to mencha..

    5. 1:16
      Isn't that how cartels work? Government always helps the best wager. It really ain't menchos fault he runs a multimillion dollar organization. While marro just steals gasoline. 😂😁😁
      Poor guy obviously couldn't keep up with the "mordida" he was paying his protectors.


    6. I propose that no one reply to this clown's comments. He's retarded, obvious. Probably a kid living in his mom's basement. Chivis, maybe you should ask for his ID. It's easy to recognize who he is. He always kiss CJNG asses and he always use the same type of writing.

    7. @3:14 Indeed that's how the narco business works genius, but when an article states that CDS has someone on the payroll y'all cry like bitches.

      And that small gas theieving group has more huevos than a bunch of torcido tweakers with the backing of a multi million dollar organization, which uh, is ran by Mencho's WIFE family.

    8. 4:07 I am not sure who you are referring to but simple solution; just don't read the comments.

    9. @5:42
      So much "huevos" the gas theives men seem to be on the smart side valuing they're life and switching sides to work with a real cartel. Tonton.

    10. @5:42
      Sometimes huevos dont really get you far in the game, take mayo for instance. He rather work or reason problems out rather than engaging in war. Ofcourse marros is nothing like him he obviously lacks war tactics and common sense.
      "Huevos". got Marro crying for his mom pleading for help, cornered alone and broke asking sinaloa for apoyo and people from the frontera.
      Menchos gotta be content with this.

    11. Us mexicans are envious of anyone with power.
      Congratulations CJNG one less macuaro to deal with.

    12. Big difference between cjng and zetas is the valencia family and other michoacan families being plugged in with South American perico big difference. They didn't have the revenue to sustain a large foot print. Cjng doesn't need to control any plaza 100% they have the ports in michoacan lazaro cardenas most important port in the American Pacific plus the colima port. And they have entry for their work in Tijuana and tamualipas.

    13. @ Dominis503 .. hate to burst your bubble but more drugs are smuggled in through el puerto de Mazatlan than through manzanillo or lazaro... dont take my word for it .. look it up .. BB has an article on it

    14. @7:51 ok cjng controlling the ports if lazaro and manzanillo means shit 😆 u can't deny the amount of precursors and work that flood in through those two ports even if by chance a little more might b coming in through mazatlan cause a article says so. Btw i was pointing out the differences of cjng and zetas had nothing to do with cds struck a nerve cds nuthuggers lol

    15. That’s what no one ever seems to realize my friend, Mazatlán is one of the most important ports in Mexico, so much drugs get moved throughout that port that it will make your head spin. Yeah Manzanillo y Lázaro is important, but having El Puerto Mazatleco is much more important

    16. Excuse my French but you're a moron saying the mazatlan port is more important than lazaro cardenas, FYI it's the 2nd largest port in mexico only second to Manzanillo and amongst the largest in the Pacific basin, mazatlan port ain't even in the top 5. Naaa mames wey.


  18. Some time ago mayo offerd him help but told him he would have to stop doing huachicol (stealing from Pemex). Said no.. Guess he is changing his mind now. But i think it's too late

    1. We don’t really know if that story is true btw.

  19. So whats his story? Was he an independent and then joined CJNG or did he start off with Mencho?

    1. Your answer is in the article. Did you read it?

      Chivis has no time for tontos.

    2. He was a Zeta so anything he says is out of question he don’t care about innocents

    3. El Marro has been in the game since decades ago between Querétaro and Guanajuato, it is said that he is actually a Queretano, anybody from those areas know that.

      He might have been Z by affiliation at a certain point in time regarding Huachicol but his way of operating has always been the same and on the same areas. Guanajuato was one of the most quiet places before the CJNG intrusion just like any other place they've tried to take.

      Cheerleaders say CJNG took plazas from Mayo, could they list which? Cus' Baja still under Sinaloa control on the majority of its territory

    4. His bios everywhere say he was born in GTO. He was more than likely “recruited” as a Zeta, when they started venturing into GTO during their prime.

      My guess is he eventually became independent, once he consolidated power in the state as a huachicolero.

  20. Help is on the way

    1. God couldn't help this guy if he asked him too. 😂


  21. Borderland beat thanks for returning the comments again that’s what makes this site what it is I don’t even know why you would take that away but oh well we got them back thanks chivis

    1. I agree. I was sad not seeing any comments, plus we are getting some good ones lately.

  22. 😂 so where are all cheerleaders saying snitchaloa was backin him up and bla blah😂😂 pobre guey he should have just retired and live happily ever after.. smh esta cabron

  23. Finally BB came around to reversing the silly comment policy! Marro is down but not out!

  24. chivo, greeting from Culiacan. Keep good work informed. -Paloma de Culiacan Sin

  25. Kinda heart wrenching, also self serving. He should run, he won't get far, but run. Or just pledge to die when they come for him.

  26. As longs as he's committed to being a huachicolero(thieve oil) he will never know peace from the Mexican Government, who I don't believe they are aiding CJNG but rather prefer cartels doing business with drugs than stealing the nation's oils.

    AMLO promised to combat huachicoleros and he can't afford to fail again like with the culiacanazo, so this is really the end for El Marro

    1. You may want to look into all the Pemex scandals until now... The head of the “anti-thieving” group at Pemex was actually telling his men to stand down, when most clandestine taps were found.

