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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

AMLO thanks Trump while questioning Obama's Fast & Furious, and DEA breaking Mexican sovereignty

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Fronteras Desk

Last week, a former Mexican secretary of defense was arrested in Los Angeles, accused of helping in drug trafficking and organized crime. Mexico's president is demanding information from the U.S. while questioning the DEA’s intervention in his country.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the arrest of Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos could help in his fight against corruption.

He said his government will ask the U.S. to provide details against the former secretary so he can be prosecuted in Mexico.

López Obrador questioned the DEA's operations in his country, saying that no one in the past has stopped the U.S. drug agency from breaking Mexico's sovereignty. He also mentioned the failed Fast and Furious gun-walking operation, conducted by the ATF during the Obama administration.

López Obrador thanked President Trump for helping Mexico without intrusiveness.

Cienfuegos was decorated for his accomplishments two years ago by the U.S. government.


  1. What a disgrace to our heritage! Spoken like a true Trumpie, chivis. lol. F___k TRUMP and his racist supporters

    1. Must be why democrats have controlled Latino majority cities for decades. But the Raza is still poir

    2. Just another liberal loser, without the facts. Lowest unemployment rate in history for all races for last 3+ yrs.

    3. Clinton and Obama deported more, incarcerated more, those cells where kids are held were built during the Obama administration. McCain had a more suitable ideology for hispanics but most voted for Obama because he was a man of color and democrat without understanding his policies and agendas.

    4. So a man who wants people to succeed and be secure is racist. You drink the Democrat's kool-aid. Mexicans believe in family,faith, and freedom- the antithesis of the democrats socialist big government intrusive platform. Go back to the hole you crawled out of. My family is half Latino, business owners, ranch owners, and we support the president. You must be the ones that depend on handouts from the government.

    5. The same people that say don't stereotype don't generalize be the same ones breaking their own rules 😂

    6. It’s funny how Trump supporters came here to say stupid arguments. Trump is no hero. His economy didn’t do any better than Obama’s. You people are clowns trying to say he did better. Republicans think democrats are the ones who need government money. But no republican return the $1200 check they got from Congress. Fucking hypocrites.

    7. Tell me emotionally compromised liberal genius, what act of racism has Trump carried just ONE. You can't because your a low IQ person incapable of independent thought, the perfect empty skull the Democrats need to manipulate with words like "racist" and you swallow every last drop they give you and ask for more without questioning their motives or lack of are emotionally driven and incapable of independent critical thinking.

    8. Democrats never offered anything to the Latino people...they just say & do the opposite...& anyone complaining about the wall not being done??that's good la raza can still come in 😂😂

    9. “Racist supporters” I don’t see how a Mexican like me could be racist. Oh well. I guess I’m a racist for supporting my own country.

    10. 7:41
      Dont Ever call me a Racist
      Obama was in charge you Dork for Fast And Furious
      You want chapo back ?
      come get him

    11. "Disgrace to our heritage"? Partner, do not put "us" along with you. You are on your own buddy. Grow up and take care of your family.

    12. I was going to write a list of "facts" for these Trumpers but it would be like me arguing with a wall.

    13. 1:11 a man who wants to be re-elected to keep up with his infinite corruption and partisan impunity and his own dirty deals including selling the US to all comers, is not looking for anybody else's prosperity, you may have a lot of property, but you sure did not put it together under this man's shade...
      As for racism, David Duke, boogaloo fans, KKK, proud bois, white supremacists, Michigan kidnapper wannabes, aryan nation members, would not be supporting the life long trickster heir of millions ammassed through fraud to government by his once arrested daddy, for supporting the KKK...

    14. 715 you forgot BLM.

    15. Anon 8:45 pm the racist remarks Trump made were clear when he called Mexican rapists and criminals. Also when he said he will not get a fair trial because the judge had Mexican heritage.

