Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Slovakia seized 1.5 Ton methamphetamine from Mexico

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Reforma  TY GUS

Bratislava, Slovakia (July 07, 2020) .- Slovakia seized 1.5 tons of methamphetamines from Mexico in May whose street value was estimated at 2 billon euros, authorities reported on Tuesday.

They also added that it is the largest shipment they have seized.

The authorities found the drugs in May this year with the help of a drug detection dog when customs suspected two large liquid transport containers.

The shipment arrived in Slovakia from a Croatian port and it is believed that its destination was the countries of the European Union.

Inspectors drilled into the bottoms of the tanks and found large amounts of a white crystalline substance later identified as methamphetamine.

The Slovak National Criminal Agency investigates the case.

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  1. More proof Mexicans control the entire illegal drug market across the globe.

    1. the drugs is cooked in mexico but not control the market , local gangs get the drugs in diferents parts of europe not direct from mexico

    2. Since the 90s. whether their work is illegal or legal Mexicans are the hardest working people on this planet

    3. @ 7:43
      Something Mexicans shouldn't be proud of.
      Hey, at least it's not just American consumption fueling the flames for Mexico's atrocities.

    4. Americans no longer have anything to do with what is happening in Mexico. Drugs sold to U.S make very little of their income now. They have their tenticles on everything. EXTORTION, PROTECTION, KIDNAPPING, HUMAN TRAFFIKING , PIRACY, CUSTOMS, ROBBING OF MINERALS & GAS, LEGAL & ILLEGAL BUSINESSES, TAXING, THE LIST GOES ON. All this talk that mexico is messed up cuz U.S. citizens dont stop doing drugs is complete bs. Some cartels dont even deal drugs and are wealthy as Fuk, just look at cartel de santa lima. All their money came from gas.

  2. Replies
    1. No seas pendejo es el cjng, cds no puede algo asi

  3. Who else but el señor de los cocks? 🐓

  4. is anybody surprised Anabel Hernandez already said sinaloa is in 70% of the world the only organization with that power is crazy

    1. lol no sabes nada... este jale viene de Veracruz mijo y fue cocinada en los altos de jalisco

    2. What im surprised with is how a cartel with that much power looses so many plazas to a broke cartel "cjng"

    3. @4:28 CJNG is in no way a broke cartel, they are backed by Los Cuinis, a wealthy group that has been operating in Europe for decades before fighting with CDS.

      And they haven't won no plazas from CDS. The only case might be Colima if truth because of its geographical location, but other than that, CJNG doesn't control any plazas to a 100% extent and they do this with alliances as well.

      The real comparison you trying to make applies more to how CJNG has taken so many hits from a small local group like Santa Rosa de Lima.

    4. 926 that last paragraph

    5. @9:26 so you're saying CJNG didn't take over Jalisco or CDS in fact never controlled it so they couldn't lose it? Jajaja! Colima hasn't been in dispute for years and GCM was the one fighting NG over it, cuál pinche Chinaloa. Tell me about Nayarit? Marro has or had state support in GTO while he could steal fuel, no pay no protection, he's been pushed back to his stronghold of Celaya and surrounding ranchos y pueblos.
      Furthermore CSRL has allied and received support from other groups that want to stop CJNG advancement. No cartel in any state controls 100%, you're just ardido Chinaloa

  5. You know who taught Los pollitos de sinaloa how to make the merch?....Los Gallos de Michoacan

    1. you know who founded Los Gallos de Michoacán?? pues los de Sinaloa con el Milenio cartel

    2. @5:38 no sabes nada, ya había traficantes pesados antes que Milenio pero como no son fanfarrones los Tarascos no andan presumiendo los billetes. Chinaloas tienen $100.00 putos dólares y se sienten dueños del mundo...

    3. Were the Amezcua Contreras brothers before or just after Nacho?

    4. 5:58 you only go by the common knowledge but if you dig a little dipper tamaulipas and jalisco been in the ilegal shit way before sinaloa, do a little research, actually cdg is the oldest drug organitation in mexico

    5. 5:38 NOBODY founded NOBODY 😆
      The SINALOA needed michoacanos and MICHOACANOS needed SINALOA connects at the TIME.. SINALOA had the connects and michoacan had the PRODUCT and how to MAKE it..
      They both benefited from it TONTO.. Michoacanos just got TIRED of getting SNITCHED on.. EVEN CHAPO wanted to take MENCHO out the game a FEW TIMES like in COLIMA where MENCHO SICARIOS managed to KILL off the SICARIOS who were AFTER MENCHO.. The rest is HISTORY..

    6. 5:38 werent milenios michoacanos? You should actually do some research before you talk

    7. Heisenberg Les enseño a todos

    8. @7:22 AC Kings of amphetamines, during the 90's they controlled Colima and parts of Jalisco and supplied raw material to groups that knew how to make product, supplied those that didn't and paid to use routes to export. When all three brothers were arrested they were reduced and after AVC was captured ICV started to consolidate...

  6. Most likely linked to all the Encrochat busts look up one related on juned 22nd Rotterdam Amsterdam

  7. I'm surprised they aren't cooking it up in Albania or another country like that yet.

    1. Pretty sure it's in the making. Smart business practices indicate cutting the middle man out.


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