Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Nini vs Ruso: Radio narrative says Negro Azabache is alive and joined Los Chapitos

Gus for Borderland Beat  TY  Hombre de Overol

In a Radiofrequency narrative, allegedly it states that Los Chapitos didn’t kill Negro Azabache.  

The information in the radio conversation is that he has left Rusos and joined Chapitos.

Azabache sends a message out that if anyone wishes to do likewise and wants to join Los Chapitos, they are welcomed but if they don’t…. they will die with Ruso. 

Additionally, they say that Ruso no longer has any backing.

Allegedly, it is Azabache heard speaking on the recording.

From HDO:  "Here is another audio of Los Chapitos sending a message to Rusos men that they abducted and have Negro Azabache. 

 They allowed him to communicate himself where he says he was given a second chance."

(image at left was emailed to me on June 25th.  Below   purportedly is El Nini...)

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  1. we have 8 short vids of nini if anyone wants to do the narrative. they are on twitter. i can send the links. pls email me if interested.

    i will ck in this afternoon

    1. Chivis i emailed Audio of Nini P1 & Azabache ...on Jul 2...0J0

  2. He obviously "switched sides" cause he was captured by Los ninis so in a way he is forced to say n do what they want to stay alive,u can tell by his voice in the audio

    1. You cant tell shit by his voice, other than his alive.

    2. 10:39 it's obvious just hear his voice n the way he talks to El p1

  3. Turncoats are always assassinated as their “new bosses” already know they backstabbed in the first place and begged to fight for the rivals in fear of instant executions for being the rat. He won’t last long. Rot in hell fuck face after you are shot dead.

    1. Just like Edward Snowden but who is worse, he's an outright traitor who Putin despises no matter what country.

    2. Benedict Arnold was a turncoat who was never assassinated, in fact, was honored. Not all of them are killed.

    3. Like u a big tough guy and u wud do the opposite as the Jet Black

    4. one thing about criminals they cannot even trust their mother

  4. El P1 is telling azabache to die with honor, that he will vengeance him and will continue too do so. Azabache answered- puro pa Delante plebada.

  5. If Mayo is not backing Ruso now its only a matter of time before Mencho asks him to join him

    1. Russo are men of respect , ole school. They don’t need Mencho, he doesn’t even have funds to help them fight

    2. 11:56 yea MENCHO runs a multi-billion international CARTEL organization but can't FUND the local SINALOA SICARIOS..
      That would be a good MOVE for MENCHO if he wanted to takE a piece of SINALOA PLAZA but IT'S not that lucrative and NOT a border PLAZA so I DOUBT he would want to do it.
      Plus SINALOA and michoacanos DON'T get along so I DOUBT any Sinaloas would side with MENCHO in SINALOA.. They flip easily when sh!t hits the fan in other states like TIJUANA but I DON'T think it would happen in SINALOA

    3. No funds? Right.

    4. He doesn't have money ?!? Are you high on meth ? Hahahahahaha GTFO

    5. 11:56 Are you insane! CJNG is the wealthiest cartel in Mexico! Just saying dumb thing to talk out yo ass. I hate all DRO's but dont say thing just to say!

    6. Ruso is used to getting paid good by Mayos people. Its a known fact cjng sicarios dont get paid much. They get paid with meth for them to flip in the streets of mexico. Not happening. Mencho is a cheap fck taking advantage of losers who have never seen much money.

    7. I was thinking the same thing, if mayo took his support from ruso whats rusos next move if he wants to survive and get back at mayo and hit chapitos hard? Join mencho of curse and mencho would be one step closer to take sonora, this opportunity is menchos 101 way take over

    8. What's the name of the song ?

    9. Didnt ruso control slrc? With that been said mencho woulnt mind backing him up, if ruso gets cornered like marro is right now he will turn to mencho for help no dought

    10. @1:00
      what do you mean Sinaloa is not lucrative? Sinaloa has alot of advantage for a cartel operations when it comes to geography. There is alot of rural land to plant poppy plants and built labs, there is the port of Mazatlan where alot of shit comes and goes, it is also a popular tourist spot which means drug sales at a local level brings money aswell and not to mention money laundering. Another thing, just a short trip across the Gulf Of California and youre in Baja with routes to the border, why do you think CDS became such big players?

      but then again, this isnt a battle for the state, these arent 2 big international groups fighting. it is 2 armed wings fighting, 2 sicario groups fighting within Culiacan not throught the state, so lets say mencho backs ruso and wins, it doesnt mean they now have control over the entire state, alot of places in Sinaloa are controlled by otger groups like Chapo Isidro and that would be a whole different problem.

