Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Baja California: BC Boss recruits youth to fight in the Ruso vs Nini Sinaloa war

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY GUS  Zeta Tijuana Sin Embargo

The division within the criminal structure of the Sinaloa Cartel between “Los Chapitos”, as the sons of Joaquín Guzmán Loera and Jesús Alexander Sánchez Félix, alias “El Ruso”, Lieutenant of Ismael “Mayo” Zambada, created constant confrontations that culminated in the shooting of El Tepuche, north of Culiacán, Sinaloa. In the 16 victims accounted for in this attack, the death of five young people who are between 18 and 23 years old, residents of the eastern zone and the Mexicali Valley, where Felipe Eduardo Barajas Lozano “El Omega” - one of the most faithful lieutenants of El Ruso,  - stood out- he directs drug trafficking operations.

Tijuana, Baja California, July 14 (Zeta) .– The scenario within the Sinaloa Cartel was never the same since the “Culiacanazo”. That October 17, 2019, when the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, submitted to the armed power of “ Los Chapitos”, who for a few hours caused a state of siege in Culiacán as a pressure mounted to demand the release of Ovidio Guzmán López - one of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera's youngest children - began to cause a break within the largest known criminal structure in Mexico.

Some of the hitmen of "El Ruso" joined the ranks of "Los Chapitos", others fled, but his great armed power has kept him firm to fight for the North of Culiacán, where he currently takes refuge from the harassment of opponents and from the state, which has reinforced the military presence in the area due to the constant clashes.

One of the men who remained in the ranks of "Los Rusos” is Felipe Eduardo Barajas Lozano "El Omega", in charge of controlling drug-trafficking operations in much of the valley and metropolitan area of Mexicali, specifically in the large residential complex marginalization known as “Los Pueblas”, to the east of the city, whose nickname originates because most of the communities are named after that entity.

Thirty years old, originally from Culiacán, Sinaloa, and with his last house search in the San Marcos de Mexicali neighborhood, “El Omega” has supported his boss “El Ruso” in this fight, to the extent of equipping him with men, mostly young people from 18 to 23 years old who are given weapons to protect their territory and fight.

These were the characteristics of the five young Mexicans killed in the community of El Tepuche, located 20 kilometers north of Culiacán on June 24, when a confrontation between hitmen from "Los Chapitos" and "El Ruso", left as a balance 16 people dead.

Intelligence sources have defined "El Omega" as the main generator of violence in the Valle and Oriente area of Mexicali.


When the shooting of El Tepuche and Bagrecitos took place on June 24, there was already a trail of confrontations between "Los Chapitos" and "Los Rusos", from confiscations of weapons, drugs and vehicles, to "levantones", shootings and homicides recorded day by day in that area.

Audios of verbal confrontations between members of both groups have been published on social networks, stating that a kind of amnesty will be given to everyone who wants to join the Guzmán brothers, with the exception of “El Ruso” and “El Omega”, who they will not spare their lives. While local media reports indicate that an armed group arrived that day and began shooting at people on the street, killing three individuals. Later they broke into a ranch where they ended the lives of eight people.

While this was taking place in Bagrecitos, on the highway to El Tepuche - separated by 26 kilometers of road and mountain range - there was another attack against a recent model, white, four-door Nissan Hilux pick-up vehicle, in which they were traveling the young residents of Mexicali; most carried heavy-caliber weapons and tactical equipment.

After the ambush, their bodies were laid out around the unit; the faces of several of them were disfigured by high-powered projectile impacts.

Little could be known about them, except that the first was 18 years old, studied at Cecyte High School and who had no criminal record.  In his social network Facebook it can be seen that he led a normal life for a young teen.

Neither Salvador nor Óscar Iván were wanted as criminal targets of the Baja California authorities, but they were recruited and killed in Culiacán, when they were passing through one of the hottest areas of Sinaloa.


"Like ying and yang, like black and white, they will see me either in the mountains or the desert/I'm from Culiacán, with the Rusos you don't play, less with Alpha and Omega, Mexicali is the border and I'm going to take care, El Sombrero will not move ”.

This is a fragment of the song "El Omega" by the northern group Revolver Cannabis (2018), which is presumed to be dedicated to Barajas Lozano, where he is recognized as a member of "Los Rusos", in addition to "taking care" of this municipality under the support of "El Sombrero", another nickname given to Ismael "Mayo" Zambada in various narco-runs.

