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Sunday, March 28, 2021

San Luis Potosí, SLP: CJNG Video Message Against CDG and The Ministerial Policemen Cartel

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Good morning citizens of the entire state of San Luis Potosí. We are the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación of Mr. Mencho. And through this statement we want to inform you of the reality of the violent events that have occurred with businessmen and politicians this March in the Potosina capitol.

We completely distance ourselves from the murder of the president of Coparmex, Julio César Galindo Pérez, the politician Rodrigo Sánchez Flores AKA El Ferrari, and his wife, Miriam Luna Contreras.

We all know those who ordered the attacks were Evaristo Sánchez Cruz AKA El Vaquero, leader of the Gulf Cartel. And Alfredo Aleman Narváez AKA Comandante Aleman, leader of Los Alemanes Cartel. Their the ones who sent José Pedro Bárcenas Martínez AKA Peter Carreteras, intellectual author of the two events who was fighting the plaza of the Piedad prison for the sale of drugs with El Ferrari.

Since he was an inmate in the prison. Peter Carreteras ordered him to kill the guard Jorge Luis Arteano, who smuggled the drugs, the wine, and the beer in for El Ferrari. And also to benefit politics and his friend José Ricardo Gallardo Cardona AKA El Pollo Gallardo, candidate of the Green Party for the governorship of the State.

Why is he being financially supported by these aforementioned kidnappers and murderers of innocent civilians? They work hand in hand. To commit crimes against the citizens who hinder them in their illicit businesses and money laundering. Another person that we leave on the list for you of those linked to these events, they know very well who the guilty are and refuse to detain them. 

They’re good at playing dumb asses. As is the case of the sons of bitches who executed Rosalinda, a municipal police officer, in the most cowardly way. This was a crime that was organized and ordered by her own ministerial colleagues.

Quico, Mike, Fuerte, and his superior Daniel Chávez are also involved. So is Jose Guadalupe Celestino, leader of the Ministerial Policemen Cartel. This is a cartel that here recently was exhibited nationwide on television by journalist Denise Maerker from Noticieros Televisa.

For engaging in illegal activities such as theft of vehicles and businesses, drug trafficking after seizures, and charging civilians for not executing their arrest warrants. Something that everyone in San Luis Potosí already knew for several years. As we have told you in previous communications.

We came to stay. And little by little we will accommodate the state so that citizens can live in peace. Free from kidnapping, extortion, and fee collection.

So it’s best you strengthen yourselves Golfos, Alemanes, and Ministerial Policemen. Because we’re coming after all the Golfos, commanders, and the criminal cells that we have identified as being directly responsible for the intentional homicides in the state.

Comandante San Fe, Tigre, Londo, Guasel, Polaris, in charge of Matehuala. And Carlos López, in charge of San Vicente. And as for the children of Aleman, who seem to think that they’re still living in the past. When their father was the leader of Los Zetas and could kill and do whatever they wanted.

Luis aka El Mongol, Checo Aleman, and Adrián Aleman. The comandantes of the Peter Carreteras cells: Lalo Salazar, Michis, Guacho, Fresa, Jimmy, and that fucking faggot Daniel Chavez, compadre Alemán, as well as your filthy cell of narco Ministerial Policemen.

Thieves, collector of fees, extortionists and drug dealers. Made up of your black lover El Quico, Nicky, Fuerte, Ahueca, Pato, Marcelo, and Caballero. With an advance warning there is no betrayal assholes. Sincerely, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. San Luis Potosí Branch Office.

Source: Vigilante Huastec; (2)


  1. Easy drone strike if AMLO and the Mexican Military really wanted to eradicate the cancer (Cartels) enveloping Mexico.

    1. Calm down call of duty

    2. Queso you cheesy and corny

    3. Blah blah blah. The United States as the most powerful country in the world can not eradicate drug use. 15 years in Iraq and they didn’t eradicate the enemy. You are just talking crazy Queso.

    4. USA know better after been Fucked hard in Afghanistan

    5. Out of all names why Queso? That is just weird.

    6. @0616 hrs.: “The United States as the most powerful country in the world cannot eradicate drug use.”

      True. Eradicating drug use would deprive Uncle $cam of too many federal reserve notes. It’s not in their financial interest to solve the problem. More than that, it’s laughable that government(s) believe they can simply force people to abstain from using drugs. Good Luck fighting human nature—and Mother Nature, for that matter.

      “The War on Drugs.”🤣🤣🤣 Est. 1971.


