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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Alfredo Beltran Leyva Writes Letter to US Judge Asking to Be Considered for Possible Release

"MX" for Borderland Beat

Alfredo Beltrán Leyva ('El Mochomo', center) was arrested in 2008 and extadited to the US in 2014. He is currently serving life imprisonment after he was found guilty of drug trafficking charges in 2017.

Alfredo Beltran Leyva ('El Mochomo', The Desert Ant), one of the former leaders of the Beltran Leyva Organization (BLO), sent a letter to US federal judge Richard J. Leon in Washington, D.C. asking if he could be considered for better prison conditions, including a possible release, under the First Step Act (FSA) justice bill.

The FSA was signed by President Donald Trump in 2018 and is intended to do two things: cut unnecessarily long federal sentence and improve conditions in federal prisons.

El Mochomo is currently serving life imprisonment in the US after he was sentenced for drug trafficking in April 2017.

During his heyday, El Mochomo was responsible for smuggling multi-ton shipments of cocaine and methamphetamine to the US with the help of the Sinaloa Cartel.

He ran a criminal empire in western Mexico along with his brothers Hector, Carlos, and Arturo during the 1990s up until his arrest in 2008.

The year, the BLO broke away from the Sinaloa Cartel after the Beltran Leyva siblings believed that Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman had been behind El Mochomo's arrest. A bloody war broke out between both cartels, but the BLO was greatly weakened and splintered over the years.

El Mochomo is currently imprisoned at the US Penitentiary Hazelton in West Virginia. This is the same prison where former Gulf Cartel leader Juan Garcia Abrego is serving a life sentence.

FSA Provisions 

The FSA's goal is to make the US federal justice system fairer and more focused on rehabilitation. One of its provisions is to develop a risk system to assess the recidivism of federal inmates. Recidivism is the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffended.

Under this provision, prisons are provided with guidance on the type, amount, and intensity of recidivism for each prisoner to help them rehabilitate.

This letter was handwritten by El Mochomo in English. It was issued in January 2021 but was released to the press today.

Most of the rehabilitation activities are done through partnerships with nonprofit or other private organizations, including faith-based and community-based ones, that deliver such programs.

The FSA also requires prisons to help inmates apply for federal and state benefits, including a social security card, driver's license, birth certificate, or any other official identification.

Inmates can also request to be transfered to a prison that is 500 mi (804 km) driving distance from their primary residence to help them be closer to their families, just as long as they qualify for good behavior.

El Mochomo is asking for a sentence reduction since that is one of the main tenants of the FSA: relieving harsh sentence to federal drug offenders. For inmates with life imprisonment, like El Mochomo, the FSA can possibly help reduce that to a 25-year mandatory minimum. 

Sources: Infobae; Milenio; BOP


  1. I know someone who did some time at Hazelton where Juan Garcia Abrego is. He told me Juan was widely respected by everyone. He never snitched on anyone and that is why they put him away forever. 11 life sentences. Clinton made him the drug war poster boy for his presidency but Juan was not too bad. Different times I guess.

    -El Choclo

    1. Blah blah blah. Criminals with honor. No mames.

    2. I spent from 2012 to 2015 in Hazelton. Most Brutal Yard I've been on. Went from Beaumont to Hazelton and the FCI Fairton. Extremely political (racially segregated yard) . Can't speak for now, although at the time Hispanic portion of yard was run by La em & Sure. Woods i.e. Anglo Saxons i.e. whites & Sur-em were allied. Went through race war in there, can be read about online. Blacks were mainly of DC vintage. Very low class car, like a yugo or hyundai. About 1-2 years after I left Freddy G got Whittie B. One thing a wood or sur definitely can't have there is effed up paperwork. Brutal brutal Yard there.

    3. ZackyZag, are you talking about the federal Hazelton? If you are wow, how times have changed since fed prisons tend to be run different from state ones.

