Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 22, 2020

If AMLO needs proof that CJNG should be his 100 percent focus, allow this footage to lead the way

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Another live victim has his chest sliced opened, exposing his beating heart, which his executioner slices a piece and appears to consume the segment, causing the group of CJNG madmen to scream like hyenas in delight.

One can only hope that the victim has a communicable and terminal disease. 

This grisly, horrendous act can only be stopped by stopping CJNG, for its leader has never imposed boundaries in acts of executions.

These subhuman soulless demons must be eradicated.



  1. 😳đŸ˜Č😞😞😞😞😞 it really is becoming the end of the world 😞😞😞

    1. This shit has been going on since the dawn of man, kiddo. What is repulsive and shocking is that it still goes on today, and those behind it are powerful and organized criminal organizations that continue to do while spreading fear and terrorizing entire populations just south of the US border.

    2. The world started like this

    3. Fortunately it appears the victim went into traumatic shock a few seconds after the initial cut. The tweet by CodigoNegroMX that follows the video is very interesting; says that the CJNG cell released the footage in this edited state because they realized that the original video was too disgusting to release.

    4. bullshit, unedited video is going around and it obviously came from these guys

    5. 6.07 what are you talking about the original video even with audio is out there, this got edit by the uploader not cjng

    6. My bad, I read the CodigoNegro tweet too quickly and Spanish is not my first language. You guys are correct, CJNG put out an unedited version.

  2. Replies
    1. Sounds like “Tepeque” is mentioned by the CJNG sicarios, so this may be a Tepecaltepec resident or Cartel del Abuelo member that is being tortured. Also points to the video taking place in MichoacĂĄn. Another thing, the chain and padlock around the victim’s neck is a feature that has appeared in a number of these CJNG and Viagras torture videos coming out of MichoacĂĄn.

    2. 9:49 AM That is what is being said that it was a Chocomile from Tepeque. I still don't agree with this but then again it is war and the Tepekes love to talk that trash. They have been told by CJNG that when they get them they are going to eat them alive. I didn't think they were saying it literally even if it was a little piece.

  3. These guys are would cry if they didn’t have their guns, mencho will never be seen as a tough guy since we all know he cried when he got caught in California

    1. Man, I've heard people who knew him before cjng started, they said he was a murderer, you don't get to the top and challenge mexico and mayo zambada without being a crazy fearless mf, psychopaths don't feel fear like normal people do.

    2. Yeah but you take away their weapons and their back up, one on one... They're mostly bitches and I guarantee you, in less than five minutes, I can break all of Menchos limbs... And dislocalte his shoulders...

    3. 11:22 what are you 12 years old????

    4. Geez you guys are BADASS

    5. He cried and beg for his life on his knees to the familia MichoacĂĄn el chango Mendez gave him a passed. For not for chango the Cjng would never existed

    6. Jaliscos done had it with everyone calling them jotos

  4. cjng groupies you will burn in hell for supporting these guys. Mencho is as rich as he needs to be yet continues to terrorize the Mexican public.

    1. For cjng groupies (and every other cartel) only see everything as if it was a movie.Behind a computer on a phone. Live it and they will think differently. Or they will join and do the same shit and end up the same way. Period....

    2. Some say he's worse than the Zetas

    3. Some say he's still not as bad a CDS!

  5. This video as ugly as it is, as well as many others, should serve to remind us why everyone needs to stay the fuck away from illegal narcotics. But, if for some odd reason it doesn’t convince us. Then I don’t know what will.

    - Sol Prendido

    1. No, it’s a reminder why we need government workers that are not corrupt from head to toe like all of Mexico.

    2. Sol speak for yourself. I've been reading your comments for years and u have actually talked about doing drugs lol...G.C.

    3. It's greed that does this not drugs. I've been doing illegal drugs for over 20 years, never have I wanted to hurt a guy just for pleasure

    4. We have plenty of illegal narcotics here in England, but nobody is getting hacked up alive on video.
      Every time I read the comments on BB, it is always somebody else's fault that Mexicans are mutilating each other, you blame the Yankees, you blame the Spanish, you blame the drug cartels.
      No one else on the planet is doing this, have a look at yourselves.

    5. 2:59
      Because England is a destination point for drugs. However, people are getting hacked alive there for other reasons.

