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Sunday, October 18, 2020

"The brother of AMLO asks that I be imprisoned for 12 years" says journalist Carlos Loret de Mola

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  Source

AMLO's brother was on film receiving bags of cash from AMLOs nominee for an anti-corruption position

By Carlos Loret de Mola

Pío López Obrador, brother of the president of Mexico, after being caught on videos illegally receiving packages of cash, filed a complaint with the Attorney General's Office (FGR). It says he is the "victim" and asks that whoever is responsible for the dissemination of the videos be punished with 12 years in prison. In the same letter, it establishes that the disclosure was made in the weekly program under my charge on the Latinus news platform.

Pío López Obrador and the person who gave him the money, David León Romero, have already testified before the FGR about the complaint filed by the opposition National Action and Democratic Revolution parties after the videos were released.

However, Pío López Obrador went further: he did not stop to give his statement, but instead sought to attack by means of a complaint. It was filed with the FGR on October 2. Pío López Obrador speaks of the disclosure of his videos as "facts allegedly constituting crimes committed to the detriment of his person and his family (...) through the Latinus communication platform, directed by journalist Carlos Loret de Mola." He asks that he be recognized as an adjunct to the Prosecutor's Office and that it initiates an investigation on the matter.

This is the argument of Pío López Obrador’s complaint:

“Two communications were disclosed to the detriment of my person and my family that were supposedly recorded by David León Romero, where the one who signed was one of the interlocutors. In the transmission of the videos, two conversations in which the undersigned participated were made available to the public, and although they could be legally obtained, this does not generate the right for them to be revealed, much less disclosed in a media outlet. communication, since they remain confidential between the undersigned and David León Romero”.

And he adds: “All reserved or secret communication is protected by our legal system. The various conversations I had with David León Romero were confidential and therefore are protected by the human right to privacy. Our justice system protects the privacy of individuals. For that there are certain provisions of law. Every human being has an intimacy and this must be respected. Based on the foregoing, the disclosure of the conversations is totally illegal”.

Then, he cites Article 211 Bis of the Mexican Federal Criminal Code, and claims the punishment: "To anyone who reveals, discloses or uses improperly or to the detriment of another, information or images obtained in a private communication intervention, sanctions of six to 12 years in prison and a 300 to 600 day fine”.

This complaint is the first public reaction that Pío López Obrador has had since two videos were revealed on August 20 in which he appears receiving bills in a bag and an envelope.


AMLO nominates person delivering cash for anti-corruption czar

The person who delivered the cash and recorded the videos was David León Romero, nominated by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to be the anti-corruption czar, a position that after this disclosure was assumed by another person. In fact, in his complaint, Pío López Obrador requests that a statement be taken from David León as a witness, "since apparently it was said person who legally intervened in our private communication."

In the videos, which date from 2015, Pío López Obrador and David León point out that these deliveries of resources had been repeated monthly for the last year and a half. They agree that the money will be used to boost AMLO's presidential campaign in 2018 and that he knows of the financial support.

Although the talk in the two videos does not explicitly establish it, it is suspected that the money came from the then governor of Chiapas, Manuel Velasco - today a senator - of whom David León has been a very close operator. AMLO declared, after the videos were made public, that the cash packages were " contributions from the people " and not the result of corruption. The explanation exploded public opinion in a mixture of outrage and mockery.

The complaint by Pío López Obrador, asking for 12 years in prison for a journalist, further escalates the permanent aggression of his brother's regime against whom we have exhibited and denounced his failures, and in general against the exercise of freedom of expression.

Several international organizations, such as Reporters without Borders and Article 19, have singled out Mexico for this.

So far, AMLO newspaper had insulted his critics in his press conference morning, he had pressured owners of the media and had used advertising investment with public budget as blackmail to soften the questions. What we see from Pío López Obrador's complaint is the shelter of the State - the Presidency and the Prosecutor's Office as a whole - to encourage the complaint of the president's brother, who is seeking jail and a fine against whoever has released the videos that exhibit in illegal acts. Clearly, this is a matter of transcendence, public interest and journalistic value whose public dissemination is protected by both national laws and international treaties.