    16. Another parrot drunk on the kool-aid ...that is NOT what Trump said, and you took it out of context, although I doubt it was you that took it out of context but rather cnn or msnbc, etc etc etc etc etc etc in context he was speaking about deported undocumented saying "SOME" of them are rapists and criminals.

      a totally true statement. and for the record I am a proud Mexican that is fed up with these career criminal politicians like Biden who court the black and brown skinned people every four years, don a sombrero eat a few tacos then call it a day until another four years.

      I did not vote for trump first go around. But he has earn another four years.

      My family is much better off then during biden and obama admin.

    17. 7:45, we applaud your comment, all of it. We too were once liberals, very much so, but now we are proud supporters of President Trump who has done so much for the cause of freedom and American, Taiwanese, Tibetan, Israeli and Jewish rights around the world. Liberals would have us bow to the Chinese, but they have no idea what it would be like to live under that totalitarian militaristic regime.

  2. Political back-and-forth by all parties involved. This AMLO is a shrewd politician bringing old embarrassing subjects to the bargaining table.

    1. Keep in mind, he follows what the speech writer and advisor say to say.

    2. Well 8:31, I respect your point of view, but how do you know in this particular case that your claim is valid? This AMLO seems to be his own man in many regards--I see by studying his recent history--so I would be surprised if he does what he is told by subordinates, however, I'm sure that he listens to them, I really cannot know, and you? But it is all subjective on both our parts to suggest how he performs in the politics of his inner circle unless you have factual evidence to the contrary. He seems quite popular among the "working poor" masses even in the conservative north of Mexico. I suspect that he will not be too successful in the long term as the same people that seem to like his policies are also the same public that will resort to liking the local cartels that bring them some supplies during the crisis and a level of neighborhood security; you know, it's all basic human nature. The Mexican people are not stupid, they are just very poor, and disenfranchised, and tired. I know, there are those who are going to write about the violence, and of course they have a point, but the violence is kept largely within/between cartels with exceptions of course; these are mass murderers all after all, so they do not have a conscience. No really, one needs to get back into the rural areas and the poor enclaves of the cities and listen to the people, and they will tell you that it is the ones who bring the most at the moment that is for whom they respect. Just now, AMLO is bringing some hope to the faithful masses, and the cartels at the same time bring some hope to others; it is all much more than what the corrupt political establishment bring to the people always stealing their money when the money could be used on infrastructure, health, and basic needs for the children. Instead the politicians taint the childrens' future, even the little sick children with cancer stealing their medicine and health funds, the politicians (Javier Duarte de Ochoa just to mention one) steal all. Anyone appears better than that devil! All Mexicans agree except for the corrupt judiciary that gave Duarte only 9 years for the multiple sins. I digress, back to AMLO and your reactions please should you desire.

    3. 8:31 keep in mind what he said about the general was not a speech.

    4. All AMLO says is the general did not get arrested because of AMLO, DEA or no DEA, Cienpedos went on his own to the US.

  3. And here comes the legalities of corruption/impunity consistent with Mexico's policies taking place.
    Expect tensions to rise between the 2 countries.

    1. 7:56 there will be more tension in your calzones than between AMLO and tromp, if simply because AMLO refuses to have any bitch fights, and it will be even easier after the new administration takes over the US

  4. Here come the anti-AMLO comments from the uninformed BB followers. This should be fun.

    1. On BB we are well informed about Mexico, you willis is the un-informed. 😂

    2. Mexico is a corrupt state that is why Mexican nationals and foreign nationals don't believe a word. It is my believe that AMLO wants information to pass on to other corrupt officials, since it wasn't a USA/MEXICO operation, the Mexican government is running with their tails between their bottom. I am just being honest, I never said USA is free of corruption just in case you use that as your comeback.

    3. @8:28 you may be informed on Narco news because 95% of the articles on BB pertain to that, but thats not all of Mexico's problems. I've noticed a lot of BB readers criticize AMLO by saying, "he has done nothing" which is untrue, and the reason for me calling them uninformed. You may be a dedicated BB follower but that does not make you "well informed about Mexico". Talk to me about anything besides drug trafficking and we'll see how well informed you are.😉

    4. 8:28 you got him good, karma pays back.

