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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Strategic Alliances of 'El Mencho' with Familia Michoacana, Gulf Cartel and Guerreros Unidos

The alliances of the CJNG are with diminished cartels and even without experiencing their peak, their trafficking operations are considerable (Illustration Infobae / Isaac Vallejo)

According to the DEA, the CJNG has positioned itself to ensure the shipment of narcotics to the United States through the center and east coast of Mexico, although it challenges the Sinaloa Cartel in Baja California.

To strengthen its dominance in Mexico and control drug trafficking routes, the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) has associated with important groups in the north, center and southeast of the country, according to reports from the US Drug Control Administration. (DEA).

Hence, those led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, operate in drug trafficking with Guerreros Unidos, the Familia Michoacana and the Gulf Cartel, according to the DEA analysis.

Although the North American agency doesn’t elaborate on these links, it makes it clear that the expansion of the CJNG is based on strategic alliances, without implying a total co-option by the group that’s located in 23 of 32 states in Mexico.

However, it should be noted that some cells of the alleged partners have already had public differences between them, even with threats of extermination due to the territorial conflict. On the other hand, some leaders have been arrested and only lieutenants remain, as well as operational units at the regional level.

The CJNG is in 23 states of Mexico, while its rivals Sinaloa dominate 15 entities of the 32 of the total (Illustration: Steve Allen)

In turn, these factions are undergoing a process of atomization after going through heydays. Hence, it’s complex to determine the sole leader of each organization, if not operators in areas historically besieged by drug traffickers.

According to DEA reports, the Gulf Cartel maintains its power base in Tamaulipas and Zacatecas, where it could have alliances with the CJNG. The group founded by Juan García Ábrego in the mid-1980s in Matamoros, still operates to ship heroin and cocaine by transporting cargo that enters the United States at points in McAllen and Brownsville, Texas.

Zacatecas is currently experiencing a bloody dispute between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Mencho forces. At the same time, the Northeast Cartel, a remnant of the Zetas, who didn’t give up their regional dominance in the limits of San Luis Potosí, has joined.

Given its dynamic of operations between clans, the Gulf Cartel has several leaders, among whom the heirs of the Cárdenas Guillén family stand out, the surname of the maximum leader when the group maintained dominance at the level of rivals such as the Sinaloa Cartel.

The Guerrero Unidos cartel has resulted in the so-called "La Bandera" (Photo: File)

Consequently, one of Mencho's partners could be José Alfredo Cárdenas Martínez, the Accountant. This capo is the nephew of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, arrested in 2003, extradited to the US in 2007 and who will be released in 2028 after agreeing to collaborations with the US government in 2010.

El Contador was released by the Mexican justice, for the second time, on October 29 of last year, he is the operator of the group in Matamoros. Another relevant lieutenant who would have negotiated with the CJNG is Evaristo Cruz, alias El Vaquero, a target of the US authorities and alleged leader of the Gulf Cartel.

However, the same criminal group also has fellow Sánchez Rivera brothers: Ernesto, El M22 and Héctor, El M1 / ​​La Mimi, presumably located in the municipality of Reynosa, they are members of Los Metros, a remnant of the Gulf Cartel. Or in his case, Pablo Misael Ramos Lara, El Mezqui / Pantera 24, also linked to the Tamaulipas faction.

Or the Morfín Morfín brothers: César, El Primito and Álvaro Noe, El R-8; who operate in the municipality of Camargo, for the Gulf Cartel. While in Matamoros  the base of operations of José Martín Cárdenas García, El Chiwilly, in Reynosa work Carlos Roel Collazo, El Chuy Sierra. All of them are fugitives and according to DEA reports, some of them have allied with Mencho.

Criminal leaders and their places in Tamaulipas (Map: Infobae México / Jovany Pérez Silva)

The anti-drug agency also points out that the Familia Michoacana (FM) has some ties with the CJNG and works with smaller groups to promote their crimes. The headquarters of operations is in Michoacán and in parts of the State of Mexico, although they live in different parts of Guerrero, in the area known as Tierra Caliente.

One of the last leaders of this cartel was arrested in November of last year after a confrontation with the Army and ministerial agents. This is Ranulfo Zagal Maldonado, El Rani, who was apprehended in Taxco de Alarcón after being wanted for his activities as head of the Michoacan Family in Guerrero.

Rani's son, Roberto Carlos Zagal, El Pelón, was threatened by masked men who said they belonged to the CJNG in a video circulated in early February. Official reports have indicated since 2019 that, in the Tierra Caliente region, there is a bloody dispute between the Familia Michoacana and the CJNG.

Some of the municipalities most affected by these disputes were Coyuca de Catalán and Zirándaro, where there were dozens of murders, disappearances and forced displacement of hundreds of families.

