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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Video: CDG armed wing "Grupo Sombra" cooks humans Zetas style

 By Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat and Sol Prendido

The practice to eliminate all trace of human remains is known as “Cocinar”, and was first used by the Zetas, specifically in the northeast state of Coahuila.

A video was uploaded by the group Special Forces Grupo Sombra or FEGS onto social networks where they are cooking human remains.

The method to disintegrate human remains is to put dismembered remains of a person in trash cans or drums with holes drilled, and gasoline or diesel added and set it on fire, until the body disappears.

Another version of this practice is to use acid and dissolve the remains.

In Coahuila thousands of small fragments of human bones were discovered in the Five Springs area in the north part of the state near the border with Texas.  The Trevino’s owned horse ranches in the area and at one of the ranches the fragments were found.

After the split with CDG, Los Zetas took complete control of Coahuila and had the Moreira administration in its pocket.  The group literally controlled every aspect of state operation.  Only the Laguna area, adjacent to Durango was a shared territory.

In a Wikileaks memo, it was discovered that American Félix Batista had been executed and “cooked” in this method.

On the day Félix Batista disappeared, he was in Saltillo to make a speech and presentation to businessmen about ways to avoid kidnapping.

The former Army major was an expert in the field, working as a consultant through ASI Global, a Texas based security firm.

Additional comments from Sol Prendido:

A new video from the Mexican underworld has surfaced online. In this broadcast Grupo Sombra, the armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo, is cooking the remains of their enemies.

The portable incinerator that they employ for the task is nothing more than a modified 55 gallon oil drum. What can be seen in this film are the partial remains of one corpse whose left leg is protruding from the burning drum.

A gaggle of young and armed sicarios standing around haphazardly. They’re all wearing their signature F.E.G.S. (Fuerzas Especiales Grupo Sombra) caps.

These men are also eating the Mexican pastries known as Gansito to pass the time. Followed by the second corpse whose 2 burning legs can also be seen sticking upwards from inside the container.

The video ends with one of the sicarios pouring a flammable liquid into the drum. This is being done so as not to allow the fire to extinguish.

Video footage is graphic


  1. Anything goes in Mexico, with no punishment from the government, ALMO is busy making priority of procecuting past presidents.

    1. i wouldn't say a priority. but im all for prosecuting former presidents, they are the culprits of all this by allowing corruption throughout the whole country, from mayor,governors,city,state and federal police, prosecutors and judges. its not going to be easy but we need to get rid of these narco governors to start and vote in ones that are capable and willing to govern a state

    2. i wouldn't say a priority. but im all for prosecuting former presidents, they are the culprits of all this by allowing corruption throughout the whole country, from mayor,governors,city,state and federal police, prosecutors and judges. its not going to be easy but we need to get rid of these narco governors to start and vote in ones that are capable and willing to govern a state

    3. Ignorate statements like"anything" goes in mexico and so is to busy? Its been yrs and yrs of corruption ... To undo is almost impossible but its happening .... I think if the US went after all the lobbying going on in capitol hill we would be better off .... Bribes any one

    4. Did anybody notice the toes were moving?

    5. I agree with you a 100%,unfortunately AMLO has a lot of bootlickers that are ready to defend his ignorance and stupidity at every turn.I have said it many times,got a gut feeling that a lot of the money from the powerful cartels eventually finds it's way to many politicos at the top,and AMLO is not the exception.I guarantee you his got plenty of dirt under his fingernails,se cree un pinche santo pero he is very far from that...AMLO is as corrupt as they come...

    6. 7:36 on the US they call bribery and corruption "Political Action" and it os financed by the richest of the richest who get Trillions back for their Millions in, "in the right people's pockets" or properly secret bank accounts and tax shelters

    7. 2:20 any other sugestion?
      Looks like you are a fan of talking BS and passing it for informed opinion, a classic tactic of russian propaganda...

  2. Alot of these cartels hate the Zetas but deep down they want to be just like them

    1. All cartels are all the same fuckin assholes and like all criminals they are all arrogant fucks who think they are better than the competition, the police and society in general. FUCKEMALL!

  3. More wanna be amatuers. Why does everyone want to be Special Forces ?
    The only Special Forces Tier 1 Operators are.....

    Pues pa que se lo digo se ya se las saben .

    New People 006

    1. I know WTF Relax enjoy 🇲🇽 Fishing 🇲🇽 Mexico has the greatest beaches and Natural Wilderness Why all this immature bullshit

    2. Getting spanked in chiwas by los Linieros

    3. Sacario 006, this is Lucia we are still waiting for the British Special Forces, you promised bus a year ago, our town's need outside help Los lazy criminals are getting away with everything, hurry send them.