    6. @2:59 Yep, you nailed it. They love blaming everyone else.

    7. This is more common than just in Mexico. Middle East, some parts of Asia, the shit that goes on in that hell hole called Chechnya is bad too.


    9. England in the middle ages did way worst than this to mostly innocents.

    10. How about stop manufacturing and selling illegal narcotics? Would that help Sol?

    11. Thank u! Exactly đŸ‘đŸ»

    12. People in England are always getting hacked over drugs.

    13. Nothing works like PAX ROMANA
      more known as the peace of the graveyards, or in spanish
      "La Paz de los Panteones"
      But slow death over longer time is the price of "low intensity conflicts" cowardly impossed on LatinAmerica "by some US operators" and their local Gorillates...

  6. Wow. Fucking idiots

  7. Donde estan las cheerleaders
    Hechenle porras al chencho señor de las cocks

    1. Desde los tiempos de los aztecas se hacia esto! Si estas en guerra la mente mas fuerte es la que gana! Tu crees que en estados unidos no pasa esto? Como crees que los gueros acavaron con los indios? En mexico ahi guerra y si en algo sirve este video es en enseñar que los guerreros de jalisco no andan con manadas!!! Si sienten que es inhumano aguevo es inhumano pero el pedo es que asi son las guerras!! Y si tienen miedo a esto mejor ni se enrreden que eso mismo les puede pasar!! Este es un claro ejemplo de la realidad, y un ejemplo de que el cartel mas culero es el que va a ganar, asi como usa a ganado muchas guerras!! Ahora lo ultimo que voy a desir es no se enrreden en ese pedo y mucho menos en contra de el Señor de los Cocks!!!! Puro señor de los cocks!!! El cartel mas fuerte!!! Le duela a kien le duela!!! 🐔🐔🐔🐔

    2. No digas mamadas porque cuando esto pasĂł en guerrero cuando asi mataron a un Jalisca el vocero del Cjng chimuelo alias el Sargi andaba chillando que era terrorismo y que el gobierno fuero contra los de la sangre nueva por hacer lo mismo Pinche vato hipĂłcrita

  8. How to stop them when EVERY police officer in Mex is working with one cartel or the other.

    De-escalation is simply not possible as long as Mex is governed by corruption and poverty and there is money to be made in the illegal drug trade.

    We hoped the Zetas was the bottom, but no it did get worse and it will continue to get worse.

    Only by taking profits out of drugs things could for the better.

    1. 1:29 staged attacks specialist Omar Hamid Garcia Harfush seems to be desperate enough to contract and stage Operations like this to save his own ass, CJNG must have something on him, since he blamed them since his staged attack the minute he got "rescued" by his congenerates from his "level 5+ armored vehicle"...
      "The big evil bad CJNG waited until that vehicle was delivered to attack poor little TRUCUTÚ" of you believe him.

    2. the way to stop is to go all out on the currupt officials, including presidents, but we know that won't happen. La marina can beat any cartel its just that their bosses take money and hold them back, just look at what marino look did, unleash the marines and this is over in a year.

    3. 7:39 true look at what the real autodefensas did in michoacan and they were not soldiers, now if we change the autodefensas (the real ones not abuelos autodefensas) for soldiers the narcos would get demolished in 1/2 a year no dought! But the politicos need their money

  9. I wouldn't play that if a kid was in a mile of my computer
    Seen a lot of bad things happen in my 70,years but this is in the top five

    1. I thought that the Dagestan massacre was bad...

    2. 7:40 Dagestan was pretty normal for those parts.

  10. That's some fucked up shit

  11. Viagras and LFM do this stuff too but on a local scale, cjng does this Nationwide.


    1. So doing it on a local scale makes it less horrendous?

    2. 5:42 That's what you got from this?

    3. 340 that's what hes implying. Dumbass.

    4. Yes that's all I got from it.

    5. Apparently when its local it's less horrific. Pendej*s

    6. Perhaps because CJNG is a nation wide organization? While viagras can berly move anywhere without the support of local authorities.

