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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Arizona family visiting their Sonora condo are terrorized on Caborca highway, "They terrorized us with AK47s'

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  LaSillaRota Natalie Lines Davis FaceBook TY Steve C

American Natalie Lines Davis, narrated in her profile of Facebook the moments of terror experienced by  husband Mason Davis and their two daughters, when they were assaulted by armed men and then stripped of the vehicle in which they were traveling, on the highway between Caborca ​​and Puerto Peñasco, in Sonora.

On October 6th around 6pm they headed to their condo in a 2017 Tundra, pulling a 20’ trailer with 3 ATVs, mountain bikes, food and luggage, when they spotted a gray sedan that came up side by side to their vehicle, and through an open window pointed an AK-47 at her husband shouting to stop or they would shoot…………………..

The image above; “When the high jacking took place my daughter was on Snapchat, she didn’t realize until later that she caught the whole thing on video (use this hyperlink). Very chilling and very real.”

What would be a few days of vacation for the Davis family, on the beaches of Sonora , turned into moments of terror when a group of hitmen threatened them with long weapons, to steal all their belongings.

Natalie and Mason Davis, residents of  Mesa,  Arizona,  crossed the border last Tuesday  to enjoy the sea with their two daughters in Puerto Lobos, a coastal community in the municipality of Caborca, where, in recent weeks, armed clashes, business fires and executions have been recorded.

The family owns a condo in this town and they travel there frequently for vacation. This occasion was no different than the previous ones.

However, when they were traveling on the section of the Caborca - Puerto Lobos highway around 6:00, a sedan-type car approached them and a man pointed a "goat's horn" at them, to force them to stop.

There the terror began .

"A gray sedan pulled up by the driver's side door, pulled out an AK-47 and pointed it directly at my husband ... ordered him to stop or they would shoot him. Immediately my husband stopped and they ordered him to get off the road, with a machine gun still pointed at his face, "says Natalie.

The mother of the family described that she and her two daughters were still in the car when the hit man got into the driver's seat, they could not believe what was happening, until her husband's voice broke in the moment to ask the criminal to let them go down.

Before the man answered, Natalie and her daughters opened the doors of the truck and got out as fast as they could. The hit man sped down the road.

"Mason begged the man to let his family out. In seconds, we all made a quick decision and got out of the car immediately. In fact, it was so immediate that as the car drove away, all the doors were still open," he continues.

At that time, the family was in shock. They did not know what had happened, but they were afraid that members of the drug cartels were still in the area, so they ran to take cover in some nearby fields, while her husband sought help.

It was then that a vehicle from a nearby mining company passed by and helped the family. They were transferred to a military post, where they helped them call their relatives and staff from the United States Consulate.

"For a few seconds, I thought this could be part of the cartel too and they wanted our family. Mason quickly assured me that we were safe. Within moments, we were on the phone with Washington and those who could help us. The Consulate of the United States told us that help was on the way, "says Natalie.

The family was already safe, but they could not return home, or to their country, due to the partial closure of the border due to the Covid-19 health contingency, where at 8:00 at night they prevent any entry by the sentry boxes.

The workers of the mining company and the military of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) took them to Puerto Peñasco, one of the cities closest to the border and to the point where they were.

There, they looked for a place in the hotels, but they were already at 100% capacity. Natalie says that a family felt sorry for them and put them in their condominium, from where she wrote this report of the most difficult moments of her life.

"Now here I am sitting in this beautiful borrowed room wearing dirty clothes, without any possessions that we came with and more than grateful for the blessings of this day. My family is safe, our children were not kidnapped, our lives were prolonged and I remember once again that God lives and watches over each one of us, "he wrote.

Sonora State Police and Prosecutor's Office investigate case

The Secretary of Public Security of Sonora, David Anaya Cooley and the commissioner of the State Police of Public Security (PESP) met virtually with the mayor of Puerto Peñasco, Ernesto Munro López, municipality where the American family stayed and were supported.