    4. Prison you gotta stand up,different world than all these fuckers know,see if you love the brother,talking bout race an shit,put some in jug theyll learn

    5. 5:54 agree..prison is the school of life

    6. I'm talking about USP Hazelton. People have an unrealistic view of Federal prison. They think of white collar crime and camps. They are minimum and low security. Just do a Google Earth of usp Hazelton. When I was there there were only 13 usp in the country. Each holding roughly 1300 to 1500 inmates. Now think for a second. A country with over 300 million people and only 13 maximum security prisons. So in those 13 prisons 2 are chomo pc camps Tuscon and Coleman 2. So now 11. So in those 11 prisons left you have the 15,000 or so most violent offenders charged federally in the country. When people cause so much trouble in a state prison, they send em to the feds. So you have violent state transfers on top of the already federal Criminals. Ganbangers, real AB Brand, La eme, BGF ect. Everything is split along racial lines. The closest system to it would be CA. You won't see a wood and a Black or Hispanic and black in a cell together. You go the worst of the worst. Again at the time 11.. For the most violent of a Population of over 300 million. I still correspond with friends that are lifers. Bulger didn't make it out of his cell. The inmates know who's coming before the new inmates get there. They are rife with corruption. I'm from MD and got sent there from Beaumont after J Sweaney killed his celly, J Sweaney started DMI in MD. Anyway people have a silly unrealistic perception of REAL Federal prison. It's gladiator school. I was less paranoid during my military time in Iraq and growing up in Balto than there. You just get yourself a knife mind your effing business and bit. And prey every day the people surrounding you don't get you into a effed up life or death situation. That's real talk

    7. Thanks Zacky.

    8. @3:08 Tell us more about Don Juan García there if you can and about the paisas, how did they politic.

    9. ZackyZag. You should check out this dude's youtube channel lockdown 23and1. If you like it, maybe do an interview with him about prison stuff. I saw a DMI member on there before.

  2. Out of all the druglords only this guy gives me the vibe of someone who wouldn’t go back to that life and just lay low. I’m sure he has plenty of money hidden and will pay gunmen to protect him but that’s about it, no drugs or ordered hits from him.

    1. He is an example. He won't be getting out any time soon. Not here in the USA!! And who ever argued that he wasn't" Into drugs or hits" is a bit off base. Multi-ton shipments of Meth and coke is drug dealing on a huge scale. So, as long as the Opiod crisis exists here in the U.S. these dope dealers will just be hammered and locked up for mandatory 26urs to life.

  3. Replies
    1. Honestly out of all bosses Alfredo and Chapo Isidro are the coolest.

    2. @4:10 yessir

    3. They were never even bosses

    4. Chapo Isidro is perfect example of low profile gangster

    5. 10:02 Chila is a coward one hit wonder.
      Blaming el Chapo for the fall of BLO is easy, but Chapo had no business to pursue in central Mexico State or Mexico City like FECAL, EPN, and genarco garcia luna had, they even used the marinas when they saw that the army just could not shoot straight.

    6. 8:43 No digas mamadas, you got that fake info from the fabricated Netflix series.

    7. @10:36 Indeed the attempts to destroy CDS from within started by Fecal which is part of the PRIAN. But weirdos like Anabel Hernández claim Fecal supported Chapo.

  4. Look. People can say whatever they want about Señor Trump. But politics aside, this First Step Act is a great thing. Biggest prison reform the US has ever seen, and it’s much needed. I feel like many years from now we will look back and wonder why the hell we were putting people in prison under the old conditions because everyone knows they don’t work. The FSA is a step in the right direction. It creatives incentives for inmates to make up for their mistake and learn good habits. And it also humanizes them. Most probably deserve a second chance at life and I hope it works out for those who are eager to get their lives together...

  5. In the FEDS is looked at as a martyr for his “Familia” in Mexico 🇲🇽 & admired by all people that know his story.

  6. Or send him to adx and let him and chapo fight for control of the yard lol

    1. Lol chapo cried while Mochomo held his head up high like a boss. I don't understand why so many cds nuthuggers. They must be on crystal.

    2. @7:14 CDS is conformed of many different clans, Chapo cried because of his family and because he trusted that idiot Kate.

      Mochomo is a solid gangster but he and his brothers wanted to more than they could chew.

      If you follow the narcowar events between CDS and BLO you'll notice that BLO killed many innocent relatives of CDS capos.

