Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 2, 2020

El Cebollo, Marro's security chief was arrested with El Marro, U.S. Ambassador tweets his congratulations

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat EFE ElSolDelBajio

Guanajuato (Mexico), Aug 2 (EFE) .- During this Sunday's operation in which the leader of the powerful Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, José Antonio Yépez Ortiz "El Marro", was arrested, eight collaborators were also arreste., the Mexican Defense Secretariat reported.

The operation carried out between federal and state forces in the central state of Guanajuato included two buildings located in the small municipality of Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, with 80,000 inhabitants and located just 15 kilometers from Villagrán, the city where the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel emerged.

In one of them was located El Marro, who turned 40 on July 23 and was one of the most wanted drug lords by the Mexican authorities for being the head of a criminal organization dedicated to oil theft, drug transfer, extortion and kidnapping.
Along with Marro, Saulo Sergio "N", nicknamed "El Cebollo", who is allegedly his chief of security, and eight other members of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, were also arrested.

Similarly, in the same house a businesswoman, originally from the nearby municipality of Apaseo El Alto, who had been kidnapped days ago, was located.

Five long weapons, three short ones, a grenade launcher, a pick-up, an ATV, a motorcycle and a suitcase with money were also found, the amount of which has not yet been revealed.

In the other building, three other alleged members of the cartel were located.
Yépez Ortiz as transferred by helicopter to the maximum-security prison of El Altiplano, located in the State of Mexico, where he will be available to a federal judge to be tried for the crimes of organized crime and fuel theft.


The United States ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, celebrated through Twitter the capture of the leader of this powerful cartel.

"Excellent news to start this Sunday: the capture of the criminal El Marro in Guanajuato. Criminals think they are so alive and ready, but in the end we will always win the good guys. Long live the rule of law!" Said the diplomat. 

Others tweeted back reminding him of Ovidio Guzman's release by AMLO.

The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue, who has had several disagreements with López Obrador in matters of security, expressed that "this arrest is a great process to regain peace" in that region.

For her part, the Secretary of the Interior (Interior Minister), Olga Sánchez Cordero, stressed that the arrest is "an example of the result of the coordination of the institutions of the Mexican State" and congratulated the Army, the Navy, the National Guard and the Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office for the result.

The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel has maintained a bloody war with the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación  for control of the territory since 2018.

As a result of this dispute, Guanajuato became the state with the most murders in Mexico, with 2,293 crimes in the first half of this year.

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  1. 😂 his body guards were fierce.

    Pa toda la bola de llorones, Guanajuato tiene nuevo dueño.

    1. 😂😂😂 I Know WTF I got tired of hearing how 😎 Rat 🐀 El Maro was Congratulations CJNG

  2. Gente Nueva Plaza owns Guanujuato now. Mencha and Cartel Jotillos Nueva Generacion will continue to get spanked by Snitchaloa, Gente Nueva Plaza, La Nueva Familia Michoacana and Cartel Del Noreste on the north east. Mencha will die soon of liver failure and his Cartel of Jotillos nueva generacion will split like all cartels.

    1. Im sorry dude ur a fucking moron. Np has no operative 💪 in jalisco but now all the sudden theybown gto? Ur a fool

    2. Dude. Nobody even knows about nueva plaza in they're own house, NP tried sending (a) el Gato to the leon plaza and he got decapitated by CJNG. Yeah they're in control alright. Delusional ass mothafucka.

    3. Good JOKE 😆
      NP/CDS can't EVEN handle MENCHO in JALISCO much LESS Guanajuato!!

    4. Cds should be ashame of getting their asses handed to them by a cartel of jotillos, thats sad if cjng are jotillos what does that make cds?

    5. Gente nueva doesn't own shit and they been kind of hit by government forces. Mencho will going to get capture sooner or later. The pictures of the wall of his place is the same wall where Marro was crying like a bitch. Mencho video himself talking so he's done as well. By the way. His cartel been hit mostly in veracruz and a little in zacatecas. So yeah hes F U C K

    6. Gente Nueva is the stronghold of the Sinaloa Cartel that is on Chapitos side they are taking over the real important places wtf are you talking about

    7. Gente Nueva owns the important plazas for CDS wtf are you talking about it’s Chapitos side

  3. Marro down, someone rolled over. Don't think he'll get out quickly. It's all over the news. Don't mind him trafficking, stealing gas, but kidnapping sucks. I hope he stays down. He was out of his league.

