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Friday, September 18, 2020

Despite AMLO's declaration that massacres, and disappearances no longer exist...this year counts 45 so far

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  Source

"There is no longer torture, disappearances, or massacres; human rights are respected and the guilty are punished whoever they are" said the Mexican President at the National Palace.

Despite the official discourse, the massacres in Mexico have not stopped. So far this year there have been at least 45 cases in which, in the same act, five or more people have been murdered in cold blood in 20 states.

The massacres in Mexico during 2020

In total, the massacres in Mexico have killed 320 people this year in the states of; Guanajuato, Michoacán, Guerrero, Puebla, Durango, Zacatecas, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Baja California, Chihuahua, Morelos, Colima, Nuevo León , Sonora, Oaxaca, State of Mexico, Chiapas, Tabasco and San Luis Potosí.

According to the security specialist of the World Justice Project in Mexico, Juan Salgado, these crimes are possible mainly because impunity reigns in the entities.

"Due to the circumstances where these massacres occur, it is difficult to have first respondent protocols and all the precautions, with serious expert work so that the chain of custody can be truly protected. The big problem with this is that it really happens in the face of the policemen, "he said.

"I believe that much stronger support must be given to the national model of Police, which consists of strengthening the corporations of the municipalities because most of the resources are being given to the National Guard, but a reform has to be made that goes from the bottom up, "he says.

A similar count of massacres was carried out by the Causa en Común organization, which between January and August counted 479 cases, in which it took into account events where three or more people were murdered.

On September 1, in his message for the Second Government Report, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that in Mexico there were no longer disappearances or massacres.

"There is no longer torture, disappearances or massacres; human rights are respected and the guilty is punished whoever he is," he said in the National Palace.


  1. meanwhile my relatives in Salamanca are getting murdered markets are closing What a shit show Sr. Presidente

    1. Who's really to blame though? Do you blame the president or do youblame those committing the acts of violence?
      What is the governor of Guanajuato doing to help slow down the violence? Who's the mayor of Salamanca? Have the mayor and the governor publicly reached out to the president?

    2. A shot show is what will always remain if no law & order is made.

    3. 1122
      You seem keen on defending this president?Blame?
      No we cannot blame him for violence,but we can blame him for being obtuse,out of touch with reality,or downright lies.Either way it is fucking ineptitude on a huge scale,and a seeming disregard for the reality of Mexico's problems.But,who knows,maybe his advisors are bad,maybe he is told lies,maybe,maybe he is a bumbling old fool,is that more realistic?

    4. 5:29 how closely do you follow AMLO? Do you watch his daily briefings or do you just go based off of how the media portays him? The media can be deceiving. AMLO has said it himself, he allows his nationpal security staff to take charge of national security issues. Are they doing a bad job? According to you they are, but if you follow BB there are countless articles of clashes between the government and criminals on a daily basis. To say the military is not doing anything is a complete slap in the face to those soldiers that are out there risking their lives to try and stop the cartel violence. You call AMLO an inept bumbling old fool but I can bet you can't name 5 good things he has done for Mexico during his 2 years of presidency.

    5. 317
      "To say the military is not doing anything is a complete slap in the face to those soldiers"

      Last time we all looked Michoacan was a part of Mexico.
      What is the reason Michoacan is being allowed to tear itself apart with no interference or help from central gob?No doubt about it,President of Mexico is a fuckin nightmare job for anyone with a righteous heart?
      I wont mention his handling of Covid

  2. Fictional corridos is the first step to brain wash the public then say all the bs you want

  3. He thinks it's funny?

  4. 2 words describe him.
    COWARD and _____.

    1. 12:21 Two words from a courageous pendejo, and you ommited one...
      AMLO flies first class, commercial, no hordes of military and Secret Service to guard his ass, and he has been in politics since the 70s...
      Unlike some other courageous world leaders that always put forward somebody else's pants.

  5. There is no homicides in Mexico. Believe me!!! Says Amlo, he is funny, I really thinks he believe that.

  6. Aparte de ser un pinche ignorante,imbecil,amargado,envidioso,sinico tambien tiene sintomas de ser un enfermo psicopata,de verdad que Mexico si esta aruinado con esa mierda de amlo....

