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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sonora: Interrogation of La Barredora members before execution-video translation

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Twitter TY SR

Two members of La Barredora were captured, interrogated then executed.  They left behind a narco cartulina with a warning message that accompanies many executions.


“This will happen to everyone of 24/7 Caborca.  Here everyone already knows who is in charge and their leaders.   Cara de Cochi –(means filty face or pig face and is  Jesus Dario Murrieta) and Abel know not to be assholes about this.

Attn: The Mera Verga (Ivan Guzman)

Video narrative translation below

Warning: I am told there is an execution coup de grace at the video end

Sol Prendido translation for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows: Sicario: What message would you like to send out to everyone in Caborca and in Nayarit where you came from?

Captive #1: Don’t allow yourselves to be fooled. These guys don’t pay. Everything is being held with lies. Saying there is no war and that all is fine here. Don’t listen to what they’re claiming because it’s all a deception. Here they will have you believe that lots of money will be made. And that all you have to do is be a lookout in a certain spot.

Sicario: And how about you? You’re a veteran in that fucking organization. Which organization do you pertain to in Caborca?

Captive #2: I belong to La Barredora 24/7.

Sicario: And who is it being led by?

Captive #2: It’s being led by Dario Murrieta aka Cara de Cochi and Abel.

Sicario: And who contracted you?

Captive #2: I was contracted by Dario and La Yuka.

Sicario: What do they send you to do when they’re on the road struggling?

Captive #2: Well, they send me to steal vehicles, to set restaurants on fire, and to extort citizens.

Sicario: What happened yesterday there on the highway?

Captive #2: They left one of their men there. It was 5 of their vehicles against 3 locals. But they ran away.

Sicario: Is there a message that you’d like to send out to those individuals that you worked for?

Captive #2: Well, that they ain’t worth a fuck. They just ain’t worth a fuck. Their time has come to an end already. The people here are too strong.

Sicario: We will be here waiting for everyone to come at us whenever they’re ready. This will be the fate of all the gunmen who comes out of Caborca. 


  1. Ezo les paza por pendejos y todo por ganar dinero facil y no agarrar un trabajo honesto y la neta YO VIVIRIA BIEN JUNTANDO BOTES.pero bueno

    1. Pienso que no le entraron solos a trabajar creo que los carteles los hacen trabajar ala fuerza si no matan a sus familias. No hay otra opcion. Esos muchachos los drogan y les dan una miseria

    2. 7:57 tu los conoses?? Tu eres el tipo de jente que abla sin saber y que piensan que todo saben y quieren corregir a los demás pensando que lo que tú as echo en tu vida es lo correcto y todos deberían vivir como tú. Tu solo miras los errores de otros y no los tuyos ósea si no los conoces no Juzgues sin saber cual fue la razón que ellos terminaron así.


    3. 7:57 tu los conoses?? Tu eres el tipo de jente que abla sin saber y que piensan que todo saben y quieren corregir a los demás pensando que lo que tú as echo en tu vida es lo correcto y todos deberían vivir como tú. Tu solo miras los errores de otros y no los tuyos ósea si no los conoces no Juzgues sin saber cual fue la razón que ellos terminaron así.


    4. No los meten muy a la fuerza a trabajar con ellos.
      Les prometen cosas que no son y luego ya adentro tienen que hacer afuerzas lo que digan los jefes.
      Luego los avientan al fuego con la idea que los van a apoyar y los dejan morir. El cuate viejo en el video este bien lo dice.
      Lo que pasa es que no tienen un idolo o persona a seguir que les ensene que pueden ser mejores personas que andar metidos en estupidos carteles.
      Los pocos que ay los mismos carteles les silencian la boca que no hablen contra estos para siempre tener carne de canon fresca para sus filas.
      En pocas palabras a los carteles les combiene tener a la gente ignorante para que nunca les falte gente a quien mandar a que se maten por ellos los jefes.

  2. Que pinche pedo de mandar a gente a extorcionar?
    Y que chingados estos cuates se creen que van a sacar dinero y o fama andando en estaa pendejadas?
    Deberas que son gente facil de enganar todo putillo miembros de carteles.

  3. Barredora 24/7 is the armed wing of the Caborca Cartel .
    This is in Sonora .
    (There is another Barredora which was part of BLO in other parts of Mexico )

    La Mera Verga is CJNG .

    This does not make sense. The war in Sonora is between Los Salazars Gente Nueva (CDS) vs Caborca Cartel ( Rafael )

    Sicario 006 please explain. Animo Señor.

    1. La mera Vera is Ivan Archivaldo

    2. La Mera Verga is Ivan Archivaldo. Listen to Panchito arredondo 'La MB'

    3. 8:18 it's obviously cds doing the killing..
      La mera verga is just a saying used in all over Mexico NOT a cartel...what they trying to say is that they run things in Sonora whatever cartel they belong to...