The authorities agreed to investigate the events that occurred on the road to Puerto Lobos as well as to increase security in this area of ​​the state, known as the Gulf of Santa Clara, which is commonly visited by American tourists.

"In order to give peace of mind to travelers, tourists and residents of Puerto Peñasco, authorities of the three levels of government instructed the displacement of the police forces through that municipality and surrounding communities," says a press release.

Elements of the State Police, the Ministerial Investigative Agency (AMIC), the Navy, the Army and the National Guard participate in these operations.

It should be remembered that, in recent weeks, this area of ​​northwestern Sonora, especially in the municipality of Caborca, there have been clashes between criminal groups, as well as between hitmen and agents of the different police corporations.

In addition, last Sunday morning, the passengers of a bus denounced that armed men got into the unit to strip them of their belongings, where they were held for several hours with guns, on the section of the Caborca - Altar highway. The Sonora Prosecutor's Office is also investigating this fact.


  1. Wouldn’t doubt it if there’s a big topon coming in the next few days. When there’s an increase in vehicle theft shootouts usually follow. The next time they see that truck it’s going to be riddled with bullet holes.

    1. The article says the truck was recovered and also shows a picture of the recovered vehicle. Great shoot-out story though!

    2. The image with the ATVs was taken before the incident. the truck was found after without the trailer. She had posted it on the FB account so i added it along with all the other images i found or screen shot

    3. The boss called and said ditch that truck it brought too much heat from the gringos and go get another one for the upcoming balacera.

  2. They drive a new truck with tinted windows in a disputed area. That's like riding on a motorcycle through the favelas in Brasil.

    1. Or like a fool that drove a lambo threw Guerrero which was in war with cjng they killed they shot the lambo with a granade launcher and the body guardes trained in Israel all casualties..

    2. When was this, I have seen a bunch of Lambos in Acapulco.

  3. They lost to quintero la plaza and they do this, classic mayo and chapo move

    1. Where did you hear that . Supposed audios of el durango saying barredora was hiding they ran another time and left all their equipment ?that was cowardly . And anyone know why the hell barredora put that carton manta saying the will be exotrting buisness ppl . That was kinda weak , thought it was vieja escuela no lacras

    2. Quintero’s people getting there ass handed too that’s why they have to do this to pay for them maruchanes look what happen to yuca en obregon they went in all the way lol

    3. Is mayo's move he does it all time, that gives reason to his amigos(federal gov.) To come and sweep and clean the competition they been doing this on all this war

    4. 11:57 you heard a audio and you believe that.

  4. Sorry i can't fell their sorrow,
    but What the hell are they doing on a crime ridden area?
    For your own safety, please boycott Mexico, the "three levels of government" are no facking good until after you get robbed, raped or killed when they arrive with their yellow tape to secure the crime scene

    1. The only thing that would hurt the cartels would be a boycott of blood soaked mota and fentanyl. Hah! Some chance. It would need dopers with scruples. Dead babies? Shiiiiit they're only Mexicans. When you say RACIST DOPERS it's closer to the truth.

  5. There's no victim blaming from me but that area is under not only guidance from State Department as being extremely dangerous, there is a lot of coverage of shootouts in Caborca. That said, many people don't have an interest, or the desire to follow narco violence. I know people from hot spots that turn a blind eye to the coverage. So, these people probably had no idea. I am extremely well versed in violence in those areas, and I would think twice, before traveling unaccompanied without a local contact, in that way.

    What exactly happened, they all got out of the car at once, and the gunmen left, without the car?

    1. I am very surprised they didn't know how dangerous it is presently. They have had their rental for years, renting it out 200 per night and using it themselves.