      P.S.—This is the same reason why the American Military Industrial Complex has been in Iraq and Afghanistan for the better part of twenty years. To win would mean shutting off that sweet $$$ spigot for a myriad of “interests.” Can’t have that, can we?!

    7. Looki here Mother Fackers,
      --The US is one thing.
      --american people is another.
      --Corrupt US Government Officers is a whole 'nother thing, find and name yourselves a few and demand explanations, and do not take ignorance, incompetence or impotency for an excuse that gets them their beloved impunity and immunity.

    8. Right 8:45! US should stick to Fuking little retarded countries like mexico who can't even keep their own citizens from leaving the shit hole.

    9. 40% people in the USA are crackhead. No wonder mexican willing to die for $80 billion yearly industry. Look at Hollywood, most of them high on coke just like trumo JR.

    10. @10:58 Little retarded countries? Lmfao, USA is nothing but the world's thief.

    11. Queso your cheese is getting rotten. USA has drones. I regret to inform you, do to unfortunate events, Mexico has 0 zero drones, also no men in the Mexican military are trained to use them.
      I am sorry to inform you, but hey it's ok to dream.

    12. @4:15
      I didn’t know you were privy to knowing the capabilities of Mexican forces.

      We know senior leadership is inept, but that’s not the point.

      With Millions in US aid, and after skimming from the top Mexico, has invested in equipment and more.

    13. Mexico doesn’t invest shit. The greedy politicians get theirs off the top then split whatever is left with the cartel in power.

  2. Sol prendido and Mx are killing it with these articles on BB

    1. Dr. Sol I am back, did not realize what month BB got online.
      Hope Chivis and Yanqui are fine.

    2. I don't know, but i am happy Yaqui's burras are OK, i just spent the weekend with them.

    3. Did you hit some sheep as well?

  3. They CJNG did all that themselves and now try to rat the other side to get the people on they side. Typical of what they did elsewhere.

  4. Did El Ferrari drive a Ferrari?

    1. 9:59 Not even huaraches from a ferrari's tires...
      Thass way beyond his pay grade.

    2. Go make us a pair then

  5. Headline should read: Crybaby CJNG makes another snitch video

  6. CJNG is gone end up dead getting KICK in the Ground like in Durango 😂

  7. Man, cjng has serious financial power.
    High powered equipment in all states they have presence, and mostly 2020 trucks.

    1. 12:07 u must off not seen recent videos specially in Michoacan n Zac where they driving literally anything.

    2. Actually I follow the war pretty closely, in Zacatecas and Michoacan "they arent just riding in anything".
      Puras blindadas and 2020 trucks.

    3. @4:21 recién robaditas.

  8. Meanwhile cds still using the same chatarra guns from the Beltran Leyva war days lolololololol nowonder everyone wants to work with daddy mencho(here comes the money) 😎😎

    ~Shane'O Mac.

    1. bruh what? firstly the cds also hasmodern weapons and the cjng literally uses any weapon or monster they canuse

    2. @12:32 CJNG, the crybaby cartel haha

    3. Didnt CDS do the same 2 month ago in Zacatecas? They were crying about how the governor worked for el jardinero? The irony. @2:34

    4. @4:20 The real irony is that the CJNG fanboys talk shit on everything CDS does but they are exactly the same and worse like an envious broad.

    5. Did you bite your tongue? @11:58

    6. @11:43 I did not, I live in Mexico contrary to you and support no one, I just state facts unlike you fantasy speakers. You all swore CJNG controlled GTO, I told you all I was there some week ago and it wasn't La Nueva at all. Now they killed your heroes a plaza boss.

    7. @2:09
      Fantasy? Like you claiming to be in Mexico? GTO? What do you expect them to parade down the street to make their presence known? Or maybe they should bring you serrenata? Just so you know there around? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

      How many plaza bosses did CJNG interrogate and kill belonging to CSRDL??? Approximately +4.

      And your all wet over toninos death? He got token out by the same organization he jumped shipped to.

      Pobres llorones de Guanajuato.

    8. @11:58
      Why do you prietos from Guanajuato insist on vouching for sinaloa? They dont even like you marros.
      How was the leader of a Guanajuatos crime syndicate crying on film asking for help he never received? You outa be embarrassed of yourself and your narcos.


    9. @4:15 Come to Guanajuato and see for yourself gringuitas. That's the best I can call you both or three nut huggers.

