Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 16, 2020

CJNG Assigns Two Women to Command in Guanajuato

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Excelsior
The 15 members of the Cartel have the slogan of creating a drug corridor that connects Jalisco, Guanajuato,  Querétaro, Hidalgo and Veracruz. (A Photo Gallery by Excelsior)

Those two women are: Ana Fabiola Mata Alfaro and Josefina Yosany Ramírez Vargas, alias "Chepa".

The arrest of José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, alias "El Marro", left the door open for the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) to control the state of Guanajuato, mainly its industrial corridor with the support of two local criminal organizations.

According to documents from the intelligence areas of the Federal Government and the Armed Forces, the criminal organization headed by Nemesio Oceguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho" appointed 15 chiefs of the plaza , including two women backed by its armed wing called Grupo Elite, the Elite Group, to create a drug corridor in Guanajuato.

This task began by taking over the so-called industrial corridor that covers the municipalities of León, Silao de la Victoria, Guanajuato, Irapuato, Salamanca, Cortázar, Celaya, Apaseo el Grande and Apaseo el Alto that will be used for drug trafficking, kidnapping, robbery and sale of hydrocarbons, collection of floors, extortion, and theft of cargo transportation.

According to reports from the areas of the Mexican Navy-Navy (Semar), National Defense (Sedena) and the National Intelligence Center (CNI), the CJNG forged an alliance with local organizations in the municipality of León, known as “Los Durango "and" La Unión de León ".
The local organization called "Los Durango", are headed by Antonio Javier Pérez García and the brothers Erick, Raúl and Noé Ayón Avilés; while "La Unión de León" is headed by Juan Gonzalo Serrano Paredes, alias "Gonzalo", "Mario" or "Rata" and Fernando Galván Ramírez, alias "Fernando", "Tío Fernando" or "Cuca".

"Los Durango" and the "Unión de León", receive orders from Ana Fabiola Mata Alfaro, considered the head of the Jalisco Cartel in the municipality of León, who with her cell composed of Francisco Javier Muñoz, alias "Charro", Güero " or Javi, Mario Israel Ciénega Rocha, alias " Grande "," Cuatro Culos " or " Judas ", Rafel Castro Pérez and / or Rigoberto Castro Patiño (a)" Michigan "," Cuco "," Chava "or" Uncle "and Ricardo Iván López Álvarez (a)" Morado ", control the transfer of drugs, extortion, collection of floors and robbery of cargo transport.
In the municipality of Irapuato, Josefina Yosany Ramírez Vargas, alias "Chepa", is the one who leads the baton accompanied by Marco Ramírez Chávez, alias "Chacorta" or 50 in the crimes committed by the criminal organization.

In Silao de la Victoria, the person in charge of the crimes and accountability to "El Mencho" is Hugo Silva Camarillo and / or Rómulo Guerrero López; in Guanajuato Gabriel Cerda Guillen, alias “Gaby”; in Salamanca Emilio Rosas Martínez, alias "Manitas" or "Milos" who share responsibility with Conrado Alonso Landín Moreno, "Landín" or "Chelis".
While in the Apaseos (Grande and Alto) Antonio Zúñiga García, alias "El Tony", "Antonino" or "Tonina together with Leonardo Navarro Escutia, alias" Tío "," Pollo "or " Abuelo ", are in charge of the transfer of drugs, hydrocarbons, theft of transport, kidnapping, collection of floor and extortion.
The 15 members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, according to the calls and messages intercepted by the intelligence areas of the Mexican Navy-Navy, National Defense and the National Intelligence Center, have the slogan of creating a drug corridor that connects Jalisco, Guanajuato Querétaro, Hidalgo and Veracruz.
This corridor will have the purpose of connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico to introduce drugs or chemical precursors, brought from Central or South America or Asian countries by sea.

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  1. They will be dead soon.

  2. “Collection of floors”? “Have the slogan of...”? Someone please explain.

