Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 24, 2020

Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas chase and clash: "He's alive! Kill him!" Miltary orders a "civilian" kill

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  El Universal

13 CDN sicarios killed, and 3 killed who were 
innocents that had been kidnapped…..

In the early morning of July 3, soldiers fired hundreds of times with long weapons and at close range, at a truck where members of organized crime were allegedly traveling, in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

The official version indicated that after the ceasefire there was no one with vital signs and that is how 12 people were found dead after a confrontation, but a video held by El Universal reveals otherwise. In the video it is seen that a person moves in the box of the pickup that has just received at least 243 shots. There are bodies next to him. In front of him are five Mexican soldiers pointing weapons at him.

The military yells, "He's alive!" and a military man orders, "fucking kill him”.

An element of the Mexican army wears a camera attached to his helmet, as part of the urban operations protocol. He is in front of a machine gun that is mounted on a Cheyene pickup. Shooting  head-on aiming at a silver pickup truck. He runs out of bullets and asks for more ammunition. This he repeats four times. Has trouble charging while in pursuit.

Remember this video?  That is the event this article is speaking about

Before this, four official vehicles carried out motorized reconnaissance on the street A. Valdez Reyna of the Nueva Era neighborhood, when leaving towards the Airport highway heading north, they were attacked with firearms by members of organized crime, reveals the report approved police station to which El Universal had access.

They were three pick-up trucks that were carrying armed people. The army repelled the aggression and followed them up. Later, two of those three vans would make a U-turn and fire at the military, leaving one vehicle immobilized. The other military vehicles followed the silver While the soldier is loading his machine gun, an armored army vehicle, Sancat models, hits the silver pick-up from behind and causes it to lose control, cross the median and stay in the opposite direction and on the opposite side of the road.

In all of this, it is not seen that the people of the pursued pick-up shoot at the army, a soldier declared that he used 27 cartridges in the event, another more at least 70 shots.

On the other side of the road a person tries to open a door but does not open. Two people emerge from the driver’s side and are killed meters ahead. Since the coup, the army does not stop shooting at the truck.

Now two more army vehicles arrive, a Cheyenne with a machine gun and another Sancat, and they fire at close range. The amount of impacts is such that part of the box of the pickup ignites in flames.

Two other army vehicles arrive, another Cheyenne and another Sancat, join the shooting.

At this time, a military man already asked for a ceasefire. This lasts only a second when the elements fire again.

You hear on the radio that they ask for medical. And soldiers who are already on foot approach those who ran away and were shot and they shoot  them again at close range.

A soldier approaches all the vehicles to ask if they are all okay. They answer yes. In the report, they state that the vehicles received 9, 7 and 7 shots, no casualties.

More military are surrounding the truck. They carry lamps and weapons. Five come to see the box of the pickup, someone moves. They order to kill him, there the video cuts. The video has a duration of 4:16 minutes.

The alleged criminals

On July 14, 11 days after the events, El Universal revealed that, in the confrontation with alleged criminals, there were also three civilians who were kidnapped by members of organized crime. 

There were three young  people one, a migrant from Chiapas; another, a university student and the third that is still without information. 

These three people were included among the 12 alleged criminals that members of the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) claim to have killed, without registering any casualties.

These people were kidnapped, their hands and feet were tied. Two of them received a bullet impact in the thorax, from top to bottom, and the third died of a gunshot to the skull, shot from one to three meters away.

Unlike the other bodies, these three only had bullet impacts. Photographs in the possession of this newspaper revealed how the bodies present large amounts of shots.

On that date, the Sedena, when questioned by El Universal, explained that "At the time the event ends, the aggression, if there are no people who can receive medical attention, the FGR is informed," and they did so, they reported that no one had vital signs.

The relatives of the victims filed complaints against the Sedena before the Attorney General's Office for the crime of intentional homicide, one week after the events.

The Sedena, consulted in this regard, explained that the procedure is that if there is a crime they investigate and punish. “If someone commits a crime. There is no impunity here. There is no overlap with anyone. On all occasions in which it has been determined through an investigation that there is the responsibility of military personnel, the institution has always investigated and if there is responsibility, it has proceeded. It is something that has always been done. It is not new".

The use of cameras

As seen in the video, there are signs that at least one person is alive. This video is part of a complete version that the military authorities have.

