Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

9 People Killed During Ambush in Caborca, Sonora

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Rumors on social media say that the attack was carried out by Los Chapitos, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel headed by the sons of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman. Others say the gunmen worked for local cartel boss Jose Bibiano Cabrera AKA El Durango.

A large shootout over the weekend in Caborca, Sonora, left 9 people dead: seven suspected cartel members and two military men. According to local media reports, the confrontation occurred in the rural community known as Cerro Cañedo, on the outskirts of Caborca proper, when cartel members ambushed a military convoy. Unconfirmed reports say that up to 60 armed civilians attacked security forces.

The officers repelled the attack and killed several triggermen who were posted on the upper part of the hills from where the attack first originated. Investigators said that the assailants were posted in strategic locations in the hills. After security forces called for reinforcements, another onslaught took place when more cartel members arrived and attacked them in a second wave. 

Four soldiers were wounded in this second skirmish, but two of them did not survive. The first soldier who died was Carlos Flores Robledo (aged 23), originally from the state of Chiapas. The second victim died at the hospital a few days later. The violent events continued throughout the day, and people on social media warned residents to avoid the conflict area. Authorities confirmed after the shootout was over that 7 sicarios were killed. Their identities were unknown by press time.

For several months, criminal groups have been competing for control of the municipalities of Caborca, Sonoyta, Pitiquito and Altar. They also want control of the Santa Ana-Magdalena-Ímuris corridor in the north and the Guaymas-Empalme-Cajeme corridor in the south.


Borderland Beat analysis

As reported by Borderland Beat, much of the violence in Sonora is driven by conflicts between several factions of the Sinaloa Cartel and local drug groups. This turf is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona.

Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel operates there with the support of Los Salazar faction. They are said to be competing with La Plaza and/or the Caborca Cartel, reportedly headed by Rafael Caro Quintero.

Local reports have mentioned that the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) may be working with Caro Quintero to fight the Sinaloa Cartel.

Other groups have been reported in the area, including a gang known as Los Jabalies and/or Los Jabalis, formed by the Villagrana family, and Los Memos, headed by Adelmo Niebla González and/or Guillermo Nieblas Nava ('El G3').


Sources: Expreso (1); (2); (3)Yahoo Noticias; El ImparcialTH3PR3D4TH0R Mxx (Images); Borderland Beat archives

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  1. El durango has been captured

    1. Captured and then released i think

    2. He posted yesterday on Instagram. No way he has been captured.

    3. 9:49 durango is free again

    4. @9:43 Is this a rumor or is there a source to this claim?

    5. What is his IG?

    6. Puros chalecos tragabalas,
      --the dead should get a refund, on top of their families getting their pensions chingadamadre!
      A better idea would be to buy invisible paint from "the dollar stor"

    7. El durango was caught. AGAIN

    8. It is close to be confirmed, El Durango has been arrested.

  2. Replies
    1. 9:51 i hope they pull his balls off before shooting RCQ in the ass with a shot gun, but please don't kill him, extradite him to the US for his aftercare and covid vaccines, nothing but the best for "El Principe".

  3. This continuous bloodshed baffles me with how little to nothing life is valued.
    The remnants of a civil war amongst ourselves.

  4. Damn, you ambush from a strategic position and still get the floor mopped with? Now you know why all these sicarias/cartelitas are only tough against unarmed civilians. P.S. whoever said that every other person in mexico owns a firearm is misleading all you peckerwoods and children of pochos who have never stepped foot in mejico

  5. Only a few cartel members died, common military should have called in the Blackhawks, and the body count would have been higher.

  6. Sonora become a war zone

    1. Oh yes, and it’s right next to US

  7. These look like the uniforms El Durango gives his men. Since he was Ex Military it's rumored he likes to run his whole op like so. Naming certain areas using military codes, painting numbers on rifles and magazines, having his men somewhat organized and uniformed etc

    1. 11:17 Like a half assed version of CJNG

    2. @5:03 Everyone did the military stuff before CJNG cus' of the Z, sorry to break your bubble.

  8. Same uniforms as the ones in the call out videos by El Durango. La barredora doesn’t wear uniforms like this.

    1. They actually Do. Watch the Video where durangos men have a few dead caborca sicarios on His Quad

  9. Durango captured??

  10. This group been attacking the military in the past month.a few weeks ago gunmen of this faction attacked military in ejido la Cebolla, a few days ago a GN Blackhawk was shot and hit several times, now this. Wonder what the military reaction going to be against this attacks

  11. There’s been an update on the military downs; 1 more confirmed military personnel death that was on critical condition after the ambush and passed away in the hospital, making it (2) now

    1. Thank you. Could you provide the source/link? We'll amend the article accordingly.

    2. Art 7mo el observador ,, that is a reputable news from Caborca that livestream most happenings in the city, Facebook page that it

    3. Thanks! I've found this source too. Article has been amended.

  12. CDS is a mess..
    Alfredo's BROTHER got killed in JALISCO because THEY are part of a CARTEL in SONORA
    Too MANY CDS PEOPLE get killed in JALISCO

    1. @12:18 It's the same internal war between Chapos and Caros, nothing new.

    2. Alfredo olivas is not cartel de sinaloa

    3. Alfredo Oliva's father is El Chapo Alfredo, plaza boss for "La Plaza" in Ciudad Obregon, they are people of RCQ. They have nothing to do with CDS, matter of fact they are fighting for Ciudad Obregon and Guaymas.

    4. 4:42 he said Sonora

    5. There are no plasas anymore, puros pinchis tacos placeros now, no chile and no salt.

  13. Good photos. I love to collect photos of dead narcos.

  14. Kind of unusual that there is not a drop of blood in any of the photos.

    1. Your wierd and kinky.

    2. Next-to-last pic you can see blood on the guy’s face, but yeah, I noticed the same thing. Can’t see any blood at all on the other guys. Made me wonder if the photos were staged for some reason.

    3. Look closer Yes there is blood

    4. The uniforma were out on the dead after they got killed, that is how they cooked the first Falsos Positivos in Culombia ordered by the devil himself, alvaro uribe velez, el ubérrimo

  15. The fat one looks like gordo from the video where he is riding a quad with dead bodies

  16. Why is there just a little blood in one of the photos? The rest look very fake.

  17. The 2nd picture looks like the sicario that was carrying the 4 dead bodies on the ATV a few days ago.

  18. They just showed that the military arrested El Durango. Check art 7mo el observador on FB.

  19. Jose bibiano aka el Durango and Daniel Jauregui (from paleteros) been captured it’s all over the news. Let’s see if violence goes down in the area and how things develop

  20. There's video of this too, they're all laid out on top of some rocks


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