  12. The goverment lets all this go on cause the criminala pay a lot of hush money i bet if this happend to a politisians family member itvwill stop quick

  13. COVID-20: Patient Zero

  14. These people are sub human! Everyone one of these low life cowards should be exterminated like the cockroaches they are

    1. Cockroaches are hard to kill unfortunately

  15. Hurry call amlo. This man needs a hug pronto

  16. That’s the devil... fu*k the devil and all his minions .. Jesus please save these souls.

    1. Yes something dark and ghoulish permeates around these men. no doubt.

  17. El azul from Santa Rosa de lima

    1. Can you, or someone with the ability, please translate what the YouTube video is about? Your link is good, but I can’t read the Spanish headline and there’s zero chance I’m hitting play on the video. I’d appreciate some handholding on this one

  18. I wouldn’t doubt that these guys actually eat babies they are fucking sick

  19. This is horrendous and satanic at best 😱

  20. And people like to go to Mexico for vacation?

    1. Unless you’re an aspiring trafficker , Mexico is completely safe to visit, now go back to Honduras 🇭🇳

    2. Im sure I’ve also seen stuff like this in the usa

    3. All inclusive

    4. Yeah Jeffrey Dahmer, only psychopaths do this shit.

    5. 4:24 mexico safe? like the girl last week that was trying to visit her bf? stop watching movies the times of "just" drug dealers killing drug dealers is long time over, innocents and habitants get killed, robbed, extorted, kidknapped every day in mexico, if you are a BB reader you should know that better than anyone

    6. My relatives go to Mexico several times a year, relatively safe.

    7. @7:36 I’m positive you’ve never been to Mexico, yes there are certain precautions one must take, but 98.5 % of the time there is nothing to worry about ... Mexico is beautiful and full of great hard working, honest people... look at all the murders in Chicago, New York... sake is happening... same happens everywhere ..

    8. 11:46 if you compare mexico to other first world countries like germany, france theres no way you can call mexico "safe", unless you setting your standards for safety really low

  21. Worst scum their is their barbaric and cannibalism straight terrorist scumbags

  22. Note: I only saw the first 3 sec in twitter. the video auto plays on tweets. I then read the info about the footage from the tweets and the guy who posted and added to this post.


    1. You know who train this kind of demons, they are trained in school of las americas in USA. You people of USA are hipĂłcrita.

  23. By the way,this is sickening. I did not watch the video and will not. These guys are demons...


    1. You doing a good job on YouTube keep it up

    2. k....could you please email me?

  24. Calls him gay then proceeds to suck on his blood.....ohhhhhK

  25. It's barbaric. And there's nothing about what they are doing that has any respect 4 their fellow man..

  26. Yeah, nah. Not going to watch the video, the description is enough. These little minions of Mencho need to die, now. How could they be any more barbaric than this?

  27. AhĂ­ estĂĄ su “señor de los cocks”. Lacras

  28. Who would have thought that the “mata-zetas” would outdo their predecessors in both brutality, and expansion..

  29. That's what these lames do. Real power is thru bribery and corruption ala US government and what CDS has. Cjng power is thru terrorizing innocent people into fearing them. Nobody in Sinaloa is scared of CDS, they know they're safe as long as they don't dabble in the drug business. Menso loses a load of meth and he takes it out on innocent women and children claiming he's cleaning up the place.

    1. Government co-operators = CDS
      Military families getting kidnapped = CDS
      All cartels do horrific shit cheerleader

    2. Although iam not a supporter of cds in Zacatecas they would work respectfully and didnt need to make these kind of videos of their victims like cjng does, just interrogation & then would be wrapped up in a body bag. No cutting up or none of that scum bag things other cartels do, in the areas they control it id calm now

    3. 7:06 does that mean they havent dobe it?

    4. @7:06, you didn't see the video of Los Chapitos' people cutting the legs off of a sicario of El Ruso (Chief of Sicarios of El Mayo in Sinaloa) with a chainsaw?

