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Thursday, October 8, 2020

School supplies given to Culiacan children from Sinaloa Cartel

 Steve C Borderland Beat Milenio

Culiacán, Sinaloa-  This weekend, school supplies were given to poor children with the initials of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo, former leader of the Sinaloa cartel currently imprisoned in the United States .

These types of acts are not new in the area; on some other occasions, the residents have received cakes in city hospitals, pantries and 200 peso bills. In Jalisco, they gave away balls and sweets from 'El Chapo' to celebrate Children's Day. Those who provide the support seek to help people with limited resources, under the orders of the capo's children or Los Chapitos, but always trying to keep present the figure of El Chapo, who is currently in prison.

The supplies packages were distributed in the most vulnerable areas of Culiacán, such as Las Coloradas and Bicentenario. The children received notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, scissors, and puzzles.


  1. Chaputos pendejos..... creen que está haciendo un bien....... pero solo están BIEN PENDEJOS.......

    1. They filthy rich....

    2. 341 wealth does not equate righteousness.and no matter how many gifts you give out or money you distribute it does not take away from the sins you commit against your fellow man. That is the point the original author of this comment is attempting to get across.

  2. Animo Sicarios
    Gracias Señor Guzman !
    Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 operators are the most elite and fearsome cartel agents.

    However we also have a community outreach program we have Cartel ride alongs .Diversity programs,natural disaster assistance programs .
    There are community centers in the mountains of Sinaloa similar to the YMCA for the youth .Covid 19 Stimulus package .
    Free note books ,pencils, and 200 pesos with el Señor initials

    New People 006

    1. Dios...CDS should be hanging their ass in shame giving this crap to children. What a damn insult. I give uniforms, and backpacks, filled with supplies in poor neighborhoods and areas.

      Little me and my family can do this, surely sinaloa cartel can do much more. Buying in bulk my cost is 28 usd per child

    2. What about scholarships and better schools? Oh wait they want to continue giving the youth little to no options other than to work as sicarios for less than minimum wage and sopas Maruchan. True heroes cds!

    3. Lets just say Pablos rolling in his grave at the moment complete peanuts. Senor Pablo did the most for his community.

    4. 😂😂 Los Chapitos Made 🍻 distribution Close at 11PM TO BUY THAT😂😂 CJNGX ELITE MUCHO RESPECT FOR SENOR MENCHO

    5. whataboutisms? we could go on forever, but that is not the discussion.

      The point here is that this cartel demonstrates the value it places on poor children, looking down their noses at the marginalized segment of society.

      It is difficult to see what the gift contains, but it looks like scissors, a couple of pencils (not even a pack of pencils which is very cheap in bulk) spiral notebook, pen, crayons. apx 3.75 in total.

    6. This cartel is wanting to buy their forgiveness of all the people it kills. It in no way is fooling anyone but the weakminded.

    7. @8:31 Did you comment like this when CJNG gave shit in Guadalajara to poor people? I can't remember. Sometimes you sound like a Mencha fanboy and CDS hater. If you lived in any town controlled by Menhco in Jalisco you would see how they roll.

    8. 918 you’re ignorance blinds you young man. I call you young man because age does not always equal wisdom. How dare you defend evil. ALL cartels are evil and here you are like an insulated girlfriend defending her abusive boyfriend. Shame on you child, one day you will see the error in your thinking pattern.

    9. Only a low life idiot would support any cartel. I have experienced first hand their destruction and grief. This is not a sporting event. Grow up, go to school.

    10. this guy said ride alongs hahahaha

      imagine if the make a wish foundation reached out to a cartel about a terminally ill child for a ridealong and then a confrontation happens. not good.

      i know its sarcasm

  3. Pa que vean, CDS does not just spread aroud death and mayhem like Genarco Garcia Luna alias "El Topo" and FELIPE CALDERON "FECAL".

    1. Fecal and garcia luna were helping chapo so in a cense they all the same shit, this 3 guys started pretty much all cartel wars in mexico, so more than half of the deads up till now are because of those 3

  4. Pienchi Obrador does not give out school supplies or food care packages, that the cartels do it.

  5. i know sinaloa gets a lot of hate because they only ones who are true drug barons staying in their business and always helping the most poor they last old school cartel in mexico
    alias colombiana

    1. No, they don’t get “hate” they’ve exposed themselves for being rats and NOT going by the old school rules. They’re known for quite the opposite mi colombiana. Also they’ve taken their own people hostage to free ovidio. No respect for the innocents, not even their OWN people. That’s why Chapitos have to sell more fenty now. Colombians don’t want to work with compas that can’t pay for loads upfront or that will tell to save themselves @1:15

    2. Bro my family from Chihuahua and the narcos there have helped people all the time but they dont really make it public. Sinaloa cartel just like a bunch of teenage girls that want all the attention.

    3. 5:07 What is public are the bones in the desert. Your narcos allowed the filth of humanity to thrive for too long.

    4. 1:15 dile eso a todas las familias de las jovensitas levantadas, violadas y muertas por el cds en sinaloa, aver wue dicen

    5. 7:30 filth of humanity is all narcos wanting to buybout their crimes with gifts to the poor.

    6. 8:44 the military and polecias federales far away from home are some of the worst rapists anywhere in the world, and the most warrying US Military has been even worse, you can google.

