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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The "gringo partners" of Mexican cartels, "U.S. Domestic Cartels" named

 Chivis Martinez  Borderland Beat  Proceso

A report from the Department of Justice confirms what Proceso revealed last February: the existence and growth of the US cartels and that they went from being simple employees of, to partners of Mexican criminal groups. The information locates the alliances that the criminal organizations of both countries forged and where they operate. As if that were not enough, the report gives a terrifying scenario about the consumption of synthetic drugs.

WASHINGTON (Process)–For the first time in its history, the United States government not only recognizes the existence of “domestic cartels”, it also identifies the areas that dominate those criminal organizations that are associated with the Mexican cartels.

A document from the US Department of Justice, entitled "Strategy Against Domestic Cartels," describes one by one the states in which the "gringo cartels" operate, the name by which these organizations are known in the world of drug trafficking.

The part of the Justice Department file that was delivered to Proceso shows the evolution of drug trafficking, distribution and sale in the United States since 1973, when Washington declared the war on drugs.

Accustomed to pointing towards Colombian and Mexican criminal organizations as responsible for the trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs in the United States, government agencies such as the Federal Anti-Drug Administration (DEA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Agency Central Intelligence (CIA), the Immigration and Customs Bureau (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) now look at each other to combat and understand the new reality of gringo drug trafficking.

At more than 150 pages, the Justice Department's Strategy confirms that criminal organizations in the United States –nourished by gangs and motorcycle clubs– have a “partnership” relationship and no longer a dependency on the Mexican cartels.

The information that a federal official shared with this weekly establishes with precision the cartography of US drug trafficking.

"They are domestic gangs distributed throughout the national territory that now function as independent organizations of criminal and transnational groups dedicated to the trafficking, distribution and sale of narcotics," the document states.

He explains that the gringo cartels operate under a kind of "free trade" because they can buy drugs from more than one Mexican criminal organization [unlike years gone by] ; it also reveals the names of the American motorcycle gangs and clubs that for a decade operated solely as drug dealers.

According to the information that the local authorities had, Los Hermanos Pistoleros Latinos, New Mexico Syndicate, Los Carnales, Latin Kings, Mexican Mafia, Sureños, MS-13, Wet Back Power, Sinaloa Cowboys, West Texas Tangos, worked for the Pacific Cartel. Los Negros, Arizona Mexican Mafia and Border Brothers.

For the Gulf Cartel, Los Hermanos Pistoleros Latinos, Partido Revolucionario Mexicano, Raza Unida and Texas Chicano Brotherhood distributed drugs.

The Mexican Mafia, Sureños and Border Brothers (California section) operated for the organization of the Arellano Félix brothers.

With Los Zetas were Barrio Azteca, Los Hermanos Pistoleros Latinos, Mexikanemi, MS-13, Texas Syndicate (US PERSON) and Los Bandidos.

La Familia Michoacana had the services of the Sureños, MS-13, West Texas Tangos and the Mexican Mafia.

When Vicente Carrillo Fuentes headed it, the Juárez Cartel operated in the United States with the distribution of Los Hermanos Pistoleros Latinos, Barrio Azteca, New Mexico Syndicate and Los Carnales.

Excerpt from the report published in the 2290 issue of Proceso magazine, already in circulation.


  1. But this doesn't happen in the USA because underwear models who are also gun owners stop it all.

    1. Underwear? This guy is full of poop.

    2. When do you ever see gangs shutting down blocks and kidnapping people from homes.
      The police would arrive in no time

    3. Did you even though your mexican and are from the us. People from mexico call u a gringo or gabacho. Kind of funny

    4. 10:37AM
      I've seen it several times being done in front of the police at 3AM and guess what was done? Absolutely nothing. Cars were being purposefully parked slanted in the street to prevent police cruisers from barging in. Toonerville gang also did blockades and were where the gun owners? The point is that cartels have been a permanent presence in the USA and gun owners haven't done a single thing.