Felipe Eduardo Barajas Lozano no longer seems to have the backing of “Mayo”, but he still remains under the command of José Alexander Sánchez Félix “El Ruso”, who has become involved in a battle with the Guzmán brothers, so his criminal activity has it divided into supporting it and protecting the Plaza de Mexicali, recruiting young people and cleaning non-aligned drug dealers. In the Valley and the eastern part of the city, a clean-up has been started for about a year and a half, which has been flared in recent months.

Elements of the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI) responded to the flare-up of the violence and began operations with which they dismantled a cell of alleged hitmen, all of whom were young, but with a significant criminal record.

Among them Brayan Eduardo Angulo Rojo, known as “El Brayan”, 23 years old, arrested for the murder of the agent of the defunct State Ministerial Police, Jesús Rafael Valenzuela Chávez, on July 29, 2019 in the municipality of Tecate, and by that of César Antonio Meza Blanco, perpetrated on May 15 in the El Zafiro subdivision, in the same Oriente area.

Meza Blanco was located as one of the operators of Jaime Cárdenas Pérez, known as “El Viejón”, one of the main drug dealers in the “Los Pueblas” area, who was shot down on May 2 after being fired on from the back with an R -15 outside his house.

The participation of Juan Miguel Villegas Moreno "El Chuky" is added to the killer cell where "El Brayan" operated; Ángel Ulises Valenzuela Rojo, 18 years old; and Cristian Emanuel Ibarra Jaime, of the same age; the last two have already been arrested for their participation in several homicides committed in the same East Zone.

According to intelligence, Meza Blanco was assassinated in response to the shooting down of Juan Carlos Rendón Solano "El Oso", a resident of the Valle de Puebla subdivision, who was part of the "El Omega" operators in the area.

From March to date, several crimes were registered in this part of the city, most of them attributed to the struggles of drug dealers with the armed wing of Barajas Lozano.


Above these young hitmen who are practically "disposable" for the drug cartels, there is "El Omega" operators who distribute their operations in the Valle and Oriente areas.

Its armed wing is Maximiliano Aispuro Álvarez “El Max”, originally from Culiacán, Sinaloa, who has been repeatedly detained for crimes against health, in addition to carrying a firearm. However, he has managed to regain his freedom on each of those occasions.

In the same situation is Ricardo González Valles, 24, known as "El Tatuado", "El Rica" and / or "El Corico", a drug dealer who worked with Vicente Martínez González "El Guilo", but as a result of various differences he changed sides to join the operations of "El Omega". He is now one of the drug distributors in the Oriente and Valle zones.

The criminal history of "El Rica" dates back to 2008, when he was arrested for vehicle theft twice that same year and in 2009; He was also apprehended for crimes against health by the extinct Preventive State Police (now GESI) for a fight in 2012; for faults on the side in 2014; for qualified injuries in 2015; and for the crime of injuries against minors and damage to other people's property in 2017.

Another of the alleged distributors are Luis Donaldo Medel Orozco, 25, detained with 83 grams of methamphetamine and a .25 caliber firearm by the PEP, while driving on a van with strobes in the Golden Zone of Mexicali.

According to information from the State Cyber Police, Luis Donaldo uses a page on the Facebook social network called Oneweek Driving School to offer drugs.

Through the work of this police group, his capture was achieved, but he was released soon after.

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  1. Strange how the article does not mention Vicente Martínez González, also known as "El Güilo"

    Anybody know what his current status is, considering he is another top CDS operative in Mexicali and BC?

    1. Read it again

    2. Still operating in Mexicali with Checo both of them have taken hard blows to their factions from the Omegas

  2. Pura lacra todos juntos

  3. In recent radio chatter Omega claims to be guarding Ruso’s ranches and people (read: stash houses and employees), taunts Los Ninis saying they are scared to leave Culiacan. Omega said he has 100 trucks ready to go and invade Culiacan. Mayo isn’t supporting either side, just letting them fight it out. If Chapitos draw too much attention and get themselves arrested then Mayo benefits. If Rusos get wiped out, then it’s not a huge blow to Mayo—Rusos are all MP’s old people, so maybe Chapitos have a personal grudge against them that goes deeper than the recent shows of disrespect towards Chapitos people. That being said, the battle in Culiacan is just a fight over control of a few stash houses and drug labs, with some retail drug sales thrown in. The real war is over the plazas in Sonora near the US border. Those plazas generate way more income than a few sectors of Culiacan.