  27. So that means all 26 that got caught were close to him i think marro has lost hope cjng dont get their hands on them 26

  28. I started a gofundme@elmarroVSmenso

    1. El comandante diablo never made videos crying after his family got butchered, marro family getting of easy with jail time he can thank god cjng ain't nothing like Z. Marro new alias is "el lloron de Guanajuato".

    2. Nice comparison that video was brutal. @6:06

      What's your take on this @chivis?

  29. There’s a song that said. In Indio quiere llorar. Lol

  30. El pedo esta que al pobre marro 🔨 ⚠️ Lo dejaban pelarse a cada rato pues eso le costaba un chingo de feria y el marro tenía un chingo de billetes pero un chingamadral y así el gov le empedo a chupar todo lo que tenía asta dejarlo en las ultimas y hay están los resultados. Ahora si ya se le acabo la cora al viejon y será casado como el toro. Esto solo fue un juego del cazador a la presa haciéndo creer que si tenia una oportunidad.

  31. Marro showed composure. So much so he started attacking innocent civilians and causing mas hysteria. Great move! Lloron!

  32. amlo support Chapo and CJNG and is against Marro

  33. AMLO hates Marros Mother and loves Chapos Mother


    2. True. That's very dangerous with a 🇲🇽 President that Senile and Shot Out

  34. If you listen close, he's saying they sent videos to him of the Jal dudes beating on his mother and one other woman, I guess to get him to give up. Maybe Jal tortured them then turned them in to the federal forces? Would be totally crazy but I guess anything is possible.

  35. SOL!!! We miss you....keep safe and well

    PS no o ne translates vid narrative like you

  36. Everything has a begining and an end
    Nothing lasts forever, not marro not mencho gonorriento either.

    1. Lol at least we can say Marro is willing to admit that

  37. If Mencho ever catches this guy!!

  38. All these people calling him a llorón ....I see a vato with balls and lots of passion....admirable traits in my book 💯

    1. Justifying it dont make him less of a cry-baby.

    2. Those were not tears of PASSION..
      More like TEARS of DESPERATION.. Likely CHILDREN when they don't GET their WAY

    3. El marro no se manda solo, he is not his own BOSS,
      if caught he will talk and his BOSS won't want that,
      governor diego sinhue still used Marro to heat up the plasa with crime to demand more, more and more money from AMLO to get to his private bank accounts, like jaliska governor enrique alfaro whose accounts are being confiscated by the AMLO FINANCIAL CRIMES UNIT even as he, alfaro keeps asking for and getting "credits" from Foreign banksters while accusing AMLO for his cruelty and lack of sensitivity and understanding, alfaro has renounced to run for presidente like corral, sinhue, cabeza de caca la mula bronca, and many other narco-governors from different parties who have been trying "to secede from Mexico and become part of the US".
      Poor marro is not much than a pawn on his way down and out, there were AFOS and BLO, and CT and others in Guananuato before "politicians and their huachicoleros" fuck it all over the place like nobody but mexican politicians and state narco-governors and their State Police do.

  39. @8:02
    Ahyyyyyyyyyyyy si te extraño sol as me el amor. Queputtttttttttttttttt.

  40. it doesnt sound like he said he has an alliance, sounds more like he said he is willing to work for someone else (from the border or sinaloa) in order to fight off CJNG, he is willing to be at their service if thats what it takes to get rid of them.

    he can have alot of men and everyone can hate mencho, but the thing is that Mencho has the cash. The government will always go with whoever offers the most, you can be pure evil, the most hated worse of the worst, but if you have the money, you can buy the power, and you have the power until someone else offers more.

    Also Marro fucked up since the beggining, regardless of what cartel helps him wether its Mayo or Chapitos, hes not gonna win and cant win if the government isnt on his side and the government will not be on his side because he is a huachicolero thats his main role. Oil is probably the most valuable natural resource to governments everywhere, in Mexico oil belongs to the government (pemex) and this guy's main role is stealing it, hes fucking with a government's most important asset. while CJNG offers the government money this guy does the opposite, so no way they would back him up.

    1. That's beautiful 🇲🇽. SENOR MENCHO

    2. I was surprised to read how lucrative the Avacodo business is. I guy can do all right for himself cutting in on either of these commodities.justgoes to show that the number one problem in MX is not Cocaine or Mota or Heroin trafficking. Its greed

  41. “ Even if it costs me having to do business with one of the major drug lords out of the border. Or one of the major traffickers out of Sinaloa.”

    This sounds like a plea for help. For Marro to make a video of himself (let alone multiple), he must surely have an agenda for doing so, and I doubt it’s to simply denounce the enemy.

  42. Cjng is too DEEP in Guanajuato, for CDS to set up shop will be nearly impossible at this point. Too late for CDS to stop cjng in Guanajuato because CJNG are all over that state NOW...

  43. Holy shit im super late on dis news i almoct thoaught he was going being interrogated by jalikos in the 1st video were hes crying jaja pobre cocho

  44. " Why you crying? " in my George Lopez voice.

  45. Como que "hasme el amor"
    Si yo tambien soy sirena!
    -Sol Prendido

  46. Thanks for the help, Chole, whenever you can, welcome back ESP...

  47. Reminds me of Godfather 3, the ending where Michael dies alone with his dogs.. .

  48. Mencho done for after marro regroups. Mark my statement.


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