Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 3, 2020

Coahuila Security Forces repel attack and kill five in Torreón

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Siglo de Torreón

Fuerzas de Seguridad de Coahuila Secretariat confirmed the shooting of five people, after repelling a firearms assault earlier today in the city of Torreón.

According to the agency, the events occurred in the Miguel Hidalgo neighborhood when walking on a surveillance patrol, the elements were attacked by a man, who took refuge inside a home.

When the officers arrived at the site, they were attacked again, this time by four people. After repelling the attack, all five alleged assailants were killed.

At the scene short and long arms were secured and made available to the authorities.

Graphic Unblurred  images below----no further text

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  1. La gente de Torreón trabajan independientes ellos sacaron alos zetas. Yo creo que ellos están arreglados con el cartel de Juárez

    1. Cartel de la Laguna

    2. You could be right, there's people from Torreon that moved to Juarez to find work and they've built connections to criminal groups from that border region.

  2. Zetas never had Torreón as a stronghold. Because of its proximity (la laguna) relative to other states, multiple groups occupied the captial city. Which group(s) control it now?

    Thank you!

    1. They used to work with los barreras but they switched sides

    2. They did have Torreon for a while, sinaloa control the Colonia on the limits of Torreon and gomez. The Z couldn't take over that part.

    3. I think former Sinaloa Cartel, Gulf Cartel, Juarez Cartel and Los Zetas cells formed new criminal groups in La Laguna. There's a chance that the Sinaloa Cartel still controls the region, because I have family from there and they have talked about traffickers from Sinaloa working in the area.

    4. TY that makes sense. CDS, Z and Juarez have always been there as long as I can remember, I did not know they have an agreement or alliance now.

    5. Cabreras are in Gomez and outskirts, know a guy who they say controls that area and he’s part of Cabreras

    6. Saltillo is the capital of Coahuila not Torreon .

  3. Seeing dead scumbags brings a smile to my face

  4. Gee, concrete floors...what an environment to perish in...buddy lost a few toes.

    Canadian girl

    1. CG...viewing the details can cause nightmares...

    2. La Chivis!, heed warnings, gauge gruesome level, then skip or proceed with squinted eyes. Luv ya!

      Canadian girl

  5. Guanajuato and sinaloa. A puntan como los hacen en coahuila

  6. No blood splatter on walls. Seems like they were executed.

    1. I was thinking the same thing while also looking for bullet holes on the walls. Security forces must be really good at trigger control and aiming while spraying with powerful automatic weapons.

    2. Did you happen to see the photos of the interior of the house chino was in when taken? I was wondering why there were no bullet holes in the walls. just the door had impacts but even tho the wall was just maybe six feet from the door impacts there were zero...

    3. 9:47 the house was sprayed with bullets long after chino had been killed, there never was a gunfight there

  7. Any demands or offers made to the "presumed guilty attackers"?
    Even the russians accepted nazis surrenders when they won WWII, if the nazi captives did not make it back home to Germany alive for other reasons thay was their problem, but they fought 'til all their meth was gone.
    High Hitler, documentary...
    -AMLO protested about excesive deaths in government vs "dangerous cartels", he knew "Falsos Positivos" alreddy, and this shit looks like one more abuse of authority crap...

    1. you are watchig way too much YT.

  8. Real rich and wealthy worker bees. Old ass 12” tv, living in squalor. Cheap Walmart clothes and especially the bullshit shirts advertising the clothes maker. LOL they died how they lived

    1. 🤣🤣 What a way to go!!!!!

  9. Looks like they raided the building off guard

  10. The big guy surrounding himself with children shields while he suicides by cop. The kids too uneducated to know any better.

  11. segun le entran al crimen organizado para azer billetes ,pues de pobres nunca salieron las lacras


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