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Monday, March 29, 2021

Montana Meth Dealers Worked Directly With the Aryan Brotherhood and Sinaloa Cartel in California, Feds Say

"The Owl" for Borderland Beat

Leon Paul Kavis (left) and Dylan Roy Mace (right)

A methamphetamine trafficking ring that was run from California prisons had such a far reach that incarcerated prison gang associates were arranging drug deals from 1,200 miles away, according to court filings by federal prosecutors.

Two major Montana meth traffickers — Leon Kavis Jr. and Dylan Mace — were reportedly tied in with suppliers in California connected to the Aryan Brotherhood and the Sinaloa Cartel, according to charging records against both men.

In early March, Kavis agreed to plead guilty to meth distribution, while Mace pleaded guilty to similar charges last month. Both men are awaiting sentencing, court records show.

The charging records against both men say that their names came up while federal authorities in California were looking into suspected large-scale meth, heroin, and gun trafficking rings that were allegedly run by Aryan Brotherhood members and associates in Salinas Valley State Prison.

In November, federal and state authorities arrested dozens of California residents on charges related to the probe, including members of a Fresno-based gang known as the Fresnecks, and at least one associate of the Mexican Mafia.

The case against Kavis and Mace was based upon information gleaned from at least seven confidential federal informants, who reported the pair were receiving numerous multi-pound shipments of meth from California through UPS and FedEx, including packages weight 12, 15, and 22 pounds. The alleged sources included Stephanie Madsen, described by Drug Enforcement Administration agents as both the girlfriend and “secretary” of Aryan Brotherhood associate Kenneth Bash, a Salinas Valley inmate at the time.

Bash, along with Aryan Brotherhood member Todd “Fox” Morgan and others, were using contraband cellphones to oversee drug rings and prison smuggling operations from their cells, authorities allege. One confidential informant reported to the DEA that Kavis took a trip to Fresno to meet with his supplier and “dealt directly with the Aryan Brotherhood and the Sinaloa Cartel.”

Another confidential informant, a suspected drug courier, was arrested in Utah with 12 pounds of meth allegedly headed for Montana. The source reported having received a suitcase full of the drug from Madsen at a bus station in Los Angeles, the complaint alleges.

During the investigation, authorities wiretapped Kavis, who allegedly stated he wanted to “kill a bunch of FBI (expletives),” using a homophobic slur.

“I seriously can’t wait until they (expletive) want to talk to me,” Kavis allegedly said, according to the complaint. “I’m going to tell them what (expletive)-ing (expletive) pieces of (expletive) their mothers are for raising such (expletive) dog piece of (expletive). I’m gonna (sic) eat these (expletives) up man. I’m going to get indicted for everything.”

Last year, Kavis was cleared in the shooting death of a Montana man who authorities believe owed him more than $34,000 in drug money. He claimed self-defense, court records show.

Sources: Mercury News


  1. These guys are more likely Nazi lowriders want to be Aryan Brotherhood members all Aryan Brotherhood members are locked up and pelican Bay or federal institutions around the country solitary confinement!!Mexicans are everywhere they don't need any help distributing their drugs throughout the United States maybe in the past but not anymore!!

    1. Who says they need help Mexican mafia has always done business with the whites. And like the Mexican Maria the aryans are in prison and some on the street. If you would take time to read you would know they are not distributing for anybody they buying to sell them on their turf.

    2. 2:00 sorry to correct you but no not all members of AB are in pelican bay. I'm currently doing 23 years in state prison and after the hunger strikes in 2014 to release the "made Men" (AB MM NF BGF) put of the SHUs there is mafia members from ever association at almsot every prison and every yard except for level 1s (because they're ALL no good) there's 1 on each of the level 2 here at this prison and 1 in my building who's been an AB for 30 years or so. .. the NLR don't "program" with AB and do not acknowledge AB as their superiors so they were greenlighted years back.. so don't confuse people by saying thing that u claim to be factual when they're not. I understand you're just trying to help or sounds smart but I repeat there are Mexican mafia, Aryan Brotherhood Nuestra Familia (now called New Structure) even Black Guerilla Family members at ALMOST every CA state prison yard. In fact their tactics seem to be to have a made man on EVERY yard to further their interests. It helps keep ppl in line and produces more money for their Mafias instead of allowing "Associates" , they want the Lions share. Make sense? My boy just got made MM about 8 months ago from Salinas and believe me the MM is the strongest out of the several CA prison Mafias. If they're everywhere believed Mr ABs are also. Ive 6 members of AB since 2015 when they won their lawsuit to get out the SHUs/confinement...
      And NO 50/50 yards DO NOT HOUSE GP ACTIVE MEMBERS. If u program with trash you are in fact trash. There is no 50/50 yards in the eyes of GP inmates. Either the yard is GP. Or it's SNY . So these men are in all GP yards 2-4 levels. Becuz like I said ALL level 1s are bad and 90% of level 2s are bad also

    3. That sounds like good business sense. Own the supply and let the customers come begging. In a way, the US shot themselves in the foot when they banned all the precursers to meth. The mexican mafias were already here, they moved quick, and now meth is everywhere, and cheap!

