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Saturday, March 13, 2021

El Mencho's Daughter Pleads Guilty to Kingpin Act; DEA Releases Picture of Her

"MX" for Borderland Beat

Above is Jessica Johanna Oseguera Cervantes. The other picture that has been circulating online for a few years is not her. That individual is Jennifer Beaney Camacho C谩zares, wife of imprisoned kingpin Abigael Gonzalez Valencia. Both are sanctioned under the Kingpin Act.

LOS ANGELES – A dual U.S.-Mexican citizen pleaded guilty today to willfully engaging in financial dealings with Mexican companies that had been identified as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

According to court documents, Jessica Johanna Oseguera Gonzalez, 34, of Guadalajara, Mexico, violated the criminal penalties of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (the Kingpin Act) by engaging in property transactions with six Mexican businesses that OFAC previously designated to be “specially designated narcotics traffickers.” These six businesses were so designated because they provided material support to the Mexican drug trafficking organization known as the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), which was itself designated by OFAC in April 2015. Oseguera Gonzalez’s father, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, aka “El Mencho,” who is the leader of CJNG, and her uncle, Abigael Gonzalez Valencia, who is the leader of the Los Cuinis drug trafficking organization, were also sanctioned by OFAC in April 2015.

“Today’s guilty plea is a result of our relentless commitment to disrupt and dismantle all aspects of the CJNG organization,” said Special Agent in Charge Bill Bodner of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Los Angeles Field Division. “Our efforts will continue to include a focus on those who facilitate these illicit drug networks. Together with the Department of Justice, we will use all the investigative tools available, including OFAC designations, to bring to justice those who engage in illegal activity that is fueling the drug crisis nationwide.”

“The Kingpin Act is a critically important tool in the U.S. government’s unrelenting efforts to target foreign drug cartels that seek to flood American streets with illegal drugs,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicholas L. McQuaid of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The Department of Justice will aggressively investigate and criminally prosecute those who willfully violate Treasury Department sanctions under the Kingpin Act, as a key component of our broader whole-of-government strategy to dismantle and disrupt foreign drug cartels.”

Court documents indicate that Oseguera Gonzalez was an owner of two Mexican companies designated by OFAC, J&P Advertising S.A. de C.V., and JJGON S.P.R. de R.L. de C.V., and that she was an officer, director, or agent of four additional sanctioned businesses, Las Flores Cabanas, Mizu Sushi Lounge, Tequila Onze Black, and Operadora Los Famosos S.A. de C.V., doing business as Kenzo Sushi. She remained an owner, officer, director, or agent of those entities following their OFAC designations, and did not seek the required license from OFAC to engage in those financial transactions.

Oseguera Gonzalez pleaded guilty to willfully violating the Kingpin Act’s prohibitions on engaging in transactions or dealings in property with entities or persons sanctioned under the Kingpin Act, and to being an officer, director, or agent of entities who knowingly participated in Kingpin Act violations. She is scheduled to be sentenced on June 11 and faces a maximum penalty of up to 30 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Note from Borderland Beat reporter "Chivis Martinez":

An earlier attempt to come to a plea agreement failed. Defendant, daughter of El Mencho, rejected the offer and wanted a jury trial. She went on to lead guilty. This document below will give an outline of what the result of that agreement may be.

Jesica Oseguera Mencho Daug... by Chivis Martinez

Source: DEA Press Release


  1. Le pusieron una chinga x pendeja y rata 馃ぃ馃槀

    1. La Emma ya se est谩 cagando con unas horas en el bote, 100% va hacerle honor al nombre RATAloa como todo lo buchones ponededos del CDSNITCHaloa

    2. 1:42 I feel sorry for you and o don't know why they let your comments through

    3. 2:12 guey so dejaron pasar el comentario de 5:51 que no dejaran pasar el de 1:42

    4. Anon 1:42 am. Ya deja de andar de drogadicto escribiendo pendejadas. Todos los carteles son ratas. Para que crees que pagan a la polic铆a y militares? Por informaci贸n y tambi茅n pasan informaci贸n para eliminar a rivales. Puros ratas. Todos son ratas.

  2. Now Her and Emma can pass makeup back n fourth with a wire!

  3. What's that on forehead?

    1. Ash Wednesday

    2. To add on what 6:54 said:

      She was arrested on February 26, 2020. That was last year's Ash Wednesday. She attended a church before her brother's hearing and was arrested upon arriving at the courthouse.

