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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Turkish Mafia Send Greetings to Mayo Zambada

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Grillonautas Reporter: As far back as last year, various videos began to circulate on social networks. Where men with Arabic accents sent greetings to Mayo Zambada, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. But who are these men, whom they point to on social media as the Turkish mafia.

Through our social networks we were contacted by a citizen who identified himself of Turkish origin, who explained to us that they belong to the Gray Wolves. They are members of the self-nominated organization the Gray Wolves.

According to international media, it’s a paramilitary organization of the extreme right-wing nationalist originating in Turkey and linked to the National Movement Party founded by Alparslan Türkes in 1961.

The AFEP news agency, citing French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, refers to a particularly aggressive de facto group. The Gray Wolves emerged in the late 1960s as youth clash groups close to the far-right National Movement Party.

That later became one of the main supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the attempted coup in 2016. The name of the group is a reference to the she-wolf Asena, mother of all Turks according to national mythology and a central figure of national identity.

They have a presence in northern Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Europe. And about 3 million Turks are connected to this organization.

In November 2019, France included the Gray Wolves in the list of prohibited organizations according to researcher Thomas Rammerstorfer, author of the book The Gray Wolves, the Turkish far-right and its influence in Germany, and Turkey.

The paramilitary organization aspires to an extensive Turkish empire that unites all the Turkish peoples hands. What you see on your screens is what a few days ago circulated on social networks. The same video was sent to us on our social networks.

Turkish Islamists from Syria greet the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael, El Mayo, Zambada. Afterwards they fire their assault rifles into the air. In the background is an anti aircraft gun. They greet in Arabic and continue in Spanish.

9 Soldiers: May the mercy and blessings of God be with you all. From the mountains of Turkmenistan we send greetings to Mexico, especially to Mayo Zambada.

Grillonautas Reporter: At the end you can see a screenshot of a cell phone that quotes: Greetings from Syria to Mexico and Texas. For the Commanders Willy William and Gabriel Pedro. Absolute Sinaloa and absolute Mayo Zambada.

In a second video that they sent to our social networks, a group of armed men appear who are heard saying: Peace, mercy, and God's blessings be with you all. We send these words from the Turkish mountains.

In another video that they also sent to our social networks, a group of 5 men with Arabic accents send a greeting to Mayo Zambada and the state of Sinaloa.

5 Men: Greetings to Mayo Ismael Zambada, greetings to Mexico and greetings to Sinaloa.

Finally, in another video that they sent us, two armed men with their faces covered appear who also send their greetings to Mayo Zambada. This video has been circulating on social networks since last year.

2 Soldiers: Greetings to Mayo Zambada, greetings to Mexico.

Source: Grillonautas2


  1. Absolutely pathetic. You don’t see Italians, Albanians, or even Greeks doing the same.. because they don’t need to.

    Take this greeting as “hey we can use some help over here!”

    1. There's chatter that it's a veiled threat, weird.

  2. Any news on the shootout in pericos? Rumors that it was el nini trying to enter Mayito flacos territory and they got ambushed. Or a second theory is that it was ninis people leaving a cockfight and they got mistaken for enemies by their own people as there radio chatter that they say “ somos los mismos pendejo “

  3. Mz is funding terrorist now ??

    1. OMG. Grey Wolves are Mobsters.
      The even have been supportes of some US shady operations in Turkey and the middle east.
      They are involved drugs, guns and what you call "the deep state" (in Turkey and surrounding places).

      They look more like the Venezuelan "cartel de los soles" than anything else.

      Not everything that looks Arab is terrorist mate.

  4. Mz the capo mencho strives to be and follows admirably. Mencho wants his corridos too and wants to be known as a good capo like mz. He wants his own culiacan ex. Guadalajara.