    5. 932@ for one the high homicide rate, the labron killings as someone bright in here. He is not putting effort in priorities, instead he picks his nose on a basket of evelopes from Chapos mom.

    6. @8:56 Mexico is in fact a corrupt state, even with AMLO in power, but just as you have your beliefs, it is in my belief that AMLO truly wants a better future for his nation. Fast and furious was a failed operation led by the U.S that resulted in the death of not only mexican citizens but U.S operatives as well. You believe AMLO wants to pass info to corrupt officials and I believe AMLO wants the whole truth on what occurred on October 17, 2019. We're talking about national sovereignty and if the conspiracies are true than the U.S/DEA should be held accountable for taking action on foreign soil without that nations full consent. According to AMLO he was not aware of "el Culiacanazo " and some say it was a U.S led operation.

      Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a minute... How would you feel if mexico sent thousands of guns to U.S inner city gangs, knowing innocent people would die, just so mexico could TRY to catch some of the criminals... and the plan fails. No one is caught, innocent people die, and them inner cities are now more violent than before.

    7. 1055 Mexico sends drugs to inner us cities so it’s kinds the same. No forces people to buy drugs and no one forces people to buy guns...

    8. The shoe on your other foot yet ?

      now pull it up eye level insert in mouth Your doing good
      Stay this way for 15 min

      how do you feel (if only )
      @ 10:55
      if only I was a Mexican living in Mexico I wouldnt run to the USA where all the guns come from as YOU SAY I would stand up and fight for my good hard working country men and do something about the horriable Drugs Made In Mexico and my spine would not be Yellow as I would protest and march to ALMO and demand Justice

      Whos foot whos shoe is gonna fit ?
      grow up ..

    9. Let's not forget that "FAST and FURIOUS" started under G W Bush regime as Operation Wide Receiver and ATF was operating without director because nobody wanted to answer for the stupid results of stupidd operation cooked by weapons merchants to move their products and collect some of those millions of dollars the mexican cartels were making, i also doubt Obama had his hands on a small potatoes operation like that before the shit hit the fan.

    10. 757 you want us to love ALMO, for when he lets citizens die to homicides, he does not put priorities on current events. He is quite a fool 😂

    11. @10:53 whatchu talking about willis! I said anything besides drug trafficking and you bring up, LeBaron, homicides and Chapo's mom, all narco related topics.

      You say he's not putting effort in his priorities. Why was AMLO even in Sinaloa when Chapo's mom approached him? I'm sure it wasn't for a basket of boogers and sympathy letters. All I'm saying is, a lot of BB readers are uninformed, and you proved my point.

    12. @7:10 Theres a difference between mexican criminals trafficking drugs north and an official U.S government agency sending fire arms South. You're comparing apples 🍎 to 🍊 mijo.

      @11:31 you win. Believe what you want. 🙂

    13. Really well what’s the difference? Gun wouldn’t have went south if Mexico wasn’t pushing drugs into America????

  5. It was surprising to me that AMLO and Trump are able to work together with such different ideologies. But it sounds like DEA may have limited access to Mexico intel in the future.

    1. 8:14 AMLO does not want to have fights or controversy while he is the President, he has been doing what is best for Mexico, and it includes no fights, arguments or controversies with anybody, including the LeBarons who made their enemies in Chihuahua through abuse of political power and friends in high places.
      Alguna otra pregunta?

  6. brave lady you are chivis. the cancel culture going to hang you for daring to post this. forget you are not the author, forget it's relevance which will leap high over the head of dumb/stupid robots drunk with kool-aide, they will still hang you because respectful discourse and freedom of expression has been imprisoned in the U.S.A and elsewhere

    1. What you talking about Willis.

    2. For sure, like I care, attacking me is beyond stupid. Radicals can no longer think for themselves, both right and left groups.

