Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 24, 2020

Video: CJNG's El Doble R says there are no pacts with the government and the GTO war will soon be over

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus  Source and Reforma

Doble says El Marro's days are numbered...................

The Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel posted a new video on social networks in which they point out that they have no agreement with the government and also warns José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, “El Marro”, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, that the days of him and his cartel is numbered.

In the video, the CJNG spokesman identifies himself  as “Doble R” appears, adamant in saying there is no government agreement as El Marro states in one of his narco-message video.

He added that the current war being waged in Guanajuato will not last much longer.

He stressed that the CJNG has a presence in all the municipalities of Guanajuato, but that unlike the rival "mata-inocentes", they do not mess with families.

Last weekend, the criminal group had released a video to clarify that the current clashes in this region of the country is due to a territorial dispute between cartels, because "our war is not against the Government or the people."

"Doble R" also says in the video, Noé Israel Lara Belman, alias "El Puma" and founder of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, did not seek an alliance with the CJNG, as rumored.

"R2" is identified as the leader of the Elite Group, the armed wing of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación in Guanajuato.

Last Tuesday, the Secretary of National Defense, Luis Sandoval, pointed out that this fraction of the CJNG was led by Juan Carlos González alias' El R3 "

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  1. Are these guys trying to make a Netflix series ?

    1. 006 mad they taking his shine and they got the deal from Amazon

    2. Holy crap, Sicario actually made an intelligible and funny comment... Maybe we do have some hope.

    3. They're training to have a keyboard "topon" with you 006.

    4. Hulu, sicario 006 on a one on one combat between you and doble R who would win?
      I got my maebles on you

  2. How were they able to coordinate all of this with the men and vehicles without any interference? That is almost as impressive as their firepower. CJNG has just moved up a notch and everyone is behind. I wonder what Mayo RCQ Los Chapitos and every other narco thinks about this video

    1. Lots of heat and more heat and a touch of heat. It isn't a wise move. You can see it in the US news where the DEA is trying to blame all the overdoses on CJNG. Bad moves but I suppose they don't give a shit since Mencho is operating at another level.

    2. In a way it's good for the rest, CJNG takes the heat and focus of attention.

    3. Looks like private milicos got themselves a contrak and the uh are being allowed to do their very best by the army and guardia in cahoots with governor sinhue who still hurts from the ass whipping AMLO gave him recently, along with Alfaro and cabeza de cagadas de vacas...
      Pobrecitos gobernadores pendejos.

  3. Looks like my GTA V character

  4. El double RR might be mencho

    1. Bro that guys is fat as fuck.

    2. Seems unnecessary and risky but then again, better to have them chasing ghosts/fakes than the real deal.

    3. Mencho is weak and fragile. He would break under that equipment. This guy looks fit. Mencho probably lives in some underground gutter and would not risk going out in the open.

    4. 11:33 in a country like Mexico a man isn't called 'Lord of the roosters' because he's a coward.

    5. Amen to that. Senor MENCHO Is a WARRIOR

    6. 11:33 lets be honest right now mencho is on his prime in the narco woorld and mayo is on his way out, if chapitos can stay alive in about 10 more years than they can probably go toe to toe with don mencho but as of right now they dont stand a chance neither does mayo! Maybe the only one is chapo isidro but he does not have the money or the people if he had the money and people he would destroy mencho but he doesnt, dont worry though at one time cds will have a real leader and cjng wont and thats when cds will gave the upper hand

  5. granted...its just trees and grass, which are everywhere...but this sure looks a lot like the same ranch where El Gringo from CJNG blew up that 10yr old boy with a stick of dynamite

    1. I never hit play but I remember the description and the thumbnail and I think you're right. Wasn't there another video where CJNG guts a kid as the father watches...

    2. It does look like it

    3. That was viagras @949 and they actually behead the dad. Then they remove the kids heart while still alive.

    4. I may be wrong but I believe the kid that was horrifically cut up was in Guerrero and it was done by one of the groups that were fighting those plazas

    5. Is it the one with a dynamite kid annd then a older guy ? That shit was brutal

    6. 9:49 your talking ABOUT LA FAMILIA michoacana in guerrero where THEY cut him open and TAKE out his ❤ while his some is watching in DESPAIR..
      Horrible VIDEO

    7. 3:11 PM Those are the Viagras in the Video you can hear Nicholas Sierra Santan's voice. I believe the guy who orders them killed in Rodolfo Sierra Santana.

