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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Bringing Life to BB

 By Buggs for Borderland Beat

Dear Borderland Beat followers:

We are moving and trying to bring Borderland Beat back to life, hopefully new and improved for 2021. We thank you for your patience and loyal support during these trying times. Borderland Beat remains one of the best sources for current and accurate information on the Mexican drug cartels, all made possible with your support, our followers! We are forever grateful. The Borderland Beat audience is one of the best well informed audience when it comes to the Mexican drug cartels. 

We understand that the decision to suspend the website was deeply felt by our large number of followers, most of which are composed of US law enforcement and others who follow the events of drug cartels. We are making some significant changes to the blog, a new look that will be easier to navigate and allow for more features. 

We are also trying out a new forum that integrates better with the blog in a seamless way. Please register, use a user name and set your information to private, unless you want the information you enter public. 

Stay tune, a lot of exciting things coming up.

"Press, do not shoot!"

Yes, we are reorganizing and changing things but one thing that will not change is our commitment to produce reliable content and continue our mission to provide the best and complete picture of the activities from the Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO). The unplugging of Borderland Beat was unprecedented, and it denied the sharing of vital information that is important in understanding what is happening in Mexico, something that frankly, mainstream media has failed to cover properly. We must continue to dedicate ourselves in the delicate task of researching and investigating the illicit activities of the Mexican drug cartels. If you want to get involved and can help in any way, please get ahold of me.

As many of you know Borderland Beat was named as a defendant in a privacy lawsuit along with a numerous other Mexican news outlets. The lawsuit was filed by San Francisco attorney Jeffrey Mendelman in federal court in September 2020 (Hyperink to doc 1).

He asked for and obtained permission from the Court to file the lawsuit under the pseudonym “John Doe.”   

He named “Borderland Beat” as one of the defendants, as well as yet-to-be-determined persons (“Roes”) who are allegedly responsible for Borderland Beat.  Borderland Beat is not a legal entity, but an anonymous person with administrative privileges has responded to the complaint as “Roe 1.”  She is being defended by Joshua Koltun, a First Amendment attorney with particular experience defending the right to speak anonymously (Hyperlink to Doc 15).

The parties recently filed the attached joint report that summarizes what is at issue in this case (Hyperlink to Doc 19).

Roe intends to defend the lawsuit vigorously to protect Borderland Beat’s right to free speech and protect the anonymity of our contributors. Allowing organized crime to use the US legal system to kick down news outlets that report on Mexican crime syndicates is unacceptable. A lawsuit seeking $250,000 in reparations for damages is beyond belief. 

Killing the Messenger,
Will not Silence the Trut

The Committee to Protect Journalists has reported that at least 56 journalists have been executed since 1992. I can assure you that we will do everything in our power to get Borderland Beat back in business and not allow anyone to intimidate us or silence us. 

I plan to keep everyone informed on the progress of the legal proceedings here in this blog and share as much information as possible. Again, thank you for your loyalty and support for our Borderland Beat community.


  1. Put up a way and we may donate to you.

  2. Awesome I look forward to the return of my favorite site ever

  3. I've been hurting without BB....glad you're back!

  4. Bless you Buggs. I'm so very happy to see you and BB back! May I ask if Chivis is OK?

  5. Great to see you again !

  6. Thank you guys for being back.
    I missed serious information about MX.

  7. I salute you, Buggs!!!

  8. Yesss!!! Welcome back I had to make a tweeter account just for you guys lol

  9. We’ve missed you!
    You’re all doing important work!

  10. Thank you so much. It was really hard to keep track of what's going on without BB. Welcome back!

  11. You mean no more digging through a bunch of horribly posted and non researched titles and articles that have nothing to do with each other and digging through a bunch of British people there just to talk shit cuz it’s Reddit ?? As you can see we have been addicts without our drug here Buggs we been itching for ya... so uhhh same price still right!?? Lol glad you guys are back my mountain neighbor chivis as well

    1. Haters never end

    2. I wonder why you *imagine* the articles have to be related.

  12. Welcome back. Absolutely delighted. They may try to mute you but they will never succeed.

  13. Hope all goes well in court!

  14. Welcome back your excellent reporting was missed

  15. That is great news. Welcome back and a big thank you!

  16. Thank you. As a Texan I found your old site informative, necessary, and started my day with it. Hope to see you again.

