Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Sonora: Caborca Cartel interrogates and incinerates a Gente Nueva Delta Group member

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Borderland Beat Follower  TY Gus

First there was a video filtered through social media depicting a male sitting on the ground being interrogated [ translation at bottom] about the death of a Cartel de Caborca member.  The victim was shown with a rope hanging around his neck.

The captive man was reported as being a member of the “Delta Group” of sicarios of Gente Nueva in Altar, Sonora. 

In the footage, there was no violence revealed. A second video was released with additional footage and uploaded to social media.  In the footage, the man is incinerated alive.

The executioners were sicarios of  "La Barredora 24/7 or “Cartel de Caborca”. This is not the first time the Caborca Cartel has resorted to this gruesome method.

Allegedly, the victim belonged to the Delta Group of 'El Cazador' and 'El Durango' of Altar.

Interrogation translation by Sol Prendido is as follows:

Interrogator: Why are you here?

Captive: I’m here because I was selling crystal meth.

Interrogator: Who do you work for?

Captive: I work for El Durango’s mob.

Interrogator: How long have you been here and why are you here?

Captive: I’m here because I was selling crystal meth.

Interrogator: What else can you tell me?

Captive: My brothers name is El Nono. And between my brother and I we killed

Gahel (Gahel Gastelum Álvarez). We also killed La Rosa.

Interrogator: Who is Gahel?

Captive: Excuse me?

Interrogator: Who did you kill?

Captive: We killed Gahel.

Interrogator: Where did you kill him?

Captive: At the Hotel Toxa (Heroica Caborca, Sonora). We were given a ride by Abel in a taxi. The vehicles number is 62. From there we proceeded to Altar (Altar, Sonora). We were under orders from El Chubeto and Durango.

Interrogator: And why?

Captive: Because we belong to Grupo Delta.

Interrogator: So, you belong to Grupo Delta?

Captive: Yes.

Interrogator: So, you belong to Grupo Delta?

Captive: Yes sir.

Interrogator:  Why did you kill Gahel?

Captive: It was done so on the orders of El Durango because of a car that was sold to him and afterwards exploded.

Interrogator: Who gives you guys the orders, who gives the orders?

Captive: Who gives us the orders? The orders were given to us by El Durango and Chubeta.

Interrogator: Hmm. What other operators do you guys have there in Caborca?

Captive: We currently have El Nono, La Rosa, El J, El Samantha, El Jera, El...



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  1. Dats gruesome Still doesnt beat da ghost rider video dat shit gave me anxiety after watching it

    1. Sicarios on meth act differently after they do things like that they can’t be trusted that’s why their own boss turns them in after they aren’t needed they become trash after a few of those incidents nobody wants to sit and eat dinner with them they belong in the desert smelling like a goats ass

    2. I got anxiety aswell @9:32 tht shit was no right

    3. Where you see the ghost rider video at

    4. @10:48 you just haven’t lived life long enough if you’ve never sat at the table to break bread with actual devils. I can assure you that not all sicarios need drugs to perform.
      - Sol Prendido

    5. That ghost rider video was no joke .. truly the stuff of nightmares ... reminds me of an incident that took place in Juarez in 2009 where a fire-fighter was executed by stuffing his head in what they call a “caja China” they kept his head in there until it literally got cooked off .. that must suck since your not being consumed by the flames your head is basically being slow cooked


      i posted the video

    7. Chivis, you will burn in hell for posting this shit! May God have his wrath upon you and your family. Stop this shit! If you want to be forgiven.

    8. 5:14 who would kill firefighter and why? Is there any link to that story?

    9. 3:56 adrenaline from killing equals a certain amount of satisfaction therefore emotions that go through you’re body after you burn someone alive will never compare to anything that you will live or imagine. If the sicarios smoke meth it’s like a hypnotist they obey orders and act faithful if they are completely sober they are more capable of loosing their mind and act rebellious A sicario ignores but doesn’t forget you can kill many and not feel guilty that is not a good thing if nothing makes you sad that means nothing makes you happy and that is not normal and you are worth nothing! you loose the opportunity to live a normal happy life

    10. keep posting Chivis

    11. 10:54, you are the one who is not forgiven for your terrible hostility, and you think that you are a friend of Jesus, NO! If you know Jesus then you know that God did not hide the work of the devil from humanity and nor should we/Chivis (I do not know this Chivis, but I support he or she for fine journalism, not hiding the truth). I do not watch those videos but I do declare them to be valid journalism because they expose the Devil's workers/cartels. We are not children here, and welcome your adult brain to witness Thunderdome Hell where the truth hurts, it has to. You know that Hitler got away with atrocity for the world not showing the devil until it was too late, so stop the insanity. Take a rest and go to Disneyland.

    12. 10:54 do not go to Disneyland,
      Go fack yourself...

    13. 11.10 you mean stalin war lord and churchill kicked ass when mentioning the world right? your pretty world was playing monopoly along with hitler buddy, but thats another story.