  7. Mochomo and his brother Arturo during their prime were highly respected. They might give him the Chino treatment in Sinaloa though because he has the charisma to recruit people to fight for them. Mochomo isn’t a bad guy though, he was just used as a pawn to put pressure on his brothers. I promised Chivis a long time ago that when my friend is cool with it, I’ll send them pictures of el Mochomo and Arturo during their prime :) my friend has one with Arturo I believe without a beard and a couple others

    1. 4:15 PM Do you happen to have a picture of Arturo Beltran Leyva and Don Felix Cornejo Sosa where one of them was holding a small girl with a white dress? I can't remember who was holding up the girl. I think it might have been Arturo the picture was in a video on youtube. The group was Los Panchitos and it was a corrido of Arutro Beltran it sucks but I think youtube deleted it.

      Do you know if the Beltran Leyvas were close to the Valencias? Don Felix Cornejo Sosa was the boss of Michcoan in the late 70s, 80s and early 90s till he was killed in 94 and he was extremly clsoe to Arturo Beltran Leyva, Felix Gallardo and other capos. People say that even Pablo Escobar went to see Don Felix Cornejo. He is the one who kicked started Maribel Guardias Career.

    2. No i have a friend from Guadalajara that use to run with that crowd of people with feria. He doesn’t talk to much about it because you know anything gets you killed in Mexico now. He use to work some tierras for Arturo in Cuernavaca Morelos many years ago, as well as some of his personal bodegas in Guadalajara that not a lot of people knew he had. The private picture I’m referring to is from one of his nephews birthday parties where Arturo was present. From what I know they were close to one another but as time passed and Arturo grew in Sonora and Zacatecas in his early days, the ties died with Cornejo. The Valencia’s stayed underground for many years in Michoacan even when they held a lot of power.

    3. 5:31 PM Are you confirming what I suspected that the Beltran Leyvas were somehow involved in the death of Don Felix Cornejo Sosa? The Beltran Leyvas were cool with Don Felix up until his death or at least 1990. Don Felix was moving cocaine into Tijuana, Nogales, Juarez and Laredo the guy wasn't a spring chicken he was the plug the connection between Colombia and Mexico. Isn't it obvious that Michocan had a major player in the Guadalajara Cartel they took Kike's body into Michocan because they felt safe in the state.

      Don Felix Cornejo was betrayed we know it was the Valencia's because Cartlitos Rosales got most of the one's who were responsible directly but he wasn't able to get them all because he was imprisoned. The Valencia held power in Michoacan from 1994 till 2003-04 when their asses started to get smoked by Carlitos Rosales. Felix Cornejo had two main allies in Michoan with him the father of the Valencia's and another one who's last name starts with a G. Michoacan at the time was divided into 3 pieces except they were all allies the father of the Valencias died in the early 1990s. Felix was the Cocaine plug, Los Valencias were the Heroin plug and the dude with the G last name was the Cannabis plug. Salinas de Gortari liked to visit Don Felix Cornejo and the guy who's last name starts with the letter G Felix was found in Aguillila and the other guy was found near Lake Patzcuaro around 15 km south maybe more. The father of the Valencias was found in Urupan.

    4. @7:13
      No there was never any beef between the Beltran Leyva clan and Don Felix Cornejo because if you remember they were compadres along with Miguel Pulido(Pulido and his crew are some of the suspects in his killing later on). Arturo gained a lot of power moving Cornejos drugs up to the US. Some stuff that I do know is there was some form of jealousy between Arturo and Chapo stemming from Arturos compadrazgo with Cornejo but at that point Chapo was a no one. Arturo was second to only Mayo in many areas. Because of his party lifestyle, he wasn’t so well known in corridos until late 90s early 2000s. His death was a straight execution as you remember but the reason for his death was due to the groups he once gave jobs to grew too much in power. I believe he even gave Chango Mendez a job. That was the time where LFM was planting its seeds. What followed was just a wave of betrayal behind betrayal. I’ve heard a version of Los Pulido that they were responsible for his killing. Michoacan was full of gallos pesados in the time of his killing so it could be just about anyone around him, or that was in contact with him personally and Arturo was not one of those people. He rarely went to Michoacan in the early 90s because of his growing business in Sonora and some parts of Zacatecas. One thing that most people don’t know is that Cornejo had a secret ranch in Tecoman Colima were some of the Valencia would go to meetings. That is why when CJNG started, they pushed into Colima with almost full impunity because the Valencia clan had roots in the state stemming from their time with Cornejo. The Valencia’s never left Colima they just went underground.