El Pelón, in addition to being the head of hitmen and allegedly responsible for the ambush and murder of six Guerrero police officers in June 2020, worked for Jhony El Mojarro and José La Fresa, the Hurtado Olascoaga brothers, who are leaders of the Familia Michoacana and are established in the south of the State of Mexico, an entity where they are the most wanted drug lords.

On Monday, July 6 of last year, four narcomantas were placed in the main avenues of Edo. Mex. (Photo: Twitter)

It’s not clear if these leaders are the ones who have allied with Mencho according to DEA data, but at least in Guerrero their disputes have been constant. While in urban areas of the State of Mexico and the capital of the country, FM operations as well as the CJNG have also been identified.

Finally, the US authorities point out that the CJNG works with Guerreros Unidos, whose presence in the region unleashed a high degree of violence.

Derived from the Beltrán Leyvas, this group has become increasingly involved in the heroin trade and allied with Oseguera Cervantes' forces use the same transportation network to send drug shipments to the United States and return the profits to Mexico through the same way.

One of his last leaders was José Ángel Casarrubias Salgado, known as El Mochomo, who was arrested in June 2020. Casarrubias Salgado led the cartel with his brothers. This criminal group is directly linked to the disappearance of 43 normalistas from the Ayotzinapa rural normal, events that occurred in September 2014 in Iguala, Guerrero.

Despite the fact that this criminal group was almost dismantled by the authorities, due to the members arrested for their participation in the case of the 43 normalistas, it continues to operate and may even continue to grow.

One of the last leaders of Guerreros Unidos, El Mochomo, was arrested in mid-2020 (Photo: Twitter @ RicardoAlemanMx)

At present they have adopted the name of La Bandera, in an attempt to detach themselves from the identity associated with the Ayotzinapa case, as it was announced in a narcomanta in September last year.

As a consequence the limited reports of the DEA barely allow establishing the link between leaders, it remains undetermined if they were associated before Mochomo or after he fell and they already had activities with La Bandera.

On the other hand, the analysis “National Evaluation of the Drug Threat 2020 ″ of the DEA, warns that the cartel led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes maintains control in important drug corridors such as the border city of Tijuana, Baja California and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

It’s characterized by the willingness to participate in violent acts and clashes with the Mexican government, security forces, and rival cartels.


  1. Tijuana makes chicago looks like disneyland! Thats some real g's around there

    1. About this, Syria is like heaven comparing to Mexico.

    2. 1:02 BC gangsters dont play games!

    3. 3:23 pinchi bola de pela-chivos, nunca acaban de pagar la pistola antes de morirse o irse al bote, ni don chuyito se escapo de valer mas que pura verga.
      A que le tiran las pinches lagartijas

  2. Animo Sicarios !
    Many think that with the passing of El Chino Antrax that the Antrax were finished. On March 16 2017 El Peña 20 and Changuito Antrax escaped prison .
    El Peña 20 was tasked with reactivating "The Antrax ". Antrax Combat Application Group are all highley trained mercenaries with the latest weapons from SAS.
    They even have an operative that is a clown who will appear in any Birthday party in Jalisco to take out a target like the famous mission carried out by El 5.7 on the CAF Rafael Arellano Felix hit.

    El Señor del Sombrero always rides his million dollar paso fino horses wearing a Louis Vutton Charro hat but lately he has been wearing a camoflauge boonie hat. There is a war and CDS will defend all its plazas

    CDS Joint Special Operations command.

    1. 006 you hiring need 8 figure pay work

  3. What a load of shit cjng don’t maintain control in Nuevo Laredo in the slightest hence why they allied with cdg to transport through their border crossings

    1. It comes directly from the DEA report:

      "The CJNG smuggles illicit drugs into the United States by accessing various trafficking corridors in northern Mexico along the SWB including Tijuana, Juarez, and Nuevo Laredo."

      It goes against everything I knew about the area. But maybe they are just suggesting the CJNG pays 'piso' and moves drugs through there? I don't think the CDN has entirely closed Nuevo Laredo for those willing to pay to cross it there.

      It could also just be a lie to inflate the CJNG.

    2. CJNG been in NL & Tamps since the 90s when they were Los Valencias y’all don’t know how to look up old articles and it shows

    3. 5:35 - Los Valencia were moving some loads through Laredo and Miguel Aleman via El Yeyo Falcon and maybe El Chacho Garcia, but they were quickly taken out after Osiel's power grew following the arrest of Gilberto Garcia Mena AKA El June in 2001. They never got to establish because the CDG/Zetas wiped them out and even pursued them heavily in Michoacan/Jalisco.

    4. CARM is the one who pursued them in Michoacán, he and AVC, being bosses of their respective groups had a falling out because of business, huevos and mujeres. Osiel backed up his Compadre because he wanted to be the unquestionable JEFE of CDG and control Tamaulipas but also because Michoacán has always been a source of supply and had men working in the NE border region. Milenio had good connects in NL, también La Empresa/CARM, and that's why they also included themselves with La Federacion in the war for the city.

