Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Mexican President Stops to Take Pictures With Narco-Ballad Singer in Sinaloa

"MX" for Borderland Beat
Narco-ballad singer El Komander posing with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) stopped to take a photograph with a narcocorrido ("narcoballad") singer when he visited the state of Sinaloa on Wednesday. Alfredo Rios, better known professionally as "El Komander", is famous both in the U.S. and Mexico for his popular ballads that recount Mexico's brutal drug war. Many of his songs glorify violence and cartel members.

El Komander lives in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa and the stronghold of the Sinaloa Cartel. He has composed songs about the group and some of its former leaders, including the notorious kingpins Ismael "El Mayo" Zamabda and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. After AMLO left with his entourage, reporters interviewed El Komander. The singer also said he was happy to have met AMLO.

AMLO's photo with the singer and his family comes after the president faced harsh criticism for taking a picture with El Chapo's mother during his last visit to Sinaloa, as reported by Borderland Beat.
Born in 1983 in Culiacan, El Komander reached international fame in 2009 for his narcocorridos. Before launching himself as a singer, he worked as a music composer for other narcocorrido singers.

Although the theme of his songs also includes topics such as love, drunkenness, betrayals and friendship, what has kept him at the national and international spotlight are his narcocorridos. His artistic logo is the AK-47 (Spanish: cuerno de chivo) shaped as the letter K.

El Komander was an early proponent of Movimiento Alterado ("Altered Movement"), a commercial brand of narcocorridos that bluntly describe drug violence to the beat of norteño music. Many of these songs are filled with unusually explicit lyrics about torture, decapitation and attacks to security forces. The songs have been banned from airing in radio stations but they are very popular on the Internet.

One of their most popular songs is Los Sanguinarios del M1 ("The Bloodthirsty Ones from M1"), where El Komander is featured with other narcocorrido singers. The song talks about the "bloodthirsty" deeds of the late Sinaloa Cartel enforcer Manuel Torres Felix and his henchmen.
El Komander's popular debut El Katch was instrumental in establishing the controversial Movimento Alterado as a serious force in the corrido business.
Some Movimiento Alterado musicians wear camouflage and bulletproof vests on stage and some have names clearly alluding to the Sinaloa cartel, such as Los Mayitos, referring to Zambada’s nickname, or The Buchones, as the new rich who made their fortunes in drug trafficking are called in Sinaloa. These names can bring danger to the singers.

Back in 2011, Movimiento Alterado singer Gerardo Ortiz was attacked while driving his vehicle. The driver and his representative were killed, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Omar Valenzuela, a narcocorrido singer, once said in an interview that the music not only tells the violent underworld in Mexico, but has received its blessing more than once.

"We [have] looked for [the Sinaloa Cartel] and asked for permission," Valenzuela said. "We sent them the song and they told us it was OK to release the song. We were afraid. They told us through their people that we were authorized to release any song. Sometimes people can get offended. We didn’t want any problems."

El Komander has been interviewed before by U.S. media outlets, where he has expressed his paranoia about playing songs in Mexico. In one occasion, a U.S. news magazine had to email the interview questions to El Komander's music manager, who them asked them over walkie-talkie to him in Mexico.

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  1. The peoples President

  2. Animo Sicarios ,Animo Kommamder

    AMLO already knows when he is in Sinaloa he has to report to the Bosses. He has to greet El Señor's mom.
    The best corridos are about Sinaloan men! W hy ? Because they are real !

    Sorry Kommander, El Señor has prohibited me from having any corridos written about me.Its Ok .
    Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier One operators are the silent warriors .

    New People 006

    1. El Senor is Mayo not Chapo 006

    2. Lol this is a good post

    3. CORRIDOS sinaloa STYLE are pure fantasy

    4. Real men lol like chino. Vicentillo lol

  3. Bien apparecido Presidente. Queda te parado. Aqui con mis brazos to enveulvo deh cercas. De dos pisadas llego ah ti.

  4. La de El Taquicardio en vivo. Esa si es rola mamalona. Ya si no se activaron con eso entonces tienen sus pilas muy bajas.Y el rollo de los corridos es como cada quien lo ve.

    - Sol Prendido

    1. Anyone know what happened to the the real Son Prendido?

    2. 1:09 Se lo chupó la bruja
      por andar ahí de caliente...
      A good translator, A good reporter, but the lousiest comenter ever,
      do not give up Chole! Unless you really want to raise your patas!

    3. He was murdered awhile back.

    4. Is that true Chivis? He was actually killed?

    5. 12:11 total lie,
      all ESP ever needs is a slap on the ass to get him going.
      As a matter of fack he may still be posting under another alias.

