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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Aguascalientes, Mexico: CJNG Sends Video Message Out To Governor and Mayors

 Sol Prendido Borderland Beat Alerta Codigo Rojo

Translation of video narrative,  view video using hyperlink above 

“With all due respect, Mr. Governor of Aguascalientes Martín Orozco Sandoval. Mayors: María Teresa Jimenez Esquivel, María Cristina López González, Balam Alivia López, José Antonio Arámbula López, Juan José Lozoya Ponce, Jesús Prieto Díaz, Juan Luis Jasso Hernández, Eusebio Enrique Delgado Espasa, Cesar Pedrosa Ortega, Oscar Israel Caramillo, and Cuauhtémoc Escobedo Tejada.

We are the legitimate mob of El Mencho. And we’re here to clarify certain matters. The CJNG does not commit itself to steal, kidnap, or extort. Nor de we bother the decent citizens. Like the Municipal Police does so under the orders and protection of the Commissioner Juan Muro Díaz.

Look here Muro. You can start controlling those dumb asses from the Ministerial Police Headquarters who think of themselves as hot shot Sinaloans. Or I can start murdering them. The CJNG wants to maintain Aguascalientes in peace. But you’re not allowing yourself to be helped by us. Tell me just how much Mario is paying you and I’ll match his price 3 times over.

That 1 dumb ass that you guys picked up and afterwards killed from that seamstress shop didn’t belong to CJNG. We don’t recruit stupid people. Those individuals like to hang off of the coattails of our enterprise to do dumb shit.

Anyways, we give thanks to the Ministerial Police Cartel for eliminating for us one more idiot from our path. Just as well for all the ones that you’ve also killed. And afterwards you leave at these crime scenes your cheaply made tarps within public places.

To begin with don’t be some cheap bitches about it. Learn first how to properly make a cartel video announcement. Even if you guys try to disguise your voices it does you no good. We already know who all you are. And where exactly everyone one of you live. Greetings Cesar Edwardo Camacho Molina aka El Chupon from the Ministerial Police.

You no longer have La Muñeca or Prangeli to help you out because they bitched out on you. So now you have El Cobre and El Mike. You fucking bitch! It’s surprising how cheap you’re willing to sell yourself out for. You’re obviously not making enough money to pay your distributors. And so you send out your police personnel in official police units. To align, supplement, and to collect the money from your extortions as well as your drug sales.

In due time I will make public the license plates numbers, names, and videos that corroborate my words”.  


  1. Anyone see a business opportunity for proper cartel video production and finely made tarps?

    1. I never understood how these billion dollar organizations have such shitty video production in 360p while every islamic group even in africa rolls in 1080p with professional video editing.

    2. Well, these billion dollar organizations are not billionaires or get billions of dollars from the US and British governments to pay professional propaganda video makers like those from ISIS...Also created to have some formidable enemy to fight to extend the Arab Spring Fever to Syria...remember Turkey made a big bunch of profits from dealing in stolen Gold and Huachicol from ISIS and who is Turkey best friends with?

    3. Islam likes to record when bomb dropped on their heads in HD! US doesn't drop bombs in Mexico!

    4. No, I don't see businesses opportunities with thrash.

  2. Comical if it was not a serious situation to see interlopers to come into your home to rob, pillage and loot.

    1. Indeed. Comical from 1000 miles away but terrifying to anyone who actually lives there.

    2. Especially horrifying if you're up close to them in person.

  3. Who is he referencing when he says “Mario”?

    1. The italian plumber they hired to lay pipe for drug tunnels.

    2. Muro not Mario...
      Commissioner Juan Muro Díaz

    3. 10:34 it is always the police commissioners, the governors, the fiscalias, the State Public Security Directors, chingando al pueblo, i mean screwing everybody like the Queen of the Urabá, alias el ubérrimo, alvaro uribe velez whose virus infected all of Mexico since FECAL helped elect Vicente Fox "presidente" before starting his own "War on Drugs" in Mexico that was nothing but a war for the drug trafficking business and bounty.

