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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua: Miguel Ángel Ortega Gutiérrez Interrogation and Death


In the video released by an organized crime group, the agent talks about alleged complicities between the Cuauhtémoc Municipal Police and a rival cartel to his executioners.

Before the municipal agent of Cuauhtémoc Miguel Ángel Ortega Gutiérrez was assassinated, they videotaped him revealing a series of complicities between the municipal corporation and a criminal group that operates in said municipality, revealing names and actions they take together.

The municipal agent was kidnapped on March 6, 2021 and despite the fact that an investigation was generated in the State Attorney General's Office, a day later he was found dead on the road that leads to Anáhuac, where he was found with multiple firearm impacts in the head area.

On March 14, a video was released showing an alleged interrogation, where Miguel Ángel was on his knees, with handcuffs and beaten, where alleged members of the Gente Nueva del Tigre began to question him about his collaboration with the group La Línea.

In these videos, he revealed that he, as well as at least five officers of the Cuauhtémoc Municipal Police, were collaborating with the La Línea group, from whom they receive monthly payments of three thousand pesos, for alleged collaboration and protection that they provide from this corporation.

In the information that he revealed to the gunmen, there were three commanders of this agency, as well as agents, and even accused one of them of being responsible for being an intermediary to deliver the money that corresponded to them for complicity with said criminal group.

Apparently after the interrogation he was killed and abandoned on the road that leads to the Favela ejido, at kilometer 2, where he was found with multiple gunshot wounds, according to the corresponding report from the State Attorney General's Office. .

Currently in that area of ​​the state, the State Attorney General's Office has the corresponding information on the conflicts between two criminal groups that compete for control of the plaza.

Source: El Heraldo de Chihuahua


  1. La Linea has pushed gente nueva del tigre out of Cuauhtemoc to San Juanito and other parts of la sierra. Gente nueva del tigre's leader Edgar Alfredo Gamboa "el 11" also brother of "El cabo" has teamed up with jose noriel portillo Gil "El Chueco" gente nueva salazar from urique Chih. Gente nueva wants to move in to Cuauhtemoc again.

  2. For 3,000 measly pesos?


    1. Thatll buy u lots of maruchanas

    2. Bonehead! You think the cops had a choice? They say no and they (or wife/son/daugther/mother/father/sister/brother) are toast.
      Munis often would be ready to work for the cartels for free, but to refuse the bribe is to raise the 'please kill me' flag!

  3. Se los habia dicho antes.
    Por culos los de La Linea y traicionando a los Aztecas pinche Gente Nueva mierda se les va a volver a meter a Cuatemoch y Chihuahua.
    Con los Aztecas tuvieran control de todo Juarez y el Valle y hasta Ahumada Chi.
    Ahora tienen pleito en todos estos lugares por pendejos!
    Maten a mas gente por esta mentalidad y sin necesidad. Que acabo ni los muertos ni los jefes de estos sirven para pura madre!

    1. Los Aztecas no tiene nada k ver en La Manzana siempre ha sido Ncdj nomas we voltiaron Los Cabos nunca entro El cds

    2. La linea trae la charola ellos nunca los van a tumbar

    3. Con la ayuda de los Aztecas La Linea ya tuviera control de todo Chihuahua. Estos cuates no rajaban leña y se daban contra todos.
      Pinche Linea se cree muy astuta y se los va a chingar Sinaloa nomas por eso!
      Aqui se esta demostrando.

    4. Ni el valle de juarez tampoco lo controlaban los aztecas ahí es donde se esconden los sinaloas no los an podido sacar

    5. El que controla el Valle de Juarez controla la frontera. Por ay pasa mas droga que por los puentes internacionales.
      Los Chapos no se esconden. Los de La Linea le sacan entrar a el Valle cuando los Aztecas entran y salen cuando les da la gana a pasar droga por el rio por ay.

  4. Life in Mexico 🇲🇽

  5. 3000 pesos? you've got to be kidding me, that's less than $150.00


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