    1. 2:37 Diego sinhue rolled over...
      All AMLO had to do was slap sinhue on the snout
      like the motherfacking turkey he is and the bitch let go of el Marro after all the huachicol he stole for him and his PAN party parnas...
      AMLO ACCUSED "PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT" of being in on it and sinhue just suck ass, almost ate the metal chair with his ass from all that ass sucking.
      Si hue, alfaro, cabeza de cagadas de vacas, la mula bronca...about 10 revolutionary governors 3nemies of AMLO for not forking over his ass and budget to spend on stealing it, helped by the Chayoteros in the press, radio, TV and sellout bloggers are now sincerily trying to kiss AMLO's ass

  4. Marro is an moron for deserting away from the Zetas, anyways Mencho is suffering from liver failure so Cartel Jotillos Nueva Generacion will soon split as well who knows what cartel will rise to power. Sinaloa Cartel is in a civil war themselves like the Zetas were when Lazcano died. Cartel Del Noreste Zetas however have been on the rise again all over the north east, they control Nuevo Leon and pretty much all of Tamaulipas although CDG is still present CDN is pushing to take over Cartel Del Golfo territory at the frontera chica and took over acapulco from CJNG. The future of Mexico is scary

    1. Marros a moron for turning on the Lara bellman family. Who were the real leaders of CSRDL

      Cjng es mucha pieza pa todos los que mencionaste, la verga se la van a seguir Pelando a PAPA MENCHO.

    2. Zzz never could with lazca tu cres k pueden kn el baboso del huevo smh fkn twweaker kids aint shit

    3. CDN didn't TAKE Acapulco, I THINK your referring to the Yucatan Peninsula PLAZA
      CJNG is still active there BUT mad BECAUSE GOVERNMENT let those zetas inn TOO

    4. Ya callate analista deprimido. Todos creen saber el futuro.

    5. Calmate Mr. Grouchy...that is what comments should be for, exchange of thoughts and or information. Right?

    6. Nadie sabe nada, mucho menos la verdad...
      Ah pero eso sí,
      ahí han de andar de calientes ofreciendo las carnitas.

  5. El Cebollas will take over Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel.

    1. He was arrested with el Marro. He’s gonna have wait to be released to take over.

    2. 3:01 you might as well call the CRSL leftovers CJNG they got took.

    3. He was also caught with el marro

    4. Wasn’t he arrested with el marro?
      He might sold him to the gobernado but he will not take over.

    5. Forget about them getting caught together,
      Problem was the garden hose took a while to get the water flowing to the dogs

  6. Ja thats why he was crying on that video! Cause el cebollo was filming him and probably was really close to his eyes

  7. Call me mystic Cock just like I predicted Marro was going to lose the war no later than August earliest September.

    Every Snitchaloa, Chocomile and marro seems to be on suicide watch. Just seen what the Snitchaloas are pulling off in Zacatecas picking up and killing innocent people to show work. The comments are loaded with people telling them they are picking up innocent people.

    Now its time to do a little house cleaning and Guanajuto should become peaceful again. CJNG secured San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes. Its either head down into Michocan or go into Zacatecas and start taking care of the Snitchaloas. Michocan is a wise move but it is going to take some time and lots of man power.

    1. Due to how things are right now,I want to work for the 4 letters in hope to make enough money to come back to the states and finish my college degree.I know there’s a high high chance I might not make it out there but at this point I rather die of a gunshot then die of hunger.

    2. These idiots should all make a non aggression pact, but it must be too far gone to do so.

    3. Michoacan is the way to go. after one of the main guys fall and 1-2 gets kill the rest will line And work with CJNG and after its zacatuercas

    4. Agree Snitchaloa Got to be CRUCIFIED FROM THE STREETLIGHT

    5. San luis is currently in dispute! Maybe they will post on the mantas and several killings in slp capital

    6. No later then August? The earliest September?

    7. 3:41 I'll call u a bitch... government did what mencho nor his so fierce grupo elite COULDN'T do n that was get to marro....tell us what state or plaza that cjng has presence is peaceful NONE not Jalisco not tj specially not Michoacan so shut up with ur nutt-hugging ass..BTW cjng doesn't control aguas nor SLP, bring facts before u open ur mouth...🤦🖕

    8. 8:36 Why are you so mad? You a Snitchaloa? I never said they controlled it they secured both states just enough so that the Snitchaloas and los mugrosos couldn't go into Guanajuto and bother them while they work.

      I'll call you my bitch. Marro was caught in Apaseo El Grande his bitch ass didn't even have the nuts to stay in Celaya. He never once came out to fight none of his guys did they would hit places pick up people but not once did CJNG and los mugrosos del Marro get into a battle. CJNG had to find them.

      Grupo Elite what grupo elite the guys on the videos or the guys from Guanajuto? You seen with your own eyes what El Grupo elite did they caught plaza bosses and regional bosses, sicario bosses.

      Half of Augas Calientes is CJNG you never got the memo.

    9. CJNG was aided by the Gov 'cus AMLO doesn't like Huachicol. All groups have gov's favor in different areas like Viagras in Micho. But CJNG fans act like if they don't, that's where they look foolish. If it wasn't for PRI CJNG wouldn't be shit.

    10. 4:54 if you was to go right now at this time you will make it back in time for college and a paid college that is. Take advantage because the viagras and chocomiles aren’t shit. Easy win for Cartel de Jalisco

    11. @10:14 They aren't shit, really? They got their asses handed by them some days ago. And I say again, all cartels use government in different areas.

  8. segun fuentes oficiales ,MENCHO esta esperando refuerzoz de COLIMA Y NAYARIT para chingar al ABUELO. Segun mencho ya lo tienen UBICADO.