    1. "piso" translated to floor but means extortion money like a tax called protction fee

    2. Whoopsie, thanks for catching that !

    3. Piso is mexican slang for extortion.

    4. They have the mission, the comission, the job to do...
      --That is the consigna, which is also a slogan depending on the circumstances like: viva el Marro, muera el Marro! arriba el cuatro culos, pero abajo del Marro!

  3. Predicting a very short lifespan for these two. By October we'll have seen images of their tortured and dismembered bodies on Borderland Beat.
    For them this moment of authoritative glory may have been worth the trade off.

  4. Cjng DOESN'T care ABOUT taking ALL Mexico, just the important PLAZAS

    1. Important?? The only thing the Guanajuato region has to offer is huachicol business. All the other shit was collecting piso, kidnapping and human trafficking. That's lowlife money and Sinaloa doesn't go after lowlife money. Chapo and Mayo could've made this move a decades ago but again they don't run a lowlife criminal enterprise. That's why Sinaloa is one of the safest regions of Mexico UNLESS you're in the drug business.

    2. 9:19 even if they did care they CAN'T

    3. @11:02 you are the best at commenting i truly believe they CANT aswell

    4. They can't, but they are there everywhere with their armies of maruchaneros and their focos.

    5. @10:56 the only importance Culiacán has is all the cocodrilos, tecatos, foqueros and all around vale madres that need to consume drogas. Making expendios close so they can sell their chelas at higher margins, que capos tan poderosos! Just cause your simple mind can't find the importance of something doesn't mean it has no value babotas. Estudia compilla para que no nomás te las cuenten

    6. 10:56 yea really safe so safe that in the mountains thousand of people are been displaced from their homes, others are been kidnapped to work on the drug fields! But yea sinaloa is really safe and cds doesnt mess with inocent people, i bet you think that the corona virus is fake news

    7. @11:11 that's where you're wrong. It's safe to say that Culiacans success can be traced to laundered money which in turn benefits the honest citizens. The drug money generates legitimate jobs believe it or not and as a result gives opportunities to those with professions and higher education.

  5. They really call a guy “el cuatro culos” lmao funny stuff

  6. Government will get more bribes from The Baby Killer Cartel, now that they got El marro, and has cleared the pathway to continue killing people.

  7. Where are all the delusional cry babies now? Saying CJNG would never take Guanajuato?

    1. Michoacano will not be HAPPY with this STORY and will make SOMETHING up 😆
      It's really MICHELLE Miller with that fake name.. Lol

    2. They haven’t taken Guanajuato don’t get, ahead of yourself.

  8. I wonder if “Los Durango” are really the Ayón family I am thinking of that are from the state 🤔

  9. Why is el Puma still up there? Hes been locked up

  10. Makes absolutely no sense how this "drug corridor" needed marro out of the way to function. Like if marro would know what shipping trucks carrying chemical precursors to stop. The way it's explained seems like this is all bs

    1. Probably more of the possible threat of something happening and being able to control it so there is less worry.

    2. 10:52 dont ever get involved in any illegal bussines you wouldnt last a day, i can tell by your comment you have no clue of how things work in mexico

  11. Who would've thought Mencha was a feminist! His Elite forces must be disgusted!

    1. Its a thing now! Probably menchos wife told him to give the girls a job, jaja jk they are just plaza bosses but at the end grupo elite are the real bosses, if those plaza bosses get killed tomorrow they already have their replacements, puea carne de cañon

  12. >According to documents from the intelligence areas of the Federal Government and the Armed Forces

    What? How did they get this information in the first place? Seems like some super secret information for a cartel as powerful as CJNG to be leaking out accidentally.

  13. To the follower offering help with translations. saying this translation is horrible. we welcome the help but I worry about your english which is not even standard.

    email me to discuss

    1. How do i submit translated articles?

    2. Chivis nowhere to be found, he changed his name, and hiding vin momma's basement.

    3. email works....
      please enter "ARTICLE TRANSLATION in the subject line.


  14. They will be hanging from a bridge soon


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