      I dont think CJNG would even be interested in taking over Sinaloa, it would be too costly, too much of a problem, too many groups to fight against. Sinaloa narcos arent arent like these other narcos on other states that are willing to fight under another states cartel in exchange for support, theyre too proud.
      so for now the only way to hit sinaloa is the way its being done, its a proxy war using all these out of states sicarios to kill eachother under cds or cjng names in other states but not attacking eachother directly in either Sinaloa or Jalisco.

      the only way i believe that mencho benefits and believe its being done its by making bussiness with other smaller sinaloa narcos that are independent and lesser known but with a good amount of power. a few months ago an article said that many cjng bank accounts were frozen, some of those accounts where based in Sinaloa, so there has to be some Sinaloa based network working with Jalisco to launder money, just as much as there are bussiness in Jalisco that launder money for CDS and are not being bothered by cjng its a win win situation

    11. 4:43 MENCHO already has tierra caliente for growing POPPY fields and has the biggest port in western HEMISPHERE in michoacan.. Plus there is an article I READ a few months back how poppy FIELDS are NOT profitable any more because of FENTANYL they get from Chinese..
      MENCHO is NOT interested in taking OVER SINALOA he DOESN'T benefit from IT

  6. War is over rusos pulled the white flag

  7. Does anyone know who, if anyone, is winning in this conflict?

    1. The chapitos are asking all of rusos men to come to their side. They are afraid that this war Will cost them soo many dead men. Rusos men are trained macho prieto style.

    2. Los Menores are winning. Los Menores have all the power and wealth compared to el ruso who lost el mayos support. El Nini is on the hunt and el ruso knows el nini will kill him or he will be arrested. el ruso doesnt have no where near the power and connections that damaso lopez had and look how easily Los Menores took out los damaso lol. stick a fork in el ruso,he is done!

    3. Los Chapitos are wiping out El Rusos people left and right..El Ruso should of left this one alone..but he is gonna lose everything he ever had..

    4. Im guessing Chapitos. Russo is just local no national and less of international trafficking revenue and Mayo backed out. That spells doom in the war. Big bosses decided that getting heat a real war would cause is not worth backing a head of sicario that is easily replaced. Local allies of Russo will soon go back to neutral and get back to Mayo, switch to Chapitos, or get taken out. That’s their choice to make.

    5. Maybe Ruso had no choice. Where would he run, without any support? And maybe he decided to not turn into an informant and die fighting.

    6. Ese se va a morir echando plomo es orgulloso y no tiene reversa el p1 y ruso son de guerra

    7. Chapo Isidro doesnt have support and look at him, stilk hasnt been taken down. Ruso can possibly run that luck

    8. @4:46-
      haha! you actually think Chapo Isidro has no support and is all on his own huh? That is a stupid assumption, considering he enjoys the support of local law enforcement, state police, government forces, etc. As well as the support of the local population.

      El Chapo Isidro is also supported by those who maintain his drug farms, but oh, Chapo Isidro has no support, huh?? Man, you miss the BIG PICTURE. BIGTIME!!

  8. Los torcidos de SINALOA
    Can't BEAT them JOIN them
    ONLY in SINALOA though because outside of SINALOA they don't run ANYTHING only RUN from MENCHO SICARIOS

    1. menchos sicarios like the ones in Mex city recently who were about as professional as my daughters soccer team? All caught on camera. Mencho needs to train his sicarios more its no wonder he cant take Marro out.

  9. This is a very good tactic form chapitos they captured azabache and they’re keeping him alive to make rusos switch sides making it easier to kill him...
    Btw you can tell azabache was reading in the audio

  10. el ruso está fuera...ya terminó...el mayo ya ni siquiera lo hora de que los Menores dirijan el cartel y el ruso lo sabe...el ruso será asesinado o arrestado en el próximo 2 o 3 solo cuestión de tiempo...AMLO es el presidente en México...pero en Culiacán Ivan es el jefe...#701

    1. No one likes Ivan. They just fear his power. No respect tho.

    2. Would u prefer to be loved or feared?? Either way shit gets done both ways..

    3. al Isidro nadie lo respalda y no oueden con el, asi que no porque ya no lo respalden significa que se acabo. hay mucha gente que no quiere a los chapitos asi que puede que la libre y sean otro grupo mas que se forma y queda sinaloa en 3, rusos chapitos y isidro.

    4. Pongan el video de tubutama

  11. There's a radio conversation were supposedly ruso took down a 30 truck convoy of chapitos

    1. impossible the Army would have spotted them.

  12. This shiet all bs. Ruso not going anywhere this same shiet when chaptos and guano were going at it and look it's all calm now even though chaptios killed guano son.

