Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Guanajuato Authorities Identify Remains of Elementary School Teacher Among 72 Corpses Buried Clandestinely

 "MX" for Borderland Beat

Text on the left reads: "May the Lord grant you and our family peace and comfort during these difficult times. My deepest condolences". Elementary school teacher Lupita (right) was missing for a year. She was confirmed dead last week.

Almost a year after her disappearance, the body of elementary school teacher Guadalupe Barajas Piña, better known as Lupita, was identified among the 72 bodies uncovered last October in Salvatierra, Guanajuato.

Personnel from the Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office informed the teacher's family last Friday that the forensic genetic identification process gave a positive result, for which it was concluded that, after her disappearance, she was murdered and buried clandestinely in a large property.

"Salvatierra is suffering, and everyone is silent. We are 25 families from Salvatierra and we have found at least seven of our relatives in clandestine graves ... and people continue to disappear," said a missing person searcher.

Teacher Lupita went missing on 29 February 2020 after she visited her parents in Salvatierra and had gone out to buy food for lunch. Lupita had been living in Irapuato for a few years with her husband and daughter. She taught at the rural primary school Guadalupe Victoria in La Valencianita community of that municipality.

Lupita had communicated by phone with her parents and her husband while she was in a city street buying cakes. But after that communication they did not have contact with her again.

At the beginning of last March, feminist groups and members of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) sent several letters to Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office to demand that it deploy all the resources to locate Lupita. On that occasion, the teachers expressed their fear about the conditions in which they carry out their work, mainly in the southern region of the state, where they do not have guarantees for their safety.

“That is unacceptable, Mr. Governor. We ask you with all our hearts to help us, as neither students nor teachers feel safe in Salvatierra," an activist wrote to Guanajuato Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez.

Of the 72 bodies exhumed in Salvatierra, only about 32 have been identified.

“We are not going after the culprit, nor do we want to know why they did this to our loved ones. That is something for the Prosecutor's Office to figure out. We just want to know where are loved ones are. We will not stop looking for them until they return home", said one of the missing person's relatives. 

Sources: Proceso; CulturaColectiva

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  1. Unleashing the military and foreign federales or state police on defenseless people's towns is #1 cause of kidnapping of women, those horny motherfackers just can't help it when their instincts take over and are well trained on anti-kidnapping tactics they use on kidnapping, they had school with the likes of garcia luna and cardenas palomino for 30 years plus the mexican army at it since 68.

    1. I think you have this ass-backwards. Most cops are not bad....even in Mexico.

  2. "We are not going after the culprit, nor do we want to know why they did this to our loved ones"
    Fuckin heartbreaking,its like a deep despondency,a feeling of hopelessness for these people.
    Why would they do this?Is it lust,the fact that they see a lovely woman and just take her?
    Why did they have to kill a woman who is making a difference?

    1. Its called cocaine + meth abuse divided by armed drug abusing traffickers= IMPUNITY

    2. 2:01 even the Godfather settled in a sit-down with his fellow mafiosos after they shot his son dead in a hail of bullets.
      I would be taking rivals to the guillotine.

    3. Yhe godfather DID NOT SETTLE,he presented to settle ,then planned the death of All the killers of his son.

    4. 9:58 looks like a settlement,
      he promised no trouble from him and it lasted until after he died, even Michael observed it.
      --But there is always a fredo, ask Enrique Salinas de Gortari, or his brothers carlos and raul

  3. 72 hmm that is something the Zetas did in San Fernado anyone know who controls SalvaTierra? From what I know that is either Carteles Unidos/Templario or Marro/Mendez Vargas territory.

    Does anyone know if the bodies were found without their organs? From what I heard El Fresa husband of Kike Plancarte's wife is deep into Organ trafficking I have heard that many of the people that go missing in Michocan go missing for their organs. While others are sent to fight for Carteles Unidos all over.

    1. The 72 bodies in Salvatierra were found over time since last year. That’s different than the 2010 massacre in San Fer where 72 migrants were found.

      Any source on the organ thing?? That’s a new one to me.

    2. Either CSRL or CJNG. Salvatierra is right below Celaya where the war has been in broad daylight.

    3. San Fernando smells of a contract on the Centroamerican migrants, paramilitary create problems for which they always have million dollar solutions, US taxpayers pay for it all...

  4. As innocent as they can get. Whenever you know of a dead person in Mexico, don’t assume they were bad people. This is a good example of someone who was minding her own business, hurting no one, and got killed. Sad indeed. I feel bad for her husband and daughter.

    1. This innocent teacher was taken by meth/ cocaine induced vatos with guns who were simply and uncontrollably horny from said drugs. With 100% impunity, they sodomized, tortured and pleasured themselves in the warmth of her body. It is a vicious cycle that exists everywhere.....

  5. No one is safe in Mexico, it's a failed country!

    1. 4:37 your nalgas are failed and falling, blame this on the failed federalista governor diego sinhue who has no public security in Guanajuato but renewed his state's public security chiff contract on Guanajuato for 10 more years

  6. This is what the Jalisco cartel does and you people cheer for them, disgusting...

    1. True cjng are scum, just like i cant believe people cheer for cds after they killed the 3 and 8 old boy in tj, they are as bad as cjng anywere

  7. Foreign federales what a f****** joke!! Mexico has just lost its soul to organize crime and criminals in general fueled by methamphetamine!!

    1. Foreign to Guanajuato honey, military and polesiss federales never get paid on time and are always on the prowl for victims to extort or rape or both before killing them.

  8. Rest her soul, god help us all

  9. I met a guy back when they we're finding bodys of young women in Juárez he was conected to the tarde and he said the same things about organ trafficking i remember him saying the people responsible we're even higher up than the cartel people, people with more power i always thought it was a load of bullshit but now i see the number of people that have nothing to do with the drug trade being found in pits mostly young people females who are less likely to have damage to their organs drinking smoking drugs ect!!! Makes You think of how evil this has gotten... God help México...

    1. You wanna know a secret? They start with an R and lots of conspiracy theorist believe they run the world. They been in Mexico since the AZTECAS were sacrificing people to the R and till this day this ritual is still practice.

  10. And the Politican take Cartel $$$$$$, and they continue to kill helpless school teachers, wow !!!!!


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