    5. 1:56 it is hard to cut a heart off through the cobijas and body bags, CDS just beats them to death with baseball beats, and then shoota them on the ass

  30. Sounds like this guy was one of abuelos people,can't wait to see how they respond to this killing

    1. How you know that

    2. 12:54 at the beginning of the video they say "putos tepekes"

  31. This was also done way before CJNG? Cartel
    de GDL in Caros day. You all must only be new to drug Cartel killings only since social media was introduced! By all means AMLO should maybe split his focus on 40 and 40% both CDS, and CJNG. Then the other 20% on other DTO's

    1. Dont go back that far, viagras did this aswell.

    2. Are you telling chivis she is new to drug cartel killings you dumbass. She has been on the frontlines from a journalistic perspective for more than a decade and if she is telling you cjng is the worst she has ever seen that should tell you something about how evil they are

    3. @ 12:31 ... frontlines ? What frontlines exactly?? I’m not trying to take anything away from chivis .. but this isnt journalism .. its simply copy, paste and translate from other Spanish articles ... which I appreciate because I don’t read Spanish tho I do speak it ... however to go as far as claim that chivis is a journalist on the frontlines truly shows your level of ignorance

    4. Don't hate, she writes original material also. How about her op ed that made into the el chapo trial as evidence.

  32. It’s fake bro’s

    1. IDK, video isn't too clear but it sure looks real

    2. Tell that to the guy being cut up. It's definitely real.

  33. Just horrid torture. Even roiled my cast-iron stomach. But it might be a case of jackals killing another jackal.

  34. No sane person does these things sober. These guys are on drugs to distort reality and make one feel no pain or remorse.

  35. I'm skipping this one. Mental health is a thing guy's!

    1. I'm more afraid of a girl breaking up with me than watching the video, sorry but call me weak I guess.

    2. Preach !!!!! I thinking reading is enough. I have enough imagination. Gotta protect the images I allow in my head

  36. Montezuma was not a SAVAGE as you IDIOTS claim.. He was a STRONG and BRAVE man. The savages were the PEOPLE that claimed the AZTECS were savages so they COULD have a reason to take their GOLD..
    Every English documentary is full of lies.. Check out NOPAL TIMES.. That's the real STORY in SPANIARDS in account (not FULLY accurate but yet good.)

  37. These be the same pussies in American federal penitentiaries.Bunch of jotos that are scared to fight.Us American raised Mexicans would clown these fools.We would call them pussies without also.They wouldn't say shirttt

    1. Bet some of those dudes were in juvey, county and prison and finally were deported for being criminals in the USA. Pero tĂș eres el SĂșperChingĂłnCholoMasizo que te madriabas a todos huh? Tu compita hechale mĂĄs ganas a educarte y dĂ©jate de andar de muy felon..

    2. Straight up this ain’t their rancho no more,they ain’t gonna have the judiciales y sus armas when they are locked up only thing they got is their fist and balls and we know these paisas ain’t about it.Southern Califas.

    3. I've known several people who did fed time and they related that whenever a "heavy" cartel member was in everybody, even the Chicano sureño gangsters, would be afraid.

    4. 11:21 Not true they need the surenos to protect them they don't run shit over here 💯

    5. I'm not saying they run shit, they don't, but in the feds its a bit different than state prison. I was told nobody would mess with a known cartel members because of their connections. I don't doubt low level sicarios get punked tho.

    6. You mofos must be kidding!!! Ive been in both sides not involved but seen it!!! Most of the hardest gangesters in the latin ganges are born and raise in mexico! They became hard cause in mx they were treated like little bitches!!! Shit the hardest gabgesters in the usa aint shit compare to the middle man in a cartel in mx!! Its diferent worlds! You guys no nothing about! Think about how hard the streets are here inthe usa! Now multiply that 5 times ar least in mexico! Thats the difference, all you hard wanba be's here wouldnt survive a month in mx if you didnt become harder! 2 different worlds

  38. Guess what guys,you’re favorite Cartel does that too!

    1. No it does not because their bosses don't allow it, unlike la mencha el señor de los cocks.

    2. Exactly! All equally sick and should be wiped out!

    3. Chema 👍 you took the words out of my mouth

  39. " I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans. With me they were always treacherous and malicious. "

    — Geronimo

    It's sad how Mexicans do barbaric things to each other like this. We should be united and respect one another. Unfortunately that's not the case. Sad man.

    1. Way to generalize all mexicans as malicious with that native American quote self hater. Your a brainwashed sheep you only see the bad side of mexicans like that indian did thats why he spoke that way.

    2. Lololololollllll @9:08 my thoughts exactly đŸ˜č

  40. aztecs did it for their religion however fucked up it was, these guys do it for fun.

  41. meth is a hell of a drug, ww2 warcrimes were committed with that drug. They need some bullets in them.

