Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Baja California Mexico: Missing San Diego couple found

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Border Report

Mexican press notes; During the search in south Ensenada a water well was located at approximately 4 kilometers west of the km. 24 + 900 of the San Quintín-Punta Prieta section of the Transpeninsular Highway.  Although the well was covered with overgrown vegetation, an arm was protruding and visable at its bottom.  The truck of the couple was located in Ensenada.

Two bodies discovered in Northern Baja California a few days ago have been identified as a missing San Diego couple.

According to a statement issued by the Baja California state prosecutor’s office, investigators looking for the missing couple were searching a rural area south of Ensenada when they spotted human remains at the bottom of a well.

No information regarding the cause of death or motive was provided. The case remains under investigation.

According to family members, the retired couple — Ian Hirschsohn, 78, of Solana Beach, and Kathy Harvey, 73, of Tierrasanta — had been staying in a small coastal community about three hours south of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Earlier in the week, Mexican police found the couple’s blue Toyota Land Cruiser in the port city of Ensenada north of where the couple was staying.

Relatives said there is an active law enforcement investigation into the deaths of their loved ones and that foul play is suspected.

Robert Harvey said his mother had texted him on Aug. 28, saying they were planning on exploring a gold mine or possibly visiting a beach. The couple was planning on returning to San Diego on Aug. 31, but family members reportedly lost contact with them.

Two couple’s bodies were discovered Friday, and the remains were identified by a medical examiner in Mexico.

Kathy Harvey worked for three decades as a physical therapist in Chula Vista, California, before her retirement, her son said.

“She was really enjoying retirement and had multiple groups of friends,” Robert said. “She loved walking and traveling. She had a huge bucket list of where she wanted to go.”

Hirschsohn’s family said he had leased a house in Baja for the past 35 years.

FBI, Mexico investigating disappearance of California firefighter south of the border
Meantime, a Los Angeles firefighter, Frank Aguilar, was reported missing last month while he visited his condo in a community called San Antonio del Mar, a coastal town south of Tijuana, and less than 30 minutes from the U.S.-Mexico border. He remains missing.

The FBI is investigating his disappearance. Last week Mexican officials said it appears Aguilar was the victim of a “violent kidnapping.”

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  1. Unbelievable two elders murdered for thier Toyota. Currently a free country to murder anyone and get away with it.

    1. They murder Americans in mexico and the U.S..

    2. FBI should have a task force, collecting data and information from the US side, since it's getting out of hand of US citizens getting kidnapped or killed. The other problem is that they may want to share info. with the local police to solve, but most of the time, police work together with the local criminals. Thereby the real criminals don't get caught.

    3. Water is valuable in desert country..they ruined a good we'll..lazy bandits should have buired that well is ruined for years.

  2. “Foul play is suspected” god these people aren’t the brightest

    1. I REALLY hate to agree with you, however, as “Baja Veterans” they should have known that area has rampant crime and ANY off road explorations , esp solo have been off limits for YEARS.
      I know an older couple who were robbed rather severely, sleeping in their van on a deserted stretch of the Pacific side in that area. The banditos punctured all their tires for good measure and smashed their headlights. It is thought they were followed south from San Quintin and the robbers waited until well after dark to attack. The man had to thumb a ride for help and left his terrified wife with the van ! That wasn’t too bright either.

    2. By "these people" the poster is talking about the people who claimed that "foul play is suspected" because it's obvious it was foul play. He wasn't saying the elderly couple wasn't the brightest. I'm sure you won't post this because anything I post that contradicts some of the incompetence in translating is never approved. Whatever though.

    3. 4:57 if everything you post sounds like this pinche mamada,
      I doubt you'll get posted again, you only qualify for a "post" fron Vlad The Impaler

    4. Something criminal happened to this couple.
      I suspect foul play!!

  3. Why kill two harmless old people? Why? Did the cartels think they were CIA agents or somthing?

    1. Young tweakers with a gun and a plaza boss breathing down their neck do all kinds of awful shit!

    2. Dude I agree. Whenever white Americans randomly get killed over there I always think they suspect DEA, CIA, & who knows, maybe they were?🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. I doubt it was for the toyota if they went out to explore well they might of found something no one was to see Its mexico just like the Bermuda Triangle

  5. There is a cartel that is known for killing elderly individuals .
    Hint: it rhymes with Grupo Elite.

    Rest in Peace. These couple simply wanted to enjoy the beauty of Mexico. CJNG has to be elimintaed

    1. First time I agree with you, Grupo Elite are scum.

    2. Where is Grupo Elite active? I know of CAF, CJNG and Sinaloa fighting it out in Baja, but have not heard of GE.

  6. An alarming number of American citizens who are being reported kidnapped. How many more who are not reported? Many undocumented fear of deportation. While others insist secrecy for scrupulous reasons.
    This past decade illustrates the violence against American citizens. An anti American attitude / perception due to politics lately.

    1. Americans undocumented fear being deported....? 😂 Lol
      Funny Comment

    2. In 2018… 186 Americans died while visiting Mexico. That is died of all causes, natural, accidental and homicides.
      35 Million Americans travel to Mexico each year.
      Between June 2017 and June 2018, 238 Americans died in Mexico, this was a record breaker. However only 6 died of homicide.
      Just saying: Chicago has a population of 2.7 M, about the same numbers of Americans living in Mexico
      In the same time period of 6 being killed in the entire nation of Mexico,
      561 were murdered in Chicago during the same timeframe

    3. Yes Chivis....but of those 561, how many were elderly Mexicans visiting from Mexico?

  7. South of San Quintin all the way to Punta Baja south of El Rosario has been noted at a dangerous area for the last three decades. People refuse to listen.

  8. Going after the old and the weak. Pinche lacra cobardes. Can't wait to see these scum bags hanging from a bridge.

    1. Nah they'll get a slap on the wrist or let go for lack of evidence.

  9. No pues no..who ever did this to the elderly couple and the firefighter, u best pack up and go far far far away. Mexico was once your home now you got the Federal Bureau of investigation getting involved good luck, FBI must set an example to scum like this. There should be no reason to arrest them and put them in jail. Throw them in a ditch of turd de baca or simply make them disappear... If they do make it to jail may there in house justice
    Eastsidn Lowriding

  10. Death by misadventure is what they call it in Canada. I've driven from Alberta via U.S.15 to T.J. down Mex 1 to Cabo for the last 22 years. No problems at all. The local people we met, over the years, were always friendly and welcoming. We always traveled between 8am and 4pm. Many dozens of Canadian campers, traveling the Baja #1 have reported to me of how much fun it was in Mexico. These people who were recently snuffed will b avenged. The police know who these slimly bastards are. Go gettim copper. Show everyone that you've got what it takes. The officer who puts the cuffs on the killers, could become famous. Can u imagine police actually capturing some slime ball for killing those 2 helpless people. Now, THAT, would b news.

    1. Thanks was in the past, over 8 years ago, Rosarito used to be safe back then, rarely s murder, now you can't miss a day hearing gunshots, yellow crime tape, I have seen serveilence videod, where cops are helping the local cartel get people and making them disappear. Some cops moonlight with the criminals, since police pay is peanut money. Good luck in finding a clean copy getting the criminals.

    2. The cartel owns the police dum dum, they’ll get away with it, the only way this’ll all stop is if Mexico falls into civil war or the us will get involved, which is highly unlikely because the president takes daily bribes so civil war it is

  11. as you cross that border your risking your life plain and simple especially rite now motherfuckers are hungry


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