    5. The groups here only job is to lay low while the import and export product dumbass. Other wise calientan el terreno

    6. I got an extortion call and sent photos of my pistols and told them to leave me alone. It worked!

  2. Folk we got a problem, Democrats want to defund police, who do I call, or do I call the cartel for protection ??????

  3. This guys are not naming the real cartels just gangs, you cant move tons without the cops knowing, and they wont make deals with gangs cause thats to risky, but the usa wont name the real mafia bosses cause the drugs are such a big bussiness for the usa that if they take down the drug bussiness the usa will suffer in so many fronts with the ilegal and legal drugs, the usa needs the billions up on billions from the ilegal drugs to stay on the top as the biggest economy in the world

    1. @7:20 I don't agree! The US without drugs would be a US in revolution! If the drugs stopped coming the US oligarchs would be lynched and the people would take power. The ruling elite needs the drugs to keep the 99% under control (numbed or sick or jailed or murdered or all of it at once).

    2. The real mafia bosses Are in some way connected to the gangs one way or the other. And crazy how those bosses can’t be touched by rival gangs

  4. I want GRINGOS NAMED...
    meximerican biker motherfackers di not count, i doubt they have their bikes paid for or have cash to buy deodorant for themselves or their borregas, none of those named anove even made the Hells' Angels run like the Mongols, they are nobodies
    I want the US murderers of Kiki Camarena NAMED, at least, again,

    1. Yeah! We want justice for Kiki Camrena.

  5. Been going on for awhile, just now a more blatant subculture as the rule of law erodes.

    1. The erosion of law is defined & measured by those who dictate. Laws are continuously being tested and rewritten.
      Communities are not exempted by those set of rules which depend on.

      Overpopulation & employment opportunities are what's causing majority of SO-CALLED criminal activities.

    2. 1:12 come again what defines overpopulation

    3. 1:12 blaming the lesser men for being too many and unemployed IS WRONG BECAUSE:
      They so not have billions and billions of laundered dollars in any bank, they did not offshore everybody's jobs away to China and they have never been fined billions of dollars for their money laundering either.

  6. So how exactly are these “gringo” cartels when every gang named; except for a few MC’s, are Latino?

  7. That's FUNNY, gringos CARTELS but mention NOTHING but MEXICAN gangs and motorcycle clubs..
    How ABOUT THE Hells angels, Mongols, the one percenters, blood, crips, vice lords, gangster deciples and ON AND ONNNM... WHAT a JOKE

    1. 9:31 Ahh good eye. But could it be possible that the rest get their drugs from theses gangs?

    2. @10:53 This. The Mexican cartels are going to feel more comfortable working with Mexicans and Mexican-Americans more than they are gringos and African-Americans. These Mexican-American gangs act as middle-men between the Mexican Cartels and the many, many, many organizations in the U.S. and Canada that deal drugs at a regional and local level. The MC's and street gangs like the Bloods, Crips, etc. don't have true cartel connections. They have connections with the Mexican-American organizations in the U.S. that are the ones with the connections with the cartels in Mexico.

    3. This is because it is easier for a Mexican drug trafficker to trust one of his “own” (fellow Mexican) before trusting people of other races. Makes it easier to do a deal with someone who speaks your language and comes from your culture. Blacks are known to steal, rob and backstab and whites aren’t trusted because many of them work in law enforcement/DEA/cooperators etc. Chinese are the best to work with, they stay low key and keep their business to themselves.

  8. Would be great to read the document. Here is the interview video from Proceso

    The video seems heavily focused on the motorcycle gangs/clubs. I wonder if they are trying to push them into the cartel category as RICO/gang prosecutions havent really been successful against the clubs.

  9. Is there a link or a way to locate the USDOJ article "Strategy Against Domestic Cartels" ? Thanks

  10. B.S. it's not just gangs and a few prison crews that sell drugs for cartels.
    It is also plenty low key white people from all walks of life that contribute to all these drugs being in oir countries streets.
    There are also plenty of these fold that run drugs just like in the movie the mule.
    Among other races also.

  11. Wow local gangs working together, with the cartels. On US land see something say something before they take over the neighborhood.