    5. Yeah,Nuevo Laredo is one of the most locked of any plaza,makes you think about the cops and politicos who keep it that way with Z/CDN/Trevino clan,Takias family are deep in

  4. Sol. Do you think CJNG and CDS will ever make peace ? That would definitely bring a new era of peace across Mexico. I don’t ever see the CJNG making peace with the Zs for what they did to the Valencia family. But with CDS? It’s just normal bad blood because they all want money. If only they settled their differences... doesn’t seem to have gotten personal yet. Just business

    1. @9:32 Correct. Would be good for the country, the thing is there's political interests behind both sides. One is controlled by "El Pelochas" or "La Rata Mayor".

    2. I honestly feel it’s all just going to get worse with time. Doesn’t really matter who’s in control. No one person can sell narcotics without having to deal with its negative side effects.

      Even if society legalized it all we would still have to deal with mans destructive behavior under the influence of drugs. Granted some individuals can consume drugs and maintain themselves as productive members of society. There will always be those who lose all rationale and desire to be cool citizens.

      Pero pues a la vez soy hipócrita en decir esas palabras. Con eso de que a veces agarro mis temporadas de grandes pedas por el mundo. Poco a poco e ido cayendo en el refuego. Y perdiendo me con la maldad sin querer. Chales.

    3. 11:46. I agree and it will get worse before the elections en junio. Today plazas that were not important are now important because políticos MORENA collect piso from the narco tiendas in their home plazas.

  5. Cjng may have presence in 23 states but controls none not even Jalisco,n the presence they have is just trou local cells...

    1. I guess your not from Jalisco. They have the state on complete lockdown, from Tamazula to Vallarta trust me I work there half the year. Guadalajara and Zapopan are fortresses at this point. Not a d*ck rider or anything but I have to deal with them a lot and they are everywhere in the state. Some cells are small like in Zapo of around 10-20 people but others like Teca and Guzman have hundreds of gunmen. If you don’t believe me go to the expo ganadera in Tamazula and you see for yourself.

    2. 12:14 correct! This mf are everywhere

    3. 12:14 is correct i hate to say it.

    4. If jalisco is on lock by the jaliscas why is there so many murders even in Guadalajara? Cld it be theyre fighting someone in their own state

    5. @8:50 - as with any dictatorship, you are going to have some resistance..

    6. 1214
      Thanks bro,interesting shit

    7. @12:14 Lies. GDL has presence of different organizations and CJNG ofc is numerous there and in Jalisco but they don't fully control the city nor the state.

    8. Name a CARTEL who has FULL CONTROL OF a STATE..?
      ANSWER-- no cartel has full CONTROL

  6. Animo compadres!
    Our alliance with former allies of Sinaloa shows how powerful we are becoming. I am currently meeting with leaders of Zetas Vieja Escuela to negotiate an alliance against the CDN to take the northeast. Sinaloa is finished!

    Caballero de Jalisco🏴‍☠️🇲🇽

    1. You and Scottish Zeta are patethic ! Your comments are lame ! You try too hard to be funny and its annoying AF!
      You are a cheap chinese made imitation of Sicario 006 . At least 006 is original .

    2. Scottish Zeta has been around longer than the idiot 006, before his handle was "English Zeta".

    3. @1:00 You ever thought maybe all 3 are the same person? Before them it was Comandante Perro and El Morroñis....

    4. Zetas old school are allies of the matamoros gulf cartel. The real gulf cartel. I doubt they wld be in any way involved with the jaliscas. Los metros in reynosa their most powerful capo a guy they call el choco sold the reynosa and camargo territories for 5 million dollars to el primito whom is a jalisca. Cdn insults mencho in some funny ass mantas so theyre not jaliscas allies either. The trevinos took over nuevo laredo and they wont share it. Nuevo laredo is a great territory.

    5. @1:00 Atleast sicario006 is original? original what, a moron! I feel like a lose brain cells everytime I run into a sicario006 call of duty comment

    6. @2:22 real talk they all sound the same. Have you ever heard of O.G. Shadow? He's a youtuber (cds nuthugger) and he praises cds and talks about how sophisticated gente nueva are? A don't hate on 006 though he makes us laugh even after reading something horrible.

    7. 10:16
      006 is an obese gamer who used to play Fortnight a lot, a while back someone even asked him here if he still plays.

    8. We shouldnt encourage these sad casrs

    9. Shadow, Sicario 006 and Scottish Zeta are the Larry, Moe and Curly of BB.

  7. Wtf this makes no sense. It says first El contador was extradited to US and can get out 2028. But then it says he was released last year lmao

    1. He was never in the usa. He got cought 2 times and was released 2 times legally the man is connected. And as soon as he got out he had one of his cousins killed and i believe he is suspected of killing another one of his cousins over some pussy in Monterrey.Imagine how fucked up Cardenas family gatherings will be from now on. Pieces of shit.

    2. Crazy how power gets to ppl heads


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