Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 5, 2021

Tonalá, Jalisco: CJNG Denies Involvement in Massacre


Video translation is as follows:

Good morning to all Jaliscienses. We want to express the following to you. We, the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, completely distance ourselves from the events that occurred in Tonalá where innocent people died, working people who were victims of a murderer. 

The Prosecutor's Office and the Prosecutor know exactly what happened. But they have lied by wanting to confuse everyone with the narrative that the attack against these individuals was due to crossfire.

All lies! The Prosecutor's Office knows that the perpetrator of that massacre was a subject nicknamed El Loco, El Primo, or El Marino who owns a black Ford Explorer. And that on the day he did that, he fled to Cerró del Gato (Cerro del Gato, Aguascalientes). Attorney General don’t lie to the citizens of Jalisco anymore.

You have information concerning this crime, but you want to shelve this matter, because you insist that the 11 masons died in a crossfire. Don’t lie Prosecutor. There was no confrontation.

The woman who was injured there, witnessed how El Marino arrived with an AK-47, and shot at all the workers. Our enterprise also wants to find the person responsible for this massacre. And we will find him in due time.

But we repeat once again that we had nothing to do with that crime, nor the perpetrator that the Prosecutor's Office knows very well. We're not going to rest until we find that sick individual. But you the Prosecutor's Office also needs to do your job.

And report the truth as well as communicate the news as it really is. We don’t kill innocents. Much less defenseless workers who did nothing to deserve this. Sincerely Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

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  1. GOOD JOB!
    Naming names is very important, i hope CJNG catches "el gato" and get his confession and deliver him alive to the "acting actorities" that also have to explain why they fingered out of their ass their historic lie of crossfire, distracting from the accused culprit, no cross fire kills anybody u s u a l l y, much less 11 partying masons, missing info:
    "the masons ambushed the police"
    "The masons ambushed the military"
    The government of jalisco is full of shit, as usual.

    1. 9:15 cjng is full of shit, they spend countless hours claiming they don't hurt inocente people as they spend countless hours making those rat videos snitching on rivals that only a very special kid would believe

    2. 11:23 bro do you personally know any CJNG members? To be talking like that. Trust me they don’t mess with innocent people they keep pueblos calm and protect them from cops to cholos to bajadores etc stfu and stop assuming shit like a female

    3. 747
      Preach bro

  2. Blah blah blah again with their stupid videos trying to wash their hands n of course snitching at its best...🖕

    1. 9:53 AM Their are levels of snitching and your snitchaloas operate at the highest level. How many snitches does your poo pushers have in the states. Damaso, Damaso jr, chino, Flores brothers, Zambada jr, Zambada brother, Zambada other son, and the lists goes on. Snitching on your own family like what Chapo did to his cousins.

      One thing is snitching on your enemies those responsible for gruesome crimes and snitching on those that betrayed you. But snitching on your own people that is another level. Zambadas snitching on Chapo, Chapo snitching on his cousins because he wanted to be the top boss wanted to control everything in Mexico that was related to drugs.

      Their are levels my snithalao fan boy and the Snitchaloas are at the very top. I am surprised people are still willing to work for them I guess money talks.

      La Letra B rifa you guys think El Chapo Isidor is going to forgive that betrayal? Or the other Beltranes that still exist just buying their time. Ya empeso la barredora en Obregon limpiando de los salazares.

    2. Snitching? Would you not say shit about rapists and child killers? Snitching my arse.
      Some things go beyond all that shit

    3. Why you mad bro? Cause cjng didnt do it? Come on man we all know cds killed two kids in TJ and it wasnt in a cross fire, they did it 100% knowing what they were doing, cds are the real baby killers and woman killers too

    4. 1:55 PM Ahh yeah I also forgot how it is weell known that Chapo was a pedophile who liked to rape young girls. It is well known that Rich gringos have have the sinaloa cartel bring them young girls so they can rape them one the the biggest snitchlao money earning activities in the world.

    5. @ 12:51 Bro, do your homework. Chapo Isidro is allied with "los grandes" from Culiacan. He works together with CDS. This corrido says it all.

