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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Alexandria, Virginia: Emma Coronel Jailhouse Meltdown


Video translation is as follows:

Meanwhile, Emma Coronel's lawyers complain that El Chapó Guzmán's wife is practically incommunicado in jail. She claims that she hasn’t been able to speak with her daughters. And that she even suffers from the cold because they haven’t given her adequate clothing or blankets for the low temperatures that are there.

Emma Coronel, the wife of El Chapo Guzmán rots away in prison. Her defense attorney Jeffrey Lichtman stated after she was arrested on February 22 and transferred to the Alexandria jail in Virginia. The New York defense attorney believes that the life of the 31-year-old and her family are in danger.

Her defense attorney argues that anonymous federal agents leaked versions of his client's alleged willingness to cooperate with US authorities and become a protected witness.

They argue that the main threats are the enemies of El Chapo and the witnesses who cooperated in the trial against Joaquin Guzmán Loera. And that they remain free. For this reason, he urgently requested that Emma Coronel be released. To this he adds the alleged mistreatment that she receives in prison.

The designer clothes, the perfect makeup, and the luxuries that surrounded Emma Coronel are all in the past now. Conditions within the Virgina prison are not comfortable at all.

Lawyer Mariel Colón points out that El Chapo's wife suffers from mistreatment. Not just because of the lights in her cell that stay on 24 hours a day. On top of this she also feels very cold, she only has a very thin bedsheet to keep herself warm. 

The attorney assures that she was refused entry with another blanket, jacket, or coat. Emma complains that they won’t sell her bottled water, and that she has to drink water from the fountain. She said the taste of it is so disgusting that when she tried to drink it she got nauseous and vomited.

The 31-year-old is also unable to bathe daily. For a whole week she went 4 consecutive days without showering. Emma's legal representative points out that the most serious thing is that she hasn’t yet been able to speak with her twins, nor with anyone in her family.

According to US media, prisoners receive 3 meals a day. One hour of free phone calls. And the option of having her relatives deposit money to buy things that they sell in jail. They also have the right to subscribe to a newspaper and receive a maximum of 10 small photos.

Everyone is treated equally, no inmate gets anything extra. Sheets and pillows are disinfected routinely. But in the jail cell there is a toilet without any privacy.

They are also given a plastic cup to drink water and brush their teeth with. Prisoners can receive a change of clothes that they will wear only in court.

For now, Emma Coronel has to wait for judge Robin Meriweather to set the date for her next hearing. That will be when her lawyers will be able to request bail.


  1. “Conditions in the jail are not comfortable at all.”

    I knew chapo was a dipshit, his wife isn’t far behind- no bottled water?? No room service??

    It’s almost like they had no clue what actual prison in the us is like- there’s a reason all of your “compadres” did everything they could to avoid going to prison in the us...

    Imagine what Emma’s fake watermelon ass is going to look like when she gets out in 10 years- if she’s lucky

    1. I almost spit out my Mountain Dew laughing. Exactly... That ass is going to deflate badly, along with her lips and everything else...

    2. lol that’s funny

    3. Privacy is needed when you are farting concrete bricks that stink like dead rotten skunks, but General Cienpedos, roger Stone, paul manafort, stephen bannon, giniral mike flynn and all the golden orinch emporer crew of unpresidented deplorables never got a taste of it even when they confessed and got convicted...
      --justice is deaf blind, corrupt, sold, bought and paid for by some REAL CROOKS.

  2. 😂 When sh*t hits the fan real quick now your narco buchona lifestyle came to a complete halt

  3. I have gone more than four days without showering, its easy when one is homeless. Also being cold at night in the has made me stronger. The best thing is I don't use dope, so i haven't enabled miz emma's narca lifestyle!

    1. I sincerely hope you can get on your feet soon. Emma has nothing to worry about. The state is gong to clothe, feed, and house her for some time for free. It’s not like she even worked for a living. So, being locked up shouldn’t be too hard for her.

    2. It’s not like she even worked for a living. So, being locked up shouldn’t be too hard for her.
      you nailed it

    3. “It’s not like she even worked for a living... so being locked up shouldn’t be too hard for her”.... the logic in this! It’s no wonder you come here to hang drywall and pick fruit....

    4. @Guero Jim At some point in your life you’ll come to regret that racism you harbor. Because my problem is that I have prescient ways. I’ve actually been cursed with that shit. So, when that moment comes that life gives you that rude awakening try remembering who gave you the heads up.