      CJNG had AMLO support in Guanajuato that's the only reason Marro was arrested, it was a huachicol thing. It was a special case but it was CSRDL who killed Antonio and also it is CSRDL who been at it with CJNG the whole last week with a huge shootout at the outskirts of San Miguel De Allende that nobody reported officially as it was kind of crazy.

      I was in different cities of the state with certain folk. These folk were not CJNG, I don't roll with those panochones although I also happen to know some of them.

      If you guys had any real life links to Mexico you would know that CJNG is despised there by a lot of people as well as in most of Mexico.

      You guys have no idea how Mexico runs, it's a small world in the cartel/crime world, lots of people know each other and I can tell you:

      1.- I'm not from Guanajuato, I'm from Jalisco.

      2.- CJNG are pieces of shit.

    10. CSRDL are still stepping to CJNG they got some balls,there is no doubt shady gob shit was goin on against CSRDL.Priority to get Marro,what about Grupo Elite and that bunch of fat arses

    11. @1014pm I can vouch for what this guy is saying. I am from morelos and cjng is not likes here, that's why ray got his wig split in jail. Same reason why gato is now locked up. Everyone in this city knows those in the game as they are locals. same shit in cancun. No one likes cjng. They went in trying to extort call centers that belong to some ex high up law enforcement dude and now they are at war. Cjng even goes as far as extorting contruction workers piso to be able to work.

  9. 9:05 then you would be complaining about "states' rights", forgetting that even Chayotera denisse maerker is denouncing politicians and ministeriales cartel", prolly trying to extort a few millions for herself.

  10. Sol is a good addition,dude is steppin

  11. What did they mean by "with warning there is no betrayal" are these sicarios from SLP ?

    1. 2:03 "You have been advised,
      There is no trick there".
      (do not complain about getting tricked, because you were warned)

  12. Is this consider snitching?

  13. Same shit different day with the bullhorn claiming the salvation & cleansing of scum.
    Funny calling the kettle black.

  14. It seems they’re trying to out snitch snitchola

  15. Snitching ass dude

  16. Snitching on the government they should know better and your enemies is fair play the reason we call the snitchaloas snitches is because they snitch on their own, turn in their own people ect. Little flowers I know it hurts your little hearts that your buchonas are snitches but that is how things are.

    1. Same dude commenting on Sinaloa all the time this Jack has an obsession all criminal organizations snitch just that Sinaloa is the more prolific Cartel

    2. 11:46 AM Sorry little flower I hurt your feelings. Snitchaloa I know it hurts to know the truth and now trying to justify snitching on your own people. Like I said at 8:54 AM their is no shame in the game but snitching on your own is a no no.

    3. 8:54 is 100% correct snitching is when you snitch on your own people, thats the reason why cdsntches lost so many plazas and no body wants to work for them any more, just the snitches work with cds cause they know they can get away with snitching, malditas rataloas

  17. Looks like the war is CJNG, CDG Metros from Reynosa against CDS Mayos, CDG from Matamoros, CDN, Carteles Unidos(Viagras, Tepekes, Los Reyes, La Costa de Michocan bordering Colima, Zamora, Tempalrios, who are getting their ass handed to them as we speak all over their social media pages they are crying for the 19th military battalion and the Guardia National to go and fight CJNG near Zamora, Aguillila, rumor has it that El M2 slapped the piss out of the Municipal President of Aguilla. What is left of the Marros The Family of El Chango Mendez based in Leon, Cartel de los Chilangos an institutionalized cartel they operate in Aguas Calinetes and San Luis Potosi, presence in parts of Michocan and El Estado de Mexico and other parts of Mexico.

    Then we have the AFO, Chapos kids, Guano who is fighting in Durango, Chapo Isidro, Caro Quinteros family Caborca ect, Familia Michcoana in Michcoan this one is allied with Carteles Unidos and Familia Michocana in Guerrero called for a cease fire and a truce with CJNG from Huetamo, People based in Petatlan Geurrero. The numerous other small cartels.

    1. @10:59 Please rephrase the last part of your comment. You mean AFO and them also fight CJNG?

  18. GUANO VS LOS RODRIGUEZ in Durangos sierras.

    Cjng wont make it past Zacatecas.

    According to metroflog, sicario006 is on his way to demolish el jardinero.

    God protect 006.

    1. Who are the rogriguez ??. I mean are they independent?? Or allied to cjng??

    2. They are chapitos

    3. So Guanos vs Chapitos en la Sierra de Durango? Hasta en las mejores familias😭 puro desmadre


      Video of guanos sicario execution


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