    1. Sol should interview you, it sounds like you know everything about El Mencho.

      Just kidding Sol, don't waste your time

    2. 2:37 if mayo wants to be known as a good capo why deal with terrorist groups? I dont know man this shit might heat mayo up and thats something he doesnt need right now! Lets say he welcomes those terrorist groups in mexico what do you think the us would say about that? I dont know bra

  5. Ndrangheta will smash esily both..the cartels and turks together

    1. They're weak.

    2. apparently someone hasn't heard of the maxi trial going on in Italy which has over 300 defendants from the Ndrangheta about to be put away for a long time...there are 50+ pentiti that are testifying against their former the 10 year or so run of them as being the dominant criminal group in Italy seems to be is kind of hard to smash on others with so many important operators being locked up and others taking cover to avoid getting caught up in the tidal wave of prosecutions being brought against the organization...but you can keep your pom poms moving for them if it makes you feel better...

    3. They get their drugs, hence power from the cartels. What are you talking about.

    4. The italians don't need the mexican cartels. They Work directly with the colombians and Italian Mafia groups have Been Operating Out of Venezuela since the 1950s. They are Well Established there

    5. 300 members is really just a drop in the bucket. They've already been replaced. N'drangheta is still definitely on the rise. Major presence on other countries as well. And they actually go back to at Least the 1800's. It's just nobody Heard of them till 10 years ago

    6. Turkish maffia and Kurdish maffia is very violence and strong they are killers

  6. Turkey by the way have very powerful and ruthless mafia..mostly turks and kurds! The mfs runs strong in Germany and UK

  7. Omg, 006 going to start con sus pendejadas.

    1. plz don't jinx it 😂

    2. You will hit the nail right on the head. Va a salir el joto con sus pom poms a echar porras la nena.

  8. Excellent strategy by mayo zambada enemies.
    Make it seem like cds has ties to terrorist groups, and the USA will definitely get involved in disabiling Mayos cds wing if not all of cds!!!
    “Chess not Checkers!!”

    1. Yes and no. Misinformation is a good tactic but how many organizations/empires are brought down from within?

    2. 3:29PM

      "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within”
      -Will Durant
      Philosopher and historian

    3. @4:05
      Will Durant,'A History of Philosophy". One of my first books read when 16 years of age & began college.

      Good input

  9. Good way for MZ to jump Mencho as #1 most wanted. Real G’s move quietly like he always has. This isn’t his style at all.

    1. What u mean he moves quietly. Everybody been saying that for years but he has tons of corridos and his crew anthrax making all kinds of noise. Everybody been knowing who he is for the last past 20 years. Yes he hasnt been caught given that. But then again he lives in the sierra. Just saying

  10. Its gonna TAKE more than THOSE fools to TAKE on CJNG 😆

    1. @ 3:50 *Dont bet on that

      I would not
      your dealing with == ruthless butchers and ones that know what real war is no skinny jeans there
      I take all that like a threat IDK shit
      They are already in Mexico
      doing alot of spy work

    2. As long AS MENCHO stays in Mexico he will be GOOD.. Those TERRORIST might BE running SH!+ in Europe BUT 🇲🇽 is a whole different DRUG game..

  11. This stinks of CIA involvement, next man apprehended El MZ por vinculos con organizaciones terroristas (extrema derecha)

  12. Am I the only one that thinks this might be a Cjng campaign? Why would Mayo want this negative attention for the u.s.a to see??? If it is cjng doing this then it’s shows the power reach they have. Thoughts???


    1. Yeah you’re delusional or a fanboy or a troll or maybe all three

  13. Apples and oranges, a weak attempt to spread disinformation.
    Greywolves make the wolf sign, which is similar to rocker symbol "Devil horns". First and third videos (In which some wanna-be hunter guys peacefuly posing in front of wolf flag) are greywolves and they have no connection with Paramilitary groups.
    second and the fourth videos though (The ones with anti-air guns and huge beards) are making "Tavheed" sign, they are lifting up their forefingers, which means they are Muslim Brotherhood or some ultra religous group, they are probably Syrian and have nothing to do with Greywolves. They dont even like each other.
    Like i said, a weak attempt to spread disinformation.

  14. Im sure el M.Z. is thrilled to get a public shout out by a groups that just by being muslims are likely associated with terrorists in the eyes of the USA.Fucking idiots.

