Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 10, 2020

Cesar Duarte, fugitive ex-gov of Chihuahua, has been arrested in Miami, hearing in 2 wks

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   EP Times and Reforma

Extradition hearing postponed for two weeks

MEXICO CITY (AP) — U.S. authorities in Florida on Wednesday arrested a former Mexican governor for extradition on corruption charges, according to Mexico's Attorney General's Office.

In a statement, Mexican prosecutors said the government had sought ex-Chihuahua Gov. Cesar Duarte's extradition from the United States last year and was informed Wednesday by the U.S. Justice Department that U.S. Marshals had detained Duarte in Miami. In keeping with office policy, Mexico's Attorney General's Office gave his name only as "Cesar D," but said they had worked with Chihuahua state prosecutors on the case.

Santiago Nieto, head of the Mexican Treasury's Financial Intelligence Unit, confirmed it was Duarte via Twitter in congratulating the Foreign Affairs ministry on managing the extradition request.

"No one is above the law," he wrote.

In 2018, Chihuahua state officials opened a new investigation into Duarte and dozens of officials from his administration. The probe centered on the possible diversion of the equivalent of about $120 million in government funds in 2016, when Duarte was governor.

The Chihuahua state prosecutor's office said at the time the investigation stems from a complaint following an audit of that period. It said 43 former public officials led by Duarte were implicated in "irregularities."

Duarte already had a number of warrants out for his arrest.

He was thought to be hiding in the United States since 2017.

A federal judge in Florida postponed César Duarte's first extradition hearing, which is why he will continue to be held in a Miami detention center without the benefit of parole.

Lauren F. Louis, a judge in the Federal Court of the Southern District of Florida, based in Miami, postponed the continuation of the hearing for two weeks, without specifying a date.

According to legal sources, the deferment issued this afternoon was granted by the judge so that the defense attorneys for the former governor of Chihuahua have a greater margin of time to prepare their defense.

Also, at the request of the lawyers, she postponed determining whether or not to grant the Chihuahuan freedom on bail next Tuesday.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has made rooting out corruption a central theme of his administration. On Wednesday, he was in Washington meeting with President Donald Trump.

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  1. Geez! Of all the places in the world. He chose the US to reside where an extradition treaty with Mexico persists.
    Curious as to what information he may give for lienenci. Along with a debriefing by US government officials for trafficking information.

    1. Either way he's probably going to get escorted to a room and the first thing he'll see is jumper cables attached to a car battery.

    2. 4:13 in México, and El Capulina deserves a fucking brand new trailer battery for the cattle prod and the chicharra up his ass, un Florida they may throw the charges for some campaign Money for the judge, as done on prior cases, the prostiturers get promotions and nice government Jobs as prize for their dirty deeds

  2. Andale cabron por robarle ala gente honesta de Chihuahua

  3. Amlo rooting out corruption?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. 3:18 YES!
      ask "el perro caga twitters" alias javier Lozano, former "senator, labor secretary, PANISTA, PRIISTA and eternal huachicolero, a communications consultant whose's ass burns from AMLO's not giving him chayote or Huachicol anymore...

  4. Quando eres parte de la Linea E. E. Eres cirviente publico de todo un estow. No la nation el estow. No mas el estow. Te pones a tragar como un animal y te aprovechas deh la hente? No, porque tu primer obligation quando eres de la siya es la hente no nomas unos pero a toda la hente para avansar. Nota lo gordo que esta en la photo. Es que las tortillas en Mexico son todas echas de mano. Y aqaulas sieron tuyos? Este politico vaja. Por? Porque no meh vala madre. Ya tengo mis ganancias echas.

  5. The United States must not become a haven for criminals! We have enough problems.

    1. 4:31 when your Vicepresident can invent weapons of Mass destruction and create a war under false pretenses and topple regimes on non-existing intelligence and clear 43 million dollars out of it in comissions only, it can be a bad thing,..
      i mean, crime is IN on the US and has been there for a LOOOONG ASS TIME, and i don't mean mobsters, i mean people in business and in government, Corporate Welfare Queens many of them

  6. He has to stay close to his money. He broke a lot of US laws. Felonies. Not declaring importing money, false identity. A good place to cool his heels? How about Florence?

  7. Asta en la cara se le ve lo rata

  8. Duarte algo te espera bien feo cabron

    1. 7:19 Ay si, algo bien feo, prieto, negro, grueso, largo y cabezòn,
      como la que te corretiò anochi güey.

  9. Damn these motherfuckers really be just taking all the money they can without caring about the people.. greedy motherfuckers hope he gets violated in jail😁

    1. I doubt your country of origin & its politicians are clean of any wrongdoing.
      Transparency is always an issue with politicos. Legitimate criminals are what keeps any country from bettering themselves.

  10. Waste of time. He will be out chilling like Moreira. Untouchable.

  11. best punishment,set him free in chihuahua, he's gonna end up in a oxxo ice chest real quick.

  12. Perfect. now all he needs is his ribbon and we can ship him back to MX

  13. Dude displaaced alot of poor families and then stole their land from them!!! Que shinge su mama,por ratero!!

  14. What an idiot. Better death in mexico than a prison in the U.S. the Americans dont F around. They will lock you up so long you'd want to take your own life.

    1. Only If criminal activities were inflicted upon the US.

  15. He's GOVERNMENT so he WON'T face ANY long prison sentance.. Probably WON'T get no TIME in prison. Just a slap on the wrist.. EVERY MEXICAN government from small ranchitos to big cities STEALS the MONEY ment to BUILD roads and basicly to HELP the locals.. IT'S a tactic PAST DOWN from the SPANIARDS


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