  17. Bless you guys and gals!!!!! Welcome back!!!!! Great way to start 2021!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

  18. Bro... welcome back! 🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻

  19. So glad you’re back

  20. So glad yall are back and glad to hear you are fighting this legal sham!! Let us know how we can help.

  21. Great to see you guys back.

  22. Hope you're back to stay

  23. Praise Allah Buddha Chuy borderland beat is back yay yay kamusta chivis buggs everyone

  24. We miss you Borderland Beat!

  25. Welcome back you beautiful people. Reporters of the truth are a rare commodity these days. WE NEED YOU!
    Give 'em hell, Chivis.

  26. Im very happy you guys are back,i really missed Borderland Beat.

  27. It was a hard time without BB and I am very glad that you all are back.I hope Chivis and Yaqui are doing well.
    Keep on.

  28. I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of BB. I've followed you for 10+ years, but my opinion was tainted by seeing all the pro-Trump political stuff that was written in mainboard articles in the last year. It makes me question the credibility of facts presented in the articles, and wonder if many of them are just made up in order to make certain figures look good. I'll be reading BB with a bit more skepticism and fact-checking, but I'm still really excited that this great community is back :)

    1. What the fuck are you talking about bro. BB has never taken a political stance like that. Either cite the evidence or shut your mouth.

  29. Where's 006? I need the greatest Sicario to return!
    Buggs,Yaqui,Chivis,MX we have missed you and you have saved us from the Reddit purgatory.

  30. Welcome back,these last few months have been hell without you guys! Lol Chivas, Buggs, Yaqui and others we missed ya!

  31. Will we see El Tony posts here ? Hope not.

  32. Bienvenidos a casa...

    Buena suerte.

  33. I worked with Jeffrey Mendelman,dude is just in it for money. He could care less about anything else.

  34. Welcome back, missed you

  35. So glad you’re back. Thank you.

  36. ¡Muchas felicitaciones desde Acapulco, Guerrero! Ya nos hicieron mucha, pero mucha falta, la verdad. Ojalá que les salga bien todo con respeto a la demanda. Les agradezco muchísimo por su mera valentía.


  37. Glad you guys are back need this site.

  38. Thank God you guys are back! I have missed you so much! You are family to many of us and your brief closure made many of realize your immense importance to us. There is a gofundme site to help BB in their lawsuit and it’s time I gave back to them for their years of service to us. Welcome back Guys!

    1. Where is the go fund me page? Post it here please

  39. Best narco blog there is. Welcome back!

  40. Back again! Thanks for all your good work from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  41. I missed you guys. Chivis and all other journalists, I hope you are all well and safe.

    I had to get all my MX news from Reddit. I hate Reddit. But they did post some informative things at times. I could never resort to using blog del narco or somewhere like that... Didn't BDN get taken over by the Zetas back in the day? Never trusted going there when I heard some crazy news like that.

  42. So glad you guys are back!!! Keep at it! You guys do great work!!

  43. Glad BB is back!!!! A first rate news organization in my view. These journalist are the real deal. Good luck and keep safe.

  44. Glad you’re back! From the LRGV of Texas. This blog is a vital source of information!

  45. So glad BB is back. Vitally needed
    info source for everyone!
    Long-time Fan in Oregon

  46. the forces of darkness shall not win
    att,. Terror Watcher👍

  47. Dear B.B.—

    Can’t remember if I dropped a line, but welcome back. You weathered the storm(s)!


  48. Welcome back! Our utmost respect and support from Italy for what you are doing!

  49. BB reports what the main stream media doesn’t.

    BB. Keep up the good fight!


  50. I am so happy you are back. As was previously stated, please put up a way for us to help with legal fees. Again, thank you!


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