    7. 4:13 i dont need to google anything i know thats true, but we are talking about cartels and you also dont need to google anything to know cds are the same shit like alll other cartels

  6. Los Chapitos y el CAF ya estan juntos plebes pa que sepan

    1. Nos sacaste de la duda plebe. Ya no podía dormir por esperar tu anuncio. Ahora juntos pueden cooperar Para hacer chingaderas y luego entregar a sus compas y hasta sus madres por libertad

    2. Nomas xq el flaquillo es amigo del 19 no significa que estan juntas las empresas

  7. El Sombrero no se cae

  8. And the coward cartel starts their propaganda to get kids to be sicarios. Because they’re gonna need them for the CDS vs CJNG war. Sad how blinded groupies can be that they will give their kids to the snitching cartel

    1. Cjng been doing that but instead of handing out freebies they forcefully recruit young men at gunpoint throughout Jalisco just to pump up their numbers in their cheap internet videos

  9. Funny how Americans can argue that cartels should not be giving away items to those in need but when a certain political party in the U.S. decides to do the same they still argue that it is socialism and shit like that.
    Seems like Americans are envious or jelous of people receiving shit given away?

    1. Not all of us. I'm proud to be called a "socialist" :)

    2. WTF
      You again ! This is about Mexico not America or Americans

      Stop bringing America into it

      we can still have opiniins no matter where we come from
      But you make statements that allways inply Americans or America is not diifferent or worse
      Why you hate so much Man ?

      these storys are NOT about America or Americans
      GO AWAY ..

      Poor children in Mexico exists because your leaders steal from your communitys and

    3. Interesting how assistance is often met with criticism. Where charitable goods must get approval from those who wield powers.
      Help is help in the end
      Good input.

    4. 2:14 public education is a right on the US, even white supremacists acknowledge that while pushing for equal but separate, where EVEN if integrated, not everyone gets equal quality student body, drugs, attacks, murders, teachers, gangs o supplies, where equality gets tricky and questionable.

    5. 4:14 yeah. Why bring America into this discussion correct? It is better to talk bad about Mexico and cover pur eyes about what is happening in our own country than to talk bad about us in the U.S. right?
      Truth hurts don't it?

    6. 4:14 so you want the U.S. to stay the same or go in the same direction in Mexico?
      I mean the rich keep getting richer yet the middle class is practically evaporating and all forms of public assistance from our government is being taken away.
      You think ignoring a problem is the best solution?

    7. 4:14 it goes for you too, the US can't divorce from their putas pendejadas when it comes to foreign relations regarding the Mexico Problem, the US financed the War on Drugs with about 36 billion dollars in the 12 years of FECAL and EPN that left all this murdering behind, and it started about 50 years ago in Bolivia with La Guerra Falsa, followed by Operation Condor of nixxon/kissinger & Klaus Barbie.

  10. They forgot to give rulers how are the kids going to make bar charts

  11. It's the least they can do since the inhabitants are held captives in their state. I've been more impressed if schools were erected for these poor kids than DOLLAR TREE store bought items.
    It's unfortunate that many would rely on others for necessities than ones government.
    On a good note; Mexico isn't alone when it pertains to providing essentials to underdeveloped / underfunded communities. America has many communities lacking resources.

  12. I think @1:58 nailed it with children enjoying these freebies and becoming future halcones and then sicarios. They arent aware yet of the torture and brutality, but are falling victim to the JGL branding.

  13. They reap millions selling dope while slaughtering, torturing, raping,extorting, and kidnapping up and down Sinaloa but, they give pens and pencils?? Pathetic.

    Guess they wanna get on the kids good side so when they turn 14-18 they can force them to join up with CDS and pay em less than minimum wage for selling their souls.Smh

  14. These. Sons just trying hard to make the people like them lol. In realty no one likes them they just like the zetas

  15. Sorry we murdered some of your family members and neighbors but here's some pencils, Elmer's glue and plastic safety scissors. How heart warming.

    1. The US is pushing for a quality education gor mexican kids, but the whole budget in peisos is not attractive enough for US investors, even uf they are "not for profit" profiteers...

  16. Todas esas libretitas con sus lapizitos y tijeritas fueron comprados con los cigarros que se an estado robando 🐷 😹

  17. Probably spent more on the custom "JGL" bags than the contents. WHAT A JOKE! I've seen average people do more for a underprivileged community

  18. It's a real shame that these guys are vilified when all they're trying to do is show their humanitarian side, in less one of these kids parent's run a foul of the cartel then they'll have no problem murdering those very same children. If they really wanted to do something humanitarian they'd be doing things that would divert these children from getting involved in the criminal underworld in the first place, but as we all know they don't want to shrink the pool from which they choose their professional killers. I hope that one day the Mexican children can go back to being children with no other worries but what games they want to play with their buddies, I pray for you kids.

  19. Its a criminal organization giving to the poor. Like when rich people give to charities so they can get a tax break. This is just to keep the organization thriving. Oh but theyre not criminals their business owners and people who worked....yes but the wealthy loves cocaine too. Oh no they dont show me proof pff ok they dont like it.

  20. Stop the violence the kids have to see and suffer would be better gift.

  21. Sadam Hussein and Pol Pot often provided coloring books to young children. They were still butchers. Cambodian and Iraqi 'journalists' also wrote about how kind they were...

  22. Coming soon.... CJNG cartel will distribute notebook paper and rulers.

  23. these scoolboys future CDS members

  24. How nice of them. They kidnap, torture, behead and slaughter people but at least they give away school supplies. I think these guys are going to be alright.


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