Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: El Cholo's Corpse Found at Jardín Hidalgo

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Warning: Post contains graphic content, discretion is advised. 

Images have recently started circulating online of a corpse that’s supposedly that of Carlos Enrique Sanchez Martinez AKA El Cholo. The cadaver has two knives buried into its body with narco messages attached to it. 

Authorities have yet to make an official statement concerning this discovery. Nonetheless, local citizens at the Jardín Hidalgo nature preserve have uploaded these pictures onto the internet. 

Mantas read as follows:

The traitor: Carlos Enrique Sanchez Martinez AKA El Cholo. Thank you to everyone who sent me to my death. 

Sources: Jalisco Rojo (1); (2); NarcoStudios701 (Twitter)

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  1. Puro Cuatro Letras

    1. Puro cuatro letras
      Lgbt 🏳️‍🌈 😂
      Estupidos narco porristas

    2. Puras cuatro patas?

    3. Cuatro letras = LGBT lmao no mames 🌈 👍 5:31

    4. Se acabo la Nueva Plaza?
      Governor enrique alfaro leaving no witness alive.

    5. CNP still has “Aguila” Coronel Beltran and Diego Gabriel “Diego” Mejía Oliden. Two big names there; “Aguila” in charge of trafficking and “Diego” in charge of sicarios.

    6. @1033
      CJNG is openly hunting anyone left they just killed (a) el 18 plaza boss for CNP in el salto this morning. Diego and aguila stand no chance be realistic.

    7. 1:16 but but.....

    8. El águila coronel ? Thought he got busted a while back , and didn’t think he would stoop this low to work for this cholo ? if I’m not mistaken águila is nachos c nephew..

    9. 4 letras como puto?

    10. @6:23 who said he works for el cholo? Wtf 🤣,trabaja junto con el mayo. and yes he was arrested in 2011 and released in 2014

    11. 9:57 4 letras como HTPM

  2. Lame I was expecting his corpse chopped up in pieces

    1. I expected a single shot to the head and an intact corpse to ensure that identification would be easy, that way Cholo’s supporters can’t claim he is actually alive. The images of Cholo alive seem to indicate he had just been waterboarded.

    2. They probably beat him with a bar

    3. Cartels don't water board.

    4. Only those unfortunate at the bottom of cartel hierarchy get it the worst! Seems like the once top dawgs don’t get chopped up. Hence chino ántrax

    5. State police does waterboard, friend or foe makes no difference when the job gots ordered, governors hire their own State Police Mercenary Death Squads to do their bidding or their killing,

    6. 5:11 That's recent though, they used just shove their heads in water.

    7. 8:45 in Fresnillo Zacatecas, chief of local Policia Federal Estatal Ruben Giacoman used to torture people until they died, for stealing a sheet metal can of lard, about 4 gallons, he got the job right after getting released from prison for murder, then came the zetas, and the monriales family of Ricardo Monreal

    8. The forensic JUST declared CHOLO got TORTURED.. His teeth were pulled, his tongue was ALSO pulled he ALSO had signs of ELECTRIC shock to his BODY

  3. He got what was coming no sympathy for a killer

    1. "He got what was coming no sympathy for a killer"
      Heard that bro,this was a pure rat,ordering who knows how many mureders of innocent people just to calentar la plaza an all that shit.Fuck el cholo and the bad hair day he rode in on

  4. Soooo what makes them kill someone in a brutal way versus his death. It seems he got a pretty easy death compared to some other VERY unlucky guys.

    1. Easy death???!!!!!....You think he got an easy death???!!!!...Electricution, teeth pulled out, tounge ripped out, toes ripped off, eyes gouged out....and look at his face....they beat that dude pretty bad. Some reports say he got half his head smashed in. You think that was an easy death???!!!....Yeah, he didn't get chopped up, but the majority of people that do are usually dead when that happens. Even if they ain't, one the choppping up starts, the individual usually dies not too much longer later. I'm sure this guy was alive for pretty much all of what was done to him.

  5. LMFAO daaaaamn! sicario006 your logistics didn't save el cholos ass

    1. Lololol sicario006 is a dummy chapos cheerleader

    2. Sicario 006 is still bragging about Los Ántrax but hasn’t realized his own people killed el Chino. Maybe it was even him. So many KIAs under his belt he doesn’t even realize he’s killing!

