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Friday, August 21, 2020

Sonora: 4 bodies discovered discarded on Caborca highway

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Passerbys discover four bodies on kilometer 177, at a point known as El Cozón, of the Carretero Federal No. 2 section, in Caborca - Sonoyta.


  1. Que triste es ver como los tiran a la calle como si no más fueran cualquier chancla.

    - Sol Prendido

    1. lo triste, inofensivo para los estándares mexicanos

    2. 2:03 these are the result of 50 years of Operation Condor, after Plotting about it as US Foreign Policy for LatinAmerica since the end of WWII...
      --I understand beasts do not know a thing about it.
      It did not even start with the US/ FECAL War on Drugs

  2. Always go with your girls instinct

  3. Does anyone know if these were Quintero's guys?

  4. Similiar m.o. as the last incursion.

  5. Kinda like when the zetas dumped a bunch of golfos on the outskirts of Matamoros, you know what I’m getting at

  6. Los Memos susposedly were the perpetrators of the last pile of bodies on that highway! maybe they swept Sonoita and cleansed their plaza!

  7. High likely Quinteros

  8. Cartel de caborca son unos panochones. No pueden con sus enemigos entonces andan panocheando en mantas como jotos. Rcq no podias en los 80 mucho menos en los 2020. Retirate a la verga y dile a tu gente que dejen de andar de panochones en sus mantitas de maricones.

    1. jajaja tienen mas de 40 años en caborca y no los pueden sacar, ni memos, salazares, costeños, cuzas, cazadores, chapos y cualquier otro anexado y eso que les pelea uno solo jajajaja

    2. @8:42 Cállate ridiculo, en los 80's el viejo mandaba y tenía a la gente contenta; la bola de sicarios y mafiosos de ahora no le pagan ni a sus trabajadores, ahi por eso andan asaltando a los viajeros y asustando a todo mundo. Que vayan y chinguen a su madre y dejen a la gente honesta vivir en paz.

  9. Caborca is a nice town, many beautiful homes, lot of agriculture. id still rather live in mexico, even with the cartel stuff. more freedom of thought in mex. than in usa. thousands of people moving out of usa now, they know whats comin. BC seems to have more gabachos than mexicanos

    1. 9:07 yo estoy en una parte de minnesota y en lo personal aky esta mejor ke en texas yo vivi en dallas y es un desbergue , segun donde vives es la vida ke yevaz.

  10. Why were they taking video of a highway?

  11. "Why were they taking video of a highway?"

    They saw the bodies...made a u-turn and started taking video.

  12. It's funny how people automatically assume that these are Salazar or Quintero's...... But those probably aren't Salazars. And they are most likely very low level.

    What's going on down there is pathetic. Disturbing at least.

    1. But yet you cheer for Ivan and company, Paredes, Salazar and that whole structure of CDS moving a lot of money. 🤔

    2. Who says that I do that? I am not cheering for anybody. I know what to be true and what isn't. That doesn't mean I'm cheering for them. I think what's going on down there is barbaric and disgusting on all levels. Don't get it twisted. It's disturbing. And it's disgusting

    3. @4:21 my sentiment exactly; haven't been able to go down to Caborca to visit family due to this shit going on. I travel with my 3-yr old and wife. Not a good outlook if trying from Altar, and now from Sonoyta. Fuck all of these people, we are all sick of their stupidity and the risk they pose. Caborca is full of hard-working people, and everyone is scared due to this situation. There is no help whatsoever.


  13. Something tells me they're gonna start killing immigrants like in tamps

  14. Don’t they know this is helping spread COVID

  15. “Ala verga, pobres locos”


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