      I am biting my tongue here. They had choices, Mexicans do not have the luxury. And I a sure they have insurance. I don't mean to sound cold, obviously the daughter is going to have nightmares for a long time, I am just saying they had a choice and if they did not know about what is happening in Caborca area they should have called the consulate, they will give you a list of incidents.

      know before you go

    2. Well then isnt it your own fault for letting your country get like this?

    3. Hello - they’re American - they live in and come from a world where they’re safe virtually anywhere they go in the U.S. (Chicago maybe an exception?). They live insulated in a bubble that to them IS reality. To you and most others they’re naive and uninformed, to them, they never thought they had to be (be informed that is). Humans, like all animals can be conditioned by their surrounding environment. At the very least this should be a wake-up call to them and other Americans that not everywhere is simply peaches and cream. Also, does the police and local government spring to the rescue or work with such vigor to help when it’s a resident Mexican citizen who has been victimized? From the things I read on this site it would seem the answer is obviously no. That’s f**ked up if so - all lives matter, not just American lives.

    4. The gabachos should be arrested before they come into Mexico.
      Yhen after some SCHOOLING and brainwashing let them chose their path freely after they sign their own non disclosure agreements, NDAs, they seem to work for important peepol, for a while at least...

    5. No reason not to have insurance... They can get a years worth for $400.

    6. Do not blame the citizens of Mexico they should know if they travel frequently they us puts out warnings I’m usted they asked them where are you traveling too? Caborca? Yeah big red warnings they’d went maybe they want people to start a go fund me????

    7. mexicans could have that luxury
      if The Gov stopped stealing from them abd they ALL GOT together and DEMANDED higher wages
      Everytime i hear mexicans are poor I say its their fault
      Fight for better wages houseing etc

      Americans going down there with out knowing of the danger Which was and has been on the news is their fault

      If these Drug gangs got together to Demand the whole of Mexico pay farmers steel auto etc workers more I think the Goverment would lisiten
      ALMO should see his country rise not stay in the dark ages

    8. I have sat down and had conversations about why the Mexican people do not rise up and demand better wages. One answer I got while at the table with retired upper middle class folks is: No second Amendment....

    9. So no one told you about the right to bear arms in Mexico is granted in the Constitution? It is the 1971 provision that made it restrictive in caliber.

      There is one seller...the army. it is expensive and slow process. but there is definitely a right to bear arms.

      One way that expedites the process it is to form or join a gun club.

      Hero Don Alejo in Tamps long belonged to a gun club.

    10. Mexicans barely get money to get by, only sicarios get theirs on credit and must rob tamale vendors and force sell their pay in species to make payments.
      The US Bankster bosses would not have it other way.

    11. There's only one gun store and it's in Mexico city. It's probably easier to legally get a machine gun in the US than a measly .38 in Mexico. They need a real second amendment.

  6. I read today that their truck was located, but not the rest of their property.

    1. yes, I guess you read too fast :) it is included above in the FB post

    2. Is that $200 pesos or dollars per night?

  7. What would of happened if the family was harmed ? Would there of been a serious response by the Mexican authorities?

    From a dumb American

    1. It would have made news but more than likely the US would say "we told y'all bitches not to go to Mexico" and Mexico would just say that they are looking into it. More than likely a scapegoat would be found and or lower tier sicarias/cartelitas would be handed over.

    2. Mexico wouldn't do jack shit. The US president would probably stay hush hush in order to not piss off the Mexican president. Basically nothing would happen, just like nothing has happened before when they murdered US citizens in Mexico..
      But if it's across the globe in a foreign country we will do something

  8. "Starla is coming home!! I want to thank all of the Mexican Government, the Municipal Police of Sonora and so many of our dear friends in Mexico for your support in helping us recover our vehicle. God is a God of miracles. "I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith". Ether 12:6 Mason Davis"

  9. I was terrorized every weekend in the 80s and early 90s when I lived in Los Angeles, shootouts every weekend, kids hitting me up with guns asking where I was from. Crazy days.

    1. Right?Nowadays people are just soft and need safe spaces

    2. 558 move to México and get back to me us on that...