    6. @12:51 It's true, I can't think of any other dto at that level to where they have snitches at the highest rank. Imagine snitching out your own family members damn that's some other type of dirty right there. The next one will be chapos little wife. And btw i'm not glorifying any group just separating real facts from fanboy emotions and opinions

    7. 5:13 PM Corridos es una cosa y la tracion eso no se perdona. Si me la ases me la pagas no importa se tengo que esperar 50 anos.

    8. 5:13 heard it in a snitchola corrida so it must be true

    9. Some of these clowns are answering their own comments,i dont kno"CDS snitch CJNG snitch wah wah wah"change the fuckin record

  3. Nice find sol, and again thank your for your translations.
    Keep on

  4. Even if cjng had nothing to do with this massacre they still kill innocents

    1. Lets just remember cds killed two kids in tj last week, i bet those kids did something really bad and thats why cds killed them huh? Lets just agree that in the narco world all cartels are the same shit specially cds and cjng, some are just a little better at brain washing people who a little stupid to know better

  5. Pretty funny that the woman who was injured, witnessed how El Marino arrived with his AK47 and opened fire. My question is, how did she knew that the guy who opened fire was El Marino? Everyone in Tonala recognize him?

  6. MichoaPuerkos después que matan a inocentes salen de sapos poniendo nombre del sicario que su propio JEFE el sapo mayor mencho envío para matar a esos albañiles inocentes y esta es mielda que apoyan los MichoaPuerkoz un cartel que matan inocentes pinches cobardes

  7. Same thing MICHOPIGS are doing in ZAC since sinaloa aré picking them apart over there so CJNG goes and se desquitan con gente inocente cause they cant Handle The sinaloas

    1. El sapo, chito cano, jArdinero all coward Michoacunts are the ones in Zacatecas that are directing their people to heat up the state. Low life scums

    2. How about the zetas, GOLFOS and SNITCHALOAS? 😆
      You GROUPIES make me laugh
      Zacatuercas will be a CJNG plaza pretty soon, you just don't want to accept IT

  8. Those who know know, this is El 03 hijo de Senor Mencho

    1. Real son or the step son?
      How you kno bro jus askin?

    2. The step some but a son is a son regardless of blood. The bond of a father and son knows no boundaries,blood, color or age. He raised El 03 and for a long time El 03 operated from the shadows, earning every title or position he he's 2nd in command as far as Menchos seat within the Orginization and has also forged his own empire. What ppl fail to understand is CJNG and any cartel is not just Mencho is Jefe . No it's Mencho is the manager of these other bosses or Boss of bosses and that's it. That's why bosses under CJNG can fight Bosses of CDS in other states but doesn't mean it's a full blown CDS CJNG war... As far as the El 03 being the voice in the video. All I can say is it's him bro. And those who know either by speaking to him or heading him speak will know

  9. chapitos low on cash??? :)

    1. Dude chapitos are telling the beer dispencers in culiacan they cant sell beer after 10 if they do they get the tabla treatment, after those hour only the chapitos can sell beer,chapitos are going broke, but cdsnitches cheerleaders still say they dont mess with inocents, lets not forget the kids they killed in tj

  10. I'm gonna believe what are they saying lol
    Baby killers...

    1. Didn't cds down in baja cali just burn 2 boys last week?

  11. Every week there is a massacre south of our own border and from oir mainstream media comes not even a beep.

    If a fly fuckin farts in Afghanistan its all over the fuckin media.

    Mother fuckers these mainstream media oligarchs!

  12. The only snitching cartel is cdsnitches, is not the same naming your rivals than naming your partners, dont try to twist the script chapo and mayo snitched on all of their partners, even vicentillo snitched on chapo theres so much snitching on the cdsnitches that you cant keep up anymore, is a video of an interrogation consider snitching?

  13. 9:53 bla bla bla,
    what is wrong with snitching?
    If you don't like snitches, don't be the pendejo that put your ass in their hands and got fisted

  14. Not gonna lie, looking at all these cartel fanboys is pretty sad. All cartels are bad. Period. Stop glorifying them and sayong one is better than the other. Jmo.

    1. Not an opinion absolute truth


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