Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Tamaulipas: Narco rapper "Blunt" (Mauro Emanuel Vazquez Yañez) executed in Reynosa

Steve C Borderland Beat  Imparcial

Mauro Emanuel Vazquez Yañez, better known as "Blunt" belonging to a narco rap group, was murdered in this border city. His body was found in an apartment on Guadalajara Street in the Rodríguez neighborhood.

Vazquez, 33, had stab wounds to the neck, back, abdomen and right hand.

With him, the body of 27-year-old Rodbell Joel Martínez López was also located, who had gunshot wounds to the head and one more to the thorax.

One of his most popular songs was that of "Reynosa La Maldosa" that illustrates the violence related to drug trafficking that began approximately in 2010:

"We are pure Reynosa, a shitload of thugs, pure mafia people suffer or enjoy it. Reynosa the evil one, the street is dangerous, put me out, pure evil people", reads the theme "Reynosa, the evil one".

"Welcome to my kingdom, Reynosa,  where people gamble life daily, people who blow your head, be careful or bullets go through you, mutilated bodies thrown into the canal, too much evil to fit in a prison ”.

It transpired that both young men were in an apartment in this area where armed subjects arrived and took their lives.

According to reports, "Blunt" was identified by a black Malibu car owned by the rapper.

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  1. Long time they have been untouched, but the method of killing doesn't exactly point to organized crime to me.

    1. Exactly. The stab wounds and the gunshot wounds seems more like a personal attack. La maña would either kill him in a gun attack or pick them up to be cut up.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Blunts are made to be SMOKED.
      So it was written from the start

  2. Keep in mind these guy was an entertainer. But possibly been street selling. Or narco song contract gone wrong.

  3. This angers me and also makes me so sad...artists speaking out,singing TRUTH, only to be silenced! RIP!

  4. wonder what cartel he was making music for? last year i believe it was when el barret 5050 was killed he was a rapper for CDG

  5. Good riddance. You owed the piper.

  6. Rapeava mejor el cano que el blunt pero no le ganan al makabelico que descanse en paz cano

  7. Manta stuck on his ass. The disgrace. Smh

  8. ke esperaban al formar NARCO RAP .. sabien de altemano ke ni la pinche santa muerte los salvaria.

  9. Before anyone judges, think about the last time you enjoyed listening to 2pac or Ice Cube.

    1. ^^^Ice Cube and 2pac were fake Gs too. 2pac was a sex offender. Rap sucks anyway this dead guy was trash and so was his music!

      There’s a huge difference in those who just listen to 🎶 music and those that try to imitate what they hear 👂 and see 👀 on 🎞 film.

    2. @1156
      Although los temerarios are a good band. You can’t get pumped up listening to them. Although I’ve never heard of these guys they were probably just entertainers trying to make a living like cube and pac.

  10. Probably was a personal killing done by a regular person, if the cdg would of done it they probably would of abducted him.

  11. Even the rappers get killed in Mexico.

    1. People get killed everyday and everywhere.

  12. Guess he won’t be at the Grammy’s this year

  13. He won't be singing anymore that's for sure....

  14. The worst part is he won't be able to smoke anymore blunts...
    Ya ni aunque se lo parchen.

  15. Another studio gangster

  16. Actually it was well known down here that the two men were lovers, so the killings might have been related to that fact.

  17. El día que murió en su Insta tenía unas fotos por la madrugada , blunt y el dj y otros dos morros con abdomen hecho cagada por heridas de bala o arma blanca , después esas fotos se borraron . Esos dos fueron los asesinos


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