    1. 1:18 amargado, why?
      Yo te saco a pasiar güey...

    2. 12:36 No homicides or disappearances ordered or requested or carried oout on his name or on his orders...
      You need to report about all he said, he said it was "Reforma" even before the report was up on the wall and it was about 640 scientists and journalists and artists who do not agree with AMLO or his politics, SOME OF THEM ARE DEAD!!!
      AMLO reports on the Mañanera there was a letter to answer the 650's that Reforma did not publish to make things even...
      See it on YouTube.

  7. He reminds me of Pinocchio, deceiving the people, that elected him. Sooner or later, he is going to get the secretary of security Durazno, to inform BB, to lower the crime reporting. He wants to hide it in a carpet.

  8. What a blatant lie. It's comical.

  9. Que pendejo, por eso 🇲🇽 es tercer 🌎..
    Abrazos no balasos.. 😲

    1. 316
      Mano,its hard and sad truth,but another truth is that Mexico could be so prosperous.Mineral rich,silver,gold,Mexico is 17 in the oil reserves of the world,vast labor pool,and look at the poverty?
      Fuckin inept greedy dogs who make the decisions,sometimes you think a dictator is needed,one with a purpose to make Mexico great,crazy thing to say but?

    2. 3:16 AMLO has been President for only 2 years, after 12 years of Balazos and War on Drugs that has killed a out one million mexicans...
      --now you can pin the burro tail on your own ass, pendejo.

    3. 4:05 did YOU read the ARTICLE?
      If you did and actually used your brain you would THINK differently..
      The PENDEJO here is you and YOUR idol I spoke ABOUT 😆

    4. @5:49 I take it you're not aware of AMLO's national projects. Aside from fighting fuel theft, there are also 3 new oil refinery construction projects underway. There's also several transportation projects including an airport, new highways, and railway projects. As you mentioned, with mexicos vast labor pool, I doubt AMLO is hiring Chinese cheap labor to do the work. AMLO may not be up to par with your standards but he definitely is doing something for Mexico.

    5. 7:42 if you are a BIG PENDEJO WITHOUT FACTS to support your BS, then you can not call anybody names, pinchi dumbass.

  10. Pathetic isn't it.How many times have his predecessors said similar things?Is this lame tactic for international consumption or domestic?Masses are easily manipulated such as BLM right now,but does anyone believe these statements?
    Is it to deflect from real news,this makes him look ridiculous..

  11. Se hace pendejo aqui en Sonora hay muchos muertos levantados fosas clandestinas Diario hay!!

  12. He could work as mayor in Seattle, NY, or San Francisco

  13. ALMO is getting the award for best payaso of the year award.

    Told his citizens at the beginning of the Covid19, no problem it will not come to Mexico.

    Lol now he says no homicides in Mexico
    He thinks we are blind to what goes on.

    1. Also he said cartel wars are over Also said no corruption, but here matamoros keep small bills handy police are stopping cars.

  14. Mayor Célida Teresa López Cárdenas Mayor of Hermosillo.
    If this woman is righteous fuck us dudes and soft arse AMLO.
    Make her Pres,shes got more balls than most men on here and Mexico

  15. ALMO is a CDS nuthugger. Confirmed and verified by Sicario 006.

  16. I'd be weary of these edited videos with shady titles. Why only show a snippet of the speech and not the whole speech so thatits not taken out of context?

  17. Sounds like CNN, “ The protests are peaceful!”

  18. All my FAMILY in zacatecas think he's a DUMB @ss

  19. you cant blame AMLO president for all this mess in mexico. it has been years of bad leadership to our country. the new presidet can not fix the corruption of over 6 decades from bad goverment administration and corruptionwith in 2 years. i live in mexico allthough the presidet is working on fixing everything he has it hard. the cartels have so much power and there is still so many corrupt politicians accepting money from the cartels therefore makeing it way more dificult. and yes to a c3ertan poin top gov officials are still accepting bribes as to cops military and other entities.


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