    1. CDS is way too fragmented now, you got caro fighting in Sonora, people getting sent From BC to Culiacán to fight. This shit ain’t gonna stop anytime soon, too many confrontations.

    2. 5:02 you are correct and whoever controls Sonora will get to tax the lithium trade also

    3. I doubt this is all over “a few stash houses and drug labs”.

      Chapitos have so much money they wouldn’t start a conflict over such.

      This is about the transition of power from Mayo to the younger generation.

    4. I think you are correct. If ruso is mp people then maybe the grudge is there if supposedly mp people were the ones that killed edgar guzman.

    5. Grudge? Maybe with what happened with Moreno?

    6. Culiacan or rather the whole state of Sinaloa is a non revenue generating area. The roads that the state has do not even lead to the American money market. This is why NO cartel ever tries to invade this state. Zetas where there for a while but the small cells there were composed of mainly of Sinaloans themselves hence did not invade. They also never really sent reinforcements to the area hence there was no real commitment to be there which is why they no longer exist in Sinaloa.
      Other cartels that have had a precense there were also only there because of blood ties there not so much because of invasions and some like the Carrillos refuse to battle there for those same reasons.
      Sinaloans nutthuggers just love to claim that it is because of big bad CDS that nobody attacks that state when in reality it is not the case.

    7. Yes macho prieto was responsible for el Moreno 💀


    8. 502
      Thanks man good post about the radio chat sometimes its hard to understand for learned espanol

  4. What about Los Cabos what side are they on?

    1. Do you mean the Cabo’s from CTNG? Is you do then some left to CAF a few when independent and the rest stayed in CJNG.

  5. Mayo is backing Chapitos. Ruso has gone full rogue they are hunting him and Omega everywhere. Those two, like Damaso, wont last long.

    1. Who had more power Damaso or Ruso?

    2. Damaso had los chapitos kidnapped and almost killed los chapitos and el mayo in a ambush so I’ll say damaso

  6. So OG shadow was spreading fake news and lies by saying chapitos are the ones recruiting child sicarios when in reality El Russo and Omega are the ones who are recruiting child sicarios i cant believe i watch his videos that homie is a fraud always dosed off on meth lets stop og shadow before its too late

    1. You just a hater

    2. 9:13 How can i hate on a fraud who lies that he was in a cartel but is just a meth who does you tube to get some money for some meth jajaja or its you og shadow hiding behind on a anonymous account

    3. OG Shadow definitely isnt on meth. He’s on opiates if he’s on anything. I honestly find his videos pretty entertaining 🤷‍♂️.


  7. So omega is recruiting child sicarios because no one wants to join them and they are still loosing, russo and omega days are numbered

  8. Chivis do you think the Sinaloa cartel would have been better off with El licenciado and el Mayo at the helm? Both of them have similar traits, keep violence low, and maintain a low profile.

    1. Probrably, I never got why that idiot and his son tried to betray Chapitos they would’ve still been on top these days now that Chapo is gone.

  9. 502, Chapitos have almost more power than Senor Mayo at this point. You are correct about Sonora but it's just a matter of time before Ruso , Omega etc are dead and Sonora is fully back in the hands of Chapitos. They are taking over where there dad left off and trust me, they have plenty of money, resources and political clout up the chain to take over everything. Mayo will just get on with his business as usual and the Chapitos will gain massive power. When El Senor Mayo hits the ground, everything will be in the hands of well trained, polished, connected menores. 100
    Sonora will be locked up soon with the backing of the state, municipal and military.

    1. Lol no cartel ever has anything on lock, there’s always a group killing their men even if they’re not winning the war, these cartels are so lame just a bunch of former overweight dishwashers that were given a gun

    2. Wrong maybe in Culiacán...lmao that's about it don't think they have power outside Culiacán that's why they don't don't no nothing so shhh.....

    3. Wrong, sorona us going to be quinteros/Beltran leyva. Just watch.

      El chicali

  10. Saying he has 100 trucks to invade Culiacan and actually doing it are two very different things. How do you know Mayo is staying out of it what are your sources for that?

  11. It’s funny how not long ago so called men on this forum would get wet hearing that CDs had a Russo on their side. Asking for pictures and history on his background. Now the same cheerleaders are like “ no pues Russo is done, ran out of Culiacán etc.... Hope they learned from it, your only useful until your not. Now the cartel he dedicated his life to doesn’t have his back!

