Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Leader of Zetas Faction 'Los Xs' Arrested in Chihuahua

 "stevectpa" for Borderland Beat

Jesus Gilberto Acuña Jurado

Chihuahua state authorities arrested a Tamaulipas cartel boss Jesus Gilberto Acuna Jurado over the weekend. He was the head of Los Xs, a Zetas faction. The detainee was hiding in Chihuahua, over 860 km (534 mi) from Tamaulipas, where the Xs are based.

Investigators say that Jesus Gilberto was coordinating marijuana and cocaine shipments from Chihuahua to Tamaulipas with the help of local drug cartels. His associates in Chihuahua were Francisco Arvizu Marquez ("El Jaguar") and Gerardo Garza Santana ("El 300"), heads of Gente Nueva and La Empresa. The Xs also smuggled narcotics to the U.S. through the El Paso–Juárez corridor with the assistance of local smugglers.

In addition, authorities said that Jesus Gilberto's group sold cocaine throughout Chihuahua in black plastic bags marked with the letter X. He was also linked to an extortion case of a bread business in Chihuahua. The Xs reportedly asked the company for payments periodically in order to continue operating. If they refused or were unable to pay, gangsters were ordered to burn the company's distribution buses. This form of extortion is known in Mexico as derecho/cobro de piso ("user rights"), as reported by Borderland Beat.

The arrest was made after a judge in Tamaulipas issued an arrest warrant on 15 October 2020 and asked Chihuahua state officials to help in the search. At the time of his arrest, Jesus Gilberto was one of the most-wanted criminals in Tamaulipas and was considered a "priority target". Chihuahua officials transferred Jesus Gilberto to Tamaulipas for his legal hearings. He is being investigated for homicide, extortion and drug trafficking.

Sources: 24 Horas; El Heraldo de Chihuahua; Sol de Nayarit; La Opcion

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  1. ncdj associates are rafael caro, cjng, bournes brothers, and laguna cartel
    Violence seemed to slow down alotnin Chihuas i wonder why

    1. Violence decreased because Linea defeated CDS. CDS still operates but keeps a low profile.

    2. There is no alliance between NCDJ and Jalisco... Juárez wants NO meth in Chihuas period !

    3. Defeated? They still supply and move through. If not extorting means low profile. But it's business as usual read the articles

    4. They didn’t want it if is not in wholesale but if a good deal pops up they will get it. And guess what??

  2. Again it should have read found dead due to Covid.

    1. But he is alive, he is not dead yet.

  3. Does CDN and NCDJ have an alliance?

    1. CDN dont have alliance with ncdj

    2. It was zve bt past leaders have been caught and killed so who knows

  4. Considering all the chaos in Tamaulipas the past years, we didn’t hear much about these guys..


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