We will have to fight.


  1. What a f'ed up mess in Mexico. All the way to the top.

    1. That’s no surprise corruption in Mexico has always been all the way to the top, There is simply too much money to be had and the presidents cannot resist nor can the rest of their families. The president who ultimately controls all of the plazas and all of the bosses and makes the final decision when they get out of line or get too many headlines and he gets pressured by the US to go after them. The first one I remember was Pablo Acosta who got too strung out on Coke and got sloppy with violence, the Mexican president at the time, Miguel de la Madrid sent corrupt federal Guillermo Caldaroni to murder him, which he did. Calderoni later was exposed to be just as corrupt as every other Mexican official and eventually was assassinated in south Texas valley not too long ago on orders from the government of Mexico because he knew too much. I met Pablo Acosta in Ojinagua and though he was admittedly a scary character particularly when he was under the influence which was generally all the time he was not the monster that the Mexican media made him out to be. He was simply a product of the streets of OJ and a product of the political figures who controlled him. Terrence papa wrote a great book on Acosta titled drug lord...Acosta pioneered flying cocaine into Mexico from Columbia and was the mentor to the Lord of the skies Amado Carrillo. It’s a great read and gives you a real sense of who controls and how the plaza system works in Mexico and how they must ultimately answer to the politicians… And if they don’t they end up like Pablo.

    2. No, it is all the fault of the Americans and their need for drugs because they live in a terribly violent and hostile country. There is no one else to blame. Americans, you need to help every Mexican that you meet because the Mexican people built your country on our backs without using drugs, and we are not to blame that you destroyed the paradise that we built for you out of our slave blood.

    3. I can’t tell if 8:06 is an ironic troll or mainstream Mexican opinion.
      So, if Mexico is impoverished, that will end corruption?

    4. 806 yawn, here's your paci, now go mi-mi.

  2. OMG He sites the law
    but every otber Good honest Mexican that has to pay pisa or is murdered Raped etc dosent
    Sure Fact This is getting just to much
    Almo is getting paid to not stop illegal drug Cartels

    This takes the cake

    1. Shocker! Wake up it’s been going on for 100 years by every president of Mexico. And don’t act like Mexico is the only one that’s corrupt there is corruption in the US on the interior and on the border just do a Google search for law-enforcement corruption and border corruption and you can read about it. The difference is in Mexico it’s cultural and it will never go away and in the US we hide it better and get away with it more often and no one hears about it. Wake up and smell the coffee and face the facts this is what the war on drugs creates. Truth

    2. 11:45 trump's secretary of the interior quit after being caught living a grandiose expensive life, he used to be a seal in a prior life.

  3. This guy better leave Mexico fast

    1. "This guy better leave Mexico fast"
      Who,David León Romero the baldy guy who is giving the money?Why did he releasr these videos?The motive,as you say he is in danger from a drive by,better watch his back

  4. Carlos Loret de Mola?! Really! I've watched this guy's show, he's about as straight as a country road! He's just another talking head, a puppet for the former regime.

  5. If you had to pick between Mexico and Yemen to be journalists, which won would you pick ? 😊

  6. Everybody's taking's a free for all ......for the Goverment officials

  7. Mexico is like one of those small buildings outside of farms with the little crescent moon carved in the doors.

  8. I love ALMO (no homo) but he better put his bro in check.

    1. Come on 8:21, you "love, but no homo," come on what century are you living in caveman. And that you needed to include that comment that you placed in parentheses, it amazes that anyone could be that scared of the idea of homosexuality. Well, your choice, but why not just keep your secret to yourself, don't ask don't tell you know.