      If one knows Mexico's history with the US and DEA they know this seems like a precursor to what EPN did. Calderon allowed US agencies to access all intel just as mexican agents had the ability to access. when EPN came into office he quickly changed to a very limited access.

      By AMLO's statement it would seem he regrets opening up intel once again by charging DEA as overstepping. Even though the DEA assists in all big catches. It is usually DEA intel that zeros in on subjects.

      That access may be in jeopardy.

    3. "brave lady you are chivis"
      Dude,what the fuck are you gibbering about?
      What exactly is your point?Dont read BB if you get hysterical over stories?We all CHOOSE to come here,you got options ya dig,you an AMLO bubble head?

    4. 829
      Dont be attacking Chivis you fuckin clown.We all got our perspectives you got yours,difference is Chivis runs this blog while you sit on your arse and whine like a bitch.FUCK OFFFF

    5. @934, it seems that reading comprehension has gone out the window as well.....

      PS-829 is voicing his support by highlighting some serious cultural problems in the west.

    6. 9:29
      You are hysterical yourself. Facepalm!

    7. Don't worry Chivis, you done nothing wrong. The truth just hurts lol

  7. Obrador wants details from the DEA, so they can procecute the former general, now that is funny. 1st of all let the US government send him to trail. Furthermore Obrador should work hard in lowering the high homicide rate, also worry about procecuting the cartel that killed LeBron ladies and kids.

    1. That's true his nose should be on putting that cartel that killed babies and ladies, and torched thier SUVs in prison, but months have passed. And here he is being puppeted by his advisor on what to say about getting the general back, we know the general might say more to DEA.

  8. As a sign of goodwill and reciprocity, can the United States deport Eric Holder to Mexico to face justice for his part in the “Fast & Furious” gun walking debacle?
    Why won’t Mexico make an extradition request?

    1. First they can't deport him to mexico, they can extradite him, Brother you must be high, there is nothing more that I will like to see. Honestly let's stick to reality, USA will never allow that.while they are there obama should also be extradited to Mexico.

    2. Not fair, US extradites Mexicans, can't get U.S. Citizens. Mexico quit letting U.S. extradite Mexican

    3. 2:39 mexico did not extradite cienpedos chingadamadre!
      Other extraditados made merits and got their just desserts.
      If i could have my way, apache sheriff arpaio would be extradited to mexico, followed by his whole daisy chain gang

    4. 249 extradite to Mexico??? They cant prevent prisoners from escaping tonto

  9. Some one has to be accountable for fast and furious that killed so many woman and children , damm savages

    1. That's old news, guns under bad hombres kills people.

    2. Thats where your wrong- shit, look at the paperwork that was handed over after subpoenaed- half the shit on there was redacted- or BLACKED OUT.

      The usa plays big brother to all these countries. Lets people import drugs into the usa- and as long as they get their share, everythings a-ok. But if you start doing shit to piss the usa off, then they start cutting some of those millions of dollars your way for that o so successful "war on drugs.."

      The war on drugs is the longest running war in history- and was lost the day it started

      Even veteran dea agents will say their lucky if they bust 1% of what comes in. Think about that for a second.
      What do you think would happen if anyone chose to do 1% of their job???

    3. Good input 1:55

    4. @155 Mr pulgas your one funny guy, DEA is there to bust and investigate drug related matters affecting USA. The ICE is in charge of protecting our borders. USA not as currupted as MEXICO is.

  10. Heres how you know AMLO is a wrongun just like the rest of them.Draggin up the FnF shit AGAIN.Deflection,jingoism stir the folks up to idignation about mexican sovereignty.
    Worst part is,it works?

