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Friday, October 16, 2020

(Indictment) Former Natl Security Chief Salvador Cienfuegos worked with Cártel de Nayarit (Beltran Leyva) alleges United States Attorney

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  Reforma Borderland Beat Archives

The United States accused Salvador Cienfuegos, Secretary of National Defense in the past sexenio (EPNs six-year term), of having worked for the H-2 Cartel, a violent criminal group based in Nayarit, in exchange for bribes.

The United States Attorney for Eastern Brooklyn today asked Judge Carol Bagley Ammon that, once he is sent from Los Angeles to New York, General Cienfuegos be under permanent arrest, in a letter detailing his alleged criminal activities and the risk escape if released on bail.

"Evidence including thousands of intercepted messages from Blackberry reveals that, when he was Secretary of Defense, the defendant, in exchange for bribes, assisted the H-2 Cartel in numerous ways, including ensuring that there were no military operations in  against the group; assuring initiating military operations against their rivals; obtaining maritime transport for drug shipments; acting to expand the territory controlled by H-2 to Mazatlán and the rest of Sinaloa, "the Attorney General's Office for the Eastern District of New York said today.

Cienfuegos also introduced cartel leaders to other corrupt Mexican officials, and alerted the DEA investigation, which led to the murder of a cartel member who was not actually collaborating with the US agency. 

"Among the many communications captured during the investigation, there are numerous messages between the defendant and a senior leader of the H-2 Cartel, in which the defendant discussed the assistance he had historically provided to another drug trafficking organization, as well as communications in which the defendant is identified by name, title and photograph, as the Mexican official who supports the H-2 Cartel, "the letter says.

He adds that this collaboration allowed the cartel, headed by Juan Francisco Patron Sánchez the "H-2", to export thousands of kilos of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana to the United States, without interference from the Mexican Army.

Patron Sánchez died in February 2017 in a confrontation with elements of the Navy in Tepic.

At the time of the events, from 2015 to 2017, Nayarit was governed by PRI member Roberto Sandoval, who has been accused by the United States of collaborating with drug trafficking, but has not been criminally charged, in contrast to Edgar Veytia, who was the State Attorney General.

Veytia was sentenced by the Brooklyn Court to 20 years in prison in 2019, after pleading guilty to drug trafficking charges, identical to those brought against Cienfuegos.

The Prosecutor's Office asked to detain Cienfuegos without the right to bail, since he would face life imprisonment if convicted of the charges against him, and if he returned to Mexico, he would have the collaboration of drug traffickers or corrupt officials to avoid being arrested.

It is the same argument used in the same Court, when bail was denied to the former Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, imprisoned in the United States since December 2019.

Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda ... by Chivis Martinez

"As evidenced by the criminal conduct of the accused, he has no respect for authority or the law, and has previously endangered the safety of US agents and their witnesses, by revealing the status of investigations against the H-2 Cartel to its leaders, so there is no reason to believe that he will respect the conditions of liberty imposed by the Court, "said Prosecutor Seth DuCharme.

Note: H2

Many in the U.S. are probably scratching their collective heads wondering who cartel H2 is. 

H2 is a Beltran Leyva Organization cell operating Nayarit for the cartel.  Juan Francisco Patron was the leader.

Known as 'H2', Patrón was an an important part of the Beltrán Leyva Cartel organization in the drug trafficking in the areas of Nayarit and Jalisco, in the Mexican Pacific.

Patron was once a part of Sinaloa Cartel, at the time BLO was before the acrimonious split.

Patron was killed in an intense operation in Tepic the Nayarit capital in 2017.

The Mexican military cornered Patron in a house when his enforcers began a fierce shootout with guns and grenades. (view video below).

From the air and land, the military returned gunfire from which Patron was killed taking with him a dozen of his men.

Patron was blamed for the death of 5 soldiers in an ambush against a military convoy, and wounding another 10, as they escorted an ambulance carrying “El Kevin” Of the Sinaloa Cartel, he survived serious injuries only to be later killed and left “encobijado” .

At the time of the attack what Cienfuegos said:

“Upon entering Culiacan, the Military units were received with high-power weapon fire and the wounded person, "El Kevin" was "rescued" from the Army by the armed commando: the very next day the Secretary of National Defense, General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, described the armed commandos as "sick, insane, beasts and criminals" for attacking the uniformed soldiers.”

Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda ... by Chivis Martinez


  1. Cienpedos ordered his boys to kill patrón, because he knew too much, los H were Hector Beltran Leyva after La Barbie tried to take over the BLO when el botas blancas was killed by marinas.
    H2 Nayarit nay have been another front, with H3 in michuakan.
    What reilly matters is what giniral Cienpedos a graduate of School of the of the Americas in "bean farming" knows about ayotzinapa's 43, that was all on his watch.

    1. @6:06 El "patrón" also died cus we was stepping on other capos toes, not only Chapo.

    2. H3 in michoacan was a whole different thing..not associated with H2 or anything

    3. H3 began as a fake AD group in Buenavista Michoacan. What had happened the people wanted the AD movement to come to Buenavista, to quell the demand and control the situation, viagras/mencho formed the H3. H3 is the 3rd AD group formed.