The Manual for the Use of Force of common application to the Three Armed Forces, issued during the previous administration by the Secretaries of Defense and the Navy, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 30, 2014, provided for the use of of cameras in operations to document incidents and interactions with the civilian population and to have evidence that the actions of the armed forces personnel respect human rights. Already in this six-year term, the National Law on the Use of Force approved by the Congress of the Union and published in the DOF in May 2019, provided in its article 30 section XI the following: “It is legal to record or film the development of the operation , from the beginning to the end of it. "

From 2010 to date, based on the recommendations of the CNDH, the pattern of action of the Armed Forces has been shown to alter the evidence when they commit human rights violations, documenting at least seven cases, six against Sedena and one against Sedena. more against Semar.

For Santiago Aguirre, director of the Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Centro Prodh), these events confirm the risks of the decision to deepen the militarization of security, which was first made clear with the creation of the National Guard, which is only civil in the letter, and later in the Presidential Agreement published on May 11, 2020 that would give permission to the military to have police duties.

“For this reason, by maintaining the military deployment without effective controls and by tolerating that the systematic military cover-up of human rights violations continues, one could undoubtedly speak of complicity and this could be affirmed to a greater extent if after the revelation of the full video they are not the perpetrators brought before the civil justice”.

In Mexico, it has been documented that in the military sphere that there have been explicit written orders that instruct military personnel in conduct contrary to human rights. This was proven by the Prodh Center in the Tlatlaya case, which occurred in 2014.

Additionally, journalistic investigations such as the “Chain of Command” project have documented that in the military bodies that are present in the states with the greatest violence, what the troops receive as The instruction of certain commanders on the use of force is often a set of verbal orders with implicit or understood content on the possibility of using means not compatible with human rights, including extrajudicial executions, Aguirre explains.

For José Miguel Vivanco, director of the Americas Division of Human Right Watch, this fact is alarming, “consistent with the patterns of conduct that we have documented by the armed forces for decades. How many of the more than 70,000 Mexicans who have disappeared since 2006 have died in this way? We do not know. What we do know for sure is that President López Obrador may have ended the policy of sending the army to patrol the streets. But instead, it has given more responsibility than ever to the military."

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  1. Why did they execute the those who had their hands tie up mexican Military is trash

    1. They probably didn't know that there were holding kidnapped individuals.

    2. Complete lack of discipline and inconsistent orders from command. Officer is shouting “don’t shoot” and everyone opens fire on the truck. Then officer yells “kill them, fuck them”, and everyone continues firing on the truck.

    3. Collateral damage

    4. Did you ever got a chance to see the US military in action in Iraq ? They got to kill news reporters and parents on the same instance. There is videos on the internet. Take a look.

    5. The kidnapped individuals were criminals too...didnt yall see their army fatigue and bullet holsters..🤦‍♂️

    6. 8:24 Blackwater were some of the top worst murderers un Iraq, after training to be soo much better than regular US Military and tough more much more expensive, "cheaper on the long run because of effectiveness", they refused to testify claiming to be top secret contractors of the US military and not obligated ti testify to protect the military and not obligated to observe the military rules of engagemwnt BECAUSE THEY SAY SO.
      The result is Blackwater or their members were not brought to justicia and the owner went to live on the UAE to escape justice and took his money away too, nos erik pr oí nce is a contractor f ol r the chinese, the russians, the arabs, and "after HIS Benghazi" he keeps messing in Lybia...
      Iraq is still at war, but Blackwater got kicked out about 15 years ago

  2. And people cheer these military on against cdn ? They are scum they kill innocents they pick up teenagers from their houses and dress them up and execute them and they are heroic? The cdn ambush them and kill them all the time but they never declare their dead what a joke anyway el senor lazca has instructed me to sail over the Atlantic Ocean to test my hand to hand combat skills with my first call of duty being Piedras Negras not even trumps wall is going to stop me


    1. If you're really Scottish, be grateful you don't ever have to live under the zetas.

      Pls change your ways.

    2. "They are scum they kill innocents?Anyway el senor lazca has instructed me to sail over the Atlantic

      Fuck off bellend,bumpin your goofy shit

    3. You should write comedy because this is gold. XD

    4. CDN is teenage cartel. Real Zetas are now allies of CDG.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. There was rumors that some of the Tropa Del Infierno sicarios were unwilling to follow orders from Cmdt. Werko and Huevo Treviño due to them being concerned about all the recent losses in their group.