    4. La Mera Verga Operates in Morelos and Guerrero, it is a criminal group.

    5. La MV is indeed Ivan Archivaldo and Menores, they have Gente Nueva (headed by El Cazador) fighting Barredora 24/7. It’s a huge mess right now for Caborca and Sonora unfortunately. I also saw a video on YouTube where there is a message signed by Los Menores saying the people of Caborca have 20 days to save and leave on vacation cause they are gonna do a sweep of Barredora 24/7 and they will not care for innocent.

    6. Chapos son is La Mera Verga

    7. 9:39 eso esta sad! Quien les pidio que vallan ahi a levantar gente? Mejor que se queden en sus casas en culoacan o mejor que se vallan a puerto vallarta a que los levanten otra ves, aver si de esta otra no se salvan los puñetas esos

    8. Did you guys see the bus heist this madrugada? Between caborca-altar. They took over a Tufesa bus and left passengers stranded. There's no law, no nada in the region. So, so sad!

    9. You are all wrong. La MV is El Chore de el dorado. Gente de ivan

  4. Purrty edifficant,
    Justice like injustice is reserved for the poorest of the broke ass cartels, why don't these killers go after the Big People they mention instead of these nobodies?
    Because they are the assholes or caborca is too big and they can't find their own nalgas with both hands...but thanks for the quick executions without torture and dismemberment, pretty decent.

  5. I thought La Barredora 24/7 was the Caborca/Quintero-Paez Cartel armed wing. This is probably Grupo Delta del Cazador/Noveno performing the execution.

    1. "Barredora" means to sweep or clean, a lot of cartels use it to say they're cleaning and not that they're a group by the name.

  6. Looks like a kid who's nuts have barely dropped.

    1. And??????? Kids who haven’t had their nuts dropped extort, kidnap and kill. They are ALL FAIR GAME

  7. Looks like a peasant and a kid. Not sure I believe these guys are sicarios nor mafiosos

    1. My thoughts exactly... it is easier to pick up innocents as props for these bullshit "power displays"
      How about the CJNG and 3 CDS video...come-on now, those were 3 jr high boys plucked from a soccer field..

      disgusting POS👿

    2. Chivis, 100% the older guy is a sicario. I saw some interrogation videos with him. He knows what he's talking about. You can find the videos on TH3PR3D4TH0R. At least they had a easy death.

    3. They are fuckin peasants. Not even sicarios just a bunch of dumbfucks given guns and ask to do the shittiest og jobs like extorting and robbing and such. Shit where no skill is neccesary.
      These are the people that get lured into this easy money shit easily and are very very disposable.

    4. Maybe...but that is not a factor they script people. i can hear a voice in background on this video.

      no way to confirm just an observation.

    5. About 10 narco fosas were recently found in caborca all containing female clothes.
      CDS = RAPIST
      CDS = RAPIST
      CDS = RAPIST

    6. The interrogation is somebody watching it on their celular, that's some of the chuckling and background noise you hear. The veterano part might simply refer to his age or could also mean he has been involved in those matters for some time.....

    7. 10:21 make you feel like a big man texting to a female that way. You're a small boy.

    8. 10:05

      You saw videos with him as in his presence? Or videos with him in them?

    9. @10:21am Don't feel utterly rejected and forgotten. Your charm and wisdom are unique but a tad stunted at maybe "girls'" level; whereas, la Chivis is a woman. Also, try Scope on your d*ckbreath.

      Canadian girl💋

  8. Who is la mera verga???

    1. Thats me😂
      But pretty much everyone uses that phrase when taunting enemies or trying to make a point that they are the baddest..

    2. Yo compa, aki presente! Sientate un rato si quieres!

    3. Ivan Archivaldo

    4. Great question. Is Mera Verga from CDS or Linea or CJNG?

      ~Chocoflan 24/7

    5. What is the meaning of la mera verga?

    6. La mera Verga es el Mencho estos ya son copia del verdadero

    7. He's a retired hit man and now has a YouTube channel about knitting.

    8. La Mera Verga means:
      "the Very Dick",
      The one and only 'Cock of the Road', but is just a saying.
      To see real ones see Doctora Polo "cosa Juzgada"

  9. The guy on the left looks like he is young enough to still watch cartoons.

  10. Probably not cartel members but instead innocents that were picked up. Which probably explains why they had the 'privilege' of being shot and not amputated limb by limb like other rivals seem to suffer.

    1. Tbh I dont think I have seen Los Chapitos factions do one amputation video. Even El Nini didnt reply with one when one of his men got chopped up. In a recording he said he doesnt do that stuff so not to frighten the normal citizens. Maybe thats why they didnt. Although I am sure they do some privately and dissappear the remains

    2. CDS in general don't seem to do dismemberment videos. Guessing this a rule of CDS to avoid heat. If they do these types of executions then they hide it very well.

