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Friday, October 2, 2020

Guadalupe, Zacatecas: Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación Interrogates and dismembers Cartel de Sinaloa Operatives

 Sol Prendido Borderland Beat  Twitter page @GhostDevil

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Why have you been brought here?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: Because we’re turncoats.

Sicario: And where exactly were you operating?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: In Guadalupe, Zacatecas.

Sicario: And who exactly do you work for?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: We work for El Rey.

Sicario: And where exactly does he live or where all does he move around?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: (unintelligible)

Sicario: And who does he work for?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: He works directly for the Cartel de Sinaloa.

(WARNING:  dismemberment is shown at the end of the video

Sicario: What type of vehicle does he move around in?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: He moves around in a blue vehicle.

Sicario: What message would you like to send out to the townspeople and the traitors?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: For everyone to get the fuck out of the way so that the true bosses can come through.

Sicario: And who exactly owns the state of Zacatecas?

Cartel de Sinaloa Captive: The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

Sicario: You sons of bitches La Barredora has arrived. And this message goes out to all the turncoats, extortionists, rapists, kidnappers, as well as those who are charging cuotas. Absolute Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. We’re coming after you...


  1. Special forces tier one mossad cia operatives got captured by CJNG

    So much for the PLA training 006 and CDS recieve.


  2. Chivis, a friend of mine that raises game roosters in Ameca told me El Jardinero and his crew rolled up in various convoys coming from Nayarit. I don’t know if this has any correlation between the small news I got and the recent push CJNG has done to capture Zacatecas but he has told me a lot of sicarios are starting to flood Aguascalientes coming from that area. I’m guessing they’re trying to do the same thing Mencho did with Guanajuato, fill up the borders of the state he wants to target then flood the state with waves and waves of sicarios. Hopefully Zacatecas doesn’t turn into another Guanajuato, a mass grave state.

    1. O dont worry about zacatecas turning into guanajuato! Cds are not warriors, they will run back to durango and sinaloa con la cola entre las patas! The hardest states ti win are probably guanajuato, michoacan, tamaulipas, veracruz and jalisco, the rest are a piece of cake

    2. Im 8:54! Sorry i forgot to say sinaloa is also one of the herdest state to take and chihuahua got to keep it real, sinaloa just because of their culture and chihuahua they are real warriors like guanajuato, michoacan, tamaulipas and jalisco! Veracruz is hard just because its packed with chapulines

    3. 10:51 AM No one has ever tried to take Sinaloa. During the Arellano, Carrilo wars it wasn't about territory it was about trying to get El Chapo and Mayo. The war against the Beltrans was the same thing. This is the first time Sinaloa doesn't control Nayarit once Durango goes expect CJNG to make their play into Sinaloa. The thing is they needed to take over Michocan.

    4. 5:39 I see your on it. Agree with you on the Michoacán part.

  3. Its time for the cdsnitches to run back to durango or sinaloa to drink some bucanas para el susto y periquiar, hit their wives, and rqpe some underage girls and make a corrido of how brave they are and how they never back down from any shootout and how they control mexico and the world and yati yata! You know the tipical cdsnitches narco corrido

  4. Jaliscas making their move in Durango, Jaliscas emboscaron state police killing 6, the war has began but Durango ja where marranos come to die.

    1. 12:01 AM CJNG doesn't send gunmen into other states they recruit the locals that are the opps of the dominate group. I do believe CJNG is now sending the top guys to lead the locals since they have had bad experiences in Michocan where the top guy flips and they lose their whole investment.

    2. That wasn’t CJNG, I have family In Mezquital DGO. Close to we’re it happened. It’s been locked down for a long time.People have had problems with estatales for a long time. They abuse there power, robbing and beating people up. My guesses they crossed the wrong people.

  5. Obviously it’s a dismemberment but can someone that had the guts to see the video Describe how this goes on? are they alive while this is happening? I rather read it then see it

    1. If you’re too sissy to watch a murder on video then go somewhere else like Disney channel or the American liberal media

    2. There is no dismemberment in this video,just a still picture of the dismemberment,also there was 3 caught people in video

  6. Another fake attempt to distract the truth. The people executed are from the bottom of the pot. Not real bosses. Just regular drug pushers.

    1. The article never say they were high profile?
      What is the truth ????

  7. I'm tired of seeing scenes like this, instead of helping and loving each other we go backwards...VIVA LOS MEXICANOS CABRONES...yeah what ever.

    1. How can you help and love those who would do the same or worse to you?

    2. "instead of helping and loving each other"
      When did we ever love one another?Cause the media and politicos tell us shit?Look at the state now?
      Everyone gettin on this BLM shit?

