Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 5, 2021

"El Milko", Operator for "El Chapo Alfredo" and Caro Quintero, Killed


As reported by Noroeste

The Attorney General of the State (FGE) of Guerrero informed that Fernando Delgadillo Hermosillo, alias "El Milko" or "El Miko", was killed on the Costera las Palmas avenue, behind the La Isla commercial center, in the most luxurious area of Acapulco.

According to information from the intelligence area of said institution, the victim was identified, only hours after his execution, as an operator directly at the service of Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, alias "El Chapo Alfredo", drug lord in the municipalities of Bacum, Cajeme, Empalme, Ciudad Obregón, and Guaymas, in the Valle del Yaqui, of the state of Sonora.

"El Chapo Alfredo" is father of José Alfredo Olivas Rojas, better known as Alfredo Olivas, alias "El Patroncito", a singer, composer, and accordion player in music genre "banda" and "norteño", who sings "narco corridos".

According to the Attorney General's office in Guerrero, said criminal group is led by Rafael Caro Quintero, alias "El Príncipe", and of his nephew Juan Pablo Quintero Martínez, “Pablito”, who was detained yesterday in Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México.

The FGE of Guerrero informed in a communication that in addition to the execution of Delgadillo Hermosillo, Rosa Elvira "N", who was traveling with the alleged drug trafficker inside a green Mini Cooper, was also injured by a firearm.

According to the Attorney General's office in Guerrero, the deceased dedicated himself to the traffic of the drug known as crystal and cocaine that he transported and distributed in the state of Sonora and was considered as one of the principal drug operators in Ciudad Obregón.

According to the Criminal Archive database, Delgadillo Hermosillo had warrants for arrest for crimes against health and registered various imprisonments in different Centers of Social Rehabilitation in the years 2004, 2005, 2011, 2014, and 2017. Likewise, in January of this year, a drug laboratory of his in Cajeme, Sonora, was seized.

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  1. Could the noose be tightening around RCQ? A lot of action w/ relatives, partners, associates and the courts....and none are good. Only time will tell.

    1. It sure does feel like it.

    2. I'd bet the Chapitos are flushing him out. If they get him busted, or killed, that makes their dominance of Sonora complete. RCQ has only himself to blame. He should've disappeared.

    3. Cartel de Caborca are not finished and blo still own Obregon

  2. This is really alfredito olives dad

  3. Mf died in a fukn mini cooper must suck arse

    1. @2:49 Cooper is a chick car

      Canadian girl💋

    2. Like getting caught with khakis on... pobre vato

  4. Chapo trini got smoked by cds in gdl and now rcq

    1. Amados son as well. Chapitos are are on check and check.

    2. Cds didn't smoke trini. It was el cadetes uncle. No inventes mamadas.

  5. What "operator"? He was not real commando like Navy SEALs, Specnaz or SAS, but common thug. A Bullet in the head for him was calculated risk in this business. He got what he deserved.

    1. Navy Seals, SAS, etc don’t want any part of this war. There are no rules to this war.

    2. Operator or Commander in cartel speak is just a squad leader, a lead person, they also hire seals and cause seals to be hired, as long as the money looks right, too many seals prostitute their skills, take eric prince, he never made Commander, but he bosses billions of dollars in US defense contractz that are never enough...

    3. They mean "operator" as in he worked for an organization.

  6. A pero que buenas pedas se puso y con criko.

    1. What is criko,
      like crack from the creek?

    2. Thats Meth not crack

    3. Criko is Skante aka Meth

    4. Criko is a term for crystal pretty old school though hadn't heard it in a bit

  7. something to really wonder about. hmmmm could be a real sign of trouble for RCQ....i agree

  8. Day by day..this cartels makes other mafias around the globe looks like amateur kids

  9. Los Chapitos are going after everyone.
    Think about it.

    Rafa Caro Quintero’s nephew
    Chino Ántrax
    El Russo
    Cesar Carrillo leyva amados son
    Made El Flaquito switch sides to CDS from CAF
    This guy
    In that order

    1. Chaputos are sellin beer now in culiacan to make ends meet jajajaja


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