  6. Dont fuck with Mencho

  7. Through my years of viewing execution videos & pics, i have noted that most of the time the executioner or person doing the torturing skin is always darker. They just have that aztec human sacrifice gene in them.

    1. El cherry leal from cdg is caucasian
      And he was one tuff sob

    2. Yeah right,Mencho sometimes looks like a straight anglo,lok at Guero Palma,Felix Gallardo,etc etc,that skin tone lark aint gonna fly.In Brazil some of the worst loonys are white so it means shit

    3. Lmao @ mencho looking Anglo!! No mames güey. The guy looks paisa af.

    4. I said most, learn to read keywords.
      4:44pm that just proves the Mexican ones are the ones behind the scenes not doing any of that dirty work letting the lower rank ones to do that.
      As far as brazil i see the same most are like in mexico.

    5. 4:21..el talking about juan Pablo leal? He aint white.yea he is a tuff sob tho..-mattsak

    6. Racist as shit.

    7. 5:33 tás más güey, pinchi pendejo, the drug trafficking "Rogue Operators" pardonned by the US president were all white, the only negroes were felix ismael rodriguez mendigutia, juan ramon matta ballesteros and Freeway Rick Ross?
      The Chilean, uruguayan paraguayan and argentinian crown jewels of Operation Condor were all whites as are most money laundering banksters...
      --Really Güey? Tás bien pendejo, no Aztec was involved on the slavery trade either.
      --You are one beast but your malicious ignorance shows you are one two legged bastard.

    8. 4:21 caucasian? Isnt he a typical mexican??

    9. 5:25 right on point
      The WHITE protect the WHITE and prosecute and BLAME the MEXICANS for drug TRAFFICKING.. In reality, the WHITE, WHITE collar Anglo are the ones calling the shots in a run America..
      SHIT goes wrong.. JUST blame the MEXICANS , works every TIME..

    10. 7;21- very uneducated point of view and do you mean the mexicans or the pochos ?::the mexeecans tell me that after 6mths in gringo land the people become too white !::whatever that means ?...extremely racist people.

  8. What are the odds that CDS Chapitos fraction did this as a gift to CJNG for some time of alliance of some type. Notice how the sicarios don’t have “CJNG”

    1. 😂😂😂 pathetic you keep telling yourself that


    2. He has a big ass "3" on his hat for "El 03" menchos son. These look like the same people from the video Menchos personally stars in calling out Alfaro

    3. 2:24 come on man chapitos dont leave culiacan anymore specially they dont dare step foot in jalisco after the puerto vallarta kidnapping, they are scare shitless of mencho

    4. 5:51 but secret_management says cjng is all hype....

  9. And some people thought cjng was gonna spare hia life😂 you guys have any idea what that would do to cjng? Some higher up in cjng killed him with his own hands, most likely cause cholo killed a friend or familly of his so this got personal, no way cholo was gonna walk out alive

    1. 2:29 but yet cjng didn't have the guts to chop him up..

    2. @2:29 the spectators are never satisfied.

    3. He probably got skinned

    4. Look man, usually the bosses besides from being tortured for info get a clean death. Gunshot to the head. You know why? Because how a guy above me said they want them to be able to identify the body so no one can say it isn't him and becuz if they got caught they'd expect the same thing. It's more of a respect/ scared thing although no one will admit that

    5. Pictures of his body in the morgue are circulating. Body in tact , heavy damage to face. Knife still in his chest.

    6. 4:57 PM A clean death when a cartel is able to get a rival leader they are brutalized. Looks at what happened to Carlitos Rosales he was brutalized. The images are popping up El Cholo was brutalized. The only reason you think that way is because their have been so little examples of leaders getting the treatment.

      You are so used to seeing dedasos where people are either killed or captured. Respect/scared huh. You really don't know how the game really works their is no shame in the game and no one plays fair. Politics and drug trafficking are so similar if you really experienced both you would know. One group is looking to loot the taxpayers another group is trying to sell the taxpayers a temporary escape. Don't even get involved in either you wouldn't make it.

