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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Zacatecas, Mexico: Cartel Violence in Central Mexico Taking Hold in Jerez


Violence in the town of Jerez, in Mexico’s central state of Zacatecas, has surged in 2021, as criminal groups fight for control of key drug transit and production zones.

The Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel New Generation (Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación – CJNG) — the two strongest drug trafficking groups in Mexico — have engaged in violent shootouts throughout January and February in an ongoing effort to cement their presence in the state of Zacatecas.

The town of Jerez, located in the southwest part of the state, has become an increasing focal point for conflict, related to both drug production and trafficking, due to its proximity to marijuana and poppy cultivation zones and its numerous connections to highways and ports useful for moving drug shipments.

In mid-February, the town suffered a seven-day blitz of shootouts, grenade attacks and burning vehicles, forcing state police and the National Guard to initiate a near-statewide response to contain the violence.

Armed civilians, likely associated with one of the cartels, have also reportedly engaged in direct attacks on the police patrolling the town.

Jerez has been dubbed a “pueblo mágico,” or a magical town,” a designation given to small towns in Mexico with special cultural and historical value. They have traditionally been considered safe tourist destinations.

The violence appears to be extending throughout the municipality of Jerez, which contains the town of the same name. At the end of February, two plastic bags with body parts were found in the village of El Duraznillo. They were so mangled that the parts had to be sent to a lab to confirm the sex of the victims.

Since the start of the year, over 200 people in the state have been killed because of the cartel rivalries, according to local outlets. The state’s Secretary of Security told InSight Crime many of the victims have been low- and mid-range dealers, distributors, lookouts and assassins, among other collaborators that a cartel needs to stabilize operations.  

“It’s a situation that hasn’t stopped and I think won’t stop until one of them takes out the other,” Zacatecas’ security secretary Arturo López Bazán said.

The Jalisco Cartel New Generation has used the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown to push further into Zacatecas. Last April, CJNG members released a video declaring that the state belonged to El Mencho, the group’s leader. It also hung banners in 17 municipalities declaring control.

The current wave of violence started gaining momentum around August, with the state’s smaller criminal organizations becoming increasingly involved. The Talibanes and Northeastern Cartel have alliances with the Sinaloa Cartel, while CJNG is working with the Gulf Cartel.

Since the start of the year, more pamphlets and other forms of propaganda have been circulated by the Sinaloa Cartel, suggesting that it currently has more control, López said.

InSight Crime Analysis

Jerez has become a target for violence due to its strategic location.

The town sits at the crossroads of two cross-country highway routes that connect ports, major urban centers, like Monterrey, and the United States border. 

Not only does that facilitate the movement of fentanyl and other drugs, but it is ideal for human and arms trafficking – two other important criminal economies in the state, López said.

Jerez is also near the mountainous areas of Jalpa and Tlaltenango, which serve as rural strongholds for the cartels, as well as prominent marijuana and poppy cultivation zones.

Like much of the state, police presence is weak in Jerez. Because Zacatecas is so large, and the violence is occurring across different municipalities that are far apart, it can be difficult for officers to respond quickly, López said.

“You can have a strong presence in the cities, and in mountain areas things continue the same. If you orient resources to the mountains, then the situation comes to the cities. It has been complicated.”

He also said that the various law enforcement agencies in the state are working to improve their coordination, so that response times improve and fewer crimes occur with impunity. At the end of February, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ordered an increased National Guard presence in the state to assist with the effort.


  1. Call me crazy but if Mencho succeeds here it might help him slingshot his way into tamaulipas

  2. I posted a comment about what the next move of CJNG in the coming years a while back now maybe around a year or so and no one believed me. I said if mencho manages to take over Guanajuato and Zacatecas, he’s just one state away from having his own border in chihuahua especially if he joins the remaining Juarez members. It’s going to be bad. Sinaloa is weak at the moment and it just looks like mencho is taking advantage. SLP is going to be the next state to get just a massive amount of violence this year.

    1. 10:35 the only place online you'll see that says cjng is winning the war in zacatecas is on borderland beat. Everyone else including this article states or implies CDS has the stronger presence and is winning the war. Mencho sending most of his hands from nayarit is a sign that what those media outlets are saying is true.

