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Saturday, September 26, 2020

AMLO announces military arrests for culpability in the Ayotzinapa 43 students case

Chivis Martinez borderland beat Reforma

Chivis note: A Narcomanta from "Los Tlacos" was discovered today in Iguala.  It attributes responsibility to “Guerreros Unidos" for the kidnapping and massacre of the 43 (there were 44 as one named Julio Cesar Mondragon was skinned and left at the scene) The manta was hung on the bridge of the road to Taxco. At bottom of this post read further.

Six years after the Ayotzinapa case, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced arrest warrants against elements of the Army and offered an apology.

"I want you to know, arrest warrants have been issued against the military that are going to be executed," he told the parents of the 43 disappeared normalistas.

The President warned that there will be zero impunity.

"Whoever has participated and is revealed, will be brought to justice."

López Obrador said that the Ayotzinapa case is painful.

"It is an important, transcendent and at the same time sorrowful because we are remembering acts of injustice, of atrocities that were committed against young people, your children, it is a regrettable and painful fact," he said.

Likewise, it reaffirmed the commitment to clarify the facts.

"That the truth, the real truth, is known, that is the commitment and of course that we know the whereabouts of the young people, at the same time that those responsible are punished, in short, that there is justice, reparation of the year."

Before parents, he promised that they will succeed and asked them not lose to hope.

"For one, we are authorities that emerged from the people, no vested interest groups imposed on us, I am not here for the potentates, I am not here for organized crime or white collar corruption," he said.

In the same way, the President demanded that the judges act with rectitude and not release those involved in the case.

"It is required that the judges help to advance in the Judicial Power, because there is a huge issue there when alleged perpetrators are released," he said.

Chivis note: A Narcomanta from "Los Tlacos"was discovered today in Iguala.  It attributes responsibility to “Guerreros Unidos" for the kidnapping and massacre of the 43 (there were 44 as one named Julio Cesar Mondragon was skinned and left on an Iguala street) The manta was hung on the bridge of the road to Taxco. 

In BB early reporting we surmised the military was an integral component of the crime.  Reports from the ground indicated the military surrounded the city blocking entry and exit.

Pepe and I wrote extensively from the first day and before it became a huge global story.   We concluded that it was most likely the military that transported the majority of the bodies to a military crematory.  The crematory in Iguala was no longer in operation however apx 1.5 hrs away in Morelos there are two facilities in that state.  This would have been the easiest most efficient way to depose of that number of bodies, leaving no bones, or evidence.

Those arrested in the case have largely been quietly released over the years.  

The court cites various reasons for the releases including the ‘go to’ favorite in narco cases; human rights violations or illegal process procedures.  

AMLO is referring to these releases in his speech to the normalistas parents.  Normalistas are student teachers in school studying to become teachers in the rural indigenous territories.


  1. AMLO playing along then BOOM hits the cartels with the terrorist organisation category from the trump administration and starts an all out war then starts having hitler style press conference’s jajajaja

    1. Blame the little guy. That is how it works in Mexico. Get some bum of the street and blame him. And Everyone will be happy. Case Close.

    2. The military and mayors doesn't sound like the little guy to me.

  2. ZERO IMPUNITY??? Not in Mexico EVER!!! Mass murderers and genocidical cartel members get a hug and bus fare home after their massacres.

    1. only in the good ol u.s. of a is justice fool proof. Probably why there is discord and riots over police brutality and racisim

    2. The murdering under AMLO presidency is different, he did not order it.
      If any of his cabinet members is caught doing crimes AMLO will not support him or her, or cover their shit up, and if people are murdering each other that is their business and their local police and first responders from the state police commanded by their gutsy governors.
      It is a pitty some dumbos think AMLO can fight crime by hanging everything on His picture, go get a tent from la Gilbertona lozano and protest on the Zocalo, (AMLO'S RED SQUARE)...pobres cabrones

    3. 1:48 that lady director of schools took lots of money from, the school reserve account, was supposed to pay it back, and jailtimebut she got house arrest, later Obrador hired her back. I can't believe it.

  3. Ayotzinapa prepares real professionals ready to always call Bullshit for what it is and to explain WHY it is so...
    Mexican politicians do not like that

    1. Justice isn't fool proof in the U.S.A. BUT at least it exists.

  4. It has been a long time since this, could you post a kind of summary of the events and of who did what and why? I would appreciate it very much.
    I just cannot (I know, it’s Mexico) understand how series of mistakes could result in the disappearance of 43 young people, the skinning of one and nothing happens...nobody does anything. The victims, 43 victims had no money, no connections, no friends, no influence?? I recall some parents raised hell about it...but, nothing??

    Thank you Chivis, Buggs, everybody at BB.

    1. If you enter the word "Ayotzinapa" in the search bar at the bottom of the page it will bring up several hourss worth of reading.

    2. The early reporting by me and Pepe will not have that word. It will have Iguala, normalistas, iguala mayor, etc. or if you put the date or month and year you can access the early reporting when we were still trying to figure things out.

  5. BB called it, I remember those articles, hell of a job.

  6. Replies
    1. They know, but won't arrest them

    2. Jesus is too busy with tantas pinches mamadas all over the world...
      Same as AMLO, and his Father is too busy for mexicans too, what with helping the donal' open US churches for his own propaganda?
      Better get your very own 2 dollar bill and a picture of AMLO AND SPRINKLE COCA~COLA ON IT, then give it to la Santa Muerte Church

  7. I think the never-forget attitude that Méxicanos have taken is one of the healthiest señales I have seen here. Some things are not forgivable or forgettable

  8. I assume I can Google this story It's no longer shocking to see women sicarias, women murdered, people having there face rubbed out with a blow torch, videos of woman having her arms hacked off one by one, people burned alive- I guess to some degree that's understood bcuz most of these "victims" were scumbags just like their killers. But 44 students?? One skinned?? That's f@ckin depraved even for MX.

    1. So I took Chivis advice and read story after story on Google. Lot's of fingers pointed, lots of theories floated.The story that made the most sense to me was published on BBC- It was a Q and A with a well known female investigative reporter who wrote a book about this story. Her belief is that when the students commandeered the first two of five total busses, they unfortunately for them,took over two busses loaded with 2 million in Heroin hidden in secret compartments. From there a "drug lord" contacted the Federal Army command telling him to stop these TWO busses and get his Heroin back and he'd pay him for this. The reason I tend to lean on her story is she tells that not 2 but a total of 5 busses were taken over by student's and other protesters returning from Iguala. Her investigation showed that the Federal Army was "on (assuming she meant after) these 2 busses" for over 3 hours" before they opened fire on them. These two were the only busses the Army and others involved in there disappearance went after. Who the F knows for sure but her story checked all the boxes- Government officials, Federal Agents, local police, Guerros Unidos, etc all being involved. And if we have learned anything from BB reports and stories is that 2 mil in Heroin in MX is most certainly worth more than human life.Even 43 students.

  9. They the Good Mexico citizens need to RIOT DEMAND TO PUT A STOP TO ALL THIS CRAP Hang mayors Govenors etc for crimes and start over

  10. 2:39 no mames,
    Fidel Castro and Co. Did that and Cuba suffered 60 years of Solitude...
    But it worked until the US sent Robert Vesco to convince Fidel to help traffick cocaine to the US and to deposit the money on the Cayman Islands Banks, it worked for a while too.

  11. Instead of concentrating on cartel crime and covid19 pandemic, he puts efforts in the 43 and Collosio, then seeks a pardon from Spain, then wants ex presidents arrested. Talk about where's his priorities are.

  12. 6:46 when you run for president...
    I swear my vote for you won't be the only one missing


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