  9. Really el fucking barney was more clorful

  10. They used El Mayo to capture him promising an alliance that didnt exist. Mayo staying on top like always, giving everyone up!

    1. Thats a pretty good theory, if i am not mistaken there were rumors that marro was looking for aid from other organizations to go against CJNG

    2. I wouldnt dought it! Mayo is the top snitch in all of mexico

  11. Send in kill teams. If they catch you with any type of shit on you talk to the GLOCK... if you have one penny of dirty money you loose everything... SDSO

  12. Marro really lost when El Puma left him for Nueva Plaza(aka CDS)

    1. El pumas in jail.

    2. El PUMA wasn't to SINALOA to look FOR CDS help AGAINST MENCHO.. CHAPITOS shook on THEIR boots and had flashbacks of the kick in THE ribs and men pointing AK 47 on THEIR dome
      MAYO PROBABLY felt sorry for PUMA and gave HIM a FEW thousand dollars and told HIM "good luck but MENCHO is in onother level, I'm OUT"
      PUMA went back to Guanajuato and got caught.. TRUE story

  13. Idk why foos be talking about cleaning house. The saddest part of all this is the ignorance from people. Dont you realize that a country as beautiful as Mexico has been run down due to violence and corruption. Its sad living here and watching this country go from bad to worse. We have such a beautiful culture and history for it to be forgotten to world due to all this bullshit going on in this country. There is no Good side to any of these assholes. This country needs to be fixed and baaaaad. Its sad to see our youth listening to narco corridos idolizing criminals.

    1. Yes you do? SUPERIOR 🇲🇽 CULTURE and People make MEXICANO Beautiful

    2. America's greed and vision of a drug war is what helped intensified the violence in Mexico (I feel).

      I lived in a border town all my life and its taught me A-Lot! I miss the good old days when it was not a problem to cross over into Mexico and spend your day with the people in that town.

  14. El Marro is happy. They saved his life by snatching him up. No doubt about it.

  15. Bunch of nuthuggers couldn’t touch a fuel theif

    1. No. But they touched his sister, his brother in law, and all of his inner circle. But you are right, they couldn't touch him.

  16. Just got back from Tijuana/Tecate. Rumor from a few old soldiers is that AMLO gave green light to Local, State, Federal police and Marines to go after all Narco. AMLO has been embarrassed by Cartel and is done with everyone. Lots of people are going to fall.

    1. They just want to go for CJNG in Tecate pero se la van a pelar ese puto de ALMO

    2. All show, AMLO just acting for publicity. He's probably sending CJNG assistance to get rid of the CDS terrorist!

  17. Funny how marro has the same clothes on when he made the video crying 😢 and now captured 🤔

    1. but I though he was make a few Million a week......

    2. 7:08 AMLO shut off the fuel from the pipelines,
      and ended the Huachicoleros business, forcing them AND THEIR BOSSES, accomplices and enablers to look for other lines of business.
      El Marro made millions, but for his bosses, mostly...

  18. Anybody remember when CJNG Grupo elite killed el calamandro in celaya? Marros lieutenant. That same day mr.yepez ran avoiding getting killed himself.

    I'm sure 1 of you remembers?

    1. Y luego pues... aquí estábamos todos viendo eso

    2. Nomas queria recordar la ves que el CJNG le mato a su lugarteniente del todo poderoso, Marro.


  19. Tienen que caer otros carteles parte del areglo con U.S.

    1. 9:10 the US always has "gente más nueva" ready to take over for the US government in power, they only use the mexican government to bring down mexican cartels owned by past US governments...all done in the name of decency and a Law and Order many in the US government do not respect because making profit is their #1 job.

  20. With all the crying it is a bit ironic his dude’s name is El Cebollo lol

  21. Siento que su más grande error fue en verse grabado dando sus quejas por la captura de su mamá. Y detallando los disque vendidos entre el gobierno. Cosa que nunca se comprobará o tuviera tanta importancia al final, eso de los traidores. Por qué el enfoque en capturar lo se lo mantuvieran en su contra hasta verlo agarrado. Los federales simplemente no iban a retirarse de el lugar sin su trofeo.

    - Sol Prendido

  22. Fuel theft almost sent PEMEX to become a property of US corporations th as t would have taken it "on account" and the balance to be paid BY MEXICO within the next 100 years, debt backed by Mexican Gold un US and England banks they refuse to return

  23. Yeah congratulations while this guy is a piece of shit no doubt what happened is they gave that state to cjng. The child killers.

  24. The government wants El marro badly, but leaves the baby killer cartel alone, so they can continue to receive bribes. Funny how government officials work.

  25. Another theory floating around is that It was arranged, but, between CJNG and Government. Only because of the pressure CJNG is putting on the government and harfuch and ofcourse to cool Guanajuato down. The CDS/NP involvement is to far fetched. Marro never had alliances with any sinaloa group, in his video he attested that himself. By saying he would look for people from Sinaloa or the border if he needed too.

    No creo que si el apollo lo tuviera, andubiera llorando y buscandolo en video. Las cosas como son.

  26. A este cebollita ahorita le están haciendo el encebollado y con vinagre


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