    3. Hey MX...
      that was the first i noticed was the ash on her forehead.

      Secondly...I thought wow the foto widely published supposedly of her was not her afterall which is what I was told on good source and therefore I never used the image.

      That said, looking again, maybe it is. maybe it the other is an earlier foto, not sure.

      What I am sure about, the young lady is no aging well looking beyond her stated age.

      IMO she and her atty are a very smart team. They defended the charges in ways I had not previously seen.

      Thanks MX....
      Paz, Chivis

    4. Chivis can u elaborate on the way they defended the charges?...G.C.

    5. 9:19 I suppose she goes back and forth to the USA and gets flagged for "inspection" but was never formally given personal notice by a US agent about the Treasury sanctions against "her" companies hence the emphasis on the Knowingly and Willfully elements of the violations in the motions for jury instructions. My question is if she could even sell "her" businesses after the sanctions? Were any assets ever seized?
      GOM also probably didn't take any actions that could be construed as a notice. Also the challenging of government employees and their electronic experts and ultimately they showed preparation and a willingness to go to jury trial..

    6. Ah, no, pero eso si, Cienpedos vino a disneylandia y lo arrestaron con todas las putas pruebas ensalivadas en la mano, he beat the chargers but no more Mexican generals want to come to Disneylandia anym贸,


    7. Hola GC
      Actually, it takes a bit of a deep dive going back to the documents from her arrest. I read more than 150 pages of documentation and evidence.

      From the beginning they challenged decisions of the court via appeals. And in reading those appeals I felt they were very well presented, they lost most, won or partially won a couple. What I walked away with is that; IF they did proceed to trial it would be long and preparing in trial for a fact based strong appeal.
      I was surprised she turned down the first plea. It was in reality little time after credits and good time. On March 9th the court was notified both parties requested a vacate of the trial date as they were going for another swipe at a plea deal….3 days later they filed with the court they had a deal.
      What has been written about her is that she is intelligent and a shrewd business person.
      A trial would have been interesting.


    8. 7:15 IF you been in THE SYSTEM you would KNOW not to take the FIRST plea deal..
      The SECOND is usually BETTER but if you HAVE snitches and a SOLID case you won't get a good second or third plea deal..
      SMART move...

    9. Chivis muchas Garcias I figured u read deep into it,@9:19 thanksfor your input as well.Chivis I appreciate u and everyone at BB (except sol) lol jk, not really...G.C.

    10. She went to church to ash Wednesday.

  4. Crazy most of us fell for that other picture, she hella cute not gonna lie, imagine having sr. Mencho as your father in law. You better have your shit together lol

    1. I wouldn't want to see what happens after the breakup!

    2. That's cute for you lol

    3. 843 cute enough as long as she's loyal good hygiene a good mom and supportive partner thats a keeper goods looks a plus but sometimes a curse

  5. If Mencho falls, the whole CJNG crumbles. If Mayo falls or dies the conglomerate of entrenched crime families that make up CDS continues. Mencho is too selfish to share the majority of power. Mencho will be caught, he is too brazen for US interests

    1. Mencho won’t get caught. He doesn’t take chances like Chapo, who kept leaving la Sierra to visit her twin daughters. Mencho will probably die in a shootout if anything.

    2. Finally someone that understands how a Cartel really works. Not just one person holds supreme power, but some are more greedy than others in terms of power. Just different styles of management. Although I do believe CDS would keep going if Mayo fell, (Chapos faction defeated some enemies early on) but I also believe CJNG is doubted far too much. It's almost as CJNG has many things like zetas but they seem very well structured like CDS and do a good job at being a mystery. Not too many CJNG high ranking Members with known social Media. In my opinion Mencho does a great job being a ghost. So good that some people believe he's dead I personally don't even think he's sick and from a source I was told he's perfectly fine and has packed on some weight. I was told he's almost always empecherado and encapuchado and that he does not allow pictures.. I guess he's not even in hiding. Everyone knows where hes at. Not a secret ..I guess $$ talks

    3. Sure thing Secret Management......

    4. Lmao I hate that dude too. I'm on Reddit also bro it's ygpsosa

    5. Mencho and Chapo Isidro..two low key Ghosts!

    6. Dont need no paper to prove mencha is a snitch look what happened to el 85.

    7. 9:32 EVS/85 is free, sin pedos en M茅xico and alive. Cholo/CNP begging him to ally himself with them, carefully listen to the video with the skinny jeans wearing sicarios, and you'll finally realize that it's bogus that he's against RNOC.