    14. 10.54. i killed many people in Irag. it is not fun like you claim. if you enjoy it, you should be in prison

    15. I bet all those were innocent civilians,
      U.S army is know for that in Iraq @937

    16. 9:37 most mass murders in Iraq have been crimes against humanity, including the fake claims of weapons of mass destruction invented by the VP and his favorite war lords and "actionable intelligence"

  2. La realidad no es como lo pintan. Y los corridos? TikTok y Instagram

    1. Tambien el otro bando tiene corridos Instagram etc y tambien la pierden asi es esto o que te alucinastes? Con las redes crees que eran intoncable? Le creiste a los corridos? Con tu commenterio crees que el CDS son Super sicarios

    2. Todo lo contrario chavalon.

  3. For you people with faint hearts dont watch it,the poor guy is alive through all of it making gutteral noises,we know he killed someone in the hotel but?Just so there is no crying about posting

    1. @ 10:12 You again..
      they didnt say anything but it gave them anitxy
      why do you even comment ?
      so what ..they didnt say anything else about the ghost rider poster
      so what they are not crying about it you dumb ass

      You have way too much hate in you

    2. @4;40 the way you interpret things says a lot about you. I don't think 10:12 was attacking anyone. Seemed more like he was just warning those readers who don't like watching torture videos.

    3. agree 6:25. But in defense of 4:40 he/she may be overly sensitive to those who are inanely critical of the posts. I had two death threats today because of videos. SMH 😒

    4. Do what you always do and ignore them. You do a great job as a journalist. That's part of your job. People who are too sensitive for this should not even be here. I personally don't watch the videos bcs some are too graphic for me. Other than that you guys have great content. Not like OG Shadow who's probably hiding under a rock after his bombing post of Chapos son 😂😂😂

  4. Do we think this is connected to the Gente Nueva truck that exploded,i was wondering where the video footage was from of that truck blowing up?

  5. Apoko piensa rafael caro quintero que no lo van a detener si ya casi lo tienen en la mira. Solo falta que el trump de la orden .c.d.L.L.1997-2020. Member ami me la pela el ruko rafa en su propio cartel lo estan traicionando ni cuenta se da el ruko


  7. yikes....really must hate someone bad to do this kinda crap....

    1. @10:21 on meth you got no feelings, so no hate is needed

    2. These are RCQ men doubtful they are on meth they are not CDS

  8. Since he tossing n turning he should off ran towards those dudes n take them to hell with him

    1. They clearly tortured him before that, so I doubt he had the physical capability to do so... Adrenaline or not

    2. My thoughts exactly! Either you take one with you or they shoot you while running at them. Either way a W in this scenario.

    3. I would had tried to hug one of them I mean what else would had happened getting shot but this is a gruesome way to die. He was not innocent but still we are human.

    4. 12:19
      They clearly? Really? Watch the videos before making such statements, dont assume dumbass.
      He was perfectly fine in the interrogation other than scared. He was chained to a tree by the neck and set a blaze.

    5. 4:15 buddy u obviously assuming stuff,he was tied to "something" with "something",u say it was a chain DOESN'T look like a chain but like a rope,u say he was tied to a tree but in no moment do u see what he's tied to,in most cases there's another guy holding the rope..

    6. @12:32 HUG!? You mean like AMLO?

  9. Terroristas!Presidente por favor aga algo por mexico.

    1. 10:35 why don't you call your estatales or municipales, your governor or mayor of the city, or the military zone commamder?
      Vete a la verga güey!!!

    2. abrazos no balazos.. al viejito lo unico que le importa es reelegirse, el tren y la refinadora... la verdad ni le interesa "el pueblo bueno"...

    3. Ay si y tu que crees que todo Mexico estuviera mejor con putasos y balazos!

    4. 2:07 this shit is what the putazos y balazos left us, hardened criminals that will never regenerate, left over by the US War for the Drug Trafficking Business that cost US Taxpayers 36 Billion dollars

    5. anonymous 1:57 vete a verga tu pendejo done all what you mentioned y la mayoria esta metida con los del narco trabajan para el narco y lo digo pork me consta guey te dolio k dijiera terroristas pues ay te va un armanio de este tamano para k te duela mas Guey.

    6. 2:40 your comments dont make sense ...mejiico is a narco/cartel state and will never change !

  10. Don't feel sorry when cartel members get killed they always mess with innocent people!

  11. --No hay remedio contra el odio, el odio que dejaron bien sembrado los politicos y los vendedores de la guerra contra las drogas en Mexico y en toda America Latina que solo querian apoderarse del negocio del narcotrafico para su propio beneficio.
    --There is no remedy for the well planted hate left by the politicians and War on Drugs Salesmen in Mexico and all over LatinAmerica who only wanted to take over the drug trafficking business for their own benefit

  12. Cowardly acts from all sides. These people are nobodies that are getting murdered. They’re so low level it isn’t funny. It’s just senseless killing. Bunch of fucking animals. Discussed me to my core.

    El Conejo Loco

  13. CDS SICARIOS get CAPTURED SNITCH on the whole crew..
    But on the SINALOA style corridos they are the ultimate warriors 😆

    1. 12:59 are u blind or plain stupid cause even ur so brave michoacanos be ratting everyone out when captured...FACTS...