    7. Looks like a 7.62 when through the back of he’s head.

  10. Grab your popcorn ladies and gentlemen. Let’s hope there’s an execution video out there. 🍿

    1. You sir need mental therapy.

    2. If anybody knows where the video is let us know

    3. 2:32 you need to get a life.

    4. 6:27 this is BB its expected if you dont like it go somewhere else

  11. It is him for sure.So much for NP,im surprised he lasted this long ? It was coming

    1. 2:33 he had backing but cds has there own problems.

  12. His family has more luck than others, they have at least a body to burry. So many get only fragments or nothing.

  13. Took them that long over 3 years to capture a small a splinter cell leader and they run Guadalajara? He had tonala, tlaque, tlajomulco areas in dispute against a big organization in there own backyard. Dude had cajones and was probably chilling around them all this time. For all you cjng fan girls bashing cds, you would not see someone last long in culiacan, not a supporter of them either but you guys act like they are some sort of badass organization to support, when they cant control there own state or hq city.

    1. Who cares!

      Sinaloenses getting killed left and right!

      Jalisco is ran by Michoacános get over it whether they’re from CJNG or not.

      Charros don’t run their own state

    2. You have any idea how big is culiacan and how big is guadalajara and sourrounding coties in conparison, come on bro be serious

    3. 2:50 here's the cds cheerleader again😄

    4. Are you serious? You obviously have never been to Culiacan. Several people oppose los chapitos. Navolato and Culiacancito has several. Stop being a nuthugger. These cartels are only as big as the GOVERNMENT allows them to be.

    5. CJNG still has to deal with the Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez. The governor was a close friend of nacho coronel so he is tied to el aquila/ CDS. So u got los coroneles headed by Martin Beltran Coronel “El Aquila”and los gueros headed by Esteban Rodriguez Olivera “El Guero” in Jalisco still. This is why CJNG high level operators get arrested in Jalisco still cus they dont have the governor on the payroll.

    6. Chapo Isidro

    7. Chapitos can't even get el ruso out of their own backyard, what is your point? 😂

    8. Stop shifitng the argument to sinaloa fan boys it took them over 3 years to find him, with all the killers cjng has in the streets of gdl but they had no intelligence to get a location of him sooner

    9. Oh shadow is that you? @2:50
      Be serious bro, just look at what Arturo did in Culiacán and it’s surroundings, even en licenciados people held off BOTH factions of the CDS. The only reason the damasos are not fighting for the lands is because they kidnapped el Tony Montana’s family so he could surrender. He was giving them hell in el dorado and they bitched out at went after his family. Culiacán is a spec compared to the size of Guadalajara so of course he could hide is like trying to find someone in LA

    10. 3:49 Ruso hasn’t been Culichi in months and they still going after him in Mexicali

    11. GUADALAJARA is the SECOND biggest city in 🇲🇽.. CULIACAN is TINY in comparison..

    12. @3:33: Esteban Rodriguez Olivera was extradited to the US years ago. His brother Luis was captured as well. The Treasury Dept says that Los Gueros left Guadalajara and moved their operations to Guanajuato where they partnered with Los Zetas. Pretty sure “Aguila” Coronel Beltran is the last big CDS (now CNP) jefe in Guadalajara we know about. Most sources say Los Gueros aren’t operating anymore. I know CDS has money launderers in Guadalajara, but as far as territory-control, I think “Aguila” Coronel Beltran is it.

    13. 3:11 hora tu osicon, deja de estar publicando pendejadas y ve y dile eso a tus parientes que se alinien con las 4 letras y dejen de seguir a los de Guerrero (los viagras) y a los de Jalisco (el Poncho y Guicho)

    14. @4:21 you can’t stop saying bro what are you 15? In GDL it’s much easier to find someone. Maybe not speak about things you have no personal experience with?

    15. @6:01pm He was deported in Sept 2017. Only got 60 months which is 5 years. Very little time tbh. Like i said, los gueros still operate in gdl but keep a low profile same as los coroneles.
      In this video they even mention his name,Esteban Rodriguez, along with Martin Coronel And the governor of Jalisco

    16. 7:57 yea your loggic has no holes "its easier to find someone in guadalajara" with millions on hiding places vs un ranchillo bicicletero like culiacan with like 3 hiding places, SURE! That makes a lot of sence! Lla sientece señora

    17. You can't beat the SINALOA GROUPIES..
      It's like ARGUING with a DRUNK..
      NO common SENSE 😆

    18. 3:33 wake up brother your in a dream.