    3. 6:40 I can't move to Mexico, I have a business to run.

    4. 6:40 YOU move to Mexico, we have already pacified most of the US, big job now is the "proud boys", all those Chicago Pride parades have left behind wanting party every day...

  10. I will say it again: boycott Mexico.

    1. 2:24 you seriously think all ilegal stuff and criminals jump a wall to get to the usa? The only ones jumping walls are the honest people who actually want a better future for theyre famillies! The criminals pay bribes and pass their drugs like nothing! Les hace falta barrio!

    2. Want a better future? Do it in your own country.

  11. 558 well shoot back

    1. Why? If they're not shooting at him?

  12. Damn snitches stealing everything and anything. First cigarettes and now this.

  13. You're BEGGING to be kidnapped, and or straight up murdered driving through that country with those possessions out in the open.
    Ignorance kills

  14. I’m sorry but I cannot have any sympathy for them. Back in the 1980s We would drive from Laredo to Mazatlan through Saltillo, Torreon and the mountains of Durango and also from Monterey down to Mexico city routinely. If you did that now you would only do it once and you would not come back alive. Living in a border state and owning property in Mexico I would’ve thought they would have checked the travel bans and warnings. Very bad judgment on their part and they are lucky they are alive and as Chivas indicated I’m sure they have insurance

    1. We have driven back and forth to Acapulco for the last 25
      years. Always in a dented up asian sedan, Via Laredo, Saltillo, D.F., Acapulco. We only drive in the day.and take toll roads. There is millions of dollars of commerce transported on the 57D everyday. Nothing has happened in 25 years.

      All you naysayers should stay in your basement.

    2. You're correct that they made poor decisions and are lucky to be alive. You're incorrect about the safety of driving from Laredo to Mazatlán in 2020. Just don't do it in a pickup truck with a trailer full of ATVs. The Davis' did not have insurance in Mexico, so they can't make a claim to any insurance company and are responsible for any losses stemming from the incident. Peace.

    3. To the many miles travelers:
      Keep trying until you get lucky.

  15. Happened to me and 2 pesados on highway from santa ana to caborca near altar, at night, 7 years ago. did not end well for the attackers. true story.

  16. What part of "No Travel to Mexico" don't people understand??? Really.....then y'all want to cry and make a scandal over it when the potty goes down!!!! Stay out of there and enjoy our own backyard. There's plenty of stuff to do in the states 💯 Much love to everyone and stay safe!!!!

  17. ATVs,mountain bikes,valuables,money,i would fuckin rob them.
    Im sorry but are these people cracked ?
    Do we not think this is somewhat idiotic,scary for them,but still idiotic,anyway

  18. I love Mexico and the Mexican people but I would not put my children's lives in danger for a week at the beach having fun in the sun. I hope this family has learned their lesson and will now think before making such foolish decisions again. I hope for a day that the Mexican people can live without fear and be free of losing their children to either criminals or their lives by criminals, but till they stand up to their criminal government and the criminals who control their towns they will live in fear.

  19. I hear there are prime vacation spots in Afghanistan and Iraq ;)

    Come on!!! Really?! You gonna drive not just any vehicle but a pick up truck and pull a trailer with atvs thru an area like this in MEXICO?!?!?! Really!?!?

    Just because you can do something does not mean you should!!!

    You can leave $1000 on a dashboard of your unlocked vehicle downtown Chicago but every reasonable atom of your body will tell you, you should not do that!!!

    If you gonna play with fire, you will get burnt! It is that simple.

  20. This may be the dumbest family in the USA, no scratch that, the entire planet.
    So foolish that they were actually asking for it.