    4. Not really, guy. Bash is AB..

    5. What about the BGA and la onda and the AVer’s

    6. 4:33 just dropped some knowledge, MM and AB have a alliance thanks to Peg leg if my history is true ( it is ) CDCR had to desegregate the yards even tho the inmates self segregated (crazy how California being such a liberal state has racial prison problem). Anyhow my old man started his LEO career in Gladiator school aka Deuel Vocational Institution during the mid 70s, then went out to be a top prison gang investor in (THE TEAMS). @4:33 I tip my hat off to you great knowledge bombs dropped and hopefully you find your path clear and free of obstructions

    7. Thanks bro, appreciate it homie. There's alot of people who speak on things and have no idea what they talk about and confuse others. I understand they wanna help or don't know any better but if you're an active inmate and have some common sense it's pretty common knowledge. The made Men are for the most part pretty cool, most are older than 55 but the younger generation is starting to make it's Mark. My boy got made at 32 and he's got good schooling from a well respected MM whom I'm fortunate to call Jefe also .
      There's actually a paper u sign now when transferring prisons where u approve of desegregation but it's only to prevent lawsuit. Under no circumstance will they cell you up with a member of another "car/race" unless by some miraculous mistake lol I heard back before the 2000 if you pissed the cops off enough on your way to the hole/shu, were going to hole for besting up a cop or had some weird shit on ur jacket the cops would stick u in a cell with "Big Bubba aka Big Tuna Aka Tuna Can Man" and he'd either beat your ass or literally beat your ass lmao.
      Tell you what though, prison is nothing like movies, what'soever at least not on Active GP Yards.. and even from what older homies told me prison was like since the Big homies got out , it's completely different. Alot of peace, unity between us and Nortes and everyone is focusing on one thing.. Money. It's ridiculous how much money these made men make. Millionaires

    8. @7:38 yeah its pretty wild I have a few boys up in RCSO (riverside county sheriff's) and the hidden open secret about MM is that a ton of made Carnales are actually from Ontario Vario Sur (black angels set) pretty crazy how they vote their homies in as they please. Keep your head up and remember not all cops are the same some will violate you just for dumb pc but most will attempt to work with you. It's easier dealing with a parolee because the line is set give respect and get respect, it's the entitled douches that cause problems and act up. Anyhow brother stay safe and if some day you end up down deep southern California don't forget to stop by and say hello.

    9. You have no idea wtf ur saying. Fact check before you say things moron

  2. John Gotti like little girl pay then piso in prison

    1. Depends on location douche bag. You sound ignorant.

  3. Some people thinks that LCN still the most powerful in the USA

  4. I dont understand why a supposed "white" gang would buy mexican meth? Now they destroy "their own people" with a product made south of the border.
    Of course, there is alot going on that doesnt follow logic.

    1. Money of course..

    2. If you ever been to prison at least in California. You'll know that AB and Mexican Mafia are allies and have been for decades. The yard where I'm at, our big homie and their big homie have known on another for 25 years and pops looks outfor the AB member. Most AB memebers don't do much as far as $$ and hustle . Not sure why but just don't seem as well connected as other Mafias. In terms of connnects and power it seems liike it goes MM then NF/NS then AB and then BGF

    3. It’s been going on since the 70’s man... Where do you think their heroin came from?

  5. Animo Sicarios !

    QEPD El Payaso Cepillin !!


    1. Kinda heart breaking huh? At least El Payaso Ro Ro from canal 66 is still alive

  6. So who unloaded drug shipments as soon as it lands in the US?

    1. Clearly the guys on the inside had guys working for them on the outside, as they always do.

  7. All AB are white trash tweekers.they work with the eme's.the MM and the AB both hand out membership for stashing drugs in their bootys."want to be in la eme foo?,all you gotta do is put drugs in your sexy culo". in az this is how they been getting down for years now in state don't have to put in real work to earn that shit.pitiful fukers.their fuking up.i been tripping for years on some of the scary ass poser foos I know whoare now with your culo and join our shit.tatted the fuk up.

    1. Trash comes in all shapes and colors.

      Ignorant comment.

    2. Yea your right. Sorry

  8. It’s about the money man look at these politicians selling out to the Chinese for a few bucks same concept they don’t care about anyone but themselves.

  9. Italian mafia still runs cities Like Detroit or Chicago?

    1. The Outfit is still very much involved in day to day organized crime for both of these cities and beyond.

    2. It's more devirsived now but Yes Italian Mafia still a presence in these cities, and probably always will be.


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