    1. The US supports muslim terrorist.Isis and these Turkish are both armed and supported by the US, theyre stealing the Syrian oil. Similiar business to oil theft in Mex, also turks get the afhgani dope

  15. Damn no wonder MANY foreigners are getting KILLED in 🇲🇽,
    This is getting OUT of HAND quick...
    I wonder if this has ANYTHING to do WITH the hits CJNG has done LATELY..
    MEXICO will turn into a WAR zone for REAL now. CRAZY!!

  16. When fox news gets a hold of this videos and they use the wave of illegals and CDS cartel and make them a terrorist organization they invade Mexico or at least sinaloa under the terrorism excuse like iraq Afghanistan Syria. Can hard wait to see..

  17. Animo Sicarios !
    Arriba Gray Wolves. Pura Gente del Señor del Sombrero . Ya ven chavalones Sinaloa is respected around the world.
    Puro Operativo MZ Grupo Flechas has been training in Turkey.
    There is a highly trained Colonel called El Turco heading to Zacatecas and Nayarit with a group of 300 Special Forces Command Known as OKK with a black book containing targets . There is a guy who used to work in the gardening department of a store as a top target.

    Operators all battle hardened

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lla no saves ni que desir guey 😭😭😭

  18. real respects real! lmao

  19. Word in sinaloa is that mz factions there are declaring a truce with CJNG and MENCHO(out of respect aka fear) and that only the rogue head of sicarios, el azteca will continue the battle with the backing of the Cabrera's from Durango.

    Theres a new "M" Grande in town, and that's el señor MENCHO.

    1. I hope so that i can go back to mex and have some beer with the old friends who are still here

    2. Word is in mexico mencho is begging to make a truce with el Mayo, mencho hopes he shares his connections with him. looks like mencho scared of an old man

    3. Is that so ??
      Explain to me why Mayos crew just raped a bunch of Jaliskas in Durango ... raped and gaped them so hard they’re running back scared to Jalisco and michoacan where they can get away with scaring people over ther

    4. How does this BS (7:20) Get posted on here. This is like the Foxnews of narco reporting. with all this mis information being posted on here!

  20. I wanna hear from 006 and his tactical assessment of the situation..🤔

  21. Mayo is probably sending tons his way and they happy

  22. All these clowns really think CDS is done, they’re a corporation. CJNG is mom and pop.

    1. When you have ties to the CCP, youre a corp genius

  23. Mexico is soon going to bring ISIS terrorists to Mexico as its armed forces for the cartel and to fight the USA government war is coming

    1. you trippin off that weed bro. Mexico does not want war . U.s started this Bullshit by taking chapo
      Everything was good till then and they act like they did society a favor

  24. Es neta que piensan que EE.UU. va a fichar al Mayo de terrorista cuando no se cansan de escribir que el CDS es colaborador abiertamente de la DEA‽
    Mayo sigue teniendo el beneplácito de la DEA y Gobierno Americano, es mas facil que la DEA fiche a CJNG, es mas ni a los CDN los fichan tal cual.

  25. Anyone notice how MZ and Chapos kids are not on DEA radar???
    Then people simply assume CDS grew to what it is today on its own...
    What a joke!

    1. Mz has 2kids in jail.a 3rd that's been locked up.a 4th that prolly wanted.and if you think the dea doesn't want chapos kids your delusional.thats a feather in the cap to any agent on the deal ,t.v interviews... money

    2. Whrn the DEA wants someone they get someone. Mayo and Chapos kids are the real prize and nobody is even remotely being close to being aptehended by the tres letras!
      Chapo was merely job security and future funding for the agency.

  26. So some cartels are siding with the chinese, the others with joos. Mexicans are being used, just like the africans in the US by joos. WHy arent they fighting the takeover of PEMEX?
    When you can persuade the rats to fight amongst themselves, then you can reap the rewards with little blood on your hands.
    Wake the fuck up Mexico

  27. They're in the same business, meth and heroin. Turkish gangs have more institutional support and more explicit havens in Turkey, Greece and German cities, due to their participation in mafia rackets.

    The Turks have Iranian and ultimately Afghani sources for heroin and meth, and participated in the ISIS insurgencies. That places them in the category of unambiguous terrorist organization.

    Anyone who wants to join a war in 100 nations, be my guest. 10 million people in the US are paid to help hunt and kill people like this.


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