    8. 7:18 trust me, seeing his twins were not what El Chapo had in his mind, Emma's crica was all it was all about.

  6. Both of his kids have the same empty soulless stare as mencho. Lmao

    1. They really do look quite empty. So odd.

    2. @2014 hrs.: This. The eyes always give away the soul’s true nature, and El Mencho ‘n his merry bunch have dead eyes. Hallmark of a psychopath—and psychopathy can be generic.


    3. @2:10am That opinion is based on a childlike naivete. Many rotten people are good actors.

    4. Dead eyes= posessed by demons.

  7. She ugly as fuck! Most of cartel lords kids are good looking cause they have babies with dimes, she's ugly af. Anyone who saying she good looking doesn't know what they're talking about

    1. Ash Wednesday.

    2. Difference between Buchonas and her.

  8. Hopefully she'll get 30 years :)

  9. Mencho snitch her own daughter we all know her rat father works hand in hand with the government hope this SCUM rots in prision next to her coward SAPO brother MENCHITO both P.O.S who deserve the worst

    1. Finally someone that knows, I’ve been saying this for years before this fool got big he’s a DEA informant. I’m from frisco and any body that says otherwise tell me where you’re at in the city and I will tell it to your face you’re a fake as well

    2. 8:40 got some issues. Get help my man.

    3. 1:39 im in tecalitlan jalisco, come and say it to my face

    4. @8:40 @1:39 yes we all know Chapo was a rat, he snitched on the Arellano Felix brothers, word is he snitched on the beltran brothers too, its been long said he set up nacho coronel to go down, mayo had el macho prieto killed, possibly el ondeado too, mayo's kids snitched on him, mayo's brother snitched on his brother, damaso snitched on chapo we can keep going

    5. Put the paperwork online or shut up.

    6. Not that serious @1:39. And fake what?

    7. 1:39 put the pipe down and stop tweaking go to sleep. Ppl from the city NEVER refer to it as Frisco...G.C.

    8. @1:39 You're NOT from San Francisco as they NEVER call it frisco..usually we refer to it as "the city"

  10. Polyester - the world's cheapest textile that often has the aroma of a garbage bag. Here the young woman is modeling a green knit polyester sweater!

    Canadian girl馃拫

    1. Canadian girl I like your style 馃憤

    2. OMG 馃槀 TOO funny and you are soooo right !
      plus it makes you sweat like you are literally dressed in a garbage bag.

    3. Hi Yaqui, ur Belgium article was excellent. But I may have to go into hiding cuz I revealed in my comment that Belgium's CAPO is Mannekin Pis and that pissed him off. I'm scared. If never heard from again kind regards to La Chivas!

      Canadian girl馃拫

    4. In 馃嚥馃嚱 those sweaters are made FROM cotton, very comfy.. That sweater looks like cotton to ME..
      My mom used to make them for me and my brothers when we lived in MEXICO

    5. Polyester is used in most of the best cold weather flannel ( 100% polyester and treasured when cold. Canadian girl seems like Walmart people.

    6. A bit late out the gate... But abrazos sent to Canadian Gurrrrrrl.. I am super busy with life at the moment, but hope to be back even if only part time. Miss interacting with the keyboard narco gang.

      Sending the best to you always.
      La Chivis

  11. May ne shes not that dumb cus she didnt try to fight it like others that think they cld manipulate the usa justice system like in other countries but she needs to wash her face and get that dirt off her forehead

    1. It's ash from mi茅rcoles de ceniza vato. Did you even read the motions and proposed jury instructions? Over a year in jail fighting her charges and not a peep of her or her lawyer crying, just working and getting ready to go to jury trial. Emma/CDS within hours of being incarcerated are fainting and crying to the press about the awful conditions of jail, can't do the time don't do the crime chavalas

  12. It would be funny if her cell mate is Emma.

  13. is anyone else here extremely disturbed withhow these courts try to insinuate guilt when asking potential jurors selection questions?