    1. Well it was a crime of epic proprtions..nice try sweeping under the rug like a good Biden supporter.

    2. See told you it works look at this balloon 1004
      By the way i dont support no motherfucker politician

  11. Forget about the lebarons old news worry about mexicans getting justice for them not someone else

  12. Since when did enpt Obrador meet up with Trump? Perhaps it was telephonic conversation perhaps Zoom.

  13. Yes sir you are right!

  14. Unless you LIVE, not visit or vacation down here, you have absolutely no idea of the depth or complexity of the problems facing the administration. 90% of the ignorant comments are made by people who have to idea of what a ministerio publico is.

    Who can you trust? If your best friend in gringolandia was offered a hundred thousand dollars to help narcos but it would endanger your life, would he take the money. Are you SURE about that? One thousand, hundred dollar bills?

    Until Mexico devises the complicated way to cure policias ministerios, Estados, who are officially paid close to nothing the mordida is going to continue unabated.

    Los Americanos have two people that want to be presidente. Which one is honest? Why do your senators and representivas start their careers owing their political party everything then leave office near death from old age with wealth in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Blind Hypocrites would be a good discription. Corruption came from Espana before the USA had 13 states.

    1. That meeting between Trump and AMLO was the start of a transformation for Mexico. Both nations signed a "Joint Declaration." What details are in those documents? Only the higher ups know. One thing for sure is safety and security were discussed extensively. The current regime is cleaning house right now along with "Big Brother." (US has their finger on the pulse of everything)

    2. Bidens wealth is estimated to be above 100 million with 40 years of not doing shit lmao

    3. This guy is a real hater.

  15. Cienfuegos won’t talk his money and property’s will remain safe unless he feels betrayed by his own people then all hell will break loose

  16. I think the Latinos very conservative voters, they r Catholic, Pro life, and family. How they vote I don't have clue. But usually like Democrats.

  17. I love the respect both presidents have for each other. I truly respect both. For the next 4 years after Trump wins I would like to see some economic aide and more assistance from the u.s. Amlo deserves it.

  18. Fck them all. Trump deported me called me a menace to civilation

    1. Woop de fuckin dooo.How dare trump deport you.
      After all anyone has a right to enter the US illegally

    2. 1107
      Are we supposed to feel sorry for you ?

    3. Happens in every country on earth stop crying

  19. The guy who says he's half latino and criticizes hispanics ( we were called mex_american or chicano in my day hispanic was made up by the news media to label us all in one bunch like cubans dominicans ect and he talks about us asking for handouts looks he was born with a silver spoon into a white family doesn't know about the other half of life like suffering working and making ends meet so all mexicans able to vote and chicanos vote blue .so president Lopez can kiss bidens rear Jan.

    1. Only 11:20 and all other Mexicans suffer to make ends meet, only Mexicans work, only Mexicans suffer suffering, all white people are rich, white people do not suffer, white people do not work, half Latino is not worthy of contributing to discussion because they are only half. Anything else? Definition of bigotry.

  20. Cienfuegos was portrayed in the movie traffic with benicio del toro which was true and still goes on everyday in Mexico and the usa.

    1. Traffic movie came out in 2000 when Cienfuegos was in charge of the military academy, he was not potrayed in the movie.

  21. Why would any intelligent mexican american vote for a racist tax cheat draft dodger like trump who supports white nationalist??

    1. Dear Unknown. I wish everyone could think and research facts for themselves. Instead of listening to talking heads pushing an agenda. You sound like a parrot. Think for yourself. Don’t allow anyone to think for you. Including me.

      1. You say Trump draft dodged implying Biden did not.
      back in the day it was common to use education as a way out of the draft. Apparently trump did.

      what is MORE concerning, is Biden, used "asthma" MULTIPLE times to get out of serving, which is very disturbing since at the same time he was a lifeguard and football player
      he used the excuse 5 times to avoid the draft.

      2. as for taxes good business people legally avoid taxes by using legal methods to bring taxes to the min.

      I am more troubled to learn Biden, who comes from a modest economic background, and never worked outside politics managed to go from a self-monetary worth of 300k to over 10M in 8 years.