      Doc Mireles explained to me in the early times each AD group organized was given a number in succession.

    4. 8:55 It doesn't matter!
      Charge the motherfackers and make the charges stick, and find the tomb of El Americano, i don't believe he got killed and his body got stolen by El Lazca either.

  2. Chivis is it true cabo89 is already out?

  3. H3 as been said it was cartel Colima until mencho smoked there boss in prison

  4. The USA is sticking its nose where it does not belong. They need to let Mexico take care of its own house. Don't be the imperialists that you have always been. You have ruined Mexico with your corruption of drug use and never ending demand for drugs. We are pure people here, there is really very little crime except for the CIA plants that you place here that cause all this trouble. The CIA and FBI make us do bad things to each other and demand that we corrupt in order for us to survive.

    1. Try taking some responsibility for once. No crime? You have the top 5 most dangerous cities in the world, you are delusional get a grip.

    2. You see, you are a hater of all good Mexican peoples @9:51, nothing but complaints, nothing good to say, we are the poor and pure people unlike your inner city bandits and murderers who kill many many innocents with your home made pressure-cooker bombs, and automatic weapon fire in cinemas and malls, and killing innocent black people in the back and even when they surrender, and of course let us not forget Vietnam, and Palestine, and Nicaragua, and Greenland jaja, and soon all-out-war with the good peoples of China! There is a reason that you have a major drug problem, your society is a powder keg and about to become a joke this next election when the violent revolts start at the polls by your extreme right and extreme left politicos. After, you all will return to your drugs, must be something in the water there. Gracias amigo. Please say no to drug use.

    3. 6:56 LA Airport property of the US, giniral Cienpedos was sooo innocent in his infinite corruption that he thought he could command respect by just showing his large ass anywhere.
      9:51 Regarding Mexico's problems being caused by the US, it is not the whole country or all the americans fault...
      But corrupt US agents, banksters, businessmen and their bought and paid for politicians who have been facking around with their foreign relations specialists on destabilizing any other country in the world, believing that since Business is America's Business, any business will do as long as it brings the bacon home, or Slaves, or Drugs, or Cash to invest and legalize or Launder, none of these are "Mexican Specialties"...

    4. First of all Mexico only has two of the top five most violent cities— You’re forgetting Venezuela and Brazil. and St. Louis Missouri comes in at number 13… I keep saying on here and nobody listens but the US is just as corrupt as Mexico but we are a lot better at hiding it the CIA hides it better internationally and law-enforcement hides it better nationally most of the time but do a quick Google search for law-enforcement or border customs and Enforcement and you will see what I mean arrest happen all the time… And let me emphasize those are the ones who get caught 90% of them get away with it. The trafficking of drugs is a perfect illustration of economics theory and the law of supply and demand, elasticity, and the law of diminishing returns. The bottom line is when there are literally hundreds of billions of dollars to be made in the United States and trillions upon trillions of dollars to be made internationally people are going to step up and fill the void no matter who gets arrested no matter how many people you arrest and put in prison no matter what you do punitively to them drugs will proliferate and they will continue to proliferate As long as you allow the criminal element to manage and control the problem or I guess I should say create chaos in the problem by supplying the addicted, but you have to be open minded to radical solutions if you really want to solve the drug problem, because treating a societal and mental health issue punitively does not work (see DSM V)The last 50 years is living proof. Otherwise we will just continue down the same old path spending trillions of dollars all while making more drugs more readily available and cheaper all while keeping our jails full and our LE officers and correctional officers employed and the machine and the cycle perpetuating itself. So now all you conservative nuts can go crazy on me and tell me what an idiot I am and I’ll just say that yes for sure you’re right any day now we will be winning the war on drugs these last two record-setting meth bust are proof and just like we are on Covid we are turning the corner in the war on drugs and we will win it any day now. On a separate note I was just watching the weather and Hell is freezing over next weekend right after we win the war on drugs…SMH…To Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan Nancy Reagan and the people who kept perpetuating the war on drugs I say be careful what you wish for you just might get it. And you might want to stop liook around and realize what is actually happening and what the facts of the situation this war has created are... Just my two cents peace I’m out

    5. 1:21

      You think we are stupid

      You say we "force" you
      How crazy is that statement

      You must be a Russian or IsIs
      IGNORANT AHole

      go away! go do more LSD or meth
      Small brains think small thoughts
      Yea right we force your drug dealers Yea we in USA are so powerfull we Force you to kill your own for Your Cartels
      If we were so powerfull Why cant I force you to SHUT UP

    6. "USA.You have ruined Mexico with your corruption of drug use and never ending demand for drugs"

      You want to see a classic TROLL 656 is it.Is there anyone less sophisticated than this bellend?The classic line to get a response.This comical little man gets off trollin places like BB.Classic balloon head

    7. 656
      "there is really very little crime except for the CIA plants that you place here"
      C,mon people you really going to fall for this shit?
      The little guy is laughing in front of his laptop