    4. Who is FECAL? Lol

    5. 10:10 felipe del sagrado corazon de jesús calderon hinojosa, who went from PAN PRESIDENT to presidente de México, felipe calderon is called FECAL b6 mexicans who know their shit, there is also PRI-ANAL alliance, PANAL, and PRIMOR, priistas allied to Morena, created as a Trojan Horse by PRIISTAS to infiltrate Morena and sabotage it from the inside, like "senadora" Lili Tellez...some prudes do not like the name calling, but mexicans specialize

    6. 10:10 Former presidente de Mexico FE-lipe CAL-deron, PAN.

  4. These guys make too much noice thats why they cant fully take over states

  5. Red Letters on red background, their presentation was better once.

    1. 9:48 what can you expect from Real Tarasca Calzonzines?
      --It is like real female guatemalan and peruvian wrestlers and boxers,
      they can't help but look the part.

    2. 12:22 THOSE tarascos were feared and ARE brave.. That's the REASON chinolas RAN back to SINALOA 😆

    3. Puros hijos del padre Marcial Maciel y nietos de Don Vasco de Quiroga y de su agüelita martha sahagún la Chachalakita...
      Home of francisco sahagun baca and felipe FECAL, his wife margarinflas, the bribiesca brothas, la puta tuta, puras pinchis vergüenzas, michuakanos!

  6. CJNG running out of cash using bed sheets as their backdrops now. All that money and running from one rat hole to the next.

  7. I really believe these guys don't extort kidnap and mess with the public at least not the criminal sales directly associated with mencho.. I believe that criminal sales that do, are the ones that are franchisees, they claim cjng but are not directly under his orders and we're already existing before. Or I believe is enemies who are trying to make cjng look bad by first of all capitalizing on the heat brought to them but shit they are also getting money in the process it's a double win. Or just some smoked out tweakers trying to capitalize and come up with some money in the process cjng is blamed and not them there is so much money in the business of drug trafficking and yes I know there is plenty of money in the other things but it's all unnecessary heat he is smart and as you can tell very calculating all that heat doesn't make sense. Just look at b l o there's an interview somewhere I believe with chango from La familia Michoacana where he States Arturo was at a meeting willing to be at peace but he demanded the extortion and kidnappings stopped immediately that he would not associate with any people involved in that and I believe they denied his wishes and the meeting ended then and there that's for those who believe all cartels are the same yes some don't care about milking money from the public but some like Arturo for example did or did not bottom line he didn't condone it maybe because of the attention it came with period whatever it may be what and who is to say El señor de los gallos is not against it for all we know his orders are not to but you will always have individuals who do things behind your back who do things and blame it on others or play both sides of the fence. And turn probably shoot a piece of the pie to their higher-ups to protect them in a way. It's all politics even within the cartels themselves

    1. Exactly.... Couldn't have said it better.... The worst is the fukers de los Viagras and the F.M those dudes dont even traffic drugs lol..

      I think snitchaloa also didnt allow extorions before but with the new lazy generation coming up that rule went out the door

    2. Esta loco compa la gente de la familia michoacan mueve un chingo de jale por Chicago Tennessee Atlanta California neveda y Phoenix

    3. 9:31 si guey pero esos lla son mayoria chilangos! Deveria ser familia chilanga! Y lka saves sus dichos, el que no atransa no avansa! Osea que su droga es chafa osea de tepito! Por eso mueve un chingo pero los wue saven, saven que es chafa y cuesta mucho menos! En otras palabras los que les compras submerca estan pagando gato por liebre! Son chilangos! que esperavan??

  8. What would a city like Agascalientes be used for by CJNG or CDS. To sell to local tweakers or transportation? How important is this state/city to them?

    1. 4:56 there is money in Aguascalientes, it was once owned by the Beltranuses, it has hundreds of "Oficinas", it made Don Chuyito Labra Avilés rich from selling Tacos, enough to go and buy Tijuas to manage the arellanuses de la Cafetera DECAF, and governor FEMAT and his son el principeso could not finish stealing everything in Aguas because some of it was nailed to guayaba trees


  9. I have a question!

    Are all these messages all over Mexico green lighted and supported by Mencho? Or could each different CJNG faction have free to say for the most part whatever they want

  10. When these cartels send messages to the higher ups? Do the higher up get questioned for that or do they just let them come in to there State with the Amor y Paz AMLOs Hug n Thug mentality?

  11. my tarps are better FOO. Weird Flex lol but ok :)

  12. If they acted with respect and dignity like the yakuza then they would be respected. But fuck then. Lying fucks


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