Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Mexico, a Country of Massacres

 By Buggs for Borderland Beat

Eleven killed and two wounded was the toll of an attack perpetrated by heavily armed individuals in a gathering that took place at the intersections of Avenida Pemex and 5 de Mayo in the La Jauja neighborhood in Tonalá Jalisco.

Recently there has been a large presence of organized crime in the area and elements of the National Guard that arrive after the massacre have been patrolling the region without much success.

The role of the Government of Mexico to combat organized crime has been questioned, because instead of confronting them, they release the plaza bosses.

The political strategy "hugs instead of bullets" has caused an increase of executions to over 600 massacres in 2020. 2021 again began with massacres; the first was registered in León and the second in Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico experienced an average of one massacre (groups of people killed) per week during 2021.

Later, in Veracruz, 12 bodies were found, in Tamaulipas the bodies of more than ten burned migrants were found.

In Chihuahua, a confrontation between the La Linea Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel left three beheaded, for a total of five dead.

To add to the stories of terror is the massacre that occurred this afternoon in the La Jauja de Tonalá neighborhood in Jalisco, where an armed group attacked ten people who apparently were engaged in the business of construction and right around  the corner, the body of a child that had been shot.

Police recovered over 70 spent casings, apparently the victims were sitting on the sidewalk drinking some beer after work when two trucks full of armed sicarios arrived and opened fire.

Throughout the country, there have been numerous massacres in the last two months, the National Guard has shown that it has the appropriate equipment to take on organized crime, but they have failed to stop the massacres.

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  1. Masons and bricklayers drinking on the sidewalk is highly offensive to an authoritarian state government like governor enrique alfaro's.
    i am sure the bullets spent on this massacre were more expensive than all the money these albañiles make per week and the massacre benefits no cartel, but affirms the power of State Police or the Municipales who are first responders.
    Why blame a president for the local mess by a narco-politician who choses to steal the public security money, the public health budget, who spends in Propaganda by carlos loret de Moolah and Brozo, a narco-governor who came to power on the wings of CJNG and who borrows thousands of millions of peisos and dollars to pay non-existent companies for non-existent medicines for COVID 19 and who has promoted crime in his state and others like guanajuato to extort the federal de government for "funds" to fight crime by stealing them right away in grants for his allied state pharmaceuticals.
    --AMLO or the Guardia Nacional are not first responders in the case of state crime, but could be if they chose to infringe of the freedoms of the free and sovereign state of Jalisco, or michoacan, Tamaulipas, guanajuato, chihuahua, coahuila, sonora, zacatecas, all crime ridden thanks to their criminal politicians allergic to hugging mason and bricklayer degenerates drinking on the sidewalk without masks...and this is not the first time alfaro police attacks people for not wearing masks.

    1. Whats with the glasses of Milk

    2. Definitely look like they were placed there after the shooting. A message maybe?

    3. I think those are candles. Common way of honoring the dead in Mexico due to the high population of Roman Catholics.

    4. They are candles güey, specially believed on by masons and brick layers who are usually christian men of great faith.

    5. 3:27 la vaca did it

  2. some people think Abrazos are not working. But he is popular

  3. The issue of violence IMO can best be described from an economic perspective. Mexico's history of poverty & economic failures added with corruption are what led to this breakdown of a civil / effective society.
    The conception of HUGS or KISSES will not generate money. Much less feed ones family. Economic factors are and will always be at the forefront of the world's crisis.


    1. sacrificial / ritualistic killings go all the way back to the aztecs and in mexican narco culture sometimes they worship certain individuals / symbols related to narco culture. They have stories of narco saints....But yes the economics perspective is heavily weighing and even more if just as much infringing to the people.

  4. Everything is fine, nothing to see here.

    ALMO nuthugger

  5. Mencho lovers will say they don't kill innocents...

    1. At nutthuggers convenience only when inocentes are massacred does CJNG control ZMG..

    2. 1:15 nah that's what people like u spend countless times claiming 🤣😂 but since nueva plaza owns this area it's most likely cjng heating it up killing innocent people

  6. Nueva plaza heating up the turf they lost

  7. Look at this. This is what u cartel cheerleaders be bragging about. Killing innocent people. All u on here are a bunch of winnies. This could of been my dad, uncle, or even mi abuelo. What has my beautiful country come too? Pinchi raza vale madre. Bunch of panochas if you ask me..smh


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