  12. Given the depraved violence in Mexico and Central is just a short matter of time before America starts seeing dismembered body parts at bus stops.
    Drugs...and a bad people...What don't you understand?

    1. Been happening since the 1970s. Wake up.

    2. Interesting comment. The dependency of & for one another is evident.
      Truly doubt that the US government will allow such savagery behavior to go unpunished. Moreover, take root.

    3. 8:20 the School of the Americas, given to the US by the Ecole d' Paris to fight counterinsurgency wars wherever they may happen, or to prevent their happening, after losing their ass in Argel and Indochina, was the generator of all the crimes we now see in Mexico, they have been happenning all over LatinAmerica since the end of WWII AND EVEN BEFORE THAT.

    4. Unpunished or not it still happens in the USA.

    5. 12:37 you wake up, no desmembering has been happening since the 70s😂

    6. 7:55
      Dismembering has been happening since the 1970s on U.S. soil. How much do you want to bet? That's what I thought. Wake up.

  13. Let's BE REAL, the U.S controls EVERYTHING south of the border DOWN to SOUTH America.. THAT includes DRUG dealing, THE main GRINGO CARTEL is the DEA.. They decide WHO WILL be in charge AND for what PRICE.. DON'T act like you DON'T know..
    These mexican gangs are JUST there to blame and be made an EXAMPLE..
    Just HOW the U.S puts the BLAME on mexican CARTELS for the METH but all the CHEMICALS come from China and those TRIADS can't be touched by NO U.S agency so they blame 🇲🇽.. SMH
    The REAL gringos gangs did NOT get mentioned.. JUST saying...

    1. Hi south Morrocan Homie

    2. This guy gets it.

    3. Absolutely Accurate. My homie was approached by the DEA a couple years ago. They took his cash and didn't respect due process of the law. He wasn't even committing any crimes at the moment. They will do anything to get anything. How can you respect the law when they pretty much ARE OUTLAWS!?

  14. I searched for the report and came up empty ditto for MX. Reports are usually in English and Spanish so I am thinking since this is a proceso report perhaps the report has another title in English.
    If anyone locates the report I will publish it on the post

    1. Chivis... Why dont you ask DOJ for a copy of the report? They may just give it to you.

  15. Sureños have worked for all the cartels pretty much especially the ones that are in California

  16. Los Zetas had Sureños MS13 and Latin Kings working for them back in the early 2010s too

    1. THE LATIN KINGS were around and established before the pinchis zetas started potty training

  17. I wonder who’s unloading the shipment from Mexico on this side of the border I assume there is warehouses where they stash big amounts until it gets distributed

    1. Yes your right you win the prize for the day, a free trip to Rosarito.

  18. Some groups have learned from the mistakes of mexican cartels. Blood money does not equal good business. In that business, everyone can eat.

    Whoever takes advantage of the taxation system on mexican cartels in the near future will become the new age cosa nostra. Peace.

    1. Cosa nostra is yesterday's news, never coming back again.

  19. Ndrangheta,Russians Colombians Chinese,other Italians,mexicans..which group are the strongest and the most Powerful?

  20. Amazing how no drugs reach third world areas like Appalachia, the South, northwest, etc. Areas where Anglos are a majority

    1. Domestic opiates are there unfortunately.

      - Sol Prendido

    2. They are the biggest consumers.

    3. "No drugs in appalacia??" Are you slow?? They have the worst drug problems in the usa


  22. I met a Texas Syndicate guy. I was managing a small restaurant in New Orleans and this portly guero walks in with two associates. Booted, belted and hatted narco-style. He wanted quick service, as "we gotta go do a deal." They drank two bottles of Crystal and paid from the usual bloated bankroll.
    Five years later I was conducting "research" at the Federal minimum joint in Texarkana when I spotted Senor Portly Guero. As he was settled in the "research cubicle" next to mine, we chatted.
    He said they were accusing him of being a Texas Syndicate operator. I don't think he recognized me and I kept my mouth shut.

  23. next step Narco-Terrorist labeling good job Trump


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