    1. And there were rumors that Cmdte Cepeda and Los Katas were betraying Huevo to work for CJNG. That was last year and nothing came of the rumors.

  5. I retract my prior comment...I did not read the article close enough, and did not see that they had kidnapped civilians as human shields. Apologies to all the trolls that are probably already attacking my prior comment.

  6. chasing 3 vehicles ending up i one truck shot up with 9+3 death? Whats with the others cars, i dont get this?

  7. I always thought is was highly suspicious how the timing of the initial video footage cut away immediately before the SEDENA gunner dismounts his machine gun and blasts the disabled vehicle...

    CDN/Tropa can burn in hell
    Prayers to their kidnapped victims

    1. Yeah the original video ended right after the truck came to a rest. I believe the original video was posted by FuriaNegra, which is a twitter account that supports the police/military, so it would make sense that the incriminating portion was left out.

  8. I agree with this 100%! No arresting them so they can just get out in a day or 2 . Kill em . Hell you can’t shoot at the army and then when you find out your out gunned or out of bullets decide to surrender . Let this be a deterrent to the rest of narcos out there . Shoot at the military.... your gonna did

    1. Yeah they "did" alright

    2. The military involved need to be dressed down and drummed out, including the commanding Officer on the scene and the military zone commander.

    3. I’m sorry for the civilians killed. But fuck the sicarios. They need to be killed. That way no judge can set them free once again.

    4. Black America gangsters play the game but when it comes time to get shot at they act as if they didn’t do anything . So “don’t arrest them kill them” your words not mine....
      rip cannon hinnant

    5. 8:48 Military and Police are not self-employed bastards entitled to do as they please or as you suggest, the people does not hire or train or pay them to become their own law and murderers below the criminals and beyond the reach of the Law

  9. These guys are in convoy runnin round with AKs/ARs where are the innocents here.
    Its sad about the kidnap victims but these rats got them killed.CDN kidnnaping students and migrants again

  10. Not surprising I guess. We all know the Mexican military isn't exactly playing by the rules either.

    1. We were trained by the US military. Haven’t you seen how when US military commits crimes no one gets charged. Is the same thing in Mexico compa.

  11. These scumbags made their downfall when they started ambushing the military. The downing of the helicopter pounded the last nail in their coffin. Now it's intimidation by cannibalism? If you think this does not affect the soldiers, you think wrong. The "us or them" is now clearly established. You can expect more of this "clearcutting". Which is fraught with the danger of a massacre of the innocent.

    1. The military has been doing these types of executions for a long while, the helicopter and other shit makes no difference.

  12. 1:13 they all got killed, included kidnapping victims.
    You are the scumbag

  13. I'm sorry, but given how grim everything is in Mexico right now, these innocent civilians who got killed in the crossfire because they were with the agressors held against their will, have to be chalked up to collateral damage. You gotta shoot to kill when it comes to these cartel fucks. Cause they'll fucking kill you, your family, friends, and your fucking pets Every dead sicario counts.

  14. There are supposed to be rules. Mexico is suffering from a breakdown of the rule of law. Police and Military are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard.

    The government is corrupt.

    The courts are corrupt.

    The military is corrupt.

    The police are corrupt.

    The civilians are corrupt.

    You can’t support the military or police doing this, criminals commit crimes, law enforcement is supposed To up hold the law, regardless of the cost. There is no “Law” in Mexico; just criminals with and without uniforms

  15. An eye for eye!Good Job Military!

  16. Kill them , they kidnapped my wife, the SOB. We were lucky

  17. I see no problem, if they live by any chance they will be out there doing cartel shit anyway , a dead sicario is the best sicario

    1. 7:54 Many retired military go to work as policía municipal, estatal, federal, as Furia Negra, as Fuerza Coahuila or Tamaulipas, but if they want to make money they have to become partners with organized crime too, and they do get involved.

  18. Even the worst of real combatants, traitors or terrorists are supposed to be tended to and cared for and to be given medical attention ASAP.
    Instead, these hysteric mexican military get hysteric orders to abuse their prisoners and to Kill'em all, the excuse of just following commands got killed in Nuremberg, even notorious murderer Salvador Cienpedos, EPN's secretary of defense said "we are military, we kill, we were trained to kill, we are not police officers" and demanded to be put back in military barracks
    So, the military lovers can stop chewing their panties and push for justice and law and order.


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