  14. Like I said Mencho finish what you started michoacan is soon yours let your enemies get more comfortable. I dont support or condone the atrocities cjng commit but I believe El Mencho is a better JEFE than all those rapist cheapskate capos down in MEXICA. My point of view right here on the Islos of ALGYRE.

    1. I noticed it's the same guy commenting the same bs

    2. Mencho listening to a troll.

    3. Yeah el mencho ppl stock a dynamite stick to a child and his dad but hes better huh? Your fucking retarded. They all pieces of shit and el mencho wld be dead or in prison in any civilized country that has a president with some balls and a goverment that dont bend over and take it in the ass by narco terrorists.

    4. 9:59 they aint no better than the cds whose people killed and burned a 3 and 8 year old in tijuana

  15. "El cholo owns guadalajara" lol. Mencho must have had fun with him

  16. Wow people disappointed that his body is intact do you really think it is intact. That tape covering his body is holding the jello that was his body. I assure you his body has more bruises and broken bones than someone who jumped off a plane flying 100,000 feet in the air. Those broken bones and bruises took hours if not days to get the way they are.

    For those who are saying it took them 3 years to catch him. Guadalajara Metro has more people than the whole state of Sinaloa. Their are literally millions of places he could hide in. Buchonas snitchlaoas tarde que temprano pero las 4 letras son la mera paipa.

    1. Jaja i find it funny how some guys have the audacity to compare guadalajara to culiacan, shit Cd Guzman is bigger than culiacan 🤣

    2. 3:55 no lo dudes que lo quebraron a puros garrotazos. Según dicen que lo torcieron en León con su escolta de +/-15

    3. You can tell his death was agonizing. Looks like they started to rip out his hair before the video than finished the job after. Look at the morgue pic and it looks like they broke his toes and fingers. Beat on him with a metal pole. Skinned his face off. Pulled or knocked hi teeth out of his mouth and then stabbed him. I wonder what was the mortal wound that ended his dumb life.

    4. Close up picture of El Cholo beware brutal squashed face destroyed skull Warning Graphic Check this out Sol. This fool got brutalized that autopsy pic is tame compared to this.

    5. 9:50 they probably put his head in a vice then gunshot

    6. He looks like Pedro the Mummy.

  17. How do u give ur self up like that? Go out gun blazing if u get caught u know what’s gonna happen stupid. Luego andan llorando.

    1. He was probably arrested by police and the police sold him to CJNG. Happens all the time. Most the time when these guys end up in videos it's because the local cops arrested them n give them to their rivals

    2. He didn’t have an option lo traicionaron and that’s how it is.

    3. Most likely caught by police or military that then turned him over to CJNG. These guys only give up without a fight if they are up against the government.

    4. I’ve never understood that either but I also don’t put myself in a situation to be hunted down by these animals

    5. 6;02
      Theres pictures of cholo and his captors.
      It was CJNG.
      No way around it buddy.

    6. 6;02
      Theres pictures of cholo and his captors.
      It was CJNG.
      No way around it buddy.

    7. Arrested? Not! These dudes are hiding for months! This dude got turned over by his own people or met with someone that gave the tip that he was meeting someone and they grabbed him!

    8. People act like NP took over Guadalajara but in reality they hid out and did nothing. Cholo was brutalized and his lieutenant turn himself in...... what more needs to be said

  18. Y PURO MENCHO. 💪👍😂

  19. CJNG is on a roll - Killing ex governors, rivals taking territory.. but even with that it will end up as all of have ended.

  20. Replies
    1. Y ALMO tambien!

    2. 6:57 AMLO...
      pinche bestia,
      como puedes ser tan güey,
      si nomas eres un puro pendejo.