    1. 💯 8:34 parecen viejas con los calzones húmedos

  12. Where is El Pienado ?

  13. El MZ is one hell of an opportunist. Ruso had been one hell of a hit man even backed down when Gonzalo was turned on. He has most of MPs people a lot of seasoned warriors. Yet they are always a threat of rebellion for Mayo he knows they can snap and make a mess against him.

    He knows that going against Chapitos is also a dumb idea. A lot of people write them off as reckless and young but man you gotta take into account Ivan is way over 30 with decades on him now. To top it off Chapo left a dynasty of loyalty for his kids. But if they were to dissapear Mflaco and Chavo would ascend beyond belief.

    When Chapitos make a threat it's coming so Mayo choosing to say Ruso is on his own out loud allows the partnership to continue between Ms and Chapos. He silently instructs Ruso to keep fighting. Either way if Chapos get captured he wins, if Ruso gets taken out good riddance. Mayo's been playing chess since the 80s hes survived everything for a reason.

    For those of you asking why Chino got wacked it's all down to his own associates killing him for snitching on a lot of routes that lost a lot of money for independents, small and medium movers and more importantly put spotlight on people that were unknown to the DEA if you wanna look at who, just see how successful raids were in SoCal Baja and Sinaloa. A lot of players lost and as a result Chino had to lose. He thought he could come back to take the throne but at that point he was a non factor. Even his own Antrax turned on him. Mflaco Cheyo and other Antrax knew his fate and no one helped him out. Pero asi es la vida.

    Attn: 1127

  14. So Chapitos are not so strong, when they have some much trouble with this Ruso. Now they are recruiting even children to fight and die for their money.

    1. 11:42 Its not chapitos recruiting children but its omega are you dumb or you just dont know how to read ,its a shame bb is full of people like you who dont read anything but just cheer for cartels

  15. Does anyone know who is on top in this war, if anyone is at all?

  16. The SAD part is THAT those KIDS joining the SICARIOS are easy TARGETS as far as recruiting goes.. PLAY a FEW CDS CORRIDOS get them high and they will join the CARTEL thinking of living life LIKE CHAPITOS or el CHINO anthrax before he got KILLED by his own CDS.. THAT'S all the media in 🇲🇽 is NOW, every NOVELA or sitcom is GLORIFYING the mexican CARTEL.. Now THEY are making onother REINA DEL SUR, IT'S like the 7th one since 2011 SMH you would THINK she has 7 lives 😆

    The Mexican KIDS joining CARTELS and getting killed and becoming DRUG addicts while AMLO preaches to just IGNORE the SITUATION 🇲🇽 is in and just HUG each OTHER... NO PUS WOW!!

  17. Seems Chapitos are winning this war due to them having way more money and trafficking on a way larger scale. Anyone who thought El Russo could win this war by himself was an idiot. Wars are won usually by the person with the most money. Chapitos and Russos aren’t even in the same league. Ones in the big leagues and the other is local.

    1. Lmao you’re a moron. Ruso is a VERY powerful trafficker. You must think he’s a lowly comandante. You have no idea the volume he traffiics. In case u haven’t noticed he’s bankrolling his men single handily. With no help from MZ.

    2. LMAO.. IAG's people are in drought right now over in SoCal.. Ask Eddie the magician.. But in the Pacific NW el patito sigue nadando..

    3. @7:09 paisano how long have you been following the drug cartels? Licenciados got wiped out quickly because Mayo helped take them out, it wasn't just Chapitos. Ruso es un mafioso que primero fue gatillero, tiene sus propias rutas para traficar y exportar aunque no sea la misma cantidad que sus contrarios. Recuerda que el enemigo de mi enemigo es mi amigo, este pedo va para rato igual como en el terre.

    4. El mago ya tiene rato torcido

    5. Don't know poop ruso moves big weight..chapitos burned alot of ppl ....they extort ...they some scanless poop in Culiacán they tax everyone....ruso is a grown man not a lil kid ...the man gots long $$

    6. 154 Direct me to where raw chicken go to in so cal even

    7. ruso learned off macho prieto, ffs! he`ll have his own trafficking routes aswell as helping the mz.

  18. BB,porque no subiste la foto de la toyota blanca ke dejaron como coladera y ezoz sicarios ejecuta2 alrededor


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