    2. No because Mencho doesn’t send his people from Los Altos because that’s the strong hold for CJNG so he’s using other forces for that algo NG managed to push cds to the north end of zac so that proves who’s winning what

    3. 1:51 if cjng was winning why would mencho send reinforcements from Nayarit???...n yes cds has more presence in the northwest of the state,the south end was cdg,jerez-fresnillo was the Middle point that was being battled by cdn n cdg,cds had lil presence there before mencho allied with cdg so NO cds didn't get pushed to the northern part of the state

    4. 3:20 cds doesnt post that much propaganda videos in Zacatecas, like cjng does over anything. Alot of cjng fighters that were first sent are in fosas, just like they did to the z’s in durango back in 2010 years. Cds has taken some losses but not as much as cjng. I hope this mess can be over soon by December when everyone goes down there.

    5. 3:20 have some common sence, cjng are sending reinforcements from nayarit for the same reason cds are sending reinforcements from durango, and thats to fight the plaza, its avious they are going at it and throwing a lot of people from both sides, we dont know who is gonna win but from what ive seen through out the years if the police dont help cds theres a bigger chanse they will loose, hey but theres always a chanse they will win like the first fight between joshua vs andy ruiz

  3. Cartel are pretty amazing, if they were Honest citizens they could make Mexico Great. The guy on top that run it and their Wall Street Brokers run a good business. MMG

  4. No Fighting we read about it enough here

    1. 7:33 well the so called "leader" isn't giving a good example

  5. Are you going to post the balacera that cjng got mowed down in by ojo caliente 2 days ago. Out in that corner they have had a hard time getting in.

    1. 10:04 AM Are you talking about the snitchaloas having the PEP do the fighting for them? How did it go for the PEP now? This was predictable all these dummies saying CJNG is taking the most loses blah blah blah. The only loses CJNG has had are the result of the Gurdia National, Sedena, and other police corporations that are doing the fighting, picking up people for the snitchaloas. The people they picked up in Fesnillo, Juan Adame ect weren't even CJNG they were CDG/Talibanes. When it comes to fighting the snitchaloa take off their bochona boots and put on their tennis shoes the second they fell the tip and leave their tortilla maker on the side of the road. Yelling white bucket help us we need help please.

    2. 9:17 come down tuff guy I bet ur not even from the state but yet talking out ur hating ass,like always cjng fangirls trying to find an excuse for their incompetence..🖕🤣😂

    3. 9:17 settle down jalisco lover boy. You sound really feminine with your snappy attitude

    4. Hate to admit it but 9:17 is right, i use to think cds wall all powerfull and stuff because of what the corridos said (i still like corridos but no longer believe what they say, i take it as intertainment not facts) i started reading about narco war when the z came up and were fighting cds and than when the mata zetas also came up, and from that point on i started using common sence and from all thise years of reading i can tell you cds are the biggest snitches, they do all the bad stuff they say other cartels do but their corridos say other wise, thats the reason i dont take corridos as facts, at the end of the day i have tet to see a war that cds has won, a territory that they fully won in all this years the so call "strongest cartel" hasnt been able to really win a war, the only thing that ive seen is that they do durango and sinaloa, but to say they will win zacatecas i daught it, they will keep cjng from coming into durango but to take zacatecas i just dont see without the governments help, this are my two cents

    5. 10:59 PM, 3:01 Am tecato what are you doing awake at 3:01 AM. I know it hurts your little hearts to know your buchonas are not what the corridos say. I understand your pain actually no I don't. Las Buchonas y sus tortilleros al lado de el camino corren corren sin papa goberno nunca puderon ni con papa goberno. The snitchalaos were only able to have papa goberno take out their enemeies for them like the Beltan Leyva brothers the carrilos and the arellanos pero la plaza nunca. They never took Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, or Tijuana. It breaks your little hearts knowing your bochonas are nothing but tongue and cheek. You defend your buchonas like their are the one's gapping the hole of yours. I am just calling it like I see it. Buchonas ya no lorren papa white bucket will make it better.

    6. 10:04 i dont know if you noticed that you pretty much are saying cjng are advancing and cds are on the deffence, so who is winning the war the ones been attacked? That to me sounds like cds dont want none and are just deffending them selves

  6. Pinches michoacanos lacras y sinaloas lacras, vallense a chingar a su pvta madre! Zacatecas era un estado civilizado, no como sus estados mediocres!


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