  5. Damn AMLO. Siempre cagandola lol 😂

  6. He’s just a singer there is nothing wrong with that. Look at rap get my point..the president is trying which many before didn’t take the correct action .. I applaud him for the work

    1. Singer that promotes narcocultura. He’s free to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t break the law, sure. But no mames AMLO. Cuida tu imagen. 😂

    2. 12:20
      your in love with ALMO
      he meets this Guy to have a song made about HUGS AND NO BULLETS right
      if ALMOs sercurity lets the Pres get with in 2 ft of a unknown they should be fired
      to easy to kill
      stupid stupid

  7. AMLO probably didn't even know who "El Komander" was, thought it was some local that wanted a picture. AMLO is like that were he'll stop somewhere and people will go to him for a meet, greet and a picture to prove it. This happened to be an impromptu photo op where this person happens to be around the area or knows where AMLO is going to be and inserts himself into the situation just like Doña Consuelo and the media and civilians go ape shit with what it could mean and blah, blah, blah. The real business was meeting with El Canas jajajaja

    1. IF amlo doesn’t know who el Komander was, he probably should. He’s a Mexican head of state fighting a drug war. Narcocultura is an issue in Mexico far all am I right ? Bet you FCH knew who he was.

  8. A politician who leaves office without a “narcocorrido” written for them is no politician at all.
    What would make him think that this was a good photo-op?

  9. Same as gangsta rap in the US.

    1. That’s exactly what I was thinking. All these guys are studio gangsters but making money legally by singing fantasy songs. Somebody has to entertain us while driving home from work.

  10. Would not surprise me he takes a pic with Ovidio Guzman next.

  11. He just wants everyone to be happy happy happy, the ultimate flower person, an old Hippie who casts love everywhere he goes. What a wonderful world, I brake out in song every time I think of Mexico now finally at peace, all the happy people walking freely about and smiling at everyone just everyone they meet. If you come down to visit us here at Heaven-on-Earth be prepared to be hugged to death to death to death. Hell, we will even write a song about your strangulation death throws because Papa A says it's all okay to enjoy the faithful Santa Muerte music of Mexico.

  12. Why isn't he hugging him? lol

    1. Look at the vid. AMLO asked for social distancing lol

  13. El Kommander no es criminal qué pedo tomarse foto con el. La gente no sabe ni que criticar ya. 😂

    1. Si de por si el AMLO ya tiene la imagen jodida. No tiene nada de malo tomarse foto con este wey del Komander, pero no mames. Cuida tu imagen. El Komander, aunque no sea criminal, es un representante de la narco-cultura.

  14. I can't believe it why, why would President of Mexico hangout with those Narcos, sorry i am dumbass, he is on the payroll.

  15. Excellent publicity! Stupid ass liberal scum AMLO.

    1. Liberal? I don't think you know what a liberal is. This guy is far from liberal. He's probably one of the most conservative presidents in the world today you doorknob.

    2. Bernie is a millionaire, in US dollars, and while AMLO could be a billionaire in a few months, he has chosen not to, because AMLO IS for the rich, but the ones he wants to see get rich is the poorest of the mexicans that have always been put down and left down where they belong according to conservadores and neo-liberals whose only charity is their own pockets, fiscal paradises and secret bank accounts Luke the ones owned by FECAL, SALINAS, EPN, OSORIO, VIDEGARAY, EL PINTO MEADE AND EL CANALLIN ANAYA, and they are not all...

  16. Oh wow, another pathetic Mexican president! What a shocker!

    1. Oh wow another patehetic pendejo.

    2. 4:49 one more pathetic comment from another pathetic nobody...
      --As if every US president was a genius of greatness.
      At least AMLO WAS ELECTED BY HIS PEOPLE, not by the russians, the moneyed, the alucines and the three blind mice.

  17. He will end up dead its matter of time...

    1. Isn't that true for all of us?

  18. His corridos are fire especially the one about el Chapo escaping the mexican national guard

    1. Estrategias de escape? I agree that song is fire even though I barely understand spannish

    2. 7:47 the Guardia Nacional was formed about one year after AMLO got elected and el Chapo escaped about 5 years ago, who is stupid, crack head, el Kommander or you? furthermore, el chapo was extradited about as soon as tromp was inaugurated, (a gift from EPN) because tromp likes to have his enemies close, and his Friends even closer, in prison, incommunicado, until they die, like fat Tony Salerno and john gotti.

  19. Well I give him that. El Komander is a good singer.

  20. Who gives a Rats ass Amlo getting ready to take down the stablishment he is gonna work from south to north and take down as many as he can

  21. Yeah let's ask "shorty" about life in his Colorado Condo.
    And of course El Pelón was a better president. Raul and the family retirement of three hundred million dollars in Swiss bank accounts under phony names. "It's all from *Shrewd Investments* declared Raul. SOLIDARIDAD!


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