  42. The hatred they have for their friends neighbors and fellow countrymen. LOL

  43. According to someone on IG thats in Guerrero and is with the Ng its a Viagra frm tepalcatepec thats getting killed. Some sick shit

  44. Iam assuming this happened in Michoacan area, this is the escuela they train them with to do these types of atrocities, and they claim they will come in to plazas protect the civilians yea right, 2 faced jaliscos & Michoacanos crack heads are only making it worse where they go

  45. Put the salt into municiones. Balazos that look real but explode instead of being real. Then tell these fuckers this is only the start. Los militares can burn cartel bullets. Put the fear in these assholes. Ask the gringos for help in this. Real Granadas that blow up before they throw.

  46. Nothing new here. ISIS executed their captives using way worse tactics. The American special forces smoked his ass out of his rat hole. Guess where their leader is now. Sleeping with the fishes. You want mencho gone? Its only a matter of time. The Americans are looking for him eventually they will catch him. Saddam, Bin Laden, Gaddafi and even el jefe himself couldnt hide forever. Chapo will only be coming back to mexico in a coffin no matter how much his family begs the president. Mencho is next. With $10 million on his head sooner or later someone is gonna find him.

  47. This has to be someone who is not CJNG doing this to bring in heat to CJNG because these people are calling them self’s Jalisco and the ones that call them “Jaliscos” are the viagras.

  48. The worst video was the story BB had about CJNG cutting the young girls arms off while she was alive,she begged them not to cut her other arm off.There was also a fat female sicario helping them.
    How you can do this to a girl over bullshit is beyond me?CJNG really do need to be obliterated

    1. Now in a texas prison a fat ugly p.o.s. who cut an 8yr old girl's arm and leg off in front of her parents. What gang did he belong to?

    2. 1:48 he is a Z by the alias of chano

    3. I dont give a fuck what cartel they belong to ballbag,they are the same shit,killing women and children

    4. 11:21 that wasnt cjng, in the video they said puto cjng not "puro cjng" all other outlets said it was cds who did it, but in my opinion i think it was cdn, they were all young and looked like they were nor getting payed enough

  49. Caiganle a Durango pa que se topen con el diablo pinches Jaliscas marranas aquĂ­ si se los va a cargar la verga, si ya en Zacatecas les estamos dando es su madre. Mandes su grupo elite pa retacharlos con cabeza de marranos igual que a los zetas. Pura gente de la O al 100 con el Zarco y el Avestruz.

    1. En fresnillo andan una celula de jaliscos matando a tienderos bien culotes y como cucarachas se van corriendo a esconderse Al monte, vayan por ellos son pocos puro mata morrillos amarrado

    2. Hasta Crees compa que estos roñosos jalisco h michoacan se atreverian a meterse a Durango o Sinaloa y no se diga Chihuahua ... si bien dice el dicho el diablo sabe a quien se le aparece.. estas marranas hacen su desmadre en lugares donde la gente es dejada y humilde aqui en el triangulo nos la pelan

    3. Por poco los zetas se quedaron con durango ase 10 años si se meten los jaliscos ahora si van a valer verga

    4. Si secren tan chingones ballan para JALISCO! 😆
      Pinches durangas TONTAS siempre presumiendo Que SINALOA Los controla 😆

    5. 3:33 por poco y se quedaron sin sicarios los zetas por mandar a tanto que termino en fosas clandestinas en durango no sabes nada esa plaza esta bien cuidada por los cabrera aliados alos cds que se llaman los mz, los mismos que asen correr golfo jaliscos en el norte de Zacatecas.

    6. 3:33 esas Jaliscas no pueden con los cholos del Noreste meneos aquĂ­ en Durango, y los zetas zetas entraron a Durango porque la roptura que hubo con los Beltran esos les dieron entrada. Hoy en dĂ­a Durango estĂĄ blindado, y los chapulines debolada maman aquĂ­. AhĂ­ estĂĄ el DĂĄmaso LĂłpez Rocha busca como quedo. CĂłmo te digo las Jalisco no controlan ni su casa y quieren andar cagando el palo peliando peliando en otros lados.