  21. Where’s the video where they kill him they obviously have pictures so there must be a video of some sort

  22. We may or may not find out exactly what they did to him, but I can almost guarantee it's not as bad as what happened to El ghost Rider

  23. Ah no dont tell me (jr voice) dont tell me they are going to burn him alive, that what it sounds like from the message. They say it was a dummy. The real body is probably still being tortured

    1. You're a moron bro. The pics of his body surfaced already

  24. So El Cholo was a part of CJNG, he betrays them and now the cheerleaders are speaking of CDS. Mencho’s fruity a** was the ‘my boy’ of CDS. CJNG are as dominant as El Menchito and Johana

    1. So dominant they killed Sinaloas super Avenger...... alias el cholo 😂😂

  25. I would shoot myself.they literally caught his ass completely can tell how scared he is.i feel sorry for you cartel cheerleaders

  26. I wonder how he got caught, you think his people turned him in .The politicians he was paying off turned on him ?

    1. Best question asked here,
      I was thinking that myself, where and how did it happen.
      Did some police pick him up and handed him over maybe

    2. Prob his whole personal guard got smoked too. Just didn't throw them all in one heap.

    3. Cholos 2nd in command (a) El Tiburon turned himself in 😂 lastnight if I'm not mistaken..

  27. A no mamen lo dejaron en el Parian

  28. Millie mi ruka,didnt you tell us about Omar Harfucha a while ago ?

    1. 7:40 hey mami, thanks for reminding us about Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuch, the grandson of the Butcher of Tlatelolco, former governor of Jalisco and father of DFS BOSS Javier Garcia Paniagua married to the Lebanese through Maria Sorté, no wonder Omarcito "The Ghost of Ayotzinapa" is on the Plataforma Slim that keeps him in power in Mexico City...

    2. I hope MENCHO finds this crooked SOAB and does the SAME as cholo..
      hes corrupt AS THEY come ACTING like he is helping the PEOPLE BUT in reality is the REASON for many MURDERS in 🇲🇽

  29. Don’t look like him from old puctures

  30. Mencho doesn’t even own Tlaquepaque I’ve seen that with my owns eyes. There’s more independents working than his guys.

    1. 7:58 PM CJNG has different bosses working different areas. Mencho gets 20% of all illicit income generated in Jalisco. It doesn't matter if you are independent or not. If CJNG is able to get El Cholo rest assured they can get rid of anyone short of a Politicization, very wealthy businessperson.

    2. 7:58 good joke

    3. Anti-cjng cheerleaders live in denial. Its hilarious.

  31. confirmed it's him? and how did they lift him? gov or betrayed or women, one of the three.

  32. Hey someone Please Please tell me Why is he all black
    he dosent look burned
    I dont understand please explain Thank You

    1. 8:54 beatings leave peepol black and blue, the blood turns into black moronga after a while even if dead.

    2. @5:57
      8:54 is been sarcastic, he is talking about been wraped in black plastic

    3. 10:22 Garbage plastic bags?
      Ooh and aaah, thanks.

  33. Looks like he got shot with the 50.

  34. This is going to trigger a wave of executions around the Guadalajara area. He got tortured for a good while, it looks like he got whipped by something across his body and the pinky toe is also missing. Around the shin area he’s also heavily bruised? I’m guessing they had him sitting down for a while. He gave up some people that’s for sure or else they would have kept him alive longer.

    1. Big wave coming🦗🦗🦗

    2. They broke both his knees and removed some of his fingers with some type of pressure object they also burned his(large) penis pulled out his tongue his eyes and electrocuted, stabbed and ultimately shot him 3 times.

  35. Y’all seen the pick of his face? Man!!! Crazy stuff

    1. Yeah the last photo is surreal man , looks like a halloween mask !!

  36. Look close at he's toes they cut them off..

    1. They just shot his pinky but it’s still there.

  37. And just like that he's done wonder what will happen with cartel Nueva Plaza

  38. That’s not the “el cholo” that was captured with el chapo right? Someone educate me lol

    1. Nop not the same cholo, chapos cholo is in prison he wouldnt dare to fuck with mencho.
      This cholo use to be one of menchos most trusted hitman but he betrayed mencho

    2. “He wouldn’t dare to fuck with Mencho”??? Slow your roll. Mencho is soft.