    3. In order for that to happen, you're going to have to quit coming to BB for your source of news. Borderland is a narco blog which mainly focuses on narco news. What this site does is puts drug trafficking under the microscope and magnifies the issue, causing you to believe that mexico is a war zone like something out of a world War 2 movie... that's not the case. Sure it happens daily, but crime happens in the u.s daily. Watch COPS all day and you'll start believing the police are foot pursuits and car chases 12 hours a shit.

  8. They cut the video it was 3 people

  9. Almost ruined my breakfast watching this😁 .. can someone enlighten me on why is Zacatecas an important plaza ?

    1. Just to cross the drugs but I think that CDS is making its last push because after that this CDS only really has part of Sinaloa and Durango They already getting pushed out of Sonora and CJNG took Zacatecas from el roba cigarros in one day. So all they could do is heat up the plaza.

    2. Cross roads to all different points in the country at Zac.

    3. The mines Zacatecas has, its all a dirty war like in guanajuato for their resources, the narco shit just a smoke screen

    4. Well, aside from the state being employed as a staging area for future operations. It can also serve its purpose as a safe haven. And if they do this to every state that they manage to overcome. Then they’ve achieved their goal of superiority. - Sol Prendido

    5. Its basically an access point plaza, you have Juarez border to the north and Coah/Tamps borders to the northeast

    6. I was eating barbacoa.. in Tamaulipas and just thought mmmmmm just another day confused souls. The fact is that in certain areas of Mexico people have become accustomed to these videos. It is sad because Mexico is such a beautiful place....

    7. It’s a key transport point... you can get a load of kilos to the Texas border in a matter of a few hrs...

    8. Guadalupe Zacatecas near the state capital city of Zacatecas is home to the Military Base simce the 70s and you lnow wherever military bases are, they drive local corruption, gangs, prostitution and drug trafficking, corruption in the mexican military persists because ot comes from the top where only the most corrupt arrive on their "merits".
      Purges, dress down shows and drumming out ceremonies are badly needed, there is special music for these ceremonies, and civilian militas need to start replacing the armed forces chain of command including mandatory observers to witness operations.
      Zeta member "comandante bebe" Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra was killed there after Marisela Escobedo chased his ass from Cd Juarez to Rio Grande and Fresnillo in Zacatecas for the murder of his daughtwr Ruby Fraire...that shows zetas in Chihuahua were no joke aligned with the Linias, also made a member "el Wicked" declare himself guilty of the murder of Marisela in front of the closed doors of javier duarte's palace of government in Chihuahua and was later murdered in prison.

    9. Lavado de dinero, cosechas legales y ilegales, ruta hacia el NE, lugares para esconderse los jefes, narcomenudeo, HUEVOS DE QUIEN ES MÁS CHINGON..

    10. It sits in the middle of all the Cartel strongholds.

    11. 1256
      Marisela Escobedo,what a woman,she would not give up,they finally murdered her and everyone knew she was in real danger,herslf included and it still happened.
      She basically took everyone on.That was a Mexican woman..

  10. How many people will need to be butchered before government takes the initiative to obliterated these scumbags?
    Line these individuals front & center of a firing squad. Show some BALLS for Christ's sake.

  11. these guys weren’t CDS operates they are CJNG, they were most likely tested for their loyalty and ended up falling for it and thus his head being taken off his shoulders to scare the others; After all they do have a small weiner like Jaliscos

    -mariposa ojos rojos

    1. You may have a point, jaliscos are known to use randoms as props to send a message. They are gruesome shit heads lowes of the low nothing bad ass about training your soldiers to eat human flesh. This is why they need to be exterminated. Cds at least picks up people who are involved & respect civilians by leaving them bagged up, no need to do dirty work to prove a point.

    2. 5:43 in denial. Empires rise and fall at the moment CDS is falling and CJNG is on the rise.

    3. 5:43 ok whatever GROUPIE
      The CDS GROUPIES are the best at making excuses FOR their FAVORITE CARTEL 😆

    4. Drugs make everybody allucinate and feel betrayed and persecuted and experience the murdering rages, enough to kill their mother for not cooperating to buy a line or a carrujo de grifa ro smoke. Squizoid Psychopaths need no pardons along with their capos.

  12. Judging how thin these victims are they dont enduldge much on food like most Mexicans who can do and get chubby; this is enough proof to say they were poor people who were caught in the middle of this mess that kills the ones that dont really deserve it. While the real bosses just send messages back and forth.

  13. The baby killer cartel needs to be wiped, it wants to take over all of Mexico. Innocents getting killed, with the police or government doing nothing.

