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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

FBI Looking for Texas Women Who Vanished in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

"MX" for Borderland Beat

The FBI says three Texas women vanished in Northern Mexico last week. They are, left to right, 18-year-old Blasa Guadalupe Paloma, 38-year-old Perla Ercia and 38-year-old Blasa Guadalupe Palomo.(FBI San Antonio)

Three women who crossed the US-Mexico border to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, are missing, according to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Officials say Guadalupe Palomo, 38, Blasa Guadalupe “Lupita” Palomo, 18, and Perla Ercia, 38, may have been kidnapped.

The trio crossed the international bridge at about 3 p.m. on March 3 in a white 2012 Toyota Corolla with Texas license plates. Ercia had an appointment with a Nuevo Laredo eye doctor because he had an eye infection. FBI investigators say that there is no indication the women did not plan to return to Laredo, Texas.

“Although the whereabouts of the three women are unknown at this time, it is believed they are still in Mexico and may be the victims of a kidnapping. Perla has two additional elementary-aged children, as does 38-year-old Blasa,” the FBI said.

Palomo is a business owner who resides in Laredo. She has brown eyes and long black hair. She is approximately 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs about 200 pounds. Palomo has a “Medusa” tattoo on her shoulder and a tattoo of a snake on her forearm. She was last seen wearing a black T-shirt, black pants and black athletic shoes.

Her daughter, “Lupita,” has brown eyes, black/blue ombre hair. She stands 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs approximately 150 pounds. She was last seen wearing a red sweatshirt.

Ercia has brown eyes, short, dark, curly hair. She is about 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs about 250 pounds and has a tattoo of an infinity sign on her left wrist. She was last seen wearing a black shirt.

Lupita takes medications every day for numerous health reasons and officials say she did not have them with her when she went missing in Mexico. Ercia is mother to a 4-week-old baby in the care of her elderly mother, who also takes care of Ercia's grandmother.

As reported by Borderland Beat, Nuevo Laredo is under the control of the Northeast Cartel (Cartel del Noreste, CDN), a splintered group of the old Zetas cartel. It is rival to the Gulf Cartel (Cartel del Golfo, CDG), based east of Nuevo Laredo all the way to Matamoros.

In the past, the CDN has targeted American drivers in Nuevo Laredo by forcing them to pay money or "cartel tax" (cuota). Most of these incident happened near Luis Donaldo Colosio Avenue, which connects Nuevo Laredo with the federal highway leading to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Borderland Beat published a story with a video showing how the CDN sets up blockades.

Sources: Laredo Times; Borderland Beat archives


  1. I feel bad same time they know better crossing border line were raping and killing is rampant plus criminals with impunity

  2. The Flores twins facing new probe charges / indictment BB.


    1. Gracias, E42. We have several drafts in queue, including this one. If you can, please email me the story and/or post it in the forum. Thanks!

    2. Gracias MX, lots of good content you and your team are contributing.

  3. Better to suffer eye infection than eye removal for the trophy case.

  4. Probably denied a cdn memeber and they didn't like it

  5. Very bad situation

  6. learned to never cross into Mexico with American plates on your car after reading of countless stories like this. People with american plates targeted. Everyone knows America is where the money is and that makes people coming from there an even more lucrative target.

    1. Im in mx right now few hours from where this happened it’s all about who you know lol

    2. you do know that mexico and canada are part of america right?

  7. Just a speculation... but maybe they were mules ? Transporting and something went wrong they had to go report and we’ll We all know the outcome

  8. Why is Tamaulipas so dangerous for civilians/non DTO affiliated people? It has a worse reputation than some more statistically dangerous states, and almost every time I hear of US citizens being kidnapped or killed its in Nuevo Laredo, despite Tijuana being even more deadly from drug violence. Serious question.

    1. Tamaulipas government officials are heavily colluded with organized crime. Nearly all of the recent governors from Tamaulipas have US or Mexico charges: Yarrington, Eugenio Hdz Flores, Cabeza de Vaca, etc. Rodolfo Torre was killed for a pedo he had with the CDG over a constructora. Políticos there have been in bed with cartels since the time of Juan N Guerra. Keep in mind the CDG is the oldest crime group in Mexico. It’s bad. Cartels get way with a lot more in Tamaulipas, and the honest security forces there have no good backing. Also, Tamaulipas narcos have heavy control of the media, more than Baja California, Sinaloa, or Chihuahua. Name me ONE newspaper that reports narco stuff like Zeta Tijuana, Riodoce, or Diario de Juarez. None. There isn’t. Everyone is too scared because journalists know cartel members can kill them and get away with it with the support they have in city hall. Tamaulipas has a lot of factors that mirror the textbook definition of a “failed state”. There’s a few research articles (serious investigation) on this topic. Hope this helps.

      -El Choclo

    2. Tamaulipas is totally lawless look at the governor he used to be straight up gulf cartel. Tamaulipas is a warzone between many cartel factions that used to be one cartel at one time. The gulf cartel matamoros the gulf cartel reynosa the cdn or cartel del norte and to the south may be even some zeta old school faction. And you have to add the governor whom is yet another criminal fighting for control of criminal activites the difference is that he uses his mexican state police as sicarios. Tamaulipas aint safe. its like fucking irak and if you have any common sence wld you just say hey lets fucking drive thru irak? This poor women shld known better. At this point is like your asking to get killed if you cross over there. Ppl take your life seriously dont go to mexico you can't imagine the level of death thats been going on.

  9. Can you share linkes to the articles on Tamaulipas ?


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