  9. Confiscate their physical assets..give to the poor
    All these bastards

  10. The top/elite/powerful in Mex are ALL corrupt. This corrupt class of people would never allow an honest person to reach even a mid-level of any organization, since an honest person would be a threat to the corrupt top.

    The judicial system, the police, the navy, the army, the intelligence service are all working for the corrupt elite to ensure that honest people are kept in check. Awful system :-(

    1. Please tell those suffering and voiceless people where to go for a perfect government?
      There is no place in the world for a perfect existence. Nor where corruption does not exist.

    2. 10:40 there may be corruption everywhere, but not everybody is corrupt, you may need to change friends and keep trying, but beware, that cost Che Guevara his life when he got planted in Bolivia by Fidel Castro and his drug trafficking associates from the US in the CIA, but he helped them when he volunteered, he wasn't getting paid one cent.

  11. Carlos Loret de Moolah seems to have left Mexico after Televisa lost hope of making anymore chayote through his malevolous services of staged news for moolah, like the capture of Florence Cassez and her dangerous but innocent companions, they are suing loret de Moolah for his complicity with genarco garcia luna, AMLO did not get Loret de Moolah fired, it was his kind of periodisn for chayote was not beeded anymó, same thing happened to other Apostles of CHAYOTE like Brozo, Dresser, gomez leyva, lopez doriga, krauze, De Mauleón, the mexican government under AMLO feels no need for their fake praise or cover-ups and has no respect for their brands of periodism, but supports their freedom of expression, which Mr loret de Moolah has never been prevented from using, Pio is not a judge and AMLO will not get involved, but there are laws, go for it Pio, and Loret de Moolah, and give it your best, but i'd bet as loret de moolah has millions of peisos to win his case, Pio has the levers to win his.

  12. PLO should get 12 years as well as David Leon Romero

  13. This is the bubble these dogs live in.Indignation that someone would dare to film his actions.This is a light into just how corrupt and everyday this is,its entirely normal.And you have the old twat AMLO no doubt going to defend his little Pio,from these scurrilous accusations.
    Poor little Pio,being defamed in this outrageous manner?

  14. En tiempos de la expropiación petrolera, cuando llegó un hombre con la decisión de poner un basta, hubo muchos que criticaron su manera de proceder, fueron los diarios que de cualquier cosa hacia noticia exagerandola y distorsionando la realidad en complicidad con la prensa extranjera, periodistas traidores a su pais , los extranjeros estaban defendiendo su botín pero los nacionales solo migajas del robo. la historia en este caso se repite y el sr. loret ers el peor de todos su trabajo hasido el de falsear la nota , no tiene autoridad en el comentario

  15. Cartels always have leverage over their associates pictures were taken by the same people that gave him the money pictures and videos have always been a big deal in drug trafficking they always play their cards at the end

  16. Same model as the corrupt in US being exposed. Don't dispute or take accountability for the crimes exposed. Fight the sources who provided the proof.

    1. 10:55 yeeaah, corruption is amazing, take the charges against Biden and Son, after 4 years of corrupt investigations of fabricated made up charges, the "present" USDOJ and the OWNED FBI still refuse to present charges...

  17. these PRI talking heads act like Mexico was safe as could be for journalists before AMLO...corrupt sure but be careful what you put stock into here

  18. 2:09 have you seen the video of Janine Añez??? She says it is not her...
    --The good news is EVO IS WINNING REELECTION AGAIN, his Bolivian people love him.

  19. The brother wants the leaker to serve 12 years, 😂 is he also a judge.

    1. I hope carlos loret de Moolah can keep producing his show from his prison cell, AMLO has declared the total absolute freedom of the press, but he also reserves his right to answer as he sees fit, and he says:
      "el que se lleva se aguanta".
      It means something like
      "you provoque,
      you ask for it"

  20. AMLO just copying the Clinton/Biden play book, cash flowing every where, selling people out for a price.
    Had high hopes for AMLO


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