    7. Here is the faith of any Jaliscas in Durango.

    8. Ahi si caiganle a durango! Si tantos guevos por que no le caen ustedes a jalisco? Que ahi en durango? Puros montes cagados, en cambio en jalisco esta la segunda ciudad mas grande y practicamente la mas importante de mexico

  50. Chicos/Buggs/admins. You guys need to get to Joe Rogans podcast to talk about this. He talks about problems in Mexico every month. He is also on the legalization side and he has millions of listeners and he will talk to you guys for 3+ hours on this stuff.... Pls guys...

    1. That would be cool but It’s too dangerous for them. They would need to wear ski masks and change there voice. I don’t know if joe would
      ok with it.

    2. Doubt this would get posted but Joe Rogan is a hypocrite.
      I have friends that have sold him coke and other hard drugs and now Joe wants to talk about the drug war as if he’s not part of the problem?

    3. 4:49. He is against the drug war and talks openly that it's caused by the U.S drug demand.

    4. Joe Rogan is one corrupt failed comic now POSing as a commenter.
      If this gets posted I'll tell you why, he and his employer just exploit the fighters.

    5. This goes way beyond selling drugs anywhere.This is a breakdown in Mexico,but you all keep making excuses if it salves your conscious

    6. 4:49 - “you have friends who sold him coke and other hard drugs”. Yeah right... Joe Rogan is super open about what drugs he’s done and he’s never done coke. He didn’t even smoke weed for the first time till he was like 30.

  51. So it would seem Mexico is indeed Satan's nest. And spare me the bullshit that this is some other country's fault. This is nothing more than a deranged and demonic culture gone amuck through continued lawlessness. AMLO, Cjng, CDS, marinas, wtf ever, all criminals, all offspring of a demonic bloodline...desde hace milenios.

    1. The American drug user is funding these atrocities. Hard to urge with facts.

    2. We have come to a point where you cannot tell simple truths like this.Mexico is suffering some kind of societal breakdown but people turn it into an us versus them scenario?Political apathy and corruption at its worst,most countries have it but Mexico is a different level altogether

  52. I’m Mexican American. If the U.S went in to Mexico to help go after cjng I would enlist.
    Cheers from San Diego.

    1. Same dance here dude but Mexico does not want help of that sort,money all day,wipe out cartels nah.Mexico could do it herself,theres reasons it doesn't.It could be so much more its sad

  53. The earlier video of CJNG garbage cockroaches decapitated a cop and sliced open the chest and cutting the heart of the son was wrongly blamed on the Viagras. The CJNG meth head losers are commuting atrocities all over Mexico. Finish CJNG.

    1. How do you know it was CJNG?

    2. He doesn't, just talking out his ass @6:40

    3. 1:51 viagras are worse than cjng, so them doing that is not only believable its true! Dont twist things up

  54. Thanks Chivis. I won't watch that, these scum need to be all rounded up in 1 area put on like a military range and huge bomb dropped.

  55. Tried to eat with the balaclava on.......sigh.

  56. Followers, I chose to go with the filtered video. This was a decision I made, it is bad enough and delivers the gruesome story. It was this or nothing.

  57. I watched a Zeta video 8 years ago or so cutting 3 Gulf cartel members up in front of a corn field and haven’t wanted to watch one since and never will again. It literally made me nervous/helpless for a few months and I can still hear the horrible screams coming from those 3...all because I hit play. So sad this shit happens with near impunity and in a place I could literally drive to if I took 2 weeks off work.

    1. Lol. That's a normal reaction. It's called taking the "Blackpill". I had a similar experience watching the video where the kid gets his heart and guts carved out of him alive, after watching his dad get beheaded. Sick shit, but it's reality and a wake up call. It made me lose faith in god and humanity little, but you gotta hold your head up high and do you. It's always been a ruthless messed up world.

    2. God gave us all free will and He doesn't mess with it, these cartel members all have free will and they choose to exercise it by killing other ppl. Never lose ur faith because of whats happening in the World.

  58. A little context. As the conflict rages for years in Michoacan it pits neighbours against neighbours and town against town and the killing and brutality escalates as each side loses family and friends and fellow cartel members to the enemies brutality the hatred and barbarous acts escalate! For all you who are appalled and shocked by the video would you not want vengeance--as there is no justice in Mexico-- if it were your beloved family member or perhaps the 5th or 10th family member tortured and murdered without mercy! So it goes or the beat goes on in Mexico!