    5. Hey Jim, you ever think that some rich white guy gave away your job to someone for less pay out of greed? Don't blame the person trying to find a better life. If Mexicans make you mad why don't you blame the government and the rich corporations that want the endless stream of cheap labor instead of the people being exploit because their country doesn't afford them opportunities? Maybe if you want a race to blame blame your own kind selling you out.

    6. Your own kind does not sell you out, it is Big Businesses trading your jobs for cheap labor AND other countries resources, like oil, minerals farming, and chemicals.
      Remember how China got US industries by the dozen? Their OWNERS CHOSE TO OUTSOURCE, but they still own their corporations and the chinese pirate all they can 24/7 and piggy back their exports, like nail salons and massage parlors in the Floridas that serve people like football club owners and their billion dollar deal friends and Shakedown artists.

    7. @ Guero Jim: I fantasize about would happen if La Raza went on strike for one day in this country, the US, ie. They can't, of course, because they would pay the price in the end. however, the rest of the country would come to a grinding halt. Stop the hating !

  4. Welcome to the usa lol. I bet she is regreting a lot of things like posting dumbass shit on social media or coming to the usa at all. But hey virginia is nice and the least ghetto states in the usa even the jails shld be better than in the other states. The bad side is that va. Is a common wealth state and the judges tend to throw the book at your ass.

    1. I was about to say that she could do far worse than jail in VA. #1 she is in jail not prison; way more relaxed atmosphere and generally nicer facilities than prison. #2 Come down to a prison in SC, AL, TX, or LA and see how much worse it can get. #3 Yes, in some jails you don’t get to shower everyday, it’s not a violation of your civil liberties to skip a shower.

  5. You mean jail isn't pleasant? Maybe she'd rather be tortured and dismembered while alive like her cartel's victims. She just may find out, now that her cooperation with the feds has been leaked.

  6. Do shut up!, says the CJ system on the whole.

  7. Here's when being a US citizen will be a liability for her. Mexico won't want her.

  8. Send sicario006 to get her out 😂🤣🤣

  9. She thought jail was like a high end resort? LoL


  10. A lot of busters on here trying to talk bad about her to make themselves feel better about their own lives. The same busters who won’t step one foot in the cuts of Mexico.

    1. Just trolling dont need to get mad, its actually funny cause she went from heaven to hell really quick, so for us who actually are closer to hell is really funny 🤣

    2. I go down to mexico all the time, what are you talking about you emotional keyboard warrior??

    3. The ONLY buster is YOU 😆
      WHY would you defend her? Is SHE your sister YOUR friend? I bet YOU only seen her on TV and NOW you feel you know HER
      What a FOOL...

    4. Blah blah blah. Talk bad about her ? You do the crime you do the time. Did we put her in that place ? Why should we all feel sorry ? She did this to herself.

    5. Why would anyone with money go to a poor, crime infested part of a foreign country? "You won't come to the shittiest parts of Mexico!" Uh, ok, and?

    6. I'm in Mexico. I feel bad for her, yet I also feel that she deserves everything coming to her, from her to her kids and all of her loved ones either being shot down by the law or cut up into pieces by rivals. I feel a lot of these females are just as guilty as the guys who commit the crimes. The majority of them know what they get into and it excites them, just take for example all of Chapos wives and even his mom, knowing you have a scumbag for a son/husband and not doing anything about it but alcaguetiando al indio pendejo. How stupid do you have to be to pro create something with such trash of a living being? If its a girl, she may yet be saved but the majority of men turn out just like their low life fathers. Pablito was saved when his scumbag father was taken down in Medellin, too bad Mexico didn't have more honest law enforcement to do the same to save las chapitas but they were involved since they were youngsters. Also, by that time all of the corrupt garbage from the USA realized how much money was involved and how easy it would be to just blame everything on the drug lords while they collected truck loads of feria. I hope everyone here has realized what BB has shown us for years now, everyone wants to be gangster but when its time to deal with gangster shit people are straight up cowards. Crying about being locked up 23 hours a day in super max for example. mother fucker is lucky he didn't go out like Saddam with his fake weapons of mass destruction. Especially all those fat nerds claiming that person from X state is a lot better than person from Y state, those guys are the funniest. Sicaria006 has gotten stale and I know from experience that trolling the same audience with very similar post gets old after a while so now I'm starting to think that he's just some dude that is posting shit on here to send messages to other people kind of like that chick that went on the radio in Texas and told all of the longhorns that it was time to start eating M&M's.

    7. @1821 hrs.: You’re actually defending a cartel concubine? Get real.


  11. Being locked up is rough. I been there. Reading what it is or watching TV shows doesn't do it justice. It's horrible.

