Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Mantas Directed at U.S. Attorney General William Barr


Video translation is as follows:

Several banners with a message addressed to the Attorney General of the United States, William Barr, and the Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, appeared hanging at different points this Friday in Chihuahua.

On the manta hanging on the pedestrian bridge on Teófila Borunda Boulevard. They mention several individuals as the masterminds behind the LeBaron family massacre in the state of Sonora.

 “Attorney General of the United States William Barr and Attorney General of the Republic Alejandro Gertz Mañero. Victor González aka El 500, José Gonzalez Bourne aka Pepe Aguilar, Jesus Salas aka El Chuyin, Cesar Manjarrez aka H2, and Freddie Calles aka El Condor. These are the men responsible for the LeBaron massacre in Sonora. They continue to live their lives freely without any disturbances from the government. Just as well they move about within the country with impunity as businessmen. They haven’t been apprehended by the authorities because the government doesn’t want to. Or is the bribery that they pay big enough to make you look away? "

The manta was removed from the bridge and stowed away by the State Investigative Agency. The corresponding authorities took possession of the tarp and transfered it to the prosecutor's office where the corresponding investigations will begin. One of the names that appear in the message, Jesús Salas aka El Chuyin, is identified by the authorities as the leader of the Juarez Cartel. 

He was arrested in 2015 and released at the end of 2019. The other subjects mentioned are identified as plaza bosses for La Línea, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.

And their respective group is made up of plaza bossess, among them also is La Empresa. This is according to information from the website La Parada Digital. Of which the Secretary of Public Security of the state of Chihuahua. Has collected and attributed to those individuals responsible for the violence that has recently been generated in the mountainous regions of ​​Chihuahua and Sonora. As well as the attacks on policemen. The massacre against the LeBaron family was perpetuated in November 2019.

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  1. Looks like Sinaloa is wasting no time asking the government for help against la linia.

    1. CDSNITCHaloa al 💯% jajajaja

    2. They're trying to have uncle sam intervene because they having their asses handed to them

    3. William Barr jr is hiding and trying to save his law license after twisting the report of Bob Mueller and protecting his boss and releasing Cienpedos, too much shame for a lifetime career that was already in the toilet after exhonerating the Iran-Contra drug trafficking conspirators that also got Kiki Camarena executed, then there is the strange murder of Jeffrey Epstein, his daddy's teacher...
      Maybe New US Attorney General Merrick Garland could help you.

    4. 332
      Why dont you write a book?You never mentioned la linea once in your manuscript

    5. Arriba eyeee
      Ohh shit,here we go with the crying"the US the US"suffering suckatach arriba arriba

    6. dude stfu you crazy lefty. Garland has to survive the grilling he's gonna get today as the nomination. For your sake, he doesn't have any skeletons in his closet otherwise the Republicans can pull the typical Democrat move of finding someone to claim rape against him as a last resort

    7. 9:05 la linia is nothing but grameros for peisos, Bill Barr has been in the middle of too many billion dollar drug deals, in the words of of a John Bolton who is a extreme right wing extremist (too extreme for even Barr and Trump) and knows a drug deal when he sees one.
      Linia la que trais en el cabús.

  2. Well, William Barr stepped down over a month ago, so...maybe try "Acting AG" Rosen. Although I doubt the Biden administration will do sh*t about it. They're too busy pandering to the Left.

    1. Same with never did anything because he was too busy crying about election fraud...

    2. I love it!! 💯

    3. Same like the Mexican president that lives in a La la land. All about peace there’s more violence with the current Mexican president and seems like he don’t care.

    4. 12:58 i hope you get paid for your desperate shit slinging, like las gilbertonas and like the US tea party and the proud boys...
      8:24 at least the US leftistas are not running to Cancun while the republican'ts of tejas freeze their arsehoods along with the hated tejano leftistas

  3. The cartel has outdated info

    1. They printed the mantas but since they come from China with the covid took longer to get to the destination. And it would take longer to send them back and get a refund or a replacement.

    2. I learned my lesson on that everytime i order something from China stops in a few countries before it gets here

  4. Esas mamadas ni van. Pinche gente nueva les estan partiendo su madre y ya andan pidiendo chichi al gobierno

  5. H2 and El Condor have been arrested a few months ago.


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