    3. Sinaloa’s Cholo es el Cholo Ivan also known as el Cholo Vago and he would straight up rape menchita up his ass

    4. Menchos soft? Cholo vago would fuck MENCHO up? Wth. You guys probably never been in a fist fight in your life.

      Mencho group is the only one putting terror on his enemies, he literally had marro crying nearly wiped his whole squad out. Humiliated the almighty chapitos and you mummies have the audacity still?
      Cholo was living in hiding for 3years? And you losers claim he had some type of control in Guadalajara? Please.
      Better late than never and good ol MENCHO caught up to him, imagine what the fate of the carteles Unidos leaders would be if they wouldn't crying for help everytime MENCHOs people's step foot in Michoacan? Mannnnnnn. Let's face it Mexico has never seen anything like CJNG-----paramilitary/DTO.🐓🐓


  39. Mencho fucked this man up. But it also shows the power Chapo and Mayo has. Cuz Mencho didnt fuck up Los Chapitos when he kidnapped them. Got paid and released them. Fact

    1. True chapotos only got kicked on the balls and that was it

    2. You just noticed the power el mayo has! Let me remind you what happened was that when the chapitos were kidnapped el menchos son was locked up in mexico so el mayo sent his men to the prison and he told mencho of he didnt let them go he wld kill his son.

    3. Regardless. You have no argument. Like i said. Mayo and Chapo. Who was freed? Chapitos. Mayo went hard for Chapo's sons. Fact

    4. 9:56 those are just speculations, most likely some higher ups in the government steped in to not have a full blown cartel war, plus chapitos back then were not involved in the drug trade as much and had no real beef against mencho, mechos man just slapped them and told them not to step foot in jalisco anymore or else, thats why chapotos dont go out of culiacan anymore, they got ptsd, in their dreams they see cocks flying around them jajaja puro señor de los cocks!!!🐓

    5. Mencho never kidnapped them it was El cadete and damasos along with the group from jalisco

    6. 1034. Ha ha. Not involved in drug wars. Okay...

    7. 1034 chapitos weren’t As involved in the drug game???? Are you smoking crack foo you’re stupid af they were deep in the game by that point

    8. @602
      Along with the group from jalisco? In other words CJNG 😂

    9. CHAPITOS gave MENCHO PLAZAS and millions of DOLLARS, that's the OTHER storie..
      There is like 10 STORIES of WHAT happened to CHAPITOS, whatever it WAS they rather not TALK about IT 😆

    10. The Chapitos must have got their cherries picked, that why they don't wanna talk.

  40. Goddamm they messed him up pretty bad. Seems they cut a toe off hie right foot. Any execution video out there?

    1. Looks like the toe was shot off. Could have happened when they shot Cholo in the back of the head. The last photo indicates Cholo was shot from behind and above by a rifle.

  41. Sorry about my other post
    He was wrapped with black bags

    The pic finally downloaded
    now I see clearly what happened
    That toe was pulled out look at the Hole
    Sick Are those other bodys just coming in to the cornenor ?

  42. So this guy betrayed Mencho , and went with plaza nieva aka zeta aka harhuz

  43. After all said n done mencho didn't have the guts to order this guy to be dismembered,what could it be??? fear or some kind of respect??

  44. Glad the blogs back in action.

    Who else but CJNG? Seems like theyre the only ones who have captured and killed top tier rivals. Not CDS not viagras not chapitos/mayos. But CJNG, only time I recall this ever happening was Z vs CDG war they were killing each others plaza bosses.

    Good stuff CJNG, I wouldn't like to be an enemy. Because even bosses arent out of their reach.

    1. Lol clueless chapos killed ramon and also puma wacho

    2. The death of el comandante bebe at the hands of cdg was brutal, electrocuted and the captors proceeded to break his bones slowly with a 2X4 the clubbing and crunching was eerie to say the least, the unfortunate plaza boss never talked. He died not saying a single word about his organization.


    3. Was it Zacatecas or Tamaulipas, es al que le daban garrotazos en los pies que no?

    4. @1009

      El Animal(Michoacano) killed wacho. Bro ramon was nearly 20 years ago no mames 😂

    5. El animal estaba cagado de miedo cuando le dio la espalda a Arturo Beltrán (sinaloense y fácil de mas huevos que el joto mencho)... haci o más claro tú pinche valor michoacano vale verga pendejo .. siempre serán inferiores .. I si no crees pregúntale a tu vieja 😆.. puro Sinaloa

    6. That motherfucker cmdte el bebe was hardcore,CDG knew it was him and he still didnt say shit

    7. El animal didn't kill him idiot chapitos captured him dummy

    8. @12:33
      El animal was working for chapitos pendejo, and it was him that killed wacho.
      On a weekend night wacho confused el cachorros Ferrari for Ivans and killed him, el cachorro was el animals son. He had chapitos men pick up wacho and they turned him over to el Animal.

