Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 3, 2020

El Marro didn't show up at his "daughter's birthday".....and evaded capture

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   Milenio

It was supposed to be a set up in the capture of El Marro.

A phone call intercepted by federal authorities, which revealed he planned to visit his daughter for her birthday last weekend, led to an operation in which they failed at capturing  him but it did cost his mother, sister, and his cousin, their freedom.

According to information confirmed by MILENIO with first-rate sources, it was on Friday when the National Intelligence Center detected a telephone conversation in which Jos茅 Antonio Y茅pez Ortiz, El Marro had contemplated his possible presence at the celebration.
Authorities hoped that the Huachicolero (fuel theft) leader to spend Father's Day behind bars.

But once again, they failed.

From Mexico City, in a matter of hours, an operation was orchestrated in which no other authority would be informed to avoid leaks. They left on Saturday morning heading to Guanajuato and they had detected a ranch in the rural community of Celaya where it was assessed, that the party would be. Without further details, the Guanajuato State Attorney General's Office asked for rapid approval for searches and thus avoid stumbling blocks, as happened with the capture of El Marro wife, who had to be released due to lack of basic legal paperwork.

The “party” that the National Intelligence Center heard about, turned out to be payroll payment to the base of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel. Most of them women and several minors who served the hired killers for no more than three thousand pesos.

Although the Army preferred to act alone, they had to ask for help from the state government.  They met three trucks on the way, from which 20 people descended, stoning them so they would not approach, and others began to jump the fences to join the attacks against the soldiers.  (these are obstructionists that work for Marro to create chaos in stoning, fires, roadblocks) In total, 300 elements of the state forces came to the support so that the federal troops could advance.

EL Marro was not where they expected. There was no party, nor was his daughter present. But there was Mar铆a, the mother of the criminal who at first appeared under a different name and whose identity the soldiers did not know until it was confirmed by state authorities.

Until now, it has not been possible to confirm that Maria has acted illegally,  but rather was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

At the ranch was a suitcase with two million pesos to pay the collaborators of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel,  there were stolen weapons, drugs and vehicles. Mar铆a ended up behind bars just like her husband, while her son continues to challenge the authorities.

El Marro did not visit his daughter to celebrate Father's Day, nor could he congratulate his father in prison. The only thing left to do was to flee, with the little he still has and the rage of having taken her family to prison.


  1. It's just overwhelming how authorities main priority in GTO is to go after marro n totally forget that cjng is responsible for majority of killings n crimes there

    1. Yea it's crazy.every single attack is blamed on marro

  2. CJNG literally took marros LIFE
    No wife no home no money no kids visits no PLAZA no CARTEL
    He's basicly just buying TIME till he gets KILLED or CAPTURED

    1. 9:37 amlo n crooked authorities did NOT cjng get it straight fanboy

    2. 4:25 whatever MAKES you sleep at night..

      If CJNG NEVER entered that PLAZA marro would still be enjoying his POWER in Guanajuato.. I'm I wrong?

    3. @4:25 don’t get butthurt, it’s the truth. If anything the authorities needed cjng. They have way more funds for war.

    4. 6:54 n 4:50 are just frustrated that cjng can't take over 馃ぃ even after tirelessly claiming they did to be more specific in October will be 3 years of false claims..馃ぃ馃槈馃槀馃枙

    5. 9:05 you must BE NEW 馃槅
      Guanajuato is ALL cjng NOW and cjng took marros main strongholds.. But whatever dude, ANYONE with half of brain can tell YOU marro is done..

    6. 9:54 there u go again with the cjng lovers favorite line 馃槀 "marro is done" 馃ぃ...1000's I've heard that n 1000's times it's been proven false

  3. The system uses low tactics, going after moms has no honor, I hope El Morro takes a few heads for that one.

    1. They were going after her son but he’s too much of a b!tch and left his mom to get captured smh

    2. The USA does the same thing

  4. He knows better, el lloron gtta be hiding in a state he supposedly controls? Hes done for.

    Cjng is closer than ever to him.

    Guanajuato es del Se帽or Mencho.

    1. This g眉ey Is a loser 馃ぃ

  5. "The only thing left to do was to flee, with the little he still has and the rage of having taken her family to prison".

    馃槀 el lloron de Guanajuato is done. Pretty soon we'll see marro on video again crying.

  6. I dont blame him. Since AMLO refuses to apprehend Mencho and his family of criminals in Jalisco I would be scared too.

    1. Amlo hugs 馃 and kisses 馃槝 to the cartel, funny

    2. AMLO supports CDS , just like the usgov

  7. Not a fan of Marro or his Cartel but i must admit he is smart and hes a chess player. just like he saved his family from being killed this week too be re routing their travel route. unfortunately his lawyers were killed in that attack but i think marro knew that was going to happen, he had to sacrifice someone

  8. I have never been a fanboy. Having said that, I find myself feeling sorry for Marro and his cartel, and rooting for them to keep going against the Jaliscos. When they capture innocent women, they let them go. When the police come to raid them, the citizens join in repelling them. Marro has deep support in Guanajuato obviously. He has a huge pair too. He knows what fate brings, prison or horrible death, but he still goes at CJNG/Police in a very vicious manor. Hard not to respect his dedication. He could grab a few million and disappear, but he will go down with his cartel like a good captain.

    1. @1:56 You sir gets it.

    2. Where would he disappear to and how? Cjng has alliances all over Mexico and a bounty on Marro. He wouldn’t make it out. This isn’t about being an honorable captain. He can’t trust anyone probably not even his own ppl at this point.

  9. Still don’t understand why Marro is public enemy #1 and Mencho isn’t being hunted with the same ferocity. Both have equal guilt in turning Guanajuato into the most dangerous state—in fact, Mencho shares more of the blame as he was the one that started the fight by trying to take Marro’s territory away from him, through the typical CJNG tactics of a “partnership”. Marro may be an ex-Zeta extortionist piece of shit, but Guanajuato was quiet until CJNG came to town.

    1. Marro was stilling from the mexican government thats why, and of curse mencho has way more money to pay bribes to higher ups, is that so hard to understand?

    2. We know you dont understand! Because you'd be asking. Why aernt they going after Chapitos, and Mayo and RCQ along with Mencho and all the orher DTO's. CDS federation been a terrorist organization way before Z's, CJNG and the rest now!!

    3. 1 maniac at a time

    4. Marro burned Celaya , el patr贸n could burn the whole country that's the difference

    5. 3:38 very WRONG if ur patron CANT burn the entire Jalisco state what makes u thing he can burn all of Mexico..??馃ぃ

  10. who paid the federales to go after Marro ?

  11. You can always tell a murderer by the look in his eyes. But oftentime, you won't be able to tell until you (learn to) ignore all the rest of the facial expression; it seems our bodies can always easily adapt to acting towards the outside world in such a manner that actual intent and inner spirit - or the lack thereof - gets disguised... to anyone who doesn't take a real close look. People may seem oh so sypathetic, in good spirits, friendly and you name it, but if you separate their eyes from the flesh (actually, mask would be a better word, you by times even have to cover the rest of their face on the picture to get an actual, undisturbed look at their eyes that is not subconsciously being influenced by the theatricals), sometimes it will be only then that you'll discover what's behind that mask! And that's precisely right, that's exactly what human faces can be..: masks. Not seldom you even discover there's nothing human behind them.


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