    4. Tier 1 gender nueva operator special forces

  4. Gansitos huh how can u even eat during this ordeal

    1. I remember being In the thick of it and I couldn’t eat man. Would force myself to eat and then I had to hold it down. Till this day I get anxiety so bad I want to throw up randomly thru out my day

  5. That is horrible..estedos sicarios son lo mas bajo de mundo

  6. Sad the way they value human life this stuff is straight up satanic. I used to be around crazy ppl like that growing up in Tamaulipas but God had a different path for me and Im thankful for that. You guys need to understand everything is spiritual and at the end of the day that’s why most of those guys are hooked on crack or meth because they are tormented by all their demons. God bless everybody reading this.

    1. Same bro thank god i didnt end up living out there, i love it out there it’s beautiful but dangerous out in Mexico and if you mix with the wrong crowd wich is very easy to fall into out there, it can turn out to be bad news.

    2. I'm glad that you did not come out this way and found a better life. Many of these goons are waste of human air. Sometimes I feel like it's better for all of these narco goons just perish and go to the hell hole that they came from.

    3. @12:08 Man, get outta here with that rosy view of humanity. These are young impoverished men. They fight the wars and kill people. For some, war is great. You can kill people legally. God didn't make men bigger and stronger (not tougher) than women just for his idle amusement.
      War is hell? Really? Then why do many soldiers sign up for multiple tours of duty? The only plausible answer is that many men love hell, blowing up shit and blasting people's brains out.
      Males don't need drugs to kill each other. Many of us enjoy it. How do you think humans became the dominant species? Killing is in our DNA.
      Sure, most humans are "good." That's because they have a full belly, a roof overhead and a sense of security. Absent those, see how quickly otherwise decent humans regress to the law of the fang and the claw.

    4. James Brown

      “How do you think humans became the dominant species?”

      God gave humans dominion over all other creatures on 🌎 earth even the ignorant non-religious types and atheists know this. DNA has nothing to do with it.

      What branch did you serve?
      Nobody signs up for multiple tours but you do have the option of getting to go again if you want to volunteer and they need extras in a unit. Most that go need the money especially that hazard pay.

      Shooting someone and cutting them up into many pieces don’t even compare.

  7. Se estan chingando unas sabritas y gansitos como cuando eran morrillos pero ahora convertidos en enfermos mentales.

  8. Maybe Marinela will give them a new truck and a years worth of Gansitos for this free advertisement ..smh

    1. With Fleetwood Mac's Dreams -Now, here you go again, you say you want your freedom...playing in the background.

  9. es lo que les pagan
    el equivalente a un GANSITO ,
    pinches MUGROZOZ

  10. That's some scary shit. Hopefully, these sadistic evil lowlives will meet a similarly gruesome fate in the foreseeable future.

    1. 3:55 you thankful
      You reside in society of moral Fortitude,such savagery is beyond austoundin..may we never enter this world

  11. A frozen gansito my favorite

    1. Strawberry for me please, sooooo good, but as I told Sol yesterday forget that now because my mind will 'go there'.
      That's how I became a vegetarian again. All because of a dead possum. 😨

  12. Article says "drilled holes in drum" Why do that??

    1. For air flow, so it can burn faster and hotter.

    2. A couple of reasons. Better airflow makes the burn more efficient with less smoke, and a more complete and better burn.

    3. They sell burn barrels with holes for fancy folks

    4. MotherMexico cries again
      When will you let the crystallize tears that permanently attach to her hollow face?when will the pain stop being
      Ache,will god forgive you?we dont

    5. 9:09 sound so poetic.. i like that.

      "MotherMexico cries again"
      In the nether regions of your discomfort may you find succour from someone who is like afflicted?May your chafe be cleansed and you will walk again.
      Saludos to you and hopefully one day this will end?

  13. sick bastards time for drone hits

    1. A few Turkish drones or American reapers... show the mafia the future... missiles should welcome them and rain down concrete and fire on their heads.

  14. Cooks seems to be a misleading statement, more like burn

  15. those cartels they make ISIS look like armatures

  16. Video is sick, but it is not isolated case. Just it spreading worldwide because all that technologies came to our life, so people may see all dark shit in the internet. Whatever. My question - does someone know the song on the video background?

  17. I just Googled these Gansitos. Like all Mexican food (except menudo, which is a living abomination) Gansitos look very tasty. Especially when paired with a tall glass of cold milk.


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