    5. The legal papers show a Luis Valencia trying to take his properties after his death and I think his wife trying to get them back I think she was related to the Gaytan's like Valerie Gaytan the girl who's husband the twins killed and then she hooked up with one of them. Well her uncle was Efren Gaytan. I think her family came out of El Aguaje along with the Fernandez, Mendozas ect. It could have been the Pulidos but from how things played out it was the Valencia's they even tried to kill the last of Don Felix Cornejos friends. But they couldn't because that guy had his own group till this day that group still exists with different leadership of course now allied with CJNG. Even the Tempalrios never got rid of that group they still maintained their dominance they just had a non aggression pact.

    6. All of u guys have great points and I can tell u guys definitely are not B.S. @8:29 am. I have definitely heard of the Gaytans being related to Don Félix Cornejeo. There’s a lot of Gaytans here in the 209 that I have been told are related. @7:13 u are correct about the De Gortari Connection. Aramando V was actually parters with the ex presidents brother. Back in the 80’s they had the 209 Valley on Lock. UC Merced was build on acreage once owned by Armando. That’s facts

  8. This guy carries a tremendous amount of respect everywhere he goes, if rehabilitated he can be used for good

  9. This lowlife should die in jail!!

  10. They will never let him go, especially since he didn't give them anyone.

  11. Sorry Mochomo but unfortunately you will not qualify as the guidelines are on the BOP website "Eligible inmates can earn time credits towards pre-release custody. Offenses that make inmates ineligible to earn time credits are generally categorized as violent, or involve terrorism, espionage, human trafficking, sex and sexual exploitation; additionally excluded offenses are a repeat felon in possession of firearm, or high-level drug offenses. For more details, refer to the complete list of disqualifying offenses. These ineligible inmates can earn other benefits, as prescribed by BOP, for successfully completing recidivism reduction programming"

    1. There may be hope for him in the future as governments begin to change their thoughts on drug use. The founder of death row was released and he made his money in the drug game.

    2. 3:14
      "Drug use" is an ocean of difference between narco trafficker and I don't think traffickers should be let out.

    3. Harry O was released on a Trump pardon. Not the first step act.

    4. 4:57 money talks,
      And more often silence talks and buys shit like pardons for another chance to go back to the slammer for good.

  12. they would let him go to follow he money

    1. Uh, no, they would not. They can do that without him.

  13. Kids STAY in school.. Has some GOOD corridos but his actual corrido is DONE FOR..
    A DRUG LORD asking a judge for his realese..
    MAN.., I DON'T see that happening

  14. Chapo is crying of torture and inhumane prison conditions at Super Maxx Colorado qhere he is at. He is asking to be moved back to Mexico because of hahaha!
    What a fuckin punk

  15. In a declassified report, the United States Drug Control Administration identified the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels as the two largest criminal organizations with the greatest illicit participation in that country. Both criminal structures have exchanges with Chinese and Colombian mafias: with the former for the illicit importation of precursors to produce fentanyl and methamphetamine, and with the latter for the distribution of cocaine. Of the CJNG, they refer that it has expanded its criminal territory to 23 states of the Mexican Republic (zeta tijuana)

    1. Something declassified means:
      No Class...
      Like nobody knows what the cartels do, but we all know much bigger motherfackers operate behind and above the cartels they denigrate.

  16. The only photo that was given to me is of Don Hector, Carlos (father), Y Arturo’s portrait all 3 together in memory of them.I’m surprised it hasn’t been leaked tbh.

    1. Like of them together, or all of their photos at one of their resting places like Arturos? Because I think Don Carlos was buried in Guadalajara

  17. If Mochomo gets out he will go right back into the game and try to take his structure back. If he gets out people will die. It's that simple.

    1. He has his structure. Beltranes are deep with loyal people. His structure is in tact with him in or out. Difference is if he gets out many will defect in to BLO


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