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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

320 federal prisoners from the Altiplano prison arrive in Coahuila after "making room" for El Marro

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat 

José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, El Marro is now an inmate in  Altiplano, Mexico’s only supermax prison.

First authorities had to do a little housecleaning.

320 inmates had to be transferred out before the arrival of El Marro.

In two groups, the inmates, confirmed of not being members of Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, were transferred to Coahuila, specifically to the Cefereso number 18 Mesillas in Ramos Arizpe.

Official explanation: the transfer was made in consideration that "the inmates are not in suitable conditions for an effective coexistence" with the Huachicolero leader.

SSPC sources confirmed that this morning the inmates departed aboard two planes, belonging to the National Guard (GN) to the Saltillo International Airport, Coahuila, where they arrived at around 7am yesterday.

“El Marro” is accused of drug trafficking, but mainly of being one of the largest leaders in the country of the theft of hydrocarbons while leading the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel.

and below the strange Hollywood wanna be production of  "We bagged Marro".


  1. I wonder who went "missing" during the needless transfer.

  2. Such accommodations for a criminal to relocate other criminals for his well being. Either he purchased this fine accommodation or Mexico is simply too forgiving towards prisoners.
    Can only imagine the criminal environment persistent by cartels within each detention centers.
    A bit of advice; throw all convicted & known bosses into the lions den without discrimination.
    All are bunch of cowards when guns & brothers aren't around.


    1. Avoiding problems. Common sense

    2. I always loved the premise of the movie No Escape (1994). If they did that in real life with these cartel people it would be quite entertaining.

    3. "All are bunch of cowards when guns & brothers aren't around"
      Do you really believe that ? That is what you would LIKE to be truth,there is no such thing as a fair fight.Tell that to the guy who picks a bottle up and tries to smash it into your eye.Cowards?Some are,some are the bravest of the brave,moral philosophy is generally not discussed when people are trying to kill each other..

  3. Guess marro big time after all

    1. 1:14 no hes got big time enemys

    2. Trying to avoid a full scale riot.

    3. He about to receive the Marro big time!

  4. The big question to me is what happens to the Cartel Santa Rosa Lima? Who has taken it over?

    1. "La Magia" has taken over SRDL.

  5. Proof that this was a negotiated surrender. They want Marro alive for some reason. He might have a dead man switch and release lots of info on politicians who backed him if they don’t keep him safe.

  6. Puro pedo del gobierno...Este no es gallo grande solamente un lider local huachicolero...lloro cuando arestaron a su mama...pues era ex Z como cuando los agaran lloran como Z42...

  7. The marro cheerleaders sure are quiet.


    1. Grow up,you are not in CJNG or a sicario,why are you supporting them?Cartels are the ones RUINING Mexico(no matter what mexico says)with violence in resorts,labor,investment etc.They are literally taking food out of mexicans mouths they dont care about mexico,why are you promoting CJNG ?

  8. Marro's puppeteers are the whole game.
    This move to the Altiplano turns Diego Sinhue and "La Chachalaca" Fox Quesada into a pair of whinny little bitches, the Huachicolero bosses at the Salamanca Refinery, former members of EPN'S Estado Mayor Presidemcial that worked Security for PEMEX were in on it as much as Carlos Zamarripa, the State of Guanajuato might have helped, but they did not "get" el Marro, it was AMLO'S PEOPLE, FEDERALES.

    1. Stop riding AMLO´s little seeds, the main whinny little bitch is AMLO and his whole "abrazos no balazos". The day AMLO gets the Chapitos then maybe Ill believe he tried to do something good for mexico.

  9. Hmmm I wonder what he knows or what the USA 🇺🇸 gov trying to hide.

    1. I know, right. I bet you he was a CIA asset that was sending his stolen oil up to America to destabilize Pemex, forcing them to become a publicly traded company, so that America could take over Pemex and divert Mexico's oil to the US.
      Can somebody explain to me why everything involves the US government is some way? He was a small time crook (compared to the other DTOs).

    2. 1137
      You really cant make any sense out of these people,so easily manipulated.El Marro a small time fuel robber is in league with the US?People like 840 are going to believe any shit about the US,their almost programmed to believe it like sheep.El Marro has info the US doesnt want revealed,you couldnt make this shit up?

    3. "Hmmm I wonder what he knows or what the USA 🇺🇸 gov trying to hide"
      I can tell your clever by the way you wrote Hmmmm..
      You got something there,you weally have.The US has El Marro in deep cover as an informant,whuda thunk it weally,your the only one who spotted it,that makes you weally special,know what i mean..

    4. Take a nap dude yur raving again..

    5. Here is a conspiracy crank at his finest

    6. Governor Diego Sinhue has been conspiring with other governors in the opposition, cabeza de cagadas de vacas, corral, Alfaro, to secede from México and join the US, or at least have the US invade México, and they support their campaigns with local criminals like el Marro whose Huachicolero had Salamamca Refinery on their knees and then was checkmating the federal government all over the state, with everybody blaming AMLO like crazed panzas verdes.

  10. Big bust in atl

  11. this guy ain’t that big...what was the govt’s inside track?????????????????

  12. The video begs the question how come all these agencies took so long to capture an illiterate midget who moved up from the streets.

    Corruption perhaps???

  13. meanwhile they hogtied menchos sissy son and sent him to the US. 🤣


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