    8. Dude fuck off we got enough mexican haters of the US to last a lifetime

    9. First let me comment I am @ 11:30. I am white. I live in Texas. And in the 70s 80s in very early 90s I lived in Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts, Tennessee, New York, Wyoming, and California. I have seen firsthand and witnessed firsthand white creates the drug supply chain to exist and perpetuate itself. Cash. Straight cash homie. And that cash comes from the US and Europe primarily, though some more developed countries contribute heavily. US citizens buying drugs and moving massive amounts of cash south or at the nexus of this problem.
      Sad truth but been there done that seen it for myself

    10. 1130
      "Just my two cents peace I’m out"
      2 cents?That was about 1000 dollars,fuckin manuscript.

  5. That video of the Marina helicopter shooting the mini gun eliminating H2 and his gunmen was awesome .

    1. Most rational thing iv ever seen u say

    2. He hasnt taken his meds,hes not himself

  6. El Kevin was CDS why would Patron H2 escort him. Who killed el Kelvin after he was rescued by Ivan's people ?

    1. It was the military who escorted him to the hospital. and they were attacked

    2. I believe el Kevin was killed by Ivan’s people with his dispute with his uncle.

  7. Proves that the government claims any cell is a "cartel".

    My question would be if the army was assisting BLO than who was the Navy working for?

  8. Looks like the H2 Cartel will now be on (Dean Wormer voice): DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

    And all because Chapo keeps snitching

  9. Its a embarrassing that Donald Trump is doing more to fight corruption in Mexico than its own president obrador.

    1. Presidente AMLO is all talk and no bite.

    2. 10:47
      agree ALMO is a Joke

    3. 6:44 "ALMO" does not owe over 400 million dollars to anybody, does not brag about being a multibillionaire, does not need to extort anybody, does not have to buy praise from anybody or cover-up his buddies and his own corrupt dirty deeds.

    4. 953
      Yeah,AMLOs a saint,ask his brother Pio



      You have a point,mexico dont seem to care

  11. If the US is saying this & Genaro Garcia is in US custody. Being Garcia is snitching ? He had been “working” with los Beltran so it makes sense?

    1. Good insight, unfortunately most readers believe what their panadero neighbor or drunken uncle high on meth tells them.

    2. 8:26 betraying the US while stealing their money is not a very nice shit, just worthy of getting arrested and prosecuted the moment your RAT ASS comes looking for more cheese.

  12. H2 was head of nayarit plaza for a long time working closely with los mazatlecos. Somewhere around the end of 2016 beginning of 2017 mencho made his move on nayrit. I have family in tepic and morada and they were in the business. I can remember hearing of jalisca convoys sweeping through pueblos looking for h's or mazatlecos stringing people up. Word was the powers that be had sold out los h's and sold state to cjng. Nayarit used to be a very stable and peaceful state, now its a shit show
    jaliscas, mazatlecos and a bunch of crystaleros running loose off the chain. Ive lost 2 uncles and 4 friends because if this wave of violence

    1. Not sorry at all for you
      If your friends and family in
      That bussiness got killed
      Time to change jobs
      or Stop killing other innocents with your meth dealing Family and friends

      I have no idea why you post
      When your family is dealing drugs

    2. All enhanced and facilitated by the very people who are supposed to be working for the good of the PEOPLE.
      Mexican politicos are the true TRAITORS and destroyers of Mexico

  13. Yeah the only thing is this general being caught might not look good for the blo

  14. Balls baby,balls.C,mon now,these guys are fighting against a mini gun/chain gun etc raining down on them.Whatever else we say they fronted up and put up a fight

    1. Es que así es entre los mexicanos. Tiene la fama de pelear hasta la muerte. A qué más le pueden tirar si al final de cuentas todo lo ganado se nos queda en este mundo temporal.
      - Sol Prendido

  15. Nayarit has been one narco-estado since before general marcelino garcia barragan "the Butcher of Tlatelolco" took it over for his own drug trafficking enterprise, when he was governor of jalisko and was retired from the mexican army before he got reinstated to become secretary of defense of diaz ordaz, he left his own son Javier garcia paniagua as director of drug trafficking DFS, specialized in torture and disappearances, like its founder army captain fernando gutierrez barrios who became mentor and first love of "La Secre" or "la Fabis" manlio fabio beltrones, the amphetamine traffickers were the famous contreras amezcua, grandson javier Garcia got murdered in Guadalajara for not being righteous with his narco-associates, and now grandson Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuch alias "el Trucutú" being accused of having been forced into the policia federal in spite of having failed control examinations, lie detectors, lying about his relationships with drug traffickers, extortion, having below median level intelligence and getting nervous under stress, somebody in the policia federal saved his expedient, like now WANTED luis cardenas palomino and imprisoned genarco garcia luna's...
    Puro pinche corructo, and their buddies in televisa, imagen radio and TV, congress, senate, brozo, dresser, the lorets, want to go back to their good old days as million peiso chayoteros.


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