    8. Quit defending men you don’t know 😆 and it was cjng that put the dynamite on the kid... quit playing

    9. @1:21 you need to read slower so you can comprehend the flow of what is typed chavalon

  6. Has there ever been a cartel war this publicly exposed before by any cartel ? It does seem personal?
    One of the many reasons and rumours put forward being that Marro and SRLC killed a nephew of Mencho who came as a rep at the beginning ?

    1. You must be new here did you miss the CDG and Z war or what?

    2. The 90s CAF and CDS war.

    3. 144
      Yeah im new here,what is CDG Z war,por favor

    4. Zetas vs CDG and CDS vs CDJ circa 2010 were very public but things certainly seem to be heading in that direction again now in 2020.

  7. Sitting on a stump, dressed up, hiding your identity,trying to look menacing, is not getting the job done, however. At least Marro has the balls to speak and show his face, unlike this joker.

    1. Real balls, huh. So much balls he was choking on them while crying 🤣🤣. These guys dont need to show they're face or identity theyll still and will remain unknown unlike marro everyone knows what his cry baby ass looks like.


    2. Having balls now is considered making a video while crying and pleading for help? Wow. Sounds like something someone from THE LGBTQ community would say. 😂😂😂

    3. Thats some scary shit he is carring, im sure your not scared cause you are not in mexico other wise you would be shitting your pants like marro right now, but sure marro has big balls, so big in fact that he made a video where he was crying and trying to sell guanajuato to mayo, pero guanajuato lla tiene dueño y ea del señor mencho! Mayo wont dare to enter guanajuato no more, and marro well we all know he is done, el mamey was caught yesterday he was marros right hand man, marro is done, unos toquesitos al mamey and he will snitch out marro

    4. 1144 😂😂😂😂 I'm willing to bet marro has not 1 single caliber 50 in his arsenal.

    5. 12:33 thats for sure, marros top guns are AR's which we can all get here in the us, marro should of just switched to been a cjng! Guanajuato would of been such a peaceful place! Just like jalisco is most of the time right now

    6. Lol 10:03 said the funniest post all week.

  8. I was gone to LA yesterday for another medical appt. feeling good and back at BB as much as possible. Buggs is on the road so we didn't have any mods. Our viewship has taken another jump, meaning more comments, at times we will not be able to get to all. I will check with GUS to see if I need to post anything from before today.

    Thank you everyone.....

    1. chivas, don't worry about it. whatever and whenever the posts will be new to most of us, especially those not speaking Spanish. Continue feeling good and thank you for all you and the others do for the blog.

  9. Vegas line for who wins the battle for Guanajuato. Battle must be completed by August 31st for action.

    Marro -125
    El Mencho +105

    1. Seems pretty fair betting line Mencho is likely to win but Marro has lots of people willing to give him men or work to keep this war going. All in all seems like even if Mencho wins the cost may have been to high.

  10. Ease to send threats n act tuff when u far away from the guys u are sending those threats to

    1. Seems awfully expensive for street crumbs. I guess they wanna be able to say they control something. Anything!

  11. Doble R should do a Reddit AMA

    1. I've been looking for narco ama's on reddit Haha. That would be awesome!

  12. Tenemos que atrapar a todos Los michoacanos y borrarlos del mundo. Jalisco es mio wey. Ya mero viene tu fin mencho........

  13. What a joke! No one works at the scale and they are without the government noticing. Les pagan para que se hagan de la vista gorda.

  14. PROPAGANDA! In real news the tweekers that aren't hiding there faces are getting dropped in precision hits. La Tia Juana

  15. You should put up a poll to see if anyone gets the week of marros or RR capture or death

  16. ok marro days are numbered let the countdown begin then I predict it will never happen and marro will end up getting locked up cjng won’t get him

    1. We going to get him. ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️🇷🇺🇷🇺

    2. I predicted it right jajajaja

  17. CJNG are drawing heat on themselves

  18. RR has a corrido by jovany cadena


  20. Tu tambien RR te va cargar a la verga.

  21. Fat gimp. Look at his breasts. Jajaja

  22. a bunch of evil men.....


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