    the office is called foreign assets control, they have to remind you 3x that they have legal jurisdiction you are instructed not to question if thats justified, only that its cool as coolito to go after other peoples money if they want it. if shes presumed innocent why are we here again? if there are any conflicts of interests potential jurors make haste in taking a hike, the governments financial incentives motives in going after these cases is in no means a reflection on the government feeling entitled to the loot. your job as juror is not to trip that the government has built a business of asset grabbing and feels totally entitled going after the dirty cheddar dough cheese feria dollaz pesos, somehow its clean again after they take it. the system being abused? no way. a janitor to clean the system today you are not, your duty is a juror, above all is to take the heavy unseen karma/karmic burden of acting as a judge of another human being away from other members in the court who wouldnt touch that spiritual bagage with a ten foot gavel. sure lawyers and prosecturors may do the bidding of lesser earthly demoni, but even they say God alone can judge. doesnt matter if ya believe it or not bcuz they sure do, wait you didnt think all those religous rituals like swearing on the book were just for scaring people with an incentive to tell the truth with a little kabuki theatre did ya? call it karma or whatever u want just know its yours and yours alone now so again most people dont see it so the court has decided to forgo language you understand and instead use pre rome latin court speak of informing you this, as to any doubters of karma, try and test that and well ur bound to get served, so love what you got, try not to start a riot and you'll feel it when the dance gets hot. Just remember that, lovin is what i got, just remember that, lovin is what i got.

    (someone somewhere is gona read that last part and smile if they know where its from. that was for u friend!

    be well be merrry
    not ill nor weary


  14. Most LIKELY she will get AROUND 10 YEARS
    THAT'S with the kingpin ACT
    (JAIL house LAWYER) 馃槅

  15. Oh wow that’s crazy. That’s really Jessica!!! She’s a from Perris . Super super humble la muchacha nada que ver con una buchona. Welcoming attitude very humble and quite. Ana de casa personality. That’s crazy super small world. Ive never would of thought who her father was. Wow we wish her the best of luck. Family comes first regardless of what anybody else thinks. This girl here es movida en buena manera. Ella es gente con la gente aqu铆 en Perris nada que ver con lujos etc. Muy modesta y humilde la Yeka. Animo mija.

    1. Lmao foo stfu you don’t know her leva

    2. Found an article online about her. She did resided in Riverside County you idiot. 1:49 Might want to look into it you Leva. There might be some truth to that ⬆️

    3. 510 knowing where somebody LIVED and their character are two different things COMPLETELY leva

    4. Haters on here,it could be true you clown

    5. Yes 6:44 knows what he is speaking of.. She and a few aunts, cousins etc have/had properties in riverside county incl Perris.

      Remember my post when she was arrested and trying for bail? Her aunt offered a couple of her properties there. I checked a month later and BAM! the aunt transferred ownership and sold them

  16. I am wondering why she run Sushi restaurants?
    For laundering?
    I still remember RCQ owned a Japanese restaurant in GDL
    Long before sushi became popular in north America.

  17. These men are pushing $$$$$ on the women

  18. shes wanted to get busted people. War is breaking out

  19. You can tell the difference between the typical buchona and her. All the money yet she seems humble.

    1. Lmao you can tell all that from one picture?馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀

    2. No surgery not flashy

    3. 1:48
      For ONE she has no NOSE job or any visible OPERATIONS in her FACE
      MOST women with that type of MONEY would BE looking like MICHEAL Jackson by NOW..

  20. Those ashes on her head are probably from somebody that didn’t pay piso 馃ぃ馃槀馃槀馃ぃ

  21. She was never a “buchona” people use to mingle with her during the Talpa pilgrimage every year. She use to dress like a grandma most of the time. Definitely not a talker though, she had her little circle all the time during the fiestas in December and January. She frequently roamed the ranches of her friends around in el grullo and tonaya. Hasta luego amiga.

    1. I like her STYLE..

    2. I’m from Tonaya and while I never saw her, you could definitely see the dad and uncles on some occasions,
      Let’s not forget the first time helicopters were dropped was 5 mins from tonaya. There is still a monument for the lost lives of government agents before the entrance to Tonaya.

  22. I see the ash on her forehead . I am sure she carries a rosery and sees herself as a devout Christian . Its been my observation , no matter how evil some of these asshole are they appear to believe jesus or the virgin or god is "watching over them" as they kill and slaughter for greed . Personally I believe it wouldnt be as evil and blasphemous if they just left god out of it . Maybe like get themselves a rabbits foot and rub it when they are going into a dangerous situation


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