  14. cjng are the isis of mexico cjng are hated for killing the elderly and children

    1. What about CDS? did we forget what they did to the Lebarons?

    2. @9:44
      That was La Linea ... and anyone who thinks differently is either new to drug war news or a complete moron

  15. Just had my parents come back from Zacatecas. Los Campos, Zacatecas to be extract, and according to my dad that plaza is also owned to CJNG. I asked my dad if there was a lot of crime a whatnot and he said no. Everyone is too afraid to try and rob, kill, steal, and extort. Guess CJNG does better job then government lol

    1. CJNG don’t extort or kidnap they only do the drug business

    2. Once they in Control the People are Protected

    3. One of my cousins got beat up by an older cholo deportee from Los Angeles. The same scum bag gang member paralyzed another young kid in a separate incident. A group of armed guys that control calera Zacatecas approached my uncle and told him if he wanted they would hand the cholo over to my uncle amarado or if he didn’t want that that then the problem would be resolved without him having to get involved. They found that gang member deportees lifeless body in a rural road close to calera. My uncle chose not ask for the favor lest he be in their debt. Don’t know what group the guys belonged to.

    4. My family is also for Los Campos Zac. There’s are two Pueblo’s with that name. Which municipio are you in?

    5. Yeah right! Rob,kill innocents, extort is what cjng do. Check the mexican news. And commit other crimes like rape when they're on their meth binges

    6. They are Vigilantees, Once they in full Control they Let the Citizens Go back to their Normal Lives

    7. This guy must not know how cjng really is just look at guanajuato and jalsico how many people go missing. All the businesses from big to small complain about extortion. You probably have a primo helping those scumbag outsiders, guiding them & making them familiar with the whole area

  16. This is the least menacing cartel interrogation video I've ever seen and I don't exactly know why.

    I guess because the room is brightly lit and the sicarios don't look all that threatening. Usually the room is very dimly lit or almost black and the sicarios are dressed in black military-style clothing with very scary masks while these guys look average. Even with the dismembered bodies at the end, it still wasn't impactful to me.

    You know that video with the three shirtless in a big white room men being interrogated by at least 30 Cartel del Golfo sicarios? That vid was 1000x better than this because the cartel guys both looked and sounded much, much scarier than these guys, and you don't even see the execution in that video!

    1. 10:47 AM Dummy you have to realize this those not so menacing individuals are dismembering their victims while still being alive it has become a thing for CJNG to dismember people alive and they don't start at the head that is the last limb that goes.

    2. @10:47 So this video wasn't "impactful" for you?? If that's the case maybe leave the basement and go upstairs and tell your mom you need serious help. Sick F_ck. Smh

  17. These were 2 highly trained Special Force Tier 1 Operatives they killed.

    1. Those dead guys also trained at Ft Bragg and by Israeli special forces. They also trained in Afghanistan by the Taliban

  18. The CJNG is out thier killing cartel members, grammas, babies, policemen and easily getting away with it. But when one of thiers gets killed, they cry and kill more Innocents.

  19. The Marinas should do the same to all cartel punks they catch. Video included. Watch them cry like the little bitches they are

  20. I've seen dozens of the Q&A execution scenes. Notice the canned ritual-like format... at least they could play some music.

    1. Maybe you could go to Zacatecas with a boom box and disrespect El Mencho. Ya know...See if they can't make that happen for you. Smh

  21. What heroes! they captured a few alphas the wars over now lol wouldn’t be surprised if these guys were some random poor dudes from the streets that just happened to be picked up for a little propaganda video. They torture you enough you’ll let them know your osama bin laden’s right hand man or whatever they want you to say.

  22. Those poor innocent boys were probably picked up leaving school or work like always.

  23. CJNG and Mayos people going at each other hard. How the hell does CJNG have so much manpower? I’m assuming years of war is why they’ve lost more than they’ve gained this year.

    1. What?!??!🤯the only place that i havent seen a big advance is in michoacan! They got guanajuato most of it, they got zacatecas now most of it, and pretty much in evert other place they are fighting! Loosing? Thats what you wish!

    2. Same thing is happening in Zacatecas like in Michoacan they keep moving people in but get caught or chased out quit believing their propaganda, Guanajuato they were up against a rag tag weak group of thiefs & they still struggled with the help of the government and everything. They really threw everything at them to get guanajuato. They arent getting Zacatecas that easy.

  24. 7:20 its not like what ypu say or what i say have any effect on whats going on in mexico, all im saying is you cab see an advance on cjng in zacatecas for sure, the only enter zacatecas this year and they already have south zacatecas, guanajuato was another monster, cant believe how marros people faught but the end result was always gonna be the same

  25. Please bb followers respect 006 in this difficult time of trials and tribulations as CJNG has cornered the tier 1 special operatives in Zacatecas and Durango,
    please be aware sicario 006 has set up a GoFundMe page for the fallen CDS sicarios and the ones that will continue. Any donations will be greatly appreciated 006 is going through a tough time. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. 😇😇😇🙏🙏

  26. Do CDS sicarios eat? Those 2 poor souls look super thin
    006 tell your bosses to send money to the kids they have fighting lol no wonder they get captured, weak and malnourished.

  27. All I see are a bunch of pussies with guns. Drop this arms. Lets see you go hand to hand!!!


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