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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mezquitic, Jalisco: 7 Policemen Arrested, Including the Commissioner


They are linked to crimes such as enforced disappearance of citizens, kidnapping, bribery, abuse of authority among others.

The Mezquitic Police arrested four policemen within the municipal police department. The are all scheduled for trial. However, as the investigations progressed, three others were also apprehended. There are currently seven policemen apprehended.

On February 26, members of the State Police, State Prosecutor's Office, Mexican Army and the National Guard arrived at the Municipal Police Station and proceeded with the disarmament of the police personnel. As well as with the intervention of their facilities, communication and computer equipment, archives and all their assets.

Simultaneously, the implementation of various operations began by the Special Prosecutor's Office on Missing Persons, the Directorate of Abductions and the Regional Prosecutor's Office. Which resulted in the arrest of the municipal commissioner and three officers within the department.

They are under investigation for complaints about forced disappearance of persons, homicide, abuse of authority, bribery, kidnapping, embezzlement, among other illicit activities. However, they were only linked to trial for the first two crimes that occurred in September 2020.

In addition, the ministerial authorities served three more arrest warrants against three officers, who were taking a training course, after the intervention.

At the beginning of the intervention, the Mezquitic Police Station reported having a state force of 29 police officers. Of which seven are currently detained. 

However, of the 22 who were scheduled to attend the retraining course, only 11 were present, the rest no longer showed up at the facilities of the Academy of the Secretariat of Security.

Regarding the confidence control tests, of the 29 members, 17 had passed and their results was valid. In addition one had passed; six failed to pass and five had not done their confidence control test.

The State Police is in charge of the security of the municipality. They carried out operations in the northern region, in which 12 people were arrested. 10 have been  scheduled for trial. Several of the detainees face two to three different cases. The completion of arrest warrants amounts to 16. Two more will be officially served.

- Of the 29 policemen that made up the corporation, 7 were arrested, including the commissioner.

- They are linked to crimes such as forced disappearance of people, kidnapping, bribery, abuse of authority among others.


  1. Shidd, them Jalisco policemen ain’t not joke that’s fo sho!

    1. That is one place that you should never allow yourself to be detained by anyone. Fight dirty until they just shoot you. That's about the best outcome possible.

  2. Well there it is for those who say that cjng don't do such things...

  3. Veracruz, Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Coahuila, Chiguauguau, BC, Trampalipas, Nuevo Lion, Guerrero, Michuakan, Mexico City, Morelos, Guanajuato, all but a few states completely taken over by corrupt cuicos and their directors, chiefs, commissioners...
    state police and governors on all of them also participate in all the crime with at the very least covering it up or looking the other way with help of the military zone commanders.
    Civilians need to volunteer and take over with one iron fisted supervision while the professional cuicos get the other iron hand up the ass.
    The "training" was "anti-kidnapping and extortion" to kidnap and extort.
    --Will you ever do a report on CJNG Operator Sergio Kurt Schmidt? Doing crime from the top since the 80s...

  4. forced disappearance and homicide is the same right ?

    1. With homicide there’s a body for burial and closure. But with a disappearance there’s not knowing what happened for loved ones. Both are murder and yet different from each other in circumstances.

    2. Government elements usually bury their victims, more often than criminals, torturing usually goes above and beyond the line of duty, but police and military do not approve of using civilian militias even as ride alongs, take Zacatecas Arturo Lopez Bazan or guanajuato's Carlos Zamarripa, crime increased as soon as they took over as Public Security Secretaries, (bazan has extensive anti-kidnapping training, tactics to negotiate with kidnappers and work with "gendarmeria")
      Morelos under jesus alberto capella ibarra who started his "career as an activist" in tijuas or the "accountant" in Veracruz Arturo Bermudez who got released to fight his charges from home,,,pinches mamadas.

  5. @@ 9:29

    Love your post Yes the citizens need help to fight back
    I would think by now someone with enough Brains and know how
    would start a up rising
    Why run away to America many dont want them
    If they turned around and fought
    back or got 100 thousand people to march to the Capital in Mexico


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