      3. Racist. When i heard this in 2015 i immediately was turned off by him. But i went to work looked at the massive amount of info out there on the web of his past contributions and support of various causes. no where was anything found supporting white supremacy or hate groups. He has a long history of supporting causes for women, various racial groups and that of the gay community, way before he ever intended to run for president. This told me much.

      He also has denounced white supremacy groups a gazillion times, and in September 2017 drafted and signed an executive order denouncing white supremacy groups the KKK in particular. In 2020 he announced his plan to designate them as a terrorist group.

      ON THE OTHER HAND Biden has a long history of racist remarks and behavior,.

      He had a close friendship with Robert Bryd a member and recruiter of the KKK. He recruiting at least 150 members into the KKK and Biden gave Bryd's eulogy in 2010.

      Biden has said so many racist remarks it is staggering, he was even heard on a hot mic saying about Obama as:

      "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

      Although I find Trump bombastic and childlike in his behavior on twitter and I was actually disgusted he was the nominee in 2016, I learned to do my due diligence, and focus more on his actions and how that effects our country and my family. My family of dems are 80% in agreement that their lives are for the better in these 4 years. How they vote remains to be seen, but the acknowledgement is there.

    2. come on man....asking where i got the first clean African american story. all these facts i acquired over time. do your own research. but here listen for yourself

      Because of the election i will allow a few substantive comments. keep it non personal give your viewpoint. we can all learn with good discourse' DON"T allow anyone to think for you, that i how a nation becomes a cuba, Nicaragua or venezuela.


    3. Wow. If you weren't married, I swear. Wonderful critical thinking you got there, Chivis.

  22. about time you shed some light on these corrupt public assholes. now if only you can expose sweet talking obama and mr i can't remember biden and their whole corrupt administration dealings.

  23. Out of 43 comments nobody's mentioned how hilarious that photo is.... for many reasons

    1. i absolutely LOVE the image! I saw it and had to post.

  24. Much to digest here, it is true trumps persona gets in the way of his accomplishments.

    most people don't even know he has been nominated for the nobel peace prize three years straight multiple times by several , things like that go weirdly un-noticed.

    1. Nominated but never got it. That's why it went unnoticed.

    2. OK pumpkin let me know when he gets it ok.

  25. All countries and politicians are corrupt. Period. Point blank. People on here commenting like ex boyfriends and girlfriends!

    1. Trump actually is not a politician, just a self made American...


    2. Likely the most comprehensive statement of fact on any form of social media I have read to date. Keep us all bickering and infighting so the elite laugh at us all the way to the bank.

  26. @chivis Could we maybe take a break from the Mexico articles for the next two weeks and just focus on the election? It's good to be informed about what's going on in the world, but we have to remember #trumpfirst

    1. For that you can tune in to cnn

  27. To all the smart hispanics supporting trump who criticize other hispanic voters who vote blue what has the GOP done for hispanic and blacks and low income workers in the last 60 years.??
    LBJ who was a democrat helped passed and signed the voting rights act of 64 and 65 and eliminated the poll tax who suppressed them and now the GOP is still using voter suppression in different ways which means they want to hold on to power any which way they can; so can you answer my question as to why we should vote for trump it's a free country anyone can vote for who ever we want but since you guys are obsessed with trump answer the question

    1. Take a look at your democratic controlled areas, areas stuck in blight and poverty, controlled by the Dems for decades, and answer your own question. Trump has done more for minorities than any dem in modern history with recordunemployment until China releasedthe flu and the dems weaponized it politically. Even your boy LBJ liked to use the n-word and was been recorded saying it. Notice how the dems and libs are for tolerance and inclusion, unless one disagrees with them, then it's ad hominem attacks and cancel culture. Hypocrite.

  28. NOTE: by childish attacks on the mod for having an opinion is ineffective if not stupid. or both.

    any personal attacking gets 86ed

    state your belief, whatever, calling someone vile names does absolutely nothing.

    I am trying to see if there can be a good sharing of thoughts. But I don't want to waste my time.


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