    1. That was a rumor

    2. For real? Their own 1st cousin??? Crazy

    3. 1:44 stop lying 9:28 stop believing lies

    4. Ya that's a fact not a rumor.

  13. Asi se asen las cosas con diálogo señores, como dise el
    Plebe; “no somos animales no asemos videos para causar pánico ala población” bien aiga chavalones, que tengan gente con principios y sepan dirgir un cartel la violencia no ayuda ala empreza. Pero nunca ay que bajar la guardia, chapitos para ratos. Aprendan mugrosos de otros lugares como se ase

  14. Ninis have his sister kidnapped, of course he's going to switch sides as long as they release her when he's killed

    1. Mothafucka. That's a rumor, in the audios they clearly say Azabache was captured during his patrol.

    2. @5:47 STAY IN SCHOOL MF! Maybe just maybe you can learn critical thinking skills that will help you analyze situations!
      Why wouldn't Ninis/Chapitos kill this fool when "he was captured fighting in Culiacán"? Are his sicarios, if he even has any, going to follow his lead and switch sides or like I already said, Ninis have his sister and to save her he's forced to switch sides?

    3. I'm sure ninis must really want him on their team, so they really went out of they're way to kidnapp his sister just to get him to join los menores? His sicarios? Azabache is not head of sicarios he was P1's men.

      Estas pendejo oh te mamo un sapo? @756

    4. So even after the audios say how the events unfolded, you still decide to create your own story in your head? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      El blog de los rumores.

    5. Exactly! These kids keep going on and on w their own played our stories. HYSTERICAL!

    6. 2:56 como si todos los videos furas sierto, entonces tu le creiste a la tuta todo lo que dijo en todos los videos? Le crees al marro en todos sus videos, le crees al cjng en todos sus videos? O nomas crees lo que te combiene? Sometime a little bit of critical thinking is needed

    7. The truth is stranger than fiction

  15. El que traiciona 1 vez traiciona 2 veces

    1. Wouldn't be Sinaloas style if they don't betray each other!

  16. Home boy must be alive with that Corona mask on. Too recent.

    1. He will soon run out of masks and that will be the end of azabache homeboy

  17. Chapitos have done damage that cannot be repaired they will go down together with whoever is with them wachos will have all those kids captured in culiacan the gente from the rancho always wins and chapitos are city boys from Jalisco soon they will be little respect left for them if they choose to enter the ranchos that are protected by russos men

  18. Russos, Omega and P1 de la Lima. Are the one who conform the chapitos fighting blockade.

  19. lol who really gives a fuck about these fools? none of them ever last longer than a couple of months or years at best. if anything it proves that they are a primitive people because they don't even realize the stupidity of all this. real gangsters like the cosa nostra or the colombians at least managed to put an end to such petty turf wars and came up with a real organizational structure. but mexicans gangsters can't even do this, this whole country is just fucking useless. I would advise any honest mexican to just leave that country behind and go some place else.

    1. Ruso been boss since 1992. People think hes just a sicarios boss hes way more powerfull than people think.

    2. Lay off the narco series and tv shows ..

    3. It’s real easy to type that nonsense when u don’t have to actually live through those hardships. Keep typing from the comfort of your home using your mommies WiFi leva. Lmao cosa nostra???? Any gang or mafia eventually comes undone you act like they’re civilized if you think that then your far more ignorant than I thought and these words will not penetrate that numbskull of yours.

    4. No mames para que despuea digan los gavachos y los mexigavachos wanna be's que si quieren venir a usa tiene que ser con papeles si no son criminales

    5. El mayo has never set foot in prison.The Sicilian mob or Italian American mob were at their height in the 80-90 they don't have the same pull in 2020. The commission case knocked off most of the leaders in Ny. They decimated the mafia from bottom to top. As fr the Mexican cartels they have continuously gotten more powerful even when leaders are taken out the cartels just break down in different cells create more violence and the trade becomes more specialized and focused on certain takes in the supply chains making it harder to bring down on the cartels.

  20. I heard el Diablo de la Lima turned his back and ruso and jammed from Sinaloa to the USA.

  21. You kids don't honestly know shiet. It's two crews under mayo flexing on each other. Other then that it's no big deal. All this will be settled in due time. Mayo just making these fools fight it out and then he will come in there and tell them to chill the fuck out.

    1. You’re the one who don’t know shit. Mayo told ruso to leave cln months ago. He did at first then he returned when ninis started to burn his ranches down.

  22. So it turns out cds is the cartel who least respects family. Always kidnap family to get to a rival. How ironic and they say the opposite all the time.