  11. They have a lot of resemblance, tragically it might be a father and son. The young man is probably 13-16yrs; to punish the father they kill his child first but these sicarios don't realize that what goes around comes around. It's the old law, nobody can avoid it..

  12. Still unnerving to watch humanity behave like such. The disregard for human life in Mexico is a crisis.

  13. You know what's troubling for me?? When these 2 were KILLED it barely made me blink. After countless videos of atrocities I can't "un-see",such as The "Ghost Rider" video, this almost has the feel of watching an execution in a movie. I am done watching ANY of the videos posted.

    I can't pretend watching these videos is somehow OK cuz in 99% of em it's savages killing savages, nor can I pretend that somewhere deep down inside I get a warped sense of satisfaction by watching scumbags who have, and continue to, subject innocent people to their bull shit day after day for 20yrs, killing one another.

    The purpose-I believe-of BB is not to glamorize narcos, but to educate and show the world what the F is going on down in MX. I am glad BB exists but for me from here on out I will read the accounts without watching the videos.

    1. Funny, I stopped hitting play a looong time ago for similar reasons.

  14. Damm just a kid I swear Mexicans are the worst self hating race.

    1. Every country has had their dark days and continue to have them don’t just say Mexico does this to there youth. That’s ignorant.

    2. Latinos in general seem to hate each other. Idk why we cant all just realise we have the same blood inside of us.We should be proud of our indigenous roots and be united. We would be unstoppable...

    3. I think all races behave the same when it pertains to monetary factors (Blacks killing blacks, Hispanics killing Hispanics & Caucasians killing each other).
      Monetary gain does not discriminate from family members becoming victims.

    4. This is a mexico problem. Not a latino problem theres many other latino countries outside mexico. I have a problem when someone thinks we are all mexican. Fuck that.

    5. Bro I am Latino not Mexican, but all Latino countries have the highest murder rates in the world. Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia why? Cos people hate each other. Then you have Lrtinos been racist to one another thinking they are better then each other.

  15. These are low level nobodies. Expendable life’s. This is so despicable that it’s not anything that can be joked about. I find it all very dissed tasteful and disgusting. It’s very sad.

    El Conejo....

    1. Expendable are what we truly are. Whether for country or God.
      Life wasn't ever guaranteed. Nor will it ever be.

  16. Jesus Christ. These guys don’t have 2 nickels to rub together. It was actually compassionate to shoot them in the head. A lot worse ways to go in Mexico.

  17. All you saying” poor little boy looks like he’s 10”
    Boo hoo he at least 18-19, listen to his voice he through puberty Already.
    Adiós “ little” boy nos veremos en el infierno

  18. That poor kid saw what was coming his last thoughts were sadness by his frown he had before they pulled the trigger. All this violence going on in Mexico is really unnecessary, how many years does it have to be the same old story just different names, this shit is getting old and needs to be contained, I think a bunch of us American Mexicans need to go back and overthrow the corrupt government, not one at a time but a shit ton in each state to end corruption, i know it sounds ridiculous but thats the only thing i can think would work.

  19. These guys really need a hobby besides senselessly murdering people.

  20. Alucin ni en su sueños pisan pura verga ahi en Sonora ahi gente bien pesada que ni a los talones le llega el mencho a esa familia que es de mucho power

  21. We had Scottish Zeta, then Sicario006, then Caballero de Jalisco, and now this fuck.

  22. Thanks Chivis. Black shirt is prob 12-15 age range. Cowards

  23. Mexicans killing Mexicans... Damn.

    1. American's killing American's too.

    2. @6:19 Why are you shocked? Most homicides are intra-racial or intra-cultural. People kill who's handy, or who they know, or their rivals. A member of your own group. At least Mexicans and Blacks still have some sense of decency. We don't invade people's houses of worship and gun them down. Unlike the polar bears.

    3. “Polar bears”? You bigoted piece of shit. I hope our paths cross someday.

    4. 830 am
      Not all whites are pussies james brown,you might fuck with the wrong one,you fuckin shithouse anonymous racist

    5. You callin whites "polar bears" and no protest here ?
      Another black racist gettin brave right now ?
      How surprising

    6. Instead of complaining against JamesBrown ask yourselves where he learned that from. As a matter of fact try walking in his shoes before you rant. His anger didn’t spring up on its own. The hardships that people of color have had to endure speaks volumes about the point in time that the USA is going through. And the oppression of any one group will always give rise to dissidents.

      - Sol Prendido

  24. Don't forget about el parendero, the caf kiss ass always writing about "LA GRAN FAMILIA" and countless others. Most are gone now.

  25. Gracias Sol


  26. @12:11 there was a couple more before them too lol

  27. These guys look like ex ANTIFA protesters by the way their kneeling - Sols logic.

  28. Both has facial similarity, could be father and son.

  29. We have polar bears up here but what does 'polar bears' mean on BB?

    Canadian girl


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