  21. Mexico should be as safe as the US, there is no reason for all that violence , I hope Amlo will set thus country straight 👍 as it use to be backbin the days when I use to go there , it was nice and safe before 2005 when things got out of control with this King pin law

  22. This is why trump needs to declare cartels as terrorists. You touch an american citizen, you will pay.

    1. Lmao y’all think your worth more then every other life in the world?So that means LE or anybody that kills another US citizen should get the book right?Delusional if you think any US politician truly cares about the people in the end all they care about is $$$

    2. 9:12 Not Our President!
      He just beat COVID 19, something 8 million AMERICANSN could not do without having 300 thousand casualties and counting.
      on top of that he is personally beating sleepy joe in his hideous basement hideout, according to the US Fawx News Service and in spite of the Fake News bought and paid for by Putin, Ukrain, Hillary, and Obama.

  23. Let's see..towing ATV's through an isolated stretch of highway in Mexico in a truck with tinted windows.. what happened to the "Please Rob Me" sign, did they forget it at the border? 😒

  24. This type of stuff happened on mexican highways and roads way before the cartels took over used to just call them banditos in the 80s and 90s.

    1. Cartels already had full control by the 80s and 90s especially the 90s..

  25. What's your guys opinion on AMLO? you think he will get reelected? Or will he steal his reelection? He hasn't done nothing for the country, dismissed covid at the start of the pandemic and cartel violence is way up. I'm sure Mexicans are sick of him.

    1. 9:43 AMLO HAS SAID:
      Not for himself, not for anybody else, he even signed the proclamation and had it notarized one mañanera, has also added the opportunity to the People to send him home half way through his presidency with a mid-term vote on a revocation of mandate, what some call referendum in other countries, like Venezuela...
      Some reactionary mexicans are against AMLO, but they are a minority shameless puppets of corrupt regimes from the past, victims of brainwashing and propaganda from rats with stolen money to burn and wide ample asses to protect from "AMLO"

    2. You are so right. AMLO a weak leader. Mexico deserves/ needs better to get back in control of law enforcement and to build a stable society.

  26. Big dummies,why play with your life?

  27. ATVs are prime in México. My son in law gathers turtle eggs for the jacal under the watchful eyes of the marinas
    His moto is a Yamaha that belongs to the cooperativa. They have tried to steal it several times. Almost every one has tried to escape. They end up with bruises and are walking herridas.

    1. 12:18 Stealing turtle eggs should be a crime.

  28. If they love Mexico so much that they own a condo there and frequently travel back and forth then they risked this being committed to them if even once.
    These families do not really want to abandon their Mexican homeland and fiercely defend their country if someone talks bad about it.
    This is the thanks they get for all that unfortunately.

  29. ... pyty no reporter asked the lady; Why do you suppose god had time to save you & yours, but apparently was taking a coupla days off while the mormons were slaughtered?
    Dont these idiots ever think through "their faith" ?

    1. 1:34 there is a difference between knowing you are robbing some misguided tourist family and suspecting a caravan of murdering rival cartel members is coming at you.

  30. Puerto Lobos is one of the pinche-est pueblos in all of Mexico. 10,000 moscas/por persona and hot, dusty, pinche.

    All that area around Caborca and Altar has been narco-infested for many years, just now it's in the media more. Fawking scary how lawless Sonora has become.

    1. Please forgive my lack of knowledge of Mexico but is the area in which this occurred near a vacation spot my people in SE AZ refer to as Rocky Point? These relatives of mine boast of their week long vacations in their rvs parked on the beach there and of the great food and drink availability from the numerous vendors nearby. These relatives scoff at anyone voicing concern as if they are as safe as a trip to a Six Flags or Disney park. They are always interested in having us join them in these trips but I guess I’m just not up to the “danger” I perceive. The idea of taking an expensive pickup and trailer/ fifth wheel on an adventure through Mexico is not my idea of leisure. Best to all admin and those who contribute content here...

  31. Come on man the way shit is popping off in mexico they had a welcome sign driving that tundra with atvs smh

  32. funny why is everyone 🤣 so surprised, its Mexico 🇲🇽 don't go,

    1. 11:46 did somebody steal your cherry tree in Mexico?
      O nomás te tronaron el ejotito.


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