    I feel for Emma. I mean she was a kid when El Chapo had eyes for her. I doubt she really had much of a choice in the matter. I know I'll take some heat on here for this but I hope she gets through all this OK.

    1. Your rite and most people don't realize it.shd was probably more of a "gift" to chapo and had no say in it.a strengthen the families type thing.prolly just learned to love him

    2. Fuerte de olor.

    3. I get it when she was younger but now she is a mother and a thinking person she could of dissapear from the face of the earth and take care of her daughters but no she wanted to keep doing dirt and posting it on instagram and shit and this is her price, play stupid games win stupid prices, easy as that

  12. Fuck, I wish there was a like comment for those hilarious comments, I couldn't breath comment after comment, and for those that defend her if she was really an innocent angel she wouldn't be there, if so many people wants you in a cold pen is because you're a bad bad hombre in this case a bad bad buchona.

  13. Muchos juegan a ser mafiosos asta que les toca pasar tiempo en la cárcel y ya no les gusta el juegito pues aguanten vara es lo que querían... Para toda acción hay consecuencias la ley solo hace su trabajo y en Estados Unidos no hay trato especial para nadie...

    1. 10:35 En Estados Unidos hay tratos especiales para algunos, (there are special deals for some) even if all the evidence is there of their crimes and misedmeanors and they confessed from the planning stage and after the dirty deed was done, yet they get acquited and still go home in peace looking for a next bite on the bitch ass.
      Legislators, speakers of the house, speakers of the senate, judges and a smorgasbord of lowly brownie pointer politicoan wannabes cooperate because theybhave been bought and sold while protesting that under no circumstance their buyers can influence their decisions or corrupt their dirty motherfacking arsehoods...

  14. Someone please send Emma a $4,450 Hermès blanket in double-sided cashmere with "Couvertures Nouvelles" print.

    Canadian girl💋

  15. Emma sounds exactly like Sandra Avila Beltran—she had the same complaints when she was buried in the klink.

    Great risk follows along “great” reward(s), mijita. Butcher’s bill always comes due.


    1. 3:43 sandra got free real quick, and the cuicos had a 50 000 ton ship full of drugs that were hers, and her argentinian pimp still may be in prison for it,
      i doubt emma had 1 ounce of drugs anywhere her ass...
      Therefore i am sure a Emma se la pelan

  16. Someone Give her the number to complain here send this to her

    Call 1-800- cry-baby

  17. Poor baby, her whole life was built on the misery of others. How many moms lost a daughter, son, husband due to their murderous families. She rolls around in blood money and will receive a sentence less then 5-10 years at the maximum and return to millions of dollars once finished. Federal prisons have more benefits then state facilities as well.

    1. 9:04 5 to 10, but in two months the Bull Dike will have her wanting to stay in prison a bit longer.

    2. She was trying to get on that terrible “cartel crew” tv show and didn’t make the cut-

      The chariots cut her off- she’s nobody to them so they don’t owe her shit- and Emma isn’t even chapo wife on paper

    3. If she is already falling apart in JAIL wait till she faces the prospect of PRISON. And years not days or months. If she is this soft she will strike a deal especially considering she has two little daughters. Problem with her is if she keeps her mouth shut and does serve years here in the U.S. she can forget about seeing her kids-assuming she sincerely loves them to begin with. Some inmate somewhere will get to her for the fame and notoriety ala Jeffrey Dahmer. And if she goes back to Mexico even 10yrs from now the Cartels do not forget. Just ask El Chino.

    4. She is STILL far, far better off then the thousands of refugees living in tents all along the SW. U.S. border. The very people fleeing Mexico cuz the terror of living under cartel rule sleep in the dirt and traverse rivers and very cold nights with little kids and leaving all else behind.F@ck her.

  18. Shit she's living better than me my hot water heater broke last week

    1. Yea my only 20yr car just died on me..
      I am just an disabled old lady Now what ? this woman complains and there are people way worse then her and myself
      at least i do have a roof over my head and not much more.. But others dont even have that ..

  19. If she really did turned her self in (to make a deal) shouldn't she had seen it coming????
    I mean, Chapo had the same complaints and many other narcos have complained of their conditions many times.

    And if she did agreed to turn her self in and has something on the works like testifying to be able to become a protective witness, then she can hang it will be temporary.

    1. Chapo actually petitioned the court for a little foot stool so he could have an easier time taking a dump!! And he cried when denied a visit with his wife and daughters. Ya know when it's real easy to take a dump?? When your decapitated and hung from a bridge. Give him a choice no?


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