    1. Most commentators on the board are crying for vengeance worse than the brutal act they just witnessed against the perps--and yet they do not even the name of the butchered or his history! Imagine if he were your friend or brother or father how you would react! Just shows how the brutality can escalate!

  59. Why wasn't the viagras attack on the guarda nacional base in los reyes reported on here?

  60. Gallinas unidas and viagras got their ass beat on the border limits of Michoacan and jalisco in el guayabo.


  61. This is what war looks like. It’s not pretty and in war there are no rules. These cartels are at war with each other over who knows what.
    Did this guy deserve to die idk if any of us will know. All I know is no human ever deserves to die like that just give him the bullet. At least he’s no longer suffering now.
    sad thing about this is it’s not the first time it’s happened and won’t be the last. Stay safe everyone by any means.

  62. It's no different than gutting an animal like a cow or a deer except that it's alive.. when you live in el rancho you're used to killing animals in order to eat

  63. If the guy was part of Abuelo's crew or FM/Lfm/Viagras then I can't say it was all that bad, all those Michoacanos traicioneros deserve to get carved up like this

  64. QVO CHIVIS..... First of all great work.... second, you should upload OG Videos, none of that filtered stuff..... it’s up to each individual to choose wether he/she wants to see the grafic content.... VIEWERS: Please don’t say you were forced to watch the video because you couldn’t stop the video..... this whole site is about stories like this one...... if you guys can’t take it, then log in to Tik tok...... These stories here are ALARMA STYLE ARTICLES..... keep up the good work, and tell it and show it like it is...... Caile to LBC CA....

  65. Sad shit like this has to happen in beautiful Mexico.

  66. So when should the US step in and call the cartels terrorists groups?

  67. Tepekes got attacked on the limits of jalisco going into tepeke and audios are starting to emerge. You hear them cry like always and in some parts you hear guys over the radios saying it's a CJNG convoy of monstros......


  68. Chivis you always tell us you don't watch these type of videos. Do you at least listen to the audio? I get skittish watching them so I see them in little pieces before I work up the courage to watch it all first without audio and then full blast. I just realized for some reason I never thought about just listing to the audio.

    The guy on the floor is a Chocomile from Tepeke and those are CJNG.

    Their is evidence that yesterday near Coalcoman and Ciudad Victoria bordering Jalisco the Chocomiles from La Costa and Teplatepec were trying to catch the Jaliscos off guard things didn't go as planned and they ended up getting surrounded and slaughtered. Some say 16 dead their are some images of the pickup trucks and the loot the Jaliscos took. Then a certain person that is an Informant received an Audio from the Guardia National where Benjamin Herrera or his brother is begging the commander based in La Ruana that the monsters have them surrounded and to send them a Helicopter so they can help them. They never showed this might be the reason. Here is the article on that.

    I am posting the audio I am talking about it's on on Blog del Narco's twitter feed but they did post the source the link above is it. I am hoping you make an article about this. Audio is crisp. Here is the article on that.

    1. I was sent the video of the Cadareyta Jimenez massacre by zetas. remember the one lazca denied that zetas were responsible?

      I listened to it and had a guy that worked for me view it.
      The next video which actually had footage of the exceution I listened but stopped as the sounds of screams and other sounds were awful. So I just don't bother.

      I will make an article if someone sends me the diaglog. everyone that has contacted me about the video says it was a chocomile.

      I just posted this...

    2. Chivis, regarding the Zeta video, no offence at all when I ask this but why wasn’t the video posted on this site? Surely the Siri video that was posted on here was by far worse. I never watch them but read the comments and descriptions because reading is as real as it gets for me.

    3. The video was posted. Lazca has been dead for 8 years so it was posted around then

  69. Didn't I tell u guys , after that gun incident with militaries that this was gonna happen

  70. This is what hate does, this is evil in it's purist form. The (good) ppl of Mexico are in danger and have been in danger for years, it looks like evil has conquered good.

  71. this guy got Sinaloa living in his head lmao. This is about cjng carving up a kid not Sinaloa dum dum

  72. All.Day.I.Do.Atrocious.Shit.. in my A.D.I.D.A.S.

  73. Just stay away from drug dealers and associates. The tricky part is knowing who is in.

    El Ranchero de Juarez.


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