    2. You mean all sicarios captured snitch? Have you not been around and seen all sicarios from all cartels give up information?

    3. @12:59 Por favor wey déjate de pendejadas. En Michoacán a cuántos de CJNG no han agarrado que sueltan toda la sopa y se portan bien tiernitos.

    4. Literally every captured person from every cartel says this same type of info we caught 😂😂😂

    5. 6:08 since when have michoacacas been known for their bravery ... in Texas all they’re known for is for being the most loud-mouth all bark no bite type of mexican... I’ve witnessed several michoacanos talk shit and then hide when shit gets real .. the rest are the most humble god-fearing people I know ... so where are all the brave Michoacános ?? Oh and they’re famous for bragging about being connected with some pesado back in michoanalgas but they get caught with a 20 of low grade blow and they’re mom and abuelas are out asking the entire apartment complex for a “coperacha” to bail his tecato-ass out ... the real low-key mofos I’ve met that keep their cool and moved some serious weight Here in midland tx have been from chihuahua and Sinaloa .. and they never boasted about nothing ... facts

      -el Zacatecano

    6. Sinaloa aren't the exception. Look at the noveno sicario captured burned alive.

  14. Die how you live. No one will miss his scum ass. Good riddance and may you enjoy eternal hell jejejeje

  15. Mexico is fuckin hardcore baby,not exactly what you want for a country.Brasil,Venez,Guat,etc fucked up doin this to each other on the regular,most dudes in any country could get to this tellin you if the circumstances were in place,believe or not

  16. He knew it was coming long ago

  17. Pobre pendeho! Por andar ay de vivito!

  18. Sicario 006 please explain this to us.

    1. esto ya tiene tiempo de que los salazares no quisieron o no pudieron regresr un cuerpo qjue los de caborca le pedian de un familiar..

    2. 8:53 RCQ asked nice for that dead body,
      returning it would leave no doubt who killed him.

    3. I can guess what Sicario 006% will say: "Animo, sicarios- GN Devgru will be conducting HALO drops behind enemy lines from A10 Warthogs,accompanied by Delta Force, Mossad and Spetnaz. Each commando is equipped with an M4 w/40mm launcher,.50 cal Barret, handheld minigun and StingerManpad. Ghillie suit is at the cleaners so tactical gear temporarily sponsored by Wish."

  19. Man after whatching this my regular joe job is not so baf after all. I complain about it but is not so bad after all .

    1. 4:36 you keep asking and getting your dollar and a cigarette from the clients.

  20. This grupo delta where Ivans people fighting caros people in Sonora they posted videos saying they had the upper hand weeks ago

  21. God damn, Mexico is unreal man. My parents are from Nayarit and Zacatecas and I would really like to return back there someday but this kinda shit always has me thinking twice. I pray for Mexico and all the beautiful innocent people that have to deal with this on the daily.

  22. 006 must be trembling in his 5.11 taclite tactical boots

  23. Strictly business, nothing personal. I hope he was not a Sicario 006. I love his comments.

  24. Ndrangheta vs the cartels..who take?

  25. I think I'll keep my Uber job in Desert Hot zspring , even though there is a white supremacist pocket here daaaam

  26. I'm still yet to see a video of a person being tied from legs n neck to 2 trucks then pull opposite direction,Z's used to do that back in the day in Zacatecas..

    1. Don’t give them any ideas man, pretty sure a lot of people involved in the game read this site

    2. 10:08 you have no idea how true that is. I was stunned recently when BB realized how far up those followers are, lets just say to the top. and we know this is true when atty contacted us.

    3. Been going on in Chihuas since I was a boy. It may now be considered old school

    4. Cartel commanders better believe, the Laws of Talión will be applied to you if you do not deliver your criminals doing this kind of shit.

    5. Yea it'd be great to be able to watch these guys subjected to the same fate. Only problem is almost daily ya read or see something even worse...or better if ya know what I am saying.

  27. Damn it man... Horrible way to go.

    While im here i see that Michael Miller is back .i was reading an old article from 2018 where she commented that marro would win in GTO 👀🤔 welp no wonder he don't say much now . Lol

    1. That win between csdrl n cjng is still pending

    2. 9:27 I got a better one cjng fan-girls n even that tweaker of mencho had been saying since 2017 that they would get rid of csrl in no time...

    3. I got 5 thousand $ on the 4 letters with this state

    4. 7:02 I highly doubt Menchos a tweaker unlike the coked up Chapitos. Mencho doesnt use his product

  28. Demented freaks watching this savage garbage.

  29. Until recently Sonora always seemed to be one of the quiter and more controlled states when it comes to narco related incidents. Less extreme violence as compared to other states. Seems like that's changing now and things are spiralling out of control in Sonora.

  30. I can't to steak bbq this weekend.

  31. Can Chivis or Buggs comment on today's situation over in Caborca? Another shootout and whatnot in the middle of the day. I barely made it out with my family. Place os nuts!

  32. Karma is real these fuckers will get there’s one day , even worse, I hate to see people suffer just put a bullet in his head , pure evil


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