  23. Here's the word that I'm getting. Neither Mayo or RCQ can afford the heat that is being generated. They can back Russo... Chapos kids are way too strong. The conflict was going to get so bad that it was just going to keep interrupting business. From the beginning, I told everybody, if they wore with Ivan Guzman, they were going to lose. And the Guzman boys, we're going to take over Sonora completely. Rapha and old man zambada, are old and I wanted. They can't afford this. Russo's finished. No matter who respects them, the only place left to go is Chapo Isidro. That one time these people had an alliance with the Beltran Leyva people. But no one is going to stop Ivan and his brothers. Accept it. Because that's the way it is.


    1. Facts ivan and his brothers are untouchable now and mencho if he dares ever to touch any chapitos plaza he will get smoked mark my words the chapitos are taking over

    2. You honestly don't know much about what is going on. Ruso is not going anywhere. He's not just a head of sciaros for mayo.

    3. Los chapós contra el ruso no pueden. Los únicos que los están chingando son con el gobierno porque con sus sicarios no pueden. Son puros niños alucinándos

    4. @9:57 well fill us in on who he is

    5. Los menores fear Chapo Isidro. When Polo Ochoas family gave him millions in Guasave and funded him to fight Mayo and Chapo because Mayito Gordo had him killed no one dethroned him.

    6. untouchable? mencho already touched them once, and they had to give up a fee plazas to be released.

    7. No one is untouchable ... thats what they said about el chapo guzman.look at him now he says that el mayo is the main head of the cartel

    8. Ruso is a heavy weight drug trafficker aside from being a violent sicario he sends ALOT of kilos up north so he don’t need funding from anyone. On top of that him and his guys are macho prietos people the most feared gunmen the cds ever had.

    9. Chapitos are nothing but spoiled bitches. They got punked by mencho so now they feel they got to show theyre tough.

    10. 10:31 Damaso set them up along with cadete it wasnt mencho. But look at were damaso is now and cadete

  24. Does anyone have a picture of Ruso as well ?

  25. Ruso is done the chapitos are about to take him out

  26. I thought I left a comment about if anybody knew the real whereabouts of broli banderas and I thought it was a good valid question but ok thanks anyway

    1. we have psoted the answer multiple times. remember we got an interview with him, it was sent on audio and he sent fotos and also said the grillnautas interview was fake news. That is why he sent fotos some with the name of Tex' blog written on his arms. so I asked Tex to go back to the middle man (a woman) and ask what happened why is he gone.

      He claims to have bee tired of the narco life so he returned to sinaloa. that was a few years back and we have not attempted contact with him again. you can see the interview by using the search bar.

    2. Hey thank you for the reply. Means a lot to me. I barely comment. But I know you are very respectable blogger around here. And yes he probably quit because it would’ve come up somewhere if he died. Good for him. Thanks

  27. Jet Black may not have a secure future in terms of breathing,they take sisters mothers,kill children?Was there ever a time when women and children were sacred?

  28. War is over people. Flags waived by Russo. Chapitos have to much power and political influence nowadays. Dont listen to the media saying ever9is flipping sides. Not true. Chapitos are very strong and have a hugeeee network. The groups on the border cant afford to jump ship and Mayo wont back Russo. Senor Chapo went down like a man and has wayyyy to much knowledge and huge safety net for his kids. Peace be at it.

  29. Damasos people, guanos people, chino antrax, el bravo and other people that where once high ranking wherent given a second chance, its kinda odd he was. makes me think thats only what they make it seem and will probably kill him later. He must be very important to keep him alive, maybe they have him just so he can talk his men to switch sides yet being forced to say that, either way he must know too much, have to much info that can benefit los chapitos that its not worth killing him until they see they won and dont need him anymore. at the end i think he will be a dead man

    1. He was used to diminish the morale of rusos men plain and simple. He’s probably already dead or will be killed soon by nini.

  30. I heard that the chapitos are no longer in Sinaloa and have established themselves in Durango and are hiding out in the Durango mountains

  31. If Russo decides to submit to CHAPITOS he WILL get KILLED, might as well go out fighting..
    Just like MARRO knows he is going to die or get ARRESTED soon but STILL giving CJNG a headache..
    They both F ☝ and there is no TURNING back

  32. Seems like The Jet Black is missing his front top row of teeth when he speaks in the video....anybody else notice this??

  33. Hombre...which link? if it is video I have no one steeping up to help with the narrative translation.

    and I have about 7 that i need to listen to before posting the links.

    send the one you talk about, i don't need credit. I gave you credit on one. with Gus.

    send again and make clear it is the one you were talking about...thank you!!!!

    I have been gone today and just returned so I won't be doing much right now

    1. @Chivis,
      I can help with to translate the vids if you need help with it.

    2. can you PLEASE email me? your email addy will remain private. just type 'video narrative translations' in subject.



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