      Gets your head out of the chapitos ass. Moron.

  45. Details of his torture/murder have surfaced, apparently he had his eyes removed tongue pulled out, both knees broken fingers removed and was electrocuted and stabbed ultimately being shot.

    Anybody else gonna defy mencho and his law and order?

    1. They must've burned or electrocuted the shit out of his d*ck too that shits burnt black crispy. Double ouch!!!

  46. Dont know how long BB has been back in business but, el M2, boss of sicarios for CJNG gave vicenews and interview. Just incase someone missed it, it a pretty good piece of journalism.


    1. Yea a lot of people saw it, i agree it was a good video

  47. This dude probably got caught with el dulagas from CSRL

  48. Make no mistake, menso didn't personally torture this guy, he can't come into Guadalajara cause he knows he'd either get apprehended or smoked. Cjng doesnt have it made in GDL like CDS has Culichi. Plus menso tweeker ass was prob too paranoid to have cholo brought out to southern Jalisco/michoacan limits for fear that they're using him as a gps. Cholo was ultimately given up to police (probably by Garcia) who in turn handed him over to the tweeker cartel. If Garcia hurfic really is sanctioning hits and I could only imagine what his next move will be.

    1. Im gonna call you the (make no mistake guy) cause you always start with the same "make no mistake phrase"
      Make no mistake guy make no mistake when comparing your culichi with a city in Jal. Start comparing with Cd Guzman, CD Guzman is bigger than your culichi and Cd Guzman is 10 times more control than your culichi so stop comparing your culichi with theSECOND BIGGEST CITY IN MEXICO te falta barrio loco 🐓

    2. Mannnnnnn the CDS cheerleaders have all the excuses in the book?
      I thought this guy was being backed by CDS? No mayo/chapitos support? I bet you belong to the same group of idiots who thought marro had sinaloa support 😂😂😂.

      How many plaza/cartel bosses has CDS captured and interrogated? None.
      Pinches gilbertonas live off of the corrido fantasies.

      Puro CJNG
      El jefe de jefes - señor MENCHO

    3. 5:32 one word pendejo. Culiacanazo. Cjng tweekers cheer over one helicopter being shot down 5 years ago lmao when cjng actually shows theyre a batallion like cds on that october day foh

    4. @10:11 escuchas los audios y vas a oír al nini, panu, Alfredo o Iván decir que hiban hacer un desmadre y dispararle al helicóptero para que no se lo llevaran "como lo hicieron con El MENCHO" También compita sin estar amenazando que van matar a INOCENTES, esa es la diferencia entre los hombres y los ......

    5. @10:11 I still remember that video of one of the chapitos getting kicked that was hilarious who would have thought we'd see one of chapos kids get bullied like that for the world to see 😂

    6. 4:16 and you are?
      MARIA LA DEL BARRIO, alias "la señora de las gallinas"

    7. @1:59 Yea, not much you can do when heavily armed gunmen unexpectedly storm the restaurant high on drugs. But that whole squad got wiped out afterwards. Imagine those specific persons who assaulted them and their demise. They do not forget and forgive as you can see with El chino. I am sure they wanted them tortured and killed slowly.

    8. 11:02
      Chapitos cant even get to el Omega or Russo, let alone defend themselves against MENCHO.
      lets not forget what they did too el Montana, chapitos kidnapped his parents and forced him to turn himself in if not his parents would've been killed.

      If the theory of "the whole squad getting whippedout" helps you sleep better at night so be it. But theres literally no evidence of that.

    9. @11:02 yes Los Bayos were "retired" for involving themselves in business they shouldn't have but the people that got picked up have no say in the way they got dispatched

    10. 🤣🤣🤣como me gustan las escusas de las rataloas!! Si agarreron al cholo y al chapo en las alcantarillas!!!!! What better picture can you get as a rat getting cought in the soure?!?